Heavenly God Mnemonic

Chapter 1578: Jie Keng, the end of the king

Midnight's expression changed. Just now, the two of them made her understand a lot of things.

Yang Qingxuan's thoughts are also complicated, and his mind keeps coming up, but it is difficult to catch them one by one.

Midnight said: "The exploded place has collapsed, and there may even be a boundary pit. Should we go and see it or leave now?"

Yang Qingxuan said: "Allen is related to the inheritance of Xiankun's lineage, and it seems that he has made friends with the Qinglong Holy Spirit of the year. Perhaps you can inquire about the whereabouts of Wujing from his mouth."

Midnight said: "Well, let's go and have a look, I hope Alan is not dead, the sundial is dead."

Ghost Zun's figure flashed back into Yang Qingxuan's body.

Yang Qingxuan and Midnight turned into escape lights and flew towards the center of the explosion.

Large fragments of broken rules, chaotically shooting in the void.

The two soon arrived in front of a huge black hole, and countless forces and space fragments rushed into it, not bottoming out, and not knowing where to lead.

Midnight's face changed slightly, and he said, "It really is a pit. This world has been penetrated."

Yang Qingxuan looked around with fiery eyes and said: "The rules here are too messy, and you can't see anything."

Midnight said: "Let's search carefully."

Yang Qingxuan let out an "um", suddenly his face changed, and he suddenly looked down. I saw the void under my feet suddenly "crash" and shattered, and a blood-filled hand stretched out and suddenly grabbed Yang Qingxuan's ankle.

The void around the arm was shattered, and a figure covered in blood emerged, like a corpse hanging on Yang Qingxuan's ankle.

Yang Qingxuan said in surprise: "Allen!"

Allen was bloodied and said weakly: "Go! He is not dead yet."

Yang Qingxuan was startled, and suddenly felt a terrifying aura lurking around, which could appear at any time. At the moment, a fierce slap of the tactics printed, and a flash of thunder was cast.

Xiao Wanlei's magneto-optical disc was instantly excited, covering Yang Qingxuan, Midnight, and Allen. With a flash of "crack", it turned into thunder and disappeared in place.

"Damn it!"

There was a low roar from the void.

Countless pieces of space and rules suddenly began to rotate, exuding a violent atmosphere, as if someone was angry.

"Even if you don't have me, you can't keep them. Both Midnight and that ghost are not weaker than the four-star realm king. Together, let alone killing Alan and catching Yang Qingxuan, can you save your life? Is unknown."

An indifferent voice sounded in the void, as if comforting the roaring person.

The gloomy face of Sundial manifested in the void. His face was full of blood, and he was obviously injured. He stared at the void insidiously, and said in a cold voice, "Now they are gone. You are left alone, do you still want to leave?"

"How can you decide if I go or not?"

In the darkness, a bright light suddenly appeared in the air like a golden wall. A white-clothed man gradually condenses on it, looking like a heavenly man.

Accompanied by the man, there is also the tune of the heavenly waves of Nine Heavens, the sound is refreshing.

The man raised his hand and flicked it gently on the void, and a clear string of sound swayed, suppressing the sound. Quiet again in the darkness.

The man cast his gaze at Sundial, then went away.

Endless anger burst into his eyes, and his body trembled with anger, and roared, "Kagura! When I recover, it will be your death date."

Sundial was frightened and angry, and a mouthful of blood spewed out, and his breath fell sharply.

Then pinch with both hands, and constantly hit the air.

"Boom", the space in front was violently hit, and a tortoise claw came out. Under the shaking, a large space was shattered, and the whole body of the spiritual immortal turtle broke through the wall.

With a leap, Sundial landed on the back of the mysterious turtle, and disappeared into the void again.


Somewhere over the water, the sky was clear and blue, like a wash.

There is an unmanned desert island below, small in area, with deep pits everywhere, the ground is dark black rock, and there are trees as hard as iron.

It is filled with a strong smell of sulfur, which is a typical desert island in Tianhe.

Suddenly, there was a thunder in the sky.

Then, on the cloudless sky, a flash of thunder appeared and shot down on the island.


Lei Guang came fierce, like a sharp sword. But the power is not strong, it just blows up a big pit on the island.

The clamor dissipated, and two figures appeared near the deep pit, it was Yang Qingxuan and Midnight.

Yang Qingxuan grabbed it casually, and a disc with thunder patterns was spinning in the air, and a red glow was shot from it, and it fell on the ground. It was Allen covered in blood, dying.

Yang Qingxuan and Midnight looked at each other, then looked at Allen and said, "Are you okay?"

Alan opened his eyes slightly, and his azure blue eyes looked at the endless sky, and they met the radiance of the sun. They felt a little dazzling, then closed them slightly, and opened them again after a while.

Alan's eyes were calm, and he said lightly: "Unexpectedly, I will see this sky and this sun again in my lifetime."

Yang Qingxuan frowned slightly and said, "You take a break first, I think your situation is extremely bad."

Allen gave a wry smile, shook his head and said, "You got the inheritance of that adult and possessed the magical powers of piercing eyes. Wouldn't you not be able to see my state at the moment? Unless there are several magical medicines in the legend, I can't survive."

Yang Qingxuan sighed in his heart. He had carefully observed Alan's condition before, and all the meridians and acupoints in his body were destroyed, and even his heart was broken.

If it's just ordinary martial arts, using Dao Wen Dan can save it. But Alan was the realm king, and the medicinal power of Daowen Pill couldn't repair the almost immortal body.

Even Ziyuan's life and death are incomprehensible, but he doesn't have such a huge power.

Yang Qingxuan was silent. Although Allen wanted to kill him before, but now that he was going to die, there was still a faint sadness in his heart.

A generation of strong men went to the end in this way.

Yang Qingxuan suddenly stretched out his hand and pointed his fingertips. A little blood condensed between Alan's brows and shot up, landing on Yang Qingxuan's fingertips and sucking in.

Allen froze for a moment, then understood, and smiled bitterly: "Seventy-two changes, really terrifying magical powers, Lord Kong, immortal?"

Yang Qingxuan frowned and said, "What do you mean?"

Allen fell silent, and did not answer, but asked: "In today's era, is my fairy kun clan really... dead?"

Yang Qingxuan said, "Almost, but it's not dead."

A wave of despair surged in Allen's heart, but when he heard the second half of the sentence, there was a sudden expectation, and he trembled: "What do you mean?"

Yang Qingxuan raised his hand to pinch the tactics, the star ring flashed at his fingertips, and Nuoxi appeared.

Alan's heart was shocked, and he immediately felt the breath of the same clan, struggling to prop up his body, and eagerly said: "Quickly, come over and let me see!"

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