Heavenly God Mnemonic

Chapter 1571: Tiandu fragments, fairy jade embryos

Logan frowned and seemed to feel that something was wrong, but this person only had the cultivation base of the Earth Phase Realm, and he was defeated by his own illusion, so he could never lie.

Yang Qingxuan asked, "Are these two clans among the races that are attached to the Asura tribe?"

Logan said: "Just so-so, it's a medium power."

Yang Qingxuan nodded and said: "I understand. Adair is injured, and I am afraid that he has not been able to come to surround me personally. But I don't know the purpose of my coming to Tianhe. So I sent two middle-class races over, one to inquire My purpose is to cause me a certain amount of trouble."

Logan suddenly said: "That's right. With Adair's character, after suffering such a big loss, he will definitely avenge himself. And next time he will bring an overwhelming advantage against you. It is absolutely impossible to send only two. Here comes the race."

Logan stared at the Mandriller, and asked, "Where are Ellie and Brand?"

The Shang Mandrill said: "I have entered the teleportation formation."

Logan thought for a while, there was nothing to ask, he squeezed his five fingers directly, and with a "bang", the Mandrill tribe was blown to pieces, and his flesh and blood fell to the ground.

There were also many martial artists from the Shang Manchu and Yunqi tribes, all of them were shocked and roared: "What? We are all subordinates of Prince Adair. Is there any misunderstanding among the adults?"

Before he could speak, Anuo and the Amo tribe immediately started, a flash of light flashed, more than ten screams, and only the ground was covered with meat and blood.

A strong smell of blood wafted in the hall.

Logan said: "Arnold, you take five people to guard the gate of this hall, but if you see the scum of these two clans, you will kill the other."

Arnold said with a murderous face, "Yes!"

Although these two tribes are not enough to suffer, since they are Adair's subordinates, they can eliminate one.

Logan said: "Brother Qingxuan, let's get into the battle."

A group of people jumped into the formation, the brilliance on the white jade formation flashed, and Yang Qingxuan and others disappeared on the formation.

The next moment, in a white misty swamp land, bursts of light lit up, a large dark hole broke through the sky, and countless streams of light emerged from it, revealing the figures of warriors.

The land here is broken, and the river is broken into many small branches, flowing in all directions like blood vessels. The green plants on the ground are very small and soft, like moss, covering countless swamps. It's just that by chance there are a few huge trees that are very similar in appearance to a banyan tree, but are as high as a hundred meters tall, and each tree covers an area of ​​one hectare.

"here is……"

Logan was surprised and said, "Do you think this place is familiar?"

Jiber frowned and said: "This breath is extremely ancient, as if it has gone through a long time. Forgive the old man for his clumsy eyes, but he has no impression."

Logan said: "It's normal for the great elders to not recognize it, don't you guys have a picture?"

Logan's silver eyes glanced at the guards behind him.

The strong men of the Amo tribe all changed their faces and exclaimed: "Nine Heavens!"

Logan nodded and said: "Exactly, the aura here is very similar to Nine Heavens. No, it's not similar, but here is Tiandu!"

Logan said with great certainty, and a pair of silver eyes looked around.


Yang Qingxuan, Ji Bo and others were shocked.

Logan explained: "The keys imitated by the Shura clan can’t completely unlock the Tiandu prohibition, so every time the Tian is opened, only the martial arts below the realm king can enter. The elder and the second elder have never entered the Tiandu. place."

Gilber and Ryle were surprised and delighted, and their silver eyes flowed.

The matter of Tiandu is no trivial matter. Yang Qingxuan said solemnly: "How do you judge that this is Tiandu? Just relying on the environment is too sloppy, right?"

Logan said: "Environment is the first, heaven and earth aura is the second, and the third is..."

Speaking and grabbing with five fingers, a stone in the distance flew out of the swamp and exploded in the air, a light green stone core flew over and fell into Logan's hands.

The color of the stone core was semi-transparent and unclear, exuding circles of terrible aura, and there were also runes flashing slightly inside.

Yang Qingxuan felt slightly, and said in surprise: "Xianyu!"

Logan said: "It is the embryo of the fairy jade that has not been polished."

Jiber was pleasantly surprised: "There is no doubt that! In the entire world, only Nine Heavens has immortal jade."

Ryle was also happy and said: "I can't imagine that there is a crossing to Tiandu in the land of Immortal Kun, and there is no level restriction. If this matter is spread, I am afraid that the entire Tianhe will be a sensation. Those old monsters lurking everywhere, I'm afraid it will come out."

Logan said: "It's not necessarily. The environment here is no different from the entrance of the Shura clan. It should still be on the periphery of Tiandu, and has not touched the core area. This periphery has been mined for many years, except for Xianyu and Outside the alien beast, there is nothing special."

Jibb said, "That said, the aura of heaven and earth here is much stronger than that of Hanlan Island. We can hide it and use it as a secret training base for the Amo."

Yang Qingxuan said: "It's a bit whimsical. Unless you can get rid of all the people inside and outside the circle. Let alone whether it can be done, Adair will definitely find out the clues even if it does."

Jiber's face changed slightly, and after a moment of contemplation, he sighed, apparently admitting that he was simple.

Yang Qingxuan smiled and said: "No need to sigh. We have a good chance to be here. If we dig out all the secrets here, we will have a lot more chances of winning against Shang Adair in the future."

Logan's eyes flowed with silver light, and said: "Qingxuan's words are right. Let's survey the periphery of the sky, maybe we can make huge discoveries."

Everyone immediately flew high in the sky, each displaying their spiritual and visual powers, looking in all directions.

Under the affable white mist aura, there are swamp rivers, just like when the earth was born.

Yang Qingxuan looked in the direction of the river, with golden lights in his eyes, and said, "There are forces fluctuations in this direction, and it seems that someone is fighting."

Logan and the others were all taken aback. Their silver eyes were well-known among the hundreds of races, and Logan was even closer to perfect silver eyes, and his cultivation was before Yang Qingxuan.

Jiber and Ryle, only relying on the realm king's cultivation base, sensed the vague force shock ahead.

I don't know what Yang Qingxuan's spiritual eye is, it is so terrifying.

Moreover, the human race itself does not have any powerful talents and supernatural powers, which caused Logan and others to speculate, is that the spiritual eye is the supernatural power of acquired cultivation?

After a few people meditated, they had already flew thousands of miles away.

There was a huge open space below, all made of bluestone. It was a thousand acres of land. There were a few scattered buildings above, all of which were in ruins.

It looks like an abandoned square, but also like a huge abandoned garden.

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