Heavenly God Mnemonic

Chapter 1554: Sacred Artifacts, Wanduo Yellow Flag

"Bang! Bang!—"

Pieces of mantis arms chopped on the barrier, turning into zigzag waves.

The entire eggshell-shaped enchantment shook violently, and the hundreds of artifacts trembled.

A large area of ​​dim yellow light spread on the Wuji Apricot Yellow Banner, covering the enchantment like gilding, and thousands of golden lotus manifested on the enchantment, continuously spinning birth and death, emitting brilliance.

The martial arts on the battleship all had scalp numb, watching the hundreds of star-devouring iron beetles outside the battleship, they were desperately urging their elementary weapons.

If the barrier is broken, it will be a dead end.

It's just that the densely packed Star Devouring Iron Beetles are all immortal and true cultivation bases. More than two hundred alien martial arts all have despair in their hearts, and their faces are miserable.

The jagged ripples that fell on the eggshell enchantment are still increasing.

The entire enchantment is shaking so badly that it may burst at any time.

Logan urged his elementary weapon while looking out anxiously, ready to flee to Jibe once the barrier was broken.

Under the protection of the two realm kings, Gib and Ryle, escorting him away safely shouldn't be a big problem.

The formations on the battleship were all activated to the extreme, and the aura consumed by each breath was astronomical.

Yang Qingxuan kept pinching his tactics into the yellow flag. Although his complexion was a little pale, his breath was calm and there was no panic in his eyes.

There were more than 500 Star Devourer Iron Beetles, half of which besieged Gilbert and others, and only more than 200 attacked the warship.

There were also more than two hundred martial artists on the battleship. Under the desperate defense, coupled with the battleship's own large formation and his own apricot and yellow flag, it was not impossible to hold it.

Moreover, there were more than two hundred star-devouring iron beetles. They were so huge that it was impossible to squeeze them all over to attack. After a few circles outside, there were only more than one hundred attacks that really fell on the battleship barrier.

Therefore, although the barrier seems to fluctuate greatly, the entire eggshell is wrinkled and deep, as if it is about to break at any time, but in fact it is very stable, at least there is no sign of breaking in the short term.

Only Yang Qingxuan in the main line knew about this situation, and the other Wuxiu were desperately urging the elementary weapons, and some directly vomited blood.

Seeing that the enchantment was unharmed, Yang Qingxuan said to Midnight, "You go help Gilber and the others."

Midnight nodded, and the figure flickered, a rainbow light in his hand turned out, fell on the barrier, and penetrated.

Under the shaking, the graceful figure appeared outside the barrier, and at the same time, with a slap with her right hand, a black flame formed in the palm of her palm. With a "bang", it exploded a star-eater iron beetle and burned it into powder.

Logan was shocked, shocked in his silver pupils.

Midnight not only easily shuttled through such a powerful barrier, but underplayed it lightly, he shot to death a star-eater iron beetle in the late stage.

Later, Midnight shot a few more shots to death, attracting a part of the star-eater iron beetle away.

Yang Qingxuan swept the audience with fiery eyes, and immediately understood the whole battle.

As long as the battleship supports for half an hour and three realm kings take action, it will be enough to wipe out most of the Star Devouring Iron Beetle. If you support it for about an hour, it will be a victory.

The other twelve warriors who saw the true realm did not ask them to kill monsters, as long as they could persist, they would share the pressure for the three realm kings.

Suddenly, Yang Qingxuan's mind flashed, remembering what the Elf King had said during the last battle against Adair. Because his realm is low, he can't exert the power of the sacred artifacts at all. It is better to let the sacred artifacts exert themselves, and he can understand the contents of the sacred artifacts and cultivate both mind and spirit.

Thinking of this, his eyes suddenly became muddy, and he slowly forgot his understanding of the Wuji Xinghuang Qi, put all his mind into the flag, and let the Zhanqi play automatically.

The flag body trembled violently, and the scarlet lines on it changed on its own, forming a variety of mountains and rivers, birds and beasts, and all things and life changed rapidly.

The golden light shines from the yellow flag and turns into runes, rendering a space into a warm yellow light.

Yang Qingxuan was shocked, this kind of yellow flag change has never occurred.

Or it has never appeared in his hands.

The current Wuji Xinghuang Banner is completely adjusted and responding to changes in the barrier.

It is the instinctive reaction after the sacred object is attacked.

This instinctive reaction is the embodiment of the "Tao" integrated into the sacred vessel.

Yang Qingxuan hurriedly converged and continued to sense this change.

Those runes that were projected, merged into thousands of golden lotus, flashed in the air, directly transformed into a yellow flag, and floated into the entire enchantment.


Yang Qingxuan had some feelings, and was shocked. There are countless two, two, three, and three transformations.

In an instant, every golden lotus turned into a yellow flag and merged into every node of the barrier, forming a vast array of yellow flags.

Suddenly the waves flowed, and every bit of power change in the enchantment, such as the attack of the star-eater iron beetle, the fluctuation of more than two hundred warriors' primal devices, and the battleship's own formation force, all fed back to the Wuji Xinghuang Qi.

Thousands of banners, the rune changes on each side are different.

Not only Yang Qingxuan was shocked, Logan and more than 200 people also opened their mouths in shock.

All the yellow flags are nothing but golden lotus illusions, but they are all spiritual and possess unique changes. And the yellow flag itself is the center of all formations, deploying all the forces to form an optimal defense.

This is what Huang Qi's own spirituality does.

Yang Qingxuan felt that it was wonderful.

It is not only a deeper understanding of the yellow flag, but also a clear understanding of the rules of the road.

In the eyes of Logan and others, it was even more incredible, because Yang Qingxuan's body had a hazy yellow light inexplicably, which was in line with the fluctuations of the thousands of yellow flags, as if people and flags were integrated.

"It's no wonder that sacred artifacts can assist in cultivation. The rules of the great path contained therein are endless and indescribable. For the martial artist, if the road to advance is stagnant, you can indeed find another way through the insight of the sacred artifacts."

Yang Qingxuan was immersed in the mysterious feeling of Wuji Xinghuangqi, completely forgetting the foreign objects.

Logan and more than two hundred martial artists, who were able to reach the heavens and Taoism, were all geniuses out of a million, all with horror.

They naturally saw that Yang Qingxuan was silent in a certain understanding.


This is the moment of life and death!

Everyone had a black line on their faces and didn't dare to disturb them. If Yang Qingxuan was stunned, they would be dead.

Everyone turned pale, desperately urging the elementary device for fear of breaking the barrier.

But Yang Qingxuan's face became calmer and even more joyful.

Because every change in the elemental weapon and attack will trigger the change of Huang Qi, and then be transmitted to him.

In an instant, I realized thousands of changes.

These changes are all turned into great understandings and integrated into Yang Qingxuan's comprehension.

"This is... Wu Ji Xing Huang Qi..."

In an independent space in the mysterious big gourd of the universe, Shi Yuyan recovered from her practice and opened her beautiful eyes gently.

In the dark and clear eyes, a blue banner slowly faded out.

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