Heavenly God Mnemonic

Chapter 1556: Step into immortality, kill with one move

The Five Fires not only cut off the line of sight, but also engulfed their divine consciousness.

Logan and more than two hundred people could only see Yang Qingxuan and the swaying figure of the fire bone elephant between the flames.

A white streamer, like a dim brilliance, constantly hovering in the five fires, is exactly the shadow of the dragon.

"It's really Long Yin, how can there be the illusion of Qinglong breath on this blue-horned bull?"

Everyone was dumbfounded. Within the dragon's voice, there was a slight sense of coercion, as if the king came to the world and couldn't help but give birth to worship.

Even the Star Devouring Iron Beetle attacking the battleship showed shock in their eyes one by one, and stopped for a while.

"That is how the matter?"

Jibo and the others also discovered the anomaly, their divine sense swept over, and immediately noticed Yang Qingxuan's abnormality, all in shock.

Among them, Jibo and Midnight were a little more calm, they all knew Yang Qingxuan was extraordinary.

Ryle and the twelve real-world experts were surprised and delighted.

The whole world seemed to fall into silence in an instant, and only the long chant of the dragon remained, echoing in the ancient world.

At this moment, the fire bone elephant sitting on top of Yang Qingxuan's hand was stamped with a slap, and the five fires contended, and the rapid fire patterns spread, and then broke into tens of thousands of flames, like those in the ancient world. The vast sea of ​​lights.

Yang Qingxuan's body turned, his hands kept pinching the tactics, and the ten thousand flames, like a lamp, were sucked into his body as he spit out.

Under the white dragon gas hovering, he breathed in and breathed in.

Yang Qingxuan's breath took a qualitative leap between this breath and breath.

After that, the 10,000 yellow flags flickered, returning to the true nature of the yellow flags, turning them into palms and flying down. The billions of runes above were disillusioned, and finally returned to peace.

The yellow flag flashed into Yang Qingxuan's eyebrows and disappeared.

A gang wind was generated inexplicably, blowing from Yang Qingxuan's side, blending into the world, giving people a sense of depression.

More than two hundred martial artists trembled in their hearts, and this breath was the breath of immortality.

But just the immortal state, why does it bring a strong sense of oppression to their hearts? It seems hard to match.

"The Immortal Realm is really reached."

Yang Qingxuan slowly opened his eyes, and there was no joy, but a kind of contemplation and enlightenment.

Although the Qingyang Wujing fits with the Dao and is one of the most supreme treasures, it can be the Dao with three thousand Taoisms.

Even the Taoism rules in this Wuji Xinghuang Banner are not weaker than Qingyang Wujing.

Under the self-evolvement of the Wuji Xinghuang Banner, I took advantage of the opportunity to break through the shackles of Wujing in one fell swoop.

Secondly, it's not just this time. Since stepping into the Taoist body, every breakthrough has been done by rules that are so powerful that they are against the sky.

If you have enough talent, you can completely suppress any shackles.

This further strengthened Yang Qingxuan's determination. If he couldn't find the martial arts scriptures during this trip, he would break his weight and repair.

At this time, in the quiet world, there was a sudden "buzz", and the space oscillated, and the stopped star-eater iron beetles, as the dragon and flame disappeared, attacked again and impacted.

Yang Qingxuan sat on the barrier of the warship, bearing the brunt.

Two star-eater iron beetles landed on the barrier, and two pairs of pincers swept down, slashed straight down, crossed across, and cut the space apart.

At the same time, the enchantment lost the Wu Ji Xing Huang Qi and the power blessing of more than 200 Wu Xiu, and was easily cut out of two cross scratches, which were tens of feet long.

Yang Qingxuan's figure flickered before disappearing in place.

"Bang! Bang!"

The two slashes collided with each other, and the entire space trembled fiercely, it was split into seven or eight pieces, and then continuously split into a large number of fragments.

In the place more than 30 feet above the two star-eater iron beetles, a huge "bang" sound was heard, and countless spatial axes emerged, intersecting each other, forming a prison.

The space inside the prison shook, Yang Qingxuan's figure emerged, and was actually bound by the space magical power of the Star Devouring Iron Beetle.

Then came four more slashes.

Yang Qingxuan stretched out his hand and grabbed it, and the Halberd Tianxu fell in his hand, sweeping out two halberds, one splitting the axis of space, and one blocking him.

"Boom boom boom!"

All four slashes hit the halberd and shook it back.

As soon as Yang Qingxuan stabilized his body, his pupils shrank, and a web of blade light appeared all over the sky, almost airtight, cutting the space into tens of millions of pieces, and the cover fell.

The two Star Devouring Iron Beetles were both in the early stage of Guzhen, and under the joint attack, they cooperated seamlessly.

Yang Qingxuan's golden glow condensed in his cold eyes, and he dodged with a light step on his feet.

Logan and others were all horrified. They only saw Yang Qingxuan's figure shaking slightly, and countless afterimages were disillusioned around him. The sea of ​​swords and the tens of thousands of dense blades did not fall on him.

The two star-eater iron beetles shrank their eyes, shooting shock and violence, the pincers swung fiercely, and the knife net became denser.

At the same time, both of the two star-eater iron beetles displayed space magical powers, and countless space axes were transformed into them, and they were scattered over like a giant net.

The golden light in Yang Qingxuan's eyes coldly said: "I don't know how to live or die, I just accompany you to play and familiarize yourself with the power of the immortal realm, but you are eager to die, so you can't blame me."

Logan and others all fainted.

An existence who had just stepped into the immortal realm, actually took two hands-on practice in the early stage of seeing the truth?

The axis of the large space was sprinkled with the knife net, but Yang Qingxuan's figure shook and disappeared again.

At this moment, not only were the two Star Devouring Iron Beetles panicking, the Star Devouring Iron Beetles flying in all directions could not react to the scene before them.

The Star Devourer Iron Beetle is a race with space talents, unless the opponent's mastery and understanding of space rules is still above them, it is absolutely impossible to escape the constraints of space.

At this moment, behind one of the Star Devouring Iron Beetles, countless space axes floated, Yang Qingxuan's figure appeared, and the Halberd Sky Ruins swept across the sky and slashed away.

"The Burning Words of Hell Fight!"

A cold voice sounded.

The four fire lights on the halberd swam like a dragon, poured from the halberd body into the halberd blade, bursting out circles of fire patterns.

The space is extremely magnificent illuminated by this strange flame.

The face and skin details of the star-devouring iron beetle, all under the shining of the open flame, became very clear, and everyone's eyes were caught.

As if in slow motion, in hundreds of pairs of eyes, Yang Qingxuan's halberd easily cut off the pincers waved by the star-eater iron beetle, and pierced into the hard shell like an iron armor.

Then the four kinds of flames were intertwined and mixed, and suddenly exploded.


The terrifying impact instantly rushed into the body of the star-eater iron beetle along the place where the halberd was cut, and exploded inside it.

A star-eater iron beetle in the early days of the truth was instantly crushed to pieces, and the scraps were swallowed clean by the open flame, and directly turned into the cosmos nothingness, no longer existed.

Logan and others opened their mouths in amazement, and their eyes were about to fall to the ground.

one move!

Easily beheaded the early stage of Guzhen with one move!

//The update time of the next chapter may be postponed late, because I have to go out now, try to come back as soon as possible.

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