Heavenly God Mnemonic

Chapter 1560: The land of immortal kun, weird prohibition

Suddenly Yang Qingxuan stepped forward and walked towards the black hole.

Logan said in surprise: "Young Master Qingxuan, you..."

Others are desperately resisting and walking backwards, and they are desperately sucked in when they can't support it. Yang Qingxuan has firm eyes and steady steps, walking towards the black hole step by step.

A different color flashed through the bottom of Midnight's eyes, and he stepped forward, following Yang Qingxuan.

Jiber said solemnly: "Prince, what should I do?"

Logan looked around. Thousands of miles of space was shrouded in light, suction, and charm, making it extremely difficult to escape.

Most of the more than 200 people have been sucked into the black hole.

Logan's gaze fell on Yang Qingxuan's slender back, as if there was a trace of understanding in his heart, he suddenly became determined, and he shouted, "Let's go too!"

With that, he flicked his sleeves and took a step forward, trying to follow Yang Qingxuan's approach to the black hole, but after only a small step, he was completely rolled up by the black hole, flew a few times in the air, and then sucked in.

Gib and Ryle were shocked and hurried to chase.

Soon, the figures of Yang Qingxuan and Midnight also entered the black hole.

The light and sorrow flowed for a while, then it fell completely silent and slowly returned to calm.

After the crazy suction of the black hole was vented for a while, it also became stable and turned into an erect oval, like a long mirror, and like a teleportation door, so it was frozen over the platform.


After Yang Qingxuan stepped into the black hole, countless space rules were disillusioned, and he teleported to an unfamiliar space just a short distance away.

In front is a huge group of white light, which emits a spiritual light, as if there is something inside.

More than two hundred Wu Xiu people were all thrown into this space by the black hole, staring at the white light showing a different color.

When Yang Qingxuan's eyes flashed with golden eyes, he saw a piece of land among the white light, like an empty island hanging in the center of the entire space.

The land is not big, there are mountains, waterfalls, exotic flowers and grasses, pavilions and stone steps, and large buildings are located on the top of the mountains.

The golden light in Yang Qingxuan's eyes became a little hot, because in the depiction of the map, there was such a scene, and the key manifestation was just above this scene.

"The Land of Fairy Kun!"

Logan was overjoyed, took a sharp breath, and flew away.

Looking at the appearance of this land, it seems that it has not been damaged, it should be the settlement of the immortal Kun family.

Then the treasures of the Immortal Kun family are very likely to remain in it.

More than two hundred people all had the same mind, rushing to fly over, and disappeared in the white light.

Yang Qingxuan and Ziye followed everyone behind, flew into the white light, and landed in the land.

Looking down from a high altitude, the whole land is not big, just a mountain range.

There are various palaces and buildings on the top of the mountains, and the sculptures of fairy Kun can be seen everywhere.

On the highest mountain, there stands a huge blue palace, which occupies almost the entire top of a mountain.

Hundreds of pairs of eyes stared at the huge palace, revealing the color of greed.

"His Royal Highness, this time the mission has been carried out. It should be almost clear, right? Next, is there a plan for dividing the treasure in the palace?"

An old man who saw the real world suddenly spoke.

Logan's pupils shrunk slightly, and he passed the murderous imperceptibly, and snorted coldly: "Do you recognize me?"

The old man said: "Originally there was a little speculation, but after the two elders showed their strength, they can basically confirm it. On Hanlan Island, the Amo clan, besides Prince Logan, who else can drive the two world kings? . If I guessed correctly, this middle-level realm king should be the great elder of the Amo clan, Lord Gilbert."

The rest of the people looked calm, and obviously everyone had communicated in private.

Gilber snorted contemptuously.

The old man was not angry, and said: "Prince Logan concealed his identity and recruited mercenaries. He must have his own ideas and plans. We should naturally not take care of it. But the land of immortality is related to everyone's interests. We still have to ask. It’s good, it’s better to agree on a plan."

Logan said coldly: "Now that you know the identity of this king, what qualifications do you have to make an agreement with me?"

The old man said: "I am naturally unqualified, but we have more than two hundred people. His Royal Highness has seventeen. This Young Master Qingxuan has two people. Instead, His Royal Highness takes 30% and this Young Master Qingxuan takes half. Yes, the remaining 65% will be divided among more than 200 people. How about? This is fair."

As soon as he finished speaking, Yang Qingxuan flew straight to the huge palace.

The old man got angry in his eyes and said loudly: "Young Master Qingxuan!"

Yang Qingxuan simply ignored them, and when they did not exist, he flew directly into the giant mountain.

Logan was taken aback, and sighed: "I lost it after all. I despise this group of IQs, what qualifications do I have to talk to me about distribution. But Yang Qingxuan completely ignores it, and there is no such mental retardation in his eyes."

As he said, he stared at the old man and sarcastically said, "Mentally retarded."

Then with a wave of his hand, he took more than ten Amo people, chasing Yang Qingxuan, for fear that Yang Qingxuan would get the treasure first.

The old man was furious, his hair trembling in anger.

A Wu Xiu said in a deep voice: "Since they don't want to, then we don't have to be polite. We wait for the opportunity to get more treasures than we allocated."

The old man nodded and said: "Okay. Everyone works together, don't be afraid of them at all, let's go too!"

More than two hundred people hurriedly followed to fly to the huge mountain.

Suddenly, a layer of brilliance spread from the blue palace, impacting everyone.

"No, it's a barrier! Flash!"

More than two hundred people panicked, and they scattered like ants, falling towards the foot of the huge mountain.

"Bang! Bang! Bang!"

At the moment when each of the alien martial artists landed, their legs trembled and they almost knelt down.

The foot of the mountain was full of strong gravity, pressing on everyone without warning, the bones of the whole body made a "click" sound, grinning in pain.

But fortunately, the foreign races are all physical cultivation, physical tyrannical, just short-term discomfort, and quickly adapt.

At the foot of the mountain, a stone step leads straight to the top, but in the distance there is a cloud of clouds and a forbidden enchantment.

More than 200 people dared not walk forward alone, their eyes fell on Yang Qingxuan and Logan.

Logan sneered contemptuously, then looked at Yang Qingxuan, and said, "Brother Qingxuan, the treasure of the Immortal Kun family should be on it. This field of gravity shouldn't bother you and me, right?"

Yang Qingxuan said: "If it's only in the field of gravity, it's natural not to be afraid. I'm afraid there are other inexplicable things."

The golden light in Yang Qingxuan's eyes flickered, and then he closed the golden eyes and said slowly.

"Something else?"

Logan was surprised: "What did Brother Qingxuan see?"

Yang Qingxuan shook his head and said, "This is indeed the coverage of the gravity domain, but there is something wrong. I can't tell what it is. In short, be careful."

As he said, one person took the lead and climbed up the stone street.

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