Heavenly God Mnemonic

Chapter 1543: Scarlet Mark, forcibly siege the city

At Yang Qingxuan's side, a huge formation flashed with Jin Hui, and a piece of colorful brilliance was like a rainbow across the sky, standing over the entire formation.

Countless figures filed into the array, and then all teleported out as the huge array of light lit up.

The Shura army looked at this scene in horror.

"Damn it! They broke through the barrier of the island and are moving away!"

Adair roared in anger, his face was terrifying, full of anxiety.

Gavin said: "His Royal Highness, please order the siege immediately! The subordinates are desperate to die, and they will take the key back!"

After a brief period of impatience and rage, Adair's face was extremely gloomy, and he said coldly: "Master, in your opinion, what should be done?"

Master Hanguang's eyes flowed, and slowly said, "I am afraid it is too late to attack the city. After all, it is the golden bridge on the other side of the elves. You can enter and exit the enchantment at will. Even if we break the city, Yang Qingxuan can easily leave. Our purpose in launching the blood sacrifice array is to find out where the key is. Even if we can’t get it right away, at least there are clues. It was not in vain. Moreover, when the blood sacrifice array was activated, Yang Qingxuan could no longer escape our tracking. ."

Master Hanguang's hand print changed, and blood talismans flew up from his hand and penetrated into the sky.

The formation of six awn plum blossoms suddenly trembled violently, and all the blood qi from all around poured into it.

Afterwards, the scenes in Yang Qingxuan and Luoshen City were turbid and completely invisible, only the huge pattern remained, still shrinking in the air. The last shake, it turned into a **** meteor, trailing a long light tail, falling into Luoshen City.

With a flash of light, it actually penetrated the great defense formation directly and disappeared above Luoshen City.

The entire sky suddenly returned to the sky, and the dark blood layer that had been under pressure for more than ten days finally disappeared, revealing a bright universe.

Yang Qingxuan, who was quietly watching the evacuation of millions of people in Luoshen City, suddenly shook his body and suddenly looked up.

From the beginning, I felt extremely uncomfortable, as if someone was peeping at him through secret magical powers.

This feeling is very clear, but I don't know where it came from.

But in an instant, the sense of prying disappeared without a trace, and then an extremely dangerous breath came.

Within the moat formation, there was suddenly a little more red glow, and it shot down.

Yang Qingxuan's pupils shrank suddenly, the golden light was released, and the red glow was clearly seen at once. It was a fist-sized six-pointed plum blossom blood map, shooting down at an unimaginable speed, and the target was himself.

At the same time, the afterglow of the golden eyes penetrated the barrier of the city, and directly saw the cloudless sky above the island, the thick blood layer had disappeared.

"What's the matter? This is..."

Yang Qingxuan's thoughts turned, and he immediately realized that this plum blossom blood map must be related to the disappearance of the outer blood layer. He shook his figure and was about to dodge.

At the same time, both hands are sealed, forming a sun, moon and star wheel in the sky, allowing time to stop.

However, the six-pointed plum blossom blood map completely ignored the rules of time, and fell over his head in an instant, and shot it down with a "chick".

Yang Qingxuan was horrified, and hurriedly reached out and grabbed it, and the Halberd Tianxu fell in his hand and swept up.


The sky was directly cut in half by the halberd, but the blood map was not affected at all. With a sound of "heap", it shot on his arm, igniting a **** light.


Yang Qingxuan suffered from a sudden pain, and his arms dropped, as if something had been branded into the bones, even into the soul.

"Brother Qingxuan!"

Wu Qiyue and others are around the formation, responsible for the order and transmission of the crowd.

The drop of the blood map was only an instant, and Yang Qingxuan had already been recruited before everyone in the Zhengxing League could react.

There was an instant chaos around the teleportation array, especially the midnight that maintained the golden bridge on the other side, and flew over with a cry of surprise.

The warriors and residents around all thought that the Shura tribe immediately became a mess in the siege attack.

Realm kings like Wu Mingyu flew into the sky in an instant, spreading their spiritual consciousness to the limit to prevent the enemy.

After the riots for a while, it was found that there was no enemy, Bolton and others immediately shouted to stop the riots below and maintain stability and order.

"Brother Qingxuan, how are you?"

Wu Qiyue, Zi Yuan and others surrounded Yang Qingxuan and asked with concern.

Yang Qingxuan looked at his right arm. On his forearm, Xuanyi had already burnt, and even the formation pattern imprinted on the arm spread out. A nail-sized scarlet six-pointed plum blossom mark was clearly printed on it.

Yang Qingxuan moved his true essence, trying to erase the mark, but when he touched the mark, it was like a rock buried in the sand in a river, no matter how immovable.

If you force it to disperse, not only will the muscles and bones have the pain of picking, it will be as if the soul is tearing.

"Don't try, this is the mark of 100,000 blood vigor, not to mention you, even the middle-level realm king can't get rid of it."

The Elf King, who hadn't seen him for a long time, seemed to have slept and regained consciousness, regaining some energy, and said lazily.

Yang Qingxuan said in surprise, "What should I do, can't I get rid of it for a lifetime?"

The elf king said: "This mark is pretty good-looking, don't all young people like to get tattoos on their bodies? I think this mark is good."

Yang Qingxuan sank his face and said with black lines: "Stop talking nonsense, tell me what to do? Why is this thing branded on me?"

The elf king said: "Why is it branding on you, don't you have any points in your heart? What is the purpose of this blood sacrifice array?"

Yang Qingxuan said in surprise: "The key!"

The elf king said: "Yes, it is the key. At this moment, the Shura clan already knows that the key is on you, and this **** mark will always be the target of their tracking. Unless you die, or the person performing the blood sacrifice array dies, or there is high Rank Realm King, willing to sacrifice a certain price to wipe it out for you, or you can advance to High Rank Realm King yourself, there are only these four ways."

When Yang Qingxuan heard, among these four methods, it was more reliable to kill the person who displayed the blood sacrifice formation.

Moreover, using the blood of hundreds of millions of creatures to complete such a large array, this person is obviously also extremely evil, and it is not wrong to kill it at all.

Yang Qingxuan's mind appeared like Master Hanguang.

At this moment, there was a huge killing sound outside the city, and the Shura clan began to attack the city forcibly.

The order that had finally stabilized began to riot again.

Yang Qingxuan looked at the crowd and said, "I'm fine, it's just a little trouble. You continue to maintain order and send everyone away. The people from the Zhengxing Alliance stay and break with me."

Bolton and others were shocked upon hearing this.

Which race or sect did not leave first in a disaster.

Although this kind of woman's benevolence made them feel that Yang Qingxuan was weak and kind, and did not fit the characteristics of the strong, but they were inexplicably warm in their hearts, and most of the worries of the Zhengxing League disappeared at once.

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