Heavenly God Mnemonic

Chapter 1540: A smile, the blood is purified

Yang Qingxuan suddenly found out that other people had better not go back, only these women were left...

Just thinking about it makes me sweat.

Wu Qiyue said, "Brother Qingxuan, why are you sweating? I will wipe it for you."

With that, he took out the shampoo and wiped the sweat for Yang Qingxuan.

She is Yang Qingxuan's true wife, so even though Ziyuan and Shi Yuyan are jealous, it makes sense.

Wu Mingyu stood up wisely, clasped her fist and said: "Leader and a few girls talk first, let's say goodbye."

Several other people, as well as Gong Shuqing, also stood up and hurried outside despite Yang Qingxuan's objections.

"By the way, it suddenly occurred to me that there is still a very important thing to deal with."

Yang Qingxuan suddenly yelled, before he was caught off guard, it turned into a light, and disappeared indoors.

Gong Shuqing and the others all looked at each other, and left their heads hurriedly.

Only Zi Yuan, Wu Qiyue and Shi Yuyan's three daughters were left together.

The three looked at each other, feeling that they didn't know how to speak, and they stood there in embarrassment.

After a while, Zi Yuan laughed suddenly, and the embarrassing and inexplicable atmosphere also dissipated with this smile, as if crossing an invisible hurdle, and as if everyone was deliberately ignoring, and tacitly stopped mentioning it.

After a while, he laughed at Yan Yan and made an appointment to go around Luoshen City.


After Yang Qingxuan ran out of the command post, he was shocked in a cold sweat.

Du Ruo's voice came, and she lazily said, "It's really useless, if it's me, just pick up the gun and put it all down, and then I will submit to you."

Yang Qingxuan scolded: "Stupid, shut up."

Du Ruo said: "Don't believe me, I was the king of the red scorpion back then. You can't imagine having many spouses. You can play whatever you want."

Yang Qingxuan directly infiltrated the star ring with a seal of tactics, sealed the mouth of the king of the red scorpion, and then returned to the secret room and began to practice.

Yang Qingxuan also knew that the relationship between herself and several women must be handled well.

But he has never had the experience of dealing with this kind of thing, and now he has internal and external troubles, such as the Shura tribe, the extinction of the law, the Nine Heavens Capital, the Qingyang Wujing, etc., and so on. There is no clue, so he doesn't want to put more energy on his children. In love.

Yang Qingxuan sighed, then reduced his mind and returned to cultivation.

In my mind, I kept recalling the scene of the battle with Adair. The opponent was not weaker than himself in cultivation, magical powers, sacred artifact control, talents, etc., if the Elf King finally detonated the sacred artifact, the result would be disastrous.

Although Adair lost, it was because he and the Elf King joined forces.

Next time, if you meet again, the other party will be wary, and he doesn't have so many sacred objects exploded, I am afraid that there is only one way to escape.

Before finding the Martial Scriptures, all he could do was to continue to temper his body and reach the peak of God Transformation as soon as possible. At the same time, in accordance with the words of the Elf King, concentrate on sacrificing sacred artifacts to strengthen the control and connection of sacred artifacts.

Yang Qingxuan cleansed the blood on his body, put on a clean robe, then took out all kinds of treasures, and swallowed them little by little.

In fact, he is only a short distance away from the peak of God Transformation, as long as he quietly devours heaven, material and earth treasures, he can pile up.

The main time is still spent on the **** channel method and understanding of the sacred artifacts.

Yang Qingxuan sat quietly for a long time, recovering from the injury on his body, suddenly moved in his heart and opened his eyes, revealing a suspicious look.

He opened his mouth and said, "Master Bolton? If you have any problems, come in directly."

The door of the secret room was pushed open, Bolton came in from outside, full of thoughts, clasped his fist and said, "I took the liberty to disturb the leader."

Yang Qingxuan stood up and said, "You are polite. Lord Bolton is here at this time, there must be something important."

Bolton said: "It's about Nosh. I think Master Midnight's training teleportation array is about to be completed. I'm going to the Central World, and I don't know when I will meet again with the leader. So I think twice about some things. I think it's better to say it now."

Yang Qingxuan said in surprise: "Nuo Xi?"

Bolton nodded and said: "In ancient times, Immortal Kun and Sky Whale were in fact closely related and inseparable from each other. There were many marriages between the two races. At that time, the blood of the Sky Whale clan was mostly Kun Whale. Bloodline."

Yang Qingxuan secretly said that you are clearly dependent on others, and said so tactfully, but his face still said with a serious face: "I have heard about this too."

Bolton said: "But then, for some reason, the immortal kun clan fell away. A large number of immortal kuns disappeared silently in history like this. The kun blood, kun whale blood, gradually ceased to exist. But in the sky Among the objects passed down by the whale clan from generation to generation, there is one from the ancestors of the fairy Kun clan. It is said that when the fairy Kun clan is annihilated in history, this thing can be used to purify the blood of the whale and make it completely transformed into a Kun."

Yang Qingxuan said in shock: "Purification of the bloodline? Nuoxi's current bloodline should be the blood of the whale, right?"

Bolton nodded and said: "We have conducted a comprehensive test on Nosh. Strictly speaking, his blood is still the blood of a whale. It's just that the blood of the whale occupies most of it. According to my guess, even if it is not purified, he will sooner or later. It can also restore the real body of Immortal Kun. This thing is useless if I keep it. Maybe it can help Nuoxi recover his real body earlier."

With that, Bolton took out a small green bottle, crystal clear, depicting a pattern of clouds and sea, forming a huge fairy kun pattern.

Yang Qingxuan was startled, sniffed slightly, and said: "Blood? Kun blood!"

Bolton showed a shocked expression on his face, and said: "Young Master Qingxuan really has a lot of magical powers, and he knew it was Kun blood just by looking at it. Yes, this Yunhai bottle contains a drop of pure fairy Kun blood, and it is of royal blood. ."

Yang Qingxuan moved and said: "If this drop of blood is swallowed by the patriarch, there is also a certain chance that the blood of the kun whale will be born."

There was a trace of emotion in Bolton's eyes, and he nodded and sighed: "There is indeed a chance. But it's just a chance. What if it is not born? This is absolutely no joke. Furthermore, even if the blood of the whale is born, if there is no way to go further It is a great pity for my Sky Whale clan to purify it and turn it into Kun blood. Therefore, the patriarchs of the previous generations did not dare to swallow it, but left it to the appearance of people like Nosh."

Yang Qingxuan took the jade bottle, held it in his hand, and said with a fist, "Then I will thank the patriarch for Nuoxi."

Bolton smiled and said, "Your lord is serious. I should be thankful to the lord. If no lord appears this time, I am afraid that the sky whale clan will be annihilated in the long river of history, let alone the future. Secondly, if Nuoxi can recover As for Kunxue, I hope he can take care of the Sky Whale Clan more."

Yang Qingxuan said: "Definitely. After all, Nuoxi was born in the Sky Whale clan, no matter what happened before, this will not change."

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