Heavenly God Mnemonic

Chapter 1552: Unknown waters, ancient times

Logan froze for a moment, then calmed down immediately and remained silent.

Gilber smiled slightly and said: "But the prince need not worry. Since this person has frustrated Adair, he is naturally Adair's enemy. The enemy's enemy is our own friend. We make good use of this, even if Can't recruit these two people, and form a line with them, the possibility of a rival Adair is still great. And looking at the whole world, only the power of the human race and a few other races can suppress the Shura race Up."

Logan nodded and said: "If you can hug the thigh of Human Race, you don't have to be afraid of Adair. It's just that in the Human Race world, the strength is complicated. I'm afraid there are thousands of sects. What is Yang Qingxuan's identity? To be confirmed."

Gilber said, "Although there are many influences in the human world, only the top ten and twenty-four can be obtained. This Yang Qingxuan is mostly a member of the top ten and twenty-four families."

Logan said: "Yang Qingxuan is a familiar name, but I can't remember where I heard it for a while."

Arnold has been standing carefully inside the house, and suddenly said, "His Royal Highness, the recent huge incident in the human race. The shooting of Gu Yao, Cangqi Lunwu, Xinggong Chao, it seems, it seems..."

Logan slapped his head suddenly and shouted, "Oh, why did I forget! Yang Qingxuan! It turned out to be Yang Qingxuan!"

Jiber said in a deep voice: "Unexpectedly this person! It seems we have to think about how to deal with this human race on the first day."


Yang Qingxuan and Ziye each chose a secret room and practiced in retreat.

After all, it’s on someone else’s warship, so you still have to be cautious about the influence and the image.

Yang Qingxuan summoned Nuoxi and asked, "How are you now?"

Since Nosh swallowed Kun's blood last time, he has been lying in the star ring, and it seems that the absorption process is extremely long.

Recently, sitting cross-legged, it seems to have entered self-digestion.

Moreover, Yang Qingxuan was surprised to discover that Nuoxi's cultivation base had been raised directly from the realm to a small heaven, and the aura in his body was majestic, and his temperament was completely different from before.

Moreover, that physical body is still undergoing constant evolutionary transformation, and it is not clear what it will become after finally digesting that blood.

Nuoxi slowly opened his eyes, a light blue halo in his eyes, disappearing for a moment, said: "I am in a very good state now, and I feel that I have inexhaustible power. The blood of that fairy kun is still far away. Not absorbed and digested."

Yang Qingxuan said, "That's fine. Among my stars, your strength is the weakest. You have to work harder. The place where we go is the Tomb of Immortal Kun. The blood of Immortal Kun in your body may be has an effect."

Nuoxi was surprised and immediately said: "Yes, Holy Lord. I will work hard. I will catch up with Sister Ziyuan and them as soon as possible."

Yang Qingxuan nodded, and let Nuoxi continue to return to the Star Ring to practice.

Yang Qingxuan also continued to devour heavenly materials and earth treasures, accumulating the realm little by little, and slowly approaching the peak of God Transformation.

The road of martial arts is like this warship sailing to the unknown front, which is extremely anticipated, but difficult.

Yang Qingxuan thought, if this trip to the Tianhe River still fails to obtain the Wujing, then he will take the risk and forcefully change the main practice.

Yang Qingxuan didn't believe it. Without Wujing, there would really be no road ahead.

The road came out by himself.

The warship traversed the boundary of the fifth channel, approaching the unknown waters.

There was a sudden "bang", as if hitting a certain force, the hull shook violently, and the speed came to a halt.

The Wu Xiu inside the warship changed their expressions, stopped their activities, came out from all directions, gathered on the street, and looked up in surprise.


Everyone was taken aback, and several female Wu Xiu screamed in horror.

I saw a huge insect head exposed on the sky dome of the battleship, directly occupying half of the sky, in the shape of an inverted triangle. In a pair of red oval compound eyes, countless densely packed small eyes all face the same direction. It is full of tyrannical killing intent, a bloodthirsty instinct.

Yang Qingxuan and Ziye also came outside for the first time.

Yang Qingxuan said in shock: "Star Devouring Iron Beetle! Why is it so big!"

The head on the dome that day was the star-eater iron beetle, encountered in the tributary when it first entered Tianhe.

At that time, the size of the star-devouring iron beetle was less than one-tenth the size of the one in front of it, only the cultivation base of the immortal realm, and the pressure from this one in front of it directly reached the real-world.

"It's the Star Devouring Iron Beetle! How could it be so big?"

There were screams from the street, everyone thought the same as Yang Qingxuan.

After recognizing the identity of this thing, everyone immediately calmed down.

The most terrifying thing is the "unknown". Once understood, the fear dissipates.

Logan had appeared on the street, staring at the star-eater iron beetle, and said coldly: "It is difficult to grow this giant star-eater iron beetle in Tianhe now. It seems that it has reached the unknown waters. And the water is in the water. The monster, began to run outside. Everyone shot together to blast this thing into scum!"

A large number of figures flew up on the street, various magical martial arts, elementary weapons and magic weapons, transformed into hundreds of light groups, and hit them together.

"Boom! Boom!"

There was a glimmer of light in the eyes of the Star Devouring Iron Beetle. Before it could take a shot, it was hit by hundreds of attacks. The whole body exploded one by one. In an instant, the whole body shattered, and it was blown to pieces above the battleship.

Logan said: "You have entered the unknown waters, please go to the ship."

With that, Pin Jue took a shot on the void.

A rune keeps getting bigger, transforming into a prototype circle of about ten acres, spinning in the air.

The Sumeru mustard seeds in the streets and towns immediately changed and disappeared.

More than two hundred people all appeared on the deck of the warship.

I saw a white mist all around, and the aura was as strong as water, just like in a sea of ​​clouds, the rules of heaven and earth became strange and distorted, as far as my eyes were, I only saw a square circle, and I didn't know the vastness ahead.

"Is this the unknown waters? It is indeed the breath of the ancient times. I don't know which era was swallowed by the pulse of phantom light."

An old man looking into the real world stared solemnly in front of the mist, with solemn expression in his eyes.

Since this water area can give birth to such a huge star-eater iron beetle, and it is a realm higher than the current star-eater iron beetle in Tianhe, it proves that this water area is not a dead place, but a treasure.

Then there are huge risks and opportunities.

The old man who saw the real world said in a deep voice: "Sir of the Amo clan, you have entered the waters now. Can you disclose some information. Now everyone is on a warship."

Logan's face was calm, with a golden mask, he couldn't see his expression, but he looked ahead quietly.

//There will be a lot of things next week. There are four days to go to other places to do business, and the fourth is even more afraid of not being able to handle it. Next week (26th-1st) the update will be temporarily reduced to three, and the update time will remain unchanged. The four watchdogs will resume on April 2. T﹏T

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