Heavenly God Mnemonic

Chapter 1561: There is no back path, the magnetic pole is really light

Yang Qingxuan's body flashed with brilliance, as if he had blended into the barrier, after taking four or five steps, he stopped suddenly, and looked at Zhongye with a different color.

The gravity field on the stone steps is not fixed. The two of them keep flashing light, their bodies swaying on the stone steps, and their walking posture is very strange.

Logan and the others frowned. After thinking about it for a long time, they didn't understand what was going on. They had to bite the bullet and walk up, and when they stepped into the stone steps, they immediately understood.

Gravity actually changes with time and space, causing the Wu Xiu inside it to constantly undulate up and down. Some of the cultivation bases are too low to withstand this kind of gravity restriction, so they threw them away and fell down severely.


Suddenly a warrior from the Celestial Realm screamed and exploded on the spot, turning into a mass of minced flesh and blood, sprinkled on the stone steps.

Everyone's complexion changed drastically, showing horror.

The warrior was still slightly gravitational in the first moment, and tens of thousands of times of gravity was superimposed on his body in the next moment. Under the huge contrast, he directly exploded and died completely.

At this moment everyone panicked and became extremely careful.

The field of light on Yang Qingxuan's body is constantly changing, weak and strong, and sometimes when one foot is stepped on, the entire step that trembles trembles.

And the higher it goes, the more frequent this gravity changes and the greater the vibration amplitude.

Sometimes, suddenly, 100,000 times of gravity was pressed down, even Yang Qingxuan couldn't help but change his face, his teeth clenched.

Below the stone steps, there were several screams and explosions, and the scarlet blood smell spread on the stone steps, and everyone's face was extremely ugly.

"I won't go, I won't go up, I want to go back!"

An alien yelled in horror, turned his head and ran down violently.

Many people looked back and couldn't help but froze. It didn't take long for them to climb the mountain, but they were surrounded by clouds and mist, and the foot of the mountain was no longer visible.

The alien race that escaped disappeared in the clouds.

Many people frowned, as if they wanted to go on, but hesitated.

A few people gritted their teeth and ran down the mountain like flying, not wanting to wade through the muddy water again.

Yang Qingxuan watched several people turn their heads, frowned, as if lost in thought.

When I was looking down in the air before, the mountain was high, but it was nothing to their martial artist, but at this moment, it did not reach the top and the bottom was not. Obviously, there was a strong hiding restriction.

Yang Qingxuan continued to walk up, suddenly his face changed slightly, stopped, showing a shocked face, and said: "This is..."

Above the stone steps, several human figures swiftly swept down, and it was the few people who had turned around before.


Those few people also saw Yang Qingxuan and others, all of them pale, and said in horror: "This...this..."

Everyone looked at each other.

Logan was surprised: "The rules of space! This stone step is actually circular! In this way, can we go out?"

Logan's words added to the shadow of everyone's hearts, and a panic spread among the crowd.

With a sudden "bang", another Wu Xiu exploded in the scream, blood and blood splashed on the Wu Xiu around him, causing a panic.

Gibb moved slightly, approaching Logan, for fear of an accident.

Yang Qingxuan glanced back and forth, and said: "It should not be an endless loop, but just a stone step with no retreat. That is to say, once you have climbed this stone step, there will be no retreat and you must walk to the end. If it is really an endless loop, then With everyone's strength, especially the existence of three realm kings, there are not many unbreakable restrictions in this world."

With that said, everyone is a little calmer. But from time to time, explosions and screams sounded around, still making people tremble with fear.

Yang Qingxuan has a sacred body of a blue dragon, and he has made a bone elephant of fire, and there are ten unique formations inscribed on the body. The strength of the physical body is already comparable to that of Jingzhen.

What's more, there are sacred artifacts like Wuji Xinghuangqi. Although the stone steps are very powerful, it still can't help him.

Midnight was even more unresponsive, following Yang Qingxuan step by step.

Soon, I saw the huge palace on the top of the mountain.

With joy in Yang Qingxuan's heart, he quickened his steps, and the explosions behind him seemed to be louder.

Everyone had a sullen face, pale, and suddenly saw the end point, and they all ran in ecstasy.

But the vigilance was relieved, and immediately there was another burst of "bang bang bang".

Yang Qingxuan's body jumped up and landed directly on the huge square in front of the palace.

The moment both feet stepped on the ground, a layer of light suddenly appeared in front without warning, forming several weird runes. After disillusionment, it turned into a dazzling aurora and shot down.

Yang Qingxuan trembled, and there was endless fear in his heart, and he cried out in horror: "The magnetic pole is really light!"

The terrible aurora shot down, exactly the same as the true light of the magnetic pole seen in the Doomsday Canyon in Lunwuzhong!

At the juncture of life and death, Yang Qingxuan shouted fiercely, and then sacrificed the Wuji Apricot and Yellow Banner, and a cloud of yellow light spread out, giving birth to nine golden lotus to protect it.

At the same time, with a grasp of the right hand, it turned into a dragon body.


The enchantment of the Wuji Xinghuang Banner was swept by the true light of the magnetic pole, and it was shattered.

The terrifying light penetrated down, and immediately ushered in Yang Qingxuan's extinguishing dragon fist!


When the two forces collided, Yang Qingxuan's dragon body was instantly swallowed by the aurora, and the dragon scales on his fist burst into pieces.

The Shijue formation engraved on the body was immediately triggered, and countless formation patterns flew out, evolving in the void.

Ten tyrannical formations are superimposed on top of each other to form a vast matrix.


The matrix was directly shot through by the true light of the magnetic pole, and suddenly hit Yang Qingxuan.


Yang Qingxuan spouted blood wildly, flying out like a broken kite.

The whole process was only an instant, and the midnight following Yang Qingxuan had no time to rescue him, so he could only catch the flying Yang Qingxuan, and was shocked: "Qingxuan!"

On Yang Qingxuan's chest, a dazzling light flowed, like a colorful halo, constantly walking along the meridians.

But in an instant, Yang Qingxuan's whole body became colorful and transparent.

Midnight was horrified, and hurriedly shot Zhen Yuan into Yang Qingxuan's body, protecting his heart and all vitals in his body.

Everyone was frightened by the change, and everyone was so frightened that they did not dare to step on the open space, and would rather stand on the steps to bear the gravity field.

They all knew how strong Yang Qingxuan was, and they couldn't stand the aurora blow. If I changed them to them just now, I was afraid it would be wiped out.


With the assistance of Midnight, Yang Qingxuan vomited several mouthfuls of blood, which was terrible.

But the heart veins and vital points were guarded by the powerful force of Midnight, and against the true light of the magnetic pole, although the pain was extremely painful, at least his life was temporarily saved.

//Tomorrow's update time is still delayed.

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