Heavenly God Mnemonic

Chapter 1539: Fight side by side, the leader orders

Everyone was full of black lines, and it was obvious that they couldn't go at the end.

If you can't catch up with this teleportation, 100% will die under the slaughter city of the Asura clan.

Midnight's cold gaze swept the crowd, revealing a trace of contempt and cold arrogance, and hummed: "If it weren't for Yang Qingxuan's favor, these ant scum scum, I wouldn't even bother to take a look. What qualifications do you have to sway in front of me, and let me build the teleportation? These wastes go."

When he said that, he withdrew his gaze, turned and left.

The whole hall was shocked, and suddenly there was a feeling of convulsion.

Although Midnight's words are ugly, they are true.

If it weren't for Yang Qingxuan, how could these people live?

At this moment, he shirks the blame for the promise he has made, and when he thinks of this, he can't help but start a cold sweat.

Zi Yuan said: "Sister Midnight speaks a bit straighter, likes to go straight, say whatever it is, without considering everyone's feelings. Please forgive me."

"I dare not dare. What Master Midnight said is that I don't know what is good or bad."

A patriarch stood up and hurriedly bowed and said.

And he made a blood oath in public. As long as he could go out alive, he would definitely lead his family to join the Star Alliance and fight side by side with the Star Alliance.

With one leader, the rest swear.

Bolton's four faces are bitter. In this situation, it's not okay not to swear.

And all of this, why didn't you ask for it yourself?

Soon, all races in the hall issued blood oaths.

This is actually a very well done multiple-choice question. Not swearing is equivalent to staying and waiting for death. Normal people don't want to die.

After all the oaths were taken, Yang Qingxuan smiled and said, "Very well, now everyone is their own."

Bolton and the patriarchs of the four clans looked at each other, stood up together, bowed and said, "I have seen the leader."

The patriarchs and powerhouses of the other races hurriedly got up and followed.

Yang Qingxuan said, "You don't need to be so polite. Everyone is just forming an alliance, and the status is equal. The reason why I am the leader is to communicate and coordinate with everyone, not to be superior to you."

When everyone heard the words, they were inexplicably relaxed.

The general leader is the commander, and under the order, don't dare not follow.

It's really rare to be as easy-going as Yang Qingxuan. And after many days of getting along, everyone also found that Yang Qingxuan got along very well, not the kind of arrogant person.

Wu Mingyu and Xu Haolin, the two realm kings, looked at each other in shock, and they both saw incredible looks in each other's eyes.

Originally thought that Yang Qingxuan caused trouble in Tianhe and would consume the power to disperse the Star Alliance. Both were unhappy and questioned the position of the leader of Yang Qingxuan.

But I never dreamed that Yang Qingxuan, the leader of the Star Alliance, had not formally appeared in the Star Alliance, so he directly added such a powerful force to the Star Alliance.

Among these people, there are eight realm kings.

This force is placed in the human world, and only the top ten can compete.

Several other extreme realm powerhouses have the same thoughts.

Several people looked at Yang Qingxuan's gaze, which was immediately completely different from before.

Yang Qingxuan said: "You are all your own now. You don't have to be polite to do anything. You can just go straight. If there is nothing else, you can go and rest. You need to pay close attention to the movements of the Shura clan to prevent changes at any time. As there are many things happening today, not only the Tianhe is in turmoil, but also the great central world where the human race is located. You must take care of yourself. The future world will require you to work together."

When everyone heard it, their hearts trembled inexplicably.

Yang Qingxuan's words were smooth and gentle, but there was a spirit of calming the world and sweeping Yu Nei.

Bolton and others also found that they couldn't see through this person more and more.

Everyone was fine, and immediately retired.

Everyone kept their heads down and whispered. The heart is extremely complicated.

After all, you can survive, and everyone is happy, but this survival is not without a price.

When everyone left, Yang Qingxuan and Wu Qiyue were left behind.

Wu Qiyue glanced at the Gongluo Qing, obviously beware.

Gong Shuqing hurriedly got up and said: "Young Master Qingxuan, sister Qiyue, and everyone, I will retire first."

Yang Qingxuan smiled slightly and said, "It's okay. Brother Qing is also his own. Let's sit down together."

Qing said in a daze: "This, it's not so good."

Yang Qingxuan stared at him and said, "There is nothing wrong with it."

Gong Zhuqing felt a furry in his heart, and he could only sit back and bite his head.

Gong Shuqing knew that the more he knew about Yang Qingxuan's affairs, the more he couldn't get out of it. If they talk about some secrets about the Star Alliance and the Star Palace, they will be even more troublesome.

Sure enough, the public transfer celebration was not bad, and Wu Qiyue began to tell Yang Qingxuan some recent actions of the Zhengxing League and the state of the Central Great World.

This includes a lot of secrets.

In fact, the current Central Great World does not seem to be calm on the surface. The two strongest forces in the Star Alliance and the Star Palace have already begun secretly fighting.

From the frontal confrontation between the realm kings to the fights within the sphere of influence, he fought no less than ten games.

This is also the reason why Wu Xian and Shi Yan did not send more powerful people to Tianhe, because the current Zhengxing League, when there is a shortage of people, can not withstand the consumption of Tianhe.

It was already the limit to be able to send Zi Yuan and other three realm kings and Jingzhen realm.

Yang Qingxuan said, "In this case, when you leave the Boundless Island, you will go back immediately. It just happens to bring the power of the alien race away, maybe it can help a little bit."

Wu Mingyu hurriedly said: "It's more than just a little help. If these alien races do their best, it is equivalent to joining a big power. But if we leave, you, the lord..."

Yang Qingxuan smiled and said: "Whether they try their best, I believe that father-in-law and Master Shiyan will have a way. In my case, I still need to stay in Tianhe for a while, but it shouldn't be too long."

Wu Mingyu said in shock: "Our purpose here is to protect the leader. Since the leader does not go back for the time being, we naturally cannot go first."

Wu Qiyue said: "Yes, Brother Qingxuan, it is safer to keep them down."

Yang Qingxuan said: "The affairs of the Zhengxing League are the big things, and there is no room for any mistakes. There is Zi Yuan to accompany...to accompany...with you and me."

Yang Qingxuan oozes a drop of cold sweat on her temples.

I almost said that Ziyuan would be with me, but I thought Qiyue and Yuyan were right in front of me. Especially Qiyue, who has already concluded a marriage contract in front of the whole world, is her official wife, she should be more intimate than Ziyuan.

Almost missed.

Yang Qingxuan was shocked in a cold sweat, and suddenly felt that he would be very troublesome in the future...

Both Wu Qiyue and Shi Yuyan looked at him coldly, where they could not hear what he had just said.

Zi Yuan smiled embarrassedly and said, "Yes, I, sister Qiyue, sister Yuyan, and brother Qingxuan with Midnight will just be fine. The others will go back."

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