Heavenly God Mnemonic

Chapter 1544: Three eyes facing each other, Hanlan Island

Bolton said loudly: "Fast, speed up."

A large number of spirit stones are filled into the great defense and teleportation formation.

Midnight calmed down and kept the passage of the golden bridge on the other side stable, but even so, she couldn't bear to send so many people out.

Yang Qingxuan checked his body and found that the six-pointed plum blossom mark had no symptoms except for being branded on the body. It should be just as the Elf King said, it was just a tracking mark.

He glanced at the sky, then flew to the top of the teleportation array, and said loudly: "All the realm kings come over and arrange the array with me."

Bolton, Wu Mingyu and others immediately flew into the sky.

Yang Qingxuan explained the cold ice formation in the Shijue Formation calmly.

The ten realm kings are all very savvy, and they quickly understand.

Then the ten people teamed up in the sky to form an array, and all around the teleportation array, within a radius of ten miles, were enveloped, suddenly cold and freezing for thousands of miles.

After a while, the great formation of the city was finally broken, and the light was shattered into countless fluorescent lights, like stars in the sky, which were constantly annihilated above the city.

The Asura army rushed into the city murderously.

Suddenly, a piece of white crystal spread from the square in the city, and the temperature within a thousand miles fell to freezing point.

The city was instantly frozen for thousands of miles, and all buildings, air, creatures, and even rules were frozen at once.

Thousands of Shura troops were all sealed.

On the Stone Throne, Adair's eyes burst with cold light, penetrating layers of ice, staring at the source of the ice formation and the teleportation formation below the formation.

There was no one around the big formation, only a slender figure and a cold and graceful figure were left, it was Yang Qingxuan and Midnight.

I don't know if there are just two people left, or they are just waiting in place.

With a wave of midnight, the rainbow light on the big array disappeared, turned into a golden seal and flew back, and fell into the palm, and countless butterflies flew up and down, branded on the seal, and turned into runes.

Yang Qingxuan also raised his head, just looking at Adair's gaze.

The two looked at each other.

Yang Qingxuan smiled suddenly and said: "Before, the four eyes were facing each other, and the golden light was facing the silver light. How long has it been before the three eyes are facing each other, it feels like I am bullying you, so don't meet your eyes."

As he spoke, he withdrew his gaze.


Adair exploded in anger and roared, "Kill! Kill him!"

He also slammed his fist, and countless ice layers "cracked" and broke, but they failed to break through the ice core.

One is that Adair's power has not fully recovered, and the other is that this ice is the power of ten realm kings, and it cannot be easily broken.

The realm kings such as Kori and Gavin immediately all shot together, and a wave of overwhelming forces surged.

Countless ice crystals shattered instantly, turning thousands of miles into white smoke.

The core of the ice formation burst open instantly, leaving nothing left.

And Yang Qingxuan and Midnight, already covered by the brilliance of the golden bridge on the other shore, went straight into the void, and disappeared in front of everyone little by little.

At the moment before disappearing, Yang Qingxuan suddenly turned his eyes, and a little golden light appeared in his eyes, looking at the figure on the six-tooth white elephant outside the snow-white smoke.


Master Hanguang opened his muddy eyes, looked down lazily, and met Yang Qingxuan's eyes.

After that, Yang Qingxuan and Midnight completely disappeared in Luoshen City.


With the cooperation of several realm kings, they finally bombarded down, directly blasting the entire city.

The terrible aftermath waved in all directions, and a few breaths razed thousands of miles to the ground.

"Ah! Kill him! I must kill him!"

Adair roared and snarled angrily.

But within a thousand miles, there were empty ruins, and there was no response.

The silent earth seemed to mock silently.

Adair's heart was raging, and a mouthful of blood spurted out.

"Prince, Your Highness!"

In the Shura army, there was a panic.


Outside the Boundless Island, on a deserted island a hundred thousand miles away.

Suddenly, a rainbow came in from the void and shuttled, one end fell on the island, like a colorful dragon drawing water.

After that, the rainbow light gathered in an instant and turned into a seal, and countless king butterflies flew in.

Yang Qingxuan and Midnight appeared on the island with the colorful lights.

"Brother Qingxuan."

There are also Zi Yuan, Wu Qiyue and Shi Yuyan on the island.

With Yang Qingxuan and Midnight, there are five people in total.

The rest were all teleported to other places.

This is also Yang Qingxuan's arrangement, lest Wu Mingyu and others are unwilling to leave.

As for these four women, Yang Qingxuan didn't dare to send them back without authorization, otherwise the problem would be serious.

Midnight said: "Wu Mingyu has been notified, let him make arrangements and lead everyone back to the Star Alliance."

Yang Qingxuan looked around with fiery eyes, looking at the endless water of Tianhe, but no islands. There was a fierce breath coming out of the river, and then disappeared.

Yang Qingxuan said: "This is the eighth channel. Let's find a way to go to the place where the Ninth Heaven Capital is-the fifth channel. Look for the Tiandu and the Tomb of Immortal Kun. First find a place where people live, and then see how Go to."

Yang Qingxuan sacrificed a small Wanlei magneto-optical disk, and immediately covered the four women, turning them into thunder.


Half a month later, on a huge island in the eighth channel.

Everyone had a solemn expression on their faces, walking on the island with their heads bowed, not daring to say much.

The news of the fall of Boundless Island spread like wildfire, and soon spread throughout the Eighth Channel.

The four tribes of Sky Whale, Giant Gate, Biqiang, and Horned Rhinoceros were annihilated, and the entire island became an uninhabited land, and hundreds of millions of people on the island were wiped out.

And the power of the Asura clan, centered on Wuyin Island, began to spread in all directions.

The huge island in front of him was quickly occupied by the Shura tribe. There was no resistance at all on the island and it was taken over directly.

The top four clans of the Eighth Channel were all destroyed. Wherever they dared to resist the Shura clan, they directly surrendered.

In the teleportation area on the island, a large number of people come and go.

The team that had spent two days with a blue horned steak was finally on its turn.

"The target fifth vein flows to Hanlan Island?"

The person in charge of the teleportation area has already been taken over by the Shura clan.

A strange-looking alien race, a subsidiary race of the Asura clan, with the cultivation base of the peak of the sky, staring at the blue-horned bull with cold stern eyes, said coldly: "What are you going to do to Hanlan Island?"

The green horned bull was stunned, and said, "Some private matters."

"Private matter?"

A weird smile flashed across the face of the alien in charge, and he said coldly: "The situation is complicated now. All martial arts who go to the fifth channel must be strictly investigated. Come on, bring it down and interrogate carefully."

"Yes!" A group of aliens immediately surged around.

Green Horned Bull's face changed slightly, and he hurriedly said, "My lord, I'm not a bad person, and I have been in line for two days. I still hope to be accommodating."

The person in charge yelled: "How can you know that you are not a bad person without interrogation? Stop talking nonsense and take it with you."

The Green Horned Bull hurriedly took out a storage bag, stuffed it secretly, and whispered: "My lord has worked hard, I'm really not a bad person."

The alien raised his hand to stop the dragging of his men, then turned around and weighed the storage bag, with joy in his eyes, he received the ring with a flash, then turned around, re-evaluated the blue-horned bull, and nodded. Said: "Well, looking at your honest face, you really don't look like a bad person. Go ahead."

"Yes, yes, thank you sir."

The green-horned bull was thankful for his gratitude and immediately walked into the formation.

Soon, the formation method lights up, and the blue-horned bull accompanies the other forty or fifty people, disappearing in the array of light.

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