Heavenly God Mnemonic

Chapter 1570: A match made in heaven, chased by thousands of miles

Yang Qingxuan's face was calm, and he said faintly, "I don't think it is necessarily."

Logan was stunned, then overjoyed, and said, "Brother Qingxuan should know something, right? Didn't that key... Adair didn't get it?"

Yang Qingxuan gave him a white look and said, "Who knows."

Logan smiled bitterly: "Brother Qingxuan is really appetizing. If we cooperate, it can be said to be a match made in heaven. A win-win situation will definitely be achieved."

Yang Qingxuan flipped his right hand, and a jade slip appeared in his palm, saying, "Look at this first."

Logan froze for a moment, took the jade slip, swept the divine sense, his face changed drastically, and said in surprise: "This is..."

Yang Qingxuan nodded and said, "This is the complete map of the Tomb of Immortal Kun."

Logan stared at the jade slip, and said in shock: "Causality gathers, gathers the sky, changes the way of God, and gains eternal life. The demise of the immortal Kun family is indeed related to that incident."

Yang Qingxuan was shocked and said, "What event?"

Logan said solemnly: "Change the way of God, get eternal life!"

Yang Qingxuan frowned deeper, and slowly said, "This whirlpool seems to be getting bigger and bigger. The purpose of my coming to Tianhe, I don't want to participate in the illusory'eternal life', I just went to Tiandu, looking for Qingyang. Wu Jing."

Logan stunned: "The treasure of the Qinglong Holy Spirit?" He immediately understood, and suddenly said: "No wonder, it turns out that Brother Qingxuan is actually the Qinglong Holy Spirit of this generation. Is there a martial arts scripture in the heaven? I am number one in this matter. Heard this time."

Yang Qingxuan said: "This matter should not be false."

Jiuqing died to save him, so naturally it is impossible to lie to him. And Kagura also said that he came from Tiandu, which further confirmed the fact that Wujing was in Tiandu.

"Okay!" Logan said with a smile: "This way, we are more likely to cooperate. Because what we ask for, there is no conflict of interest, just can complement each other. And Qingxuan brother is willing to change his own goals Speaking out, there should be a sense of cooperation."

Yang Qingxuan did not deny it, nodded and said, "As long as I can ensure that I get the Martial Scriptures, everything else is easy to say."

Logan was overjoyed and said: "The key point now, the key to that day, can Adair get it?"

Yang Qingxuan thought for a while and said, "There are two news, one good and the other bad, which one do you want to listen to?"

Logan said: "Listen first, I'm not interested in bad news."

Yang Qingxuan smiled slightly, flicked his fingers, and hummed, a brass-like light spread in the air, and then fell back to his hand.

There were waves flowing on the light, and even the phantom of the palace appeared.


Logan took a sharp breath, his eyes widened like brass bells, and he almost called out.

Jiber and Ryle's expressions also changed drastically, because they instantly saw what the brass-like iron piece was.


Logan suddenly laughed wildly, his eyes flashing with excitement and madness, "Adair! You can't even think of it in your dreams, right? Sweeping all the wasteland, sweeping Liuhe, thinking that there is no one in the world, I can't think that there will be someone above you in this world. My genius, who completely suppressed you, hahahaha."

Logan laughed for a while, feeling very good, and then asked: "What is the bad thing that Brother Qingxuan just said?"

Yang Qingxuan said, "There was a little accident." He rolled up his sleeves, revealing the plum blossom-shaped **** mark, if the cinnabar dots on it, it would be vivid.

"Hey! The six-pointed seal of the blood sacrifice technique!"

Logan was startled, and cried out: "With this mark on his body, even at the ends of the world, he can't escape Adair's tracking!"

Yang Qingxuan said: "It's a little troublesome. The person who performed the spell must be killed before it can be removed."

Logan said in horror: "The person who performs the operation should be Master Hanguang."

Gilber and Ryle also changed their faces.

Yang Qingxuan said, "Is this person terrible?"

Logan said: "It's unfathomable. No one has seen his strength, like a large sacrifice, his status is extremely respected, and he is not under the Shura King."

Yang Qingxuan said: "So it's a bit tricky." But his tone was very calm, and he didn't look worried at all.

On the contrary, it was a few members of the Amo tribe, with extremely solemn expressions.

Logan said: "We are going to be faster. Since Brother Qingxuan has the six-pointed mark of blood sacrifice on his body, all his whereabouts are in the hands of Master Hanguang, he must quickly end the trip here. Now there is only the last hall left. I don’t know if there is something we want in it."

Yang Qingxuan was about to ask them what they wanted. Suddenly, his pupils flashed, he looked into the distance and shouted: "No! Someone is coming."

When the voice fell, the whole person disappeared in the partial hall, appeared directly above the hall, staring into the distance.

Midnight, Logan, Gilber and others flew out almost instantly, standing beside Yang Qingxuan, one by one in surprise: "What's wrong?"

In the center of the building complex, a large number of figures appeared unexpectedly, swept to a main hall, and disappeared under the flash.

Logan's silver pupil flashed and furiously said: "No! The Yunmu tribe and the Shangmanzu tribe are from Adair!" There was a trace of fear in his voice, "Sure enough, Adair found it and came after it! "

Yang Qingxuan said: "Don't panic, it should have been tracking me. The prohibition of the main hall has been opened, let's go."

The figures of several people flickered, turned into a light, and instantly fell outside the main hall.

People kept coming from all directions, rushing into the main hall.

After thinking twice, most of the alien martial artists who survived in the side hall chose to enter the main hall.

After Yang Qingxuan and the others entered, they couldn't help being stunned. In the center of the main hall, there was an array made of white jade, with the streamer spinning on it, and every Wu Xiu who flew into it was instantly teleported away.

Logan's face was gloomy, and he slammed his hand out. A Martial Artist of the Upper Mandrill who rushed from outside the temple was immediately photographed and held it in his hand.

"You, who are you? Let go!"

The Wu Xiu of the Shang Mandrian tribe was furious. Logan and the others wore masks and couldn't see the real face. But from the physical and appearance, they knew they were from the Amo tribe, and said anxiously, "I am the Shang Mandrian tribe. The person is his own."

Logan said coldly: "Who is your own low-level trash? Say, how did you get here?!"

The Shang Manchu clan stunned, and immediately felt a murderous aura into his heart, and his blood was condensed.

And Logan’s silver pupils turned, and the Mindler tribe’s spirit trembled, and his eyes became dull, and he said, "We are ordered by Prince Adair to hunt down. A human being."


Yang Qingxuan's several people secretly said in their hearts.

Logan breathed a sigh of relief. At least for now, Adair didn't know that he was sneaking up on small moves.

Logan asked again: "How many people are here? Who is the strongest?"

The Shang Manchu tribe said: "Prince Adair sent the Shang Manchu tribe and the Yun Tapir tribe. More than 700 people came. The strongest is the patriarch of the two tribes. The patriarch of the Shang Manchu tribe, Eridon, is a two-star. Elementary realm king. Brand, the patriarch of the Yunmo clan, is the one-star peak realm king."

//At the beginning of this month, ask for various tickets, monthly tickets, recommended tickets, okay.

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