Heavenly God Mnemonic

Chapter 1553: Talent and resourcefulness, layout enchantment

After a while, Logan said: "This water is dangerous and there are many restrictions. According to our current situation, it is very likely that this is the ancient fairy kun mound."

"Xiankun's Tomb!"

More than two hundred people on the battleship took a breath, and were shocked to believe it.

The old man was surprised: "Xiankun was an existence that suppressed the heaven and earth for tens of thousands of years in the ancient times. Later, it disappeared in the long river of history for some reason. It turned out to be the mound of the fairy Kun, did you really make a mistake?"

Logan said: "It's this time, what am I doing to lie to you? You will know later."

More than 200 people are very excited.

It is no wonder that to recruit such a huge lineup, it turned out to be the Tomb of Immortal Kun that was to be investigated.

If you get some treasures at random, it will be enough for you to use it infinitely.

Yang Qingxuan stared at the front dignifiedly, with golden light flashing in his eyes continuously.

The terrain in the white mist at this moment, although not the area depicted on the map, is exactly the same. Logan's judgment is indeed correct, this is really the Tomb of Immortal Kun.

Suddenly, Yang Qingxuan's pupils shrank, and he said in surprise: "Be careful! Many, many Star Devouring Iron Beetles!"

Logan frowned and looked forward. With his silver eyes, he didn't notice anything abnormal.

The hundreds of people on the battleship were even more weird. Their cold and disdainful eyes swept across Yang Qingxuan, revealing sarcasm.

Within the white mist ahead, the aura was amazing, and no one saw the abnormality.

Moreover, the rules of heaven and earth here have a faint sense of suppression, even the divine consciousness of the great masters in the real world has been suppressed to less than one-tenth.

But in an instant, Logan and Gibb changed their faces at the same time, and they both exclaimed: "No! It's the Star Devouring Iron Beetle! A lot, a lot!"

The two shouted in shock.

All the Wu Xiu on the battleship was stunned, but they still didn't notice the abnormality.

Logan has hurriedly ordered, shouting: "Enchantment! Quickly open all formations, enchantment and attack formations, fully open! All rise to the highest level!"

Logan's face couldn't be seen clearly, but there was a trace of panic passing through his eyes.

A large number of runes lit up on the battleship, and they were continuously superimposed and arranged, and finally turned into a light wall in the shape of an eggshell.

And the red engraved patterns inscribed on the ship's body also flowed like blood, emitting a red array of light, forming a forty-eight attacking array, suspended around the ship.

At this time, there was Wu Xiu who was peeping into the real world, and one after another saw a little red light in the white mist. Two pairs were the eyes of the Star Devouring Iron Beetle.

And that dim light little by little, as soon as he looked over, there were hundreds of pairs.


Seeing the people of the gloomy light, they were all startled, their faces instantly pale.

These star-devouring iron beetles are all giant existences, more than half of them are real-world cultivation bases, and the rest are slightly smaller in size, but they also exist in immortal realms.

Some of the most huge ones even reached the pinnacle of Zhenzhen.

The Star Devourer Iron Beetle is racially imprisoned, and unless there is mutation or rule change, it is impossible to break through to the realm king anyway.

In other words, most of the star-eater iron beetles in front of them have absorbed the essence of heaven and earth and have evolved to the extreme of their own race.

"Three hundred... four hundred... five hundred... my God... there are more than five hundred!"

The battleship immediately fell into panic. Most of the people were very excited just now and were ready to have a big fight. Now they are scared to pee.

Many people looked at Yang Qingxuan in horror, and didn't understand why this savage bull could find out so early.

Logan was also a little flustered, and asked urgently, "Elder, what should I do?"

Jibe was also upset. There was no way. He glanced at Yang Qingxuan and said in a low voice: "Prince, why don't you ask about this talented and resourceful person, he is the number one existence in the human race. You see his face is calm, it seems Not worried."

Logan hurriedly said: "Why did I forget."

He flew down immediately and hurriedly asked Yang Qingxuan for advice.

Gilber yelled at the order to calm down all Wu Xiu on the warship and prepare to meet the enemy at any time.

Yang Qingxuan said, "Defensive is the offense. As long as we defend the warship, we will win."

Logan said anxiously: "But... can this be held..."

Yang Qingxuan nodded and said: "Yes. Let all the martial artists who have a glimpse of the real realm and above, form a battle. The rest of them, help me arrange the enchantment and integrate the strength and elementary equipment into the enchantment. This can maximize the time. ."

Although Logan feels hopeless, there is no better way right now.

He was also a hero, and said decisively: "Okay. Everything is what Brother Qingxuan said." Now he shouted: "Everyone, listen to my orders!"

In the organization and scheduling, Logan immediately revealed the demeanor of the superiors. Headed by the elder Gibb and the second elder Ryle, with twelve warriors who saw the real world, they flew out of the battleship and formed a battle. in front.

Yang Qingxuan flipped his right hand, and a little yellow light suddenly appeared, constantly getting bigger, turning into a Wuji apricot yellow flag, and spinning in the air, it disappeared.

The next moment, above the entire battleship, a beam of yellow light shone, and then it kept getting bigger. Thousands of golden lotus manifested from within, spreading in all directions.

The enchantment of the Wuji Apricot and Yellow Banner not only did not conflict with the warship enchantment, but faintly merged together, forming a pale yellow eggshell.

Yang Qingxuan pinched the tactics with one hand and said: "Everyone, help me. Put the power and elementary equipment into my battle flag golden lotus to strengthen this enchantment power."

Everyone hesitated for a moment, and they still took action. Large pieces of the artifacts were thrown out, and if a rainbow of light merged into the eggshell of the flag light, it was like being stuck, and it looked like a starry sky. Hang on the sky.

Most of these elementary artifacts are not high-level, but they are all cultivated by different race warriors, each emitting a different brilliance and blending into the enchantment.

There was a look of wonder in Logan's eyes, and when the yellow flag flew out, it gave him a sense of shock. At this moment, Yang Qingxuan presided over the formation, and was able to fully integrate the power of everyone, which shows that Yang Qingxuan's understanding of the formation method has reached an extremely terrifying level.

I thought of the person in front of me who had participated in the shooting of Gu Yao, the first in the sky, the first in the sky, and the Xinggong chaos, and so on. They didn’t die, and then ran to Tianhe to directly take the first genius, his greatest enemy, Yadai After being hit hard, Logan felt a lot of furry in his heart, and at the same time he felt a lot of peace of mind. With this person, it might be easier to explore the Tomb of Immortal Kun.

At this moment, a space storm violently attacked, and the white mist on all sides kept rolling up and down, becoming abnormally chaotic.

The spatial rules in the entire area are all disrupted.

Large swaths of Star Devourer Iron Beetles directly used the power of space, passed over the strong like Gilber, appeared around the battleship, raised their huge mantis-like arms, and cut them down the enchantment.

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