Heavenly God Mnemonic

Chapter 1559: The distant wailing, the ancestors call

That voice washed through the heavens and the earth, penetrating people's spirits and souls, and it was empathetic.

Everyone had a splitting headache and was infected by the sad emotions. Some Wu Xiu's eyes were dull, some Wu Xiu even shed tears.

Yang Qingxuan ran the Taiqing Jade Art, stabilized his mind, and rejected the charm of that voice.

At the same time, a pair of fiery eyes looked at the boundless destruction of the earth, penetrating layers of snow and ashes, looking for the source of the sound.

"What is going on with this emotional power?"

Logan screamed in horror, but tears rolled in his silver eyes, and the uncontrollable sadness melted into the tears and rolled down.

Yang Qingxuan stared at the earth with golden eyes, and within a hundred feet of penetration, he was blocked by a layer of restraint.


Suddenly Nuoxi's painful cry came from the Star Ring, and the whole person knelt on the ground with his head in his arms, shaking constantly, his eyes were blurred by tears, and he was talking to himself, not knowing what he was talking about.

Yang Qingxuan raised his hand to pinch the tactics, a clone appeared in the star ring, flew down, and asked, "What's wrong with you?"

Yang Qingxuan casually slapped Nuoxi's forehead with a palm.

Sisi's spiritual power poured into it, which stabilized Nuoxi's spirit a lot.

"Holy Lord, I'm so uncomfortable, so sad, I don't know why, I really want to cry. It's the call, the ancestors are calling me."

Nuoxi was full of tears, choked and cried.

Yang Qingxuan was shocked and asked: "Summon?"

Nosy nodded heavily and cried: "It's right below, just below this earth."

Yang Qingxuan said: "You should stabilize your emotions first, and we will go down to investigate later. I am afraid that something terrible has happened here."

Yang Qingxuan's mind was solemn, and the clone disappeared in the star ring.

The sound of sorrow that echoed between the heaven and the earth soon disappeared.

The snow, dust, dust, and ash were also scattered on the ground, like a layer.

Yang Qingxuan looked down, his eyes turned, not knowing what he was thinking.

"What the **** is going on? Mom, I actually cried and almost broke my heart."

"The sound was terrible, I didn't cry when my mother died."

The Wu Xiu on the battleship calmed down one by one, showing fear. The phantom sound that can confuse the real-world powerhouse makes it creepy to think about it.

Logan's face was pale, his silver eyes swept the ship, except for Yang Qingxuan and the three realm kings, they were basically affected by the phantom sound.

Logan took a deep breath, suppressed the fear in his heart, and asked: "Elder, Young Master Qingxuan, just now everyone was confused by the phantom sound. Only a few of them are as stable as Mount Tai. What can I find?"

Yang Qingxuan pondered for a moment, then said: "The hill that was smashed by Arnold's palm just now is not a hill, nor is it a kun mound, I am afraid it is the fairy kun itself."

"What?! This... how is this possible?!"

Logan's face turned pale, greatly shocked.

Jiber and Ryle looked at each other, equally surprised, but more certainly, the two nodded lightly, seeming to confirm Yang Qingxuan's words.

Logan stayed for a while, sniffed lightly through his nostrils, his expression was extremely ugly, and said, "So, the white snow and dust in the sky is actually the ashes of the immortal Kun. The immortal Kun clan, the flesh can lift the tripod and sail across the void. It is a rare and powerful among a hundred races. Even if it falls, the corpse can be immortal for thousands of years. What happened, turned into ashes."

Gilber said: "And this is the holy land of the Immortal Kun clan. The buried mound must be the core of the entire clan. It seems that it has undergone a huge change. No wonder the immortal Kun clan disappeared in the long river of history inexplicably. And the mourning just now. The sound is the intertwined emotions of unwillingness, resentment, sadness and so on."

Everyone felt a chill inexplicably.

Can easily obliterate the immortal Kun clan that is in the sky without leaving any traces in history. What kind of terrible power is this?

Yang Qingxuan said: "I just judged by the sound source and found an interesting place not far in front. Are you interested in letting me go?"

As he said, the figure flashed and swept forward.

Midnight followed immediately.

Logan was stunned, then shouted: "Keep up!"

He knew that Yang Qingxuan had a map, and that Yang Qingxuan's various performances along the way had convinced Logan.

More than a dozen people from the Amo tribe have all kept up.

There were more than two hundred people left, hesitated, and all flew over.

Yang Qingxuan flashed away and rushed into the sky for 90,000 miles, looking down, only to realize that he had only seen the tip of the iceberg before.

Tens of thousands of mountains are densely piled together, and the more they look, the more they look like the corpses of Xian Kun, some are raising their heads and roaring, and some are broken and dead.

Yang Qingxuan's eyes flashed golden light, and he swooped down. After a few flashes, he appeared on a huge stone platform.

It is covered with white ash, and a thick layer is accumulated.

Yang Qingxuan slapped his hand casually, and the gust of wind swept away all the ash.

A huge formation emerged little by little.

I don't know how many years passed, the formation became primitive and dull, the surrounding stone pillars were all damaged and collapsed, only the reliefs of the Immortal Kun clan remained, still lifelike.

In the center of the formation is a huge immortal kun with closed eyes, but curled up like a fetus, as if falling asleep.

Logan was surprised: "The core of the formation?"

Logan winked at Arnold, and then flew back out of the formation with everyone.

Anuo walked forward alone, staring at the fairy Kun statue, a little nervous.

The five fingers shook sharply, and then he slapped out with a loud shout.

A piece of talisman light transformed under the tip of the fist, condensed into the phantom of a giant beast, and blasted on Xian Kun.


A huge immortal Kun statue was directly shattered by the explosion, revealing a deep black hole.

At this moment, the entire formation was suddenly activated, and a huge scream and wind hissing came from below, blowing across this sad land.

Everyone was shocked and secretly said: "No! This voice is coming again!"

Just as I was about to resist, I saw that the formation continued to rotate, blasting out a dazzling brilliance, covering all the surrounding space.

And in the black hole that appeared, there was a huge attraction, like a collapsed star, with infinite gravity.

The nearest Arnold yelled, desperately resisting the attraction, his whole body deformed, but he was still sucked and walked forward.

After taking a few steps, "Tatata" finally couldn't support it. His body was lifted up and sucked into the black hole, completely disappeared.

Logan and the others were all horrified, and wanted to leave the range of this light. But not only the light whirled, the attraction of the black hole was reversed, but the sad wailing came from the distant void, which charmed people.

There were more than two hundred people, one by one, they couldn't support it, and they were all sucked into the black hole.

Yang Qingxuan stood on the spot, with sparkling patterns flowing on his body, contending with these three forces, staring at the black hole with cold eyes, and the golden light passed by, as if he wanted to see through.

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