Heavenly God Mnemonic

Chapter 1555: Strong consciousness, unstoppable

Shi Yuyan pinched the tactics with both hands, and a blue light flashed between her eyebrows, and a layer of water vapor emerged, transforming into a water flag enchantment, and enveloping herself.

The change of the Wuji Xinghuang Yellow Flag directly inspired the Xuanyuan Water Control Flag.

Shi Yuyan immediately sank into the fluctuating induction of the banner, which was extremely mysterious and benefited a lot.

Gibb and Ryle have also been paying attention to the situation of the battleship, and they want to save Logan away when the ship breaks.

But after waiting for more than half an hour, the Star Devouring Iron Beetle died more than half, and the battleship seemed to be intact.

Both are extremely strange.

But being surrounded and attacked by the Star Devouring Iron Beetles, he couldn't tell his mind.

Most of the more than two hundred people on the battleship were exhausted, and many of them squirted blood directly, sitting in the battleship to adjust their breath.

Only then did they realize that it seemed that it didn't matter if they didn't work hard?

The entire eggshell enchantment was still as strong as ever under the guardianship of Wanqi, and there was no sign of half broken.

More than two hundred people looked at each other, and after a brief period of shock, they all got up in shock.

Could it be that this kid alone is resisting the attack of hundreds of star-eater iron beetles? !

This idea flashed in my mind, and he denied it all.

This is absolutely impossible, even the beginner world king can't do it.

Everyone looked at the phantom of the tens of millions of yellow flags, their eyes kept showing scorching light, and they immediately realized that this must be a holy artifact.

Among them, the most complicated is Logan, the two thoughts are fighting fiercely.

The first thought is to kill people and win treasures, this yellow flag must be a holy weapon; the second thought is that this person must not be offended.

Logan's eyes were gloomy and uncertain. In the fierce battle between heaven and man, he even forgot the danger outside the ship.

More than five hundred star-eater iron beetles have been killed by more than a dozen people outside the ship, leaving more than one hundred.

Yang Qingxuan sat in the enchantment space of the yellow flag, pinching his hands with both hands, his body continuously rotating with the flag.

At this moment, Wuji Xinghuangqi is the master, and he is just his follower.

Whoever is strong is the master, not only the heavenly sacred artifacts, but also the ordinary sacred artifacts.

It's just that when ordinary sacred artifacts are refined, they don't have the inherently powerful consciousness of heavenly sacred artifacts.

Outside the warship, the twelve experts who saw the real realm were exhausted.

Twelve people formed a defensive enchantment, resisting the attack of the star-eater iron beetle, attracting and dispersing some power for the three realm kings.

Yang Qingxuan's body constantly flashed yellow runes, blending with the Wuji Xinghuang Qi, and his whole body was unspeakable and comfortable.

But this kind of comfort soon encountered a strong obstacle, and it continued to pass.

There seemed to be a moat in front of him, blocking the flow of force in his body.

The runes on the yellow flag impacted with the force of that day, making a "chacha" cracking sound, shaking Yang Qingxuan's body blood tumbling.

Yang Qingxuan trembled all over, and immediately recovered from the perception of Wuji Xinghuangqi, suddenly opened his eyes, and said in ecstasy: "God has become the pinnacle!"

The cultivation base at this moment has reached the apex of the Divine Transformation Realm, and under the rule of the Yellow Flag, it is impacting the Heavenly Moat of the Immortal Realm.

Although the moat was strong, it was not unbreakable.

The flashing runes in the yellow flag were printed into the body one by one, and they "rumblingly" destroyed the moat, constantly pushing the realm forward.

Yang Qingxuan was surprised and delighted. The immortal realm that was originally thought to be unreachable seemed to have a slight breakthrough.

Yang Qingxuan hurriedly pinched the tactics with both hands, a five-star formation appeared on the center of his eyebrows, and his whole body suddenly burned.

The fire bone elephant phantoms out of the body, sitting cross-legged among the five fires, constantly pinching and spinning.

Afterwards, a ray of soul light spread from Yang Qingxuan's palm, covering the whole body, but it was the power of life and death.

Yang Qingxuan wanted to rely on his wonderful state at this moment to try to hit the immortal realm.

The Elf King, Ghost Zun, Ning Jiazi and others were all quietly comprehending Yang Qingxuan's changes in the sacred vessel, opening their eyes slightly and staring, as if they could see through.

A complicated look flashed in the eyes of the three of them.

The terrible talent and opportunity like Yang Qingxuan's mere martial arts can't stop him. After he gets the second half of the Martial Scriptures, he can change the real dragon and fight for the hegemony of the world.

"He... he's breaking through?!"

More than two hundred people on the battleship were all dumbfounded.

Especially those Wuxiu who are still fighting for the destiny converter, petrochemicals are on the spot.

Do you still want to continue to run the meta device? It seemed that he didn't play any role, but if it stopped, what if the barrier was broken?

More than two hundred people are all covered with black lines, each of them pale and exhausted.

Although it seems that he didn't play a role, no one dared to stop.

Seeing that victory is in sight, if you fail in the end, you will really see a ghost.

It's just that Yang Qingxuan's situation makes them completely incomprehensible, and even more unable to understand.

Logan's face was also pale, and the heavens were fighting in his heart, and the cold sweat dripped from the temples, "Do you want to make a move? At this moment, if he is breaking through, if he wants to kill someone, now is the best time. Should he make a move? "

Logan asked himself over and over again, his face covered with cold sweat, as if he was desperately maintaining the barrier.

Yang Qingxuan's body constantly heard a slight crackling sound of "Beep Pala".

Everyone knows that this is the process of washing the marrow of the Book of Changes. Every breakthrough of the body refinement monk will bring about the washing of the marrow of the Book of Changes on the body, making the physical body a higher level.

But the strange thing is that the process of washing the marrow of the Yijing will not be very long, and Yang Qingxuan's body like a bean-cooking sound rang for almost half an hour.

"Is this really washing the marrow in the Book of Changes? Why is it so long?"

Under the horror, everyone showed envy and disbelief.

The longer the I Ching washes the marrow, the more solid the body is tempered.

But when everyone breaks through, they will only wash it once. Yang Qingxuan has already washed it many times like this.

In fact, it is precisely because of the sadness of the level that the force of the impact keeps returning to the body, triggering the Yijing Washing.

And the power after washing the marrow again hits the bottleneck, repeating the cycle.

Time passed a little bit.

The "beep pala" sound was still echoing over the battleship, Yang Qingxuan kept pinching the formula, the five flames on his body were burning vigorously.

On the bizarre fire bone elephant, large fire patterns flowed and disappeared.

Inside the thousands of yellow flags, a series of strange runes merged into Yang Qingxuan's body.

And a powerful layer of life-and-death soul light, even more enveloped Yang Qingxuan and the bone elephant.

Such peculiar breakthrough visions and magical powers are unheard of for everyone on the battleship.

Suddenly, a dragon chant sounded from Yang Qingxuan's body.

"What? Long Yin?!"

The alien races on the battleship were all shocked.

Looking at the blue-horned bull with wide eyes in horror, the five fires are like a sea, covering the entire body of the bull and the bones of fire.

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