Heavenly God Mnemonic

Chapter 1579: Fairy Kun inheritance, the truth is blurred

Nuoxi walked forward with a complicated expression on his face, clasped his fist and said, "Master Allen."

Allen slightly used his divine sense, swept across Nuoxi's body, and said in surprise: "Okay, okay. It really is in the line of Immortal Kun, haha, God has eyes, my clan is immortal. And you have got Tyre's essence. Blood. No wonder you will find the burial mound. I can’t think of Tyre’s arrangement back then that actually worked, haha.”

Allen laughed wildly, coughing and bleeding.

A golden light flashed in Yang Qingxuan's eyes and found that Allen's condition had taken a turn for the worse. He immediately asked: "Master Allen, what happened to the Nine Heavens back then. What happened to the Qinglong Holy Spirit back then? I'm looking for Wu Jing, but there are clues. ?"

After Alan laughed wildly, he kept steady his emotions and said intermittently, "Thank you for bringing the descendants of the Xiankun clan to my side. He should be your star, right? Yes, not bad. Although the Xiankun clan is not weak To the Holy Spirit. But he is weak at the moment, and it’s good to rely on your protection. In return, I will tell you everything that year. But before that, I will pass on all the inheritance to him. You can Is there a pill to suppress injuries? The stronger the better."

Yang Qingxuan thought for a while, took out a Daowen Pill and handed it over.

There are a lot of pills on his body, but the only thing that can make the realm king have an effect is Dao Wen Dan.

Allen placed the pill in his palm and looked at it with a different color in his eyes, and then swallowed it in one mouthful.

Soon, a smile of joy flashed across his face, and he praised: "Yes, not bad. The power of this pill, there is a Dao pattern, it is really wonderful."

Alan pinched the tactics with both hands, digesting the power of Dao Wen Dan, and the Dao Wen Dan appeared on that blue skin, and his pale face began to be a little ruddy.

Allen suddenly opened his eyes, stared at Nosh, and said, "Are you ready?"

Nuoxi was taken aback, not knowing what to prepare, and nodded dumbly.

Allen smiled faintly, pinched with both hands, a pattern appeared on the fingertips, pressing on the center of Nuoxi's eyebrows.

A force of power dissipated from the pattern, and countless heavens and earth waters were born out of nothing, and they were born beside them, like waves.

Nosy shuddered and yelled "Ah", as if his mind was about to explode.

The powerful power and empowerment, as well as Allen's understanding of the magical powers of Taoism, are all poured into Nuoxi's body along with this water element.


Nuoxi couldn't bear the terrible power, and his body swelled, transforming into a real immortal Kun, struggling desperately.

But no matter how hard he tried, Alan's fingers were pressed against his brows, unable to break free.

Yang Qingxuan watched quietly, knowing that the inheritance of this kind of divine enlightenment was extremely harmful to Nuoxi's body. But obviously, Allen has no choice.

A little bit of time passed, and Nuoxi finally gave up the struggle, and his huge body was lying on the ground, and he could only bear his fate without resistance.

In Nosh's mind, countless aurora and runes flashed and disillusioned, as if after a moment, it seemed as if a thousand years had passed.

After a long time, Nuoxi slowly opened his eyes, and his whole body was unspeakably painful. Xian Kunzhen's body was covered with complicated runes, and under the flickering and disillusionment, he merged into his body little by little.

"The future of my Immortal Kun clan is left to you. Until this moment, I still don't know your name."

Allen in front of him, his hair was instantly white, and his appearance was aging.

Nuoxi was taken aback, and hurriedly struggled to put away his real body, transformed into a human form, knelt down at Alan, and kowtowed: "My name is Nuoxi."

"Nosh. Okay, okay, I wrote it down..."

Allen nodded, turned his right hand, turned out a silver pot, pushed it forward, and sank into Nosh.

"That's it." Allen smiled softly, his tone a little relieved.

As if the burden of carrying countless years was suddenly out of his control, the sea-blue eyes began to loosen up a little.

Yang Qingxuan said anxiously: "Master Ellen, things about the heavenly capital!"

Allen's eyes trembled slightly, and the last bit of strength was summoned, and said slowly: "Cause and effect gather, gather together, change the road, gain eternal life..."

After finishing speaking, his eyes are closed forever, and the breath of a peerless power finally disperses between heaven and earth.

Yang Qingxuan stayed there, ran over 10,000 alpacas in his heart, and an urge to rush to the whip-corpse surged, and said angrily: "This liar didn't say anything, and deceived me a Daowen Dan!"

Midnight comforted him: "At least passing it on to Nuoxi, it can be considered as an improvement in our strength."

Nosh hurriedly nodded and said: "Yes, Sister Midnight is right. Holy Lord, don't be angry. Lord Allen didn't mean to say it, but really has no strength."

He was really afraid that Yang Qingxuan would explode Alan's body in a rage.

At this moment, a gust of wind blew over, and Allen's body turned into dust a little bit, and when it was blown by the wind, it scattered in the air and floated into the distance.

Yang Qingxuan was speechless for a while.

During the trip to Xiankun, he originally thought that he could dig out the truth about the Jiuzhongtiandu and find out the whereabouts of Wujing. Who knows, it's still empty. A veil is added to the originally plain and blurred event.

Yang Qingxuan sighed: "Let's go back to Hanlan Island first. Logan should be innocent under the protection of the two realm kings. But Sundial is not dead. There is a tricky person in the whole thing, which is really a headache."

At the moment, he sacrificed a small Wanlei magneto-optical disk, took Midnight and Nosh, and fleeed towards Hanlan Island.


A few days later, in a luxurious room.

The walls on all sides are hollowed out, but they are blessed by formations, and a star-like barrier shines through the gaps.

In the center of the room, a huge animal tripod was placed, in which purple smoke curled up, and the faint and cold fragrance made people feel calm.

"Unexpectedly, the land of Immortal Kun would appear at this time. That Immortal Kun can be regarded as one of the overlords of the ancient times, and the final annihilation is mostly related to that incident. What gains did my cousin discover during this trip?"

In front of a sea-blue jade table, Adair poured and drank some wine, and asked blankly.

On the other side, Logan sighed: "I have reported all the experience of this trip to my cousin. I almost lost my life. How can I find out."

Adair said, "Is the cousin guessing the mysterious human race in the back wearing a golden silk moiré gown?"

Logan shook his head and said, "I have lived in Tianhe for many years, and I don't know anything about the human race. How can I recognize such mysterious people."

Adair drank a few glasses of wine, then put down the glass, and said, "It looks like I haven't got any information about my cousin."

Logan sighed: "Not really."

Adair smiled slightly and said: "Cousin don't need to sigh, all of this will come to an end. And I believe that cousin will see it with his own eyes."

Logan frowned slightly, not knowing why.

Adair said again: "I suffered a little setback on Infinity Island this time, and want to ask my cousin to do me a favor."

//No more today. When I was eating tonight, I started to feel dizzy again, and I was in a cold sweat. A table of people looked at me pale and frightened, and I was a little scared myself. The update is still down to the third shift. Start to nurse the body. Sorry to everyone.

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