Heavenly God Mnemonic

Chapter 1569: Go without a fight, where the value lies

As soon as the silver light filled the sky, all the sounds of eardrums stopped.

The warriors in the hall crawling on the ground screamed and wailed in a large area of ​​seven holes.

After a blow in the middle of the night, he took the Golden Bridge from the other side and walked to the Sky Whale tribe with cold eyes.

It seemed like a random blow, but in fact it exhausted all the strength.

The opponent's identity, strength, and sacred weapon made Midnight dare not care about it, so the shot was all-out, and it really worked.

Both the Fenggu tribe and Jibe were shocked, and the battle in their hands stopped involuntarily.

The Fengjiao tribe was shocked: "Angte, are you kidding me?"

The Sky Whale tribe was full of anger and resentment, and roared: "Just kidding your sister! This woman is from the elven tribe and has a golden bridge on the other side of the sacred artifact!"

The elves were still famous in ancient times.

The Fengjiao tribe's complexion changed drastically, his eyes flashed, and he said decisively: "In that case, let's not waste our strength here, let's go!"

As soon as the spear was retracted, it disappeared into the void.

The Sky Whale tribe stared at Midnight coldly, and disappeared in place as well.

Then there was a loud bang, and the dome of the entire hall exploded, and countless elements of wind roared out, accompanied by the crisp sound of silver bells, further and further away.

The clear sunlight shone down, dispelling the chill in the hall.

The big martial artist lay on the ground, gasping for breath, still having lingering fears.

Midnight raised his head and glanced, then returned to Yang Qingxuan's back.

Jiber also flew down with a gloomy face, and looked at Midnight with extreme dread, feeling shocked.

That day, the strength of the whale tribe was obviously better than that of the wind clan, but they were defeated by Midnight. But he was injured by the Fengjiao tribe.

Make a comparison like this and make a judgment.

Yang Qingxuan smiled suddenly and said: "Thank you all for coming in with me, otherwise, you might have fallen here."

The Wu Xiu who survived all looked miserable and wanted to cry without tears.

Finally rushed into a sealed hall, no benefit at all, and almost died. Even if he survived by chance, he suffered injuries of varying degrees under the silver bell of the Sky Whale Clan.

As for those who have been shaken to death and devoured souls, let alone how miserable they are.

Logan was even more gloomy and said nothing.

Yang Qingxuan asked, "Master Logan has been in Tianhe for a long time, do you know the origins of these two people?"

Logan said: "In the heyday of the Fairy Kun clan, there were hundreds of races as vassals, among which the four most powerful races were Sky Whale, Wind Claw, Thunder Rhinoceros, and Magic Spring. Both of them had the power of the middle-level realm king. I'm afraid it was the patriarch of the Sky Whale and Fengjiao clan back then. As for why they were sealed here, God knows. Maybe it is related to the fall of the Immortal Kun clan."

Yang Qingxuan said in shock: "A vassal of hundreds of races? Doesn't that mean the world is dominated?"

Logan said: "It's not enough to dominate the world, but it is indeed the top few races. Back then, only the demons who flourished in the past were able to truly beat the immortal Kun."

Yang Qingxuan said: "Could it be that the demise of the Immortal Kun clan was caused by the monster clan?"

Logan pondered for a while, and said: "It's hard to say. From ancient times to the Middle Ages, it is indeed an era of fusion and heroes. There have been many earth-shattering and incomprehensible events. The terrifying characters that emerged are far from the later Middle Ages. The Eight Clan can be compared. The destruction of the Immortal Kun clan, instead of suspecting the demon clan’s work, I think it may be another force."

"What force?"

After Yang Qingxuan asked, his face suddenly changed slightly, as if thinking of something.

Logan nodded and said, "Brother Qingxuan is so clever, I guessed it right away."

Yang Qingxuan pondered, "But, isn't there very little information in this area?"

Logan said: "Very few, does not mean there is no. Of course ordinary people can't collect it. And over the years, the opening of the Nine Heavens is completely controlled by the Shura clan. My Amo clan has also collected a lot of things."

Yang Qingxuan asked in shock: "You mean the destruction of the Immortal Kun clan is still related to the Nine Heavens?"

Yang Qingxuan immediately thought of the map on Nuoxi and the twelve words.

Logan nodded and said: "The Nine Heavens are the holy land of the demon race, and they fell almost in the same era as the Xian Kun. We and the strong men of the Shura tribe previously thought that the possibility of the two races fighting each other was very strange. But strange. In such a huge event, there are no clues left. If the two races are fighting, how can they not find any information? And with the excavation of Jiuzhongtiandu in recent years, many different clues have been found."

"What clue?"

Yang Qingxuan blurted out the question, but when he saw Logan, he didn't want to answer. He immediately understood, and said with a wry smile: "Brother Logan is really appetizing."

Logan smiled slightly, and said: "Brother Qingxuan is a dragon and phoenix among people. He has no talents. If you don't reveal some top secrets, it is difficult to elicit Brother Qingxuan's appetite."

Yang Qingxuan said, "To elicit my appetite, it doesn't seem to be good for Brother Logan, right?"

Logan said: "I thought so before, but I don't think so now. Brother Qingxuan's wisdom, strength, and even some powers that I don't understand are of great help to me. So I am willing Use some'sincerity' and'help' in exchange for the equivalent'benefits' of Brother Qingxuan."

"Oh?" Yang Qingxuan said calmly, "Be more specific."

Logan said: "Brother Qingxuan is a human genius, he would never come to Tianhe for no reason? And if I didn't guess wrong, Brother Qingxuan would have been deeply involved in the matter of Boundless Island. In this way, It is completely opposite to the Asura clan. No matter what you do, it will be very difficult. In this way, I will be valuable to Brother Qingxuan."

Yang Qingxuan pondered: "Then what is my value to Brother Logan?"

Logan said: "Let's dig out the secrets of the Nine Heavens. And help me deal with our common enemy."

Yang Qingxuan sneered: "Common enemy? Haha."

Logan said: "No matter whether Brother Qingxuan believes it or not, I'm sure that Adair has put Brother Qingxuan on the kill list."

All around Wu Xiu's complexion changed, and one by one noticed something wrong.

The alliance between the Shura and the Amo is something everyone knows, and what Logan said at the moment seems to be against the Shura.

Such a huge secret, so no one said it.

Prove that Logan did not consider them to exist, or when they were already dead.

More than a hundred alien martial arts practitioners were all shocked, and even a trace of fear surged.

Yang Qingxuan said slowly: "This matter can be considered, it depends on whether the olive branch thrown by Brother Logan can satisfy my appetite."

Logan chuckled, seeming to be relieved, and confidently said: "I believe Brother Qingxuan, even anyone, will get an appetite. Because the real key of the Nine Heavens has appeared. Adair goes to the eighth. The pulse flow, the core secret of besieging the Boundless Island, is for the key. I am afraid that the key has already fallen into Adair's hands at this moment."

//Tomorrow's update is still postponed.

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