Heavenly God Mnemonic

Chapter 1581: Seriously injured and fled, the situation is complicated

"Ah! Damn it! Yang Qingxuan, I swear not to be a man if I don't kill you!"

Adair yelled in horror, and the power of that halberd had already arrived.

On Adair's neck, there was a wicked image of Shura sitting cross-legged and holding hands high, suddenly lit up, spreading out a circle of **** enchantment.


Yang Qingxuan's halberd was placed on the barrier and pierced in at once.


The image of Evil Asura exploded in front of Adair, and the halberd light shuttled up and hit Adair's right eye.

A little blood was shot from the right eye first, and then there was a "bang", which completely exploded.

Although the evil image of Shura did not completely block the blow, it bought Adair for time and leaned back.

Jiguang suddenly changed its direction, and after piercing his right eye, it exploded from Adair's right head, avoiding the entire right brain from being chopped.


But even so, Adair was still desperate, and his entire head was cut to the left and right. It was a sharp triangle at the moment, very ridiculous and terrifying, and a large brain burst out.

Logan was ecstatic, and Adair was afraid that he would not survive. As long as Adair dies, not only the Amo can break free from the control of the Shura clan, but also can fight back and bring the Shura clan under control.

"His Royal Highness Prince!"

A frightened roar sounded outside the house, and with a "bang", the entire roof was lifted off, and a terrifying power of the world king came.

It was Kori, the second elder of the Shura clan. Having been guarding outside the house, when he first heard the sound of fighting, he thought it was Logan who was dying, so he didn't care, until Adair screamed and the words "Yang Qingxuan", he suddenly took a cold breath and rushed in.

Kori drew a circle with his hands in front of him, and immediately a realm king's might volleyed down into the air, turning into a hand.

Before the palms fell, the entire luxurious room was instantly crushed into powder.

Yang Qingxuan and Logan felt fatal danger at the same time.

Without saying anything, Yang Qingxuan offered the Wuji Apricot and Yellow Banner to cover himself and Logan.

"This is the territory of the Amo tribe on Hanlan Island, Hugh is rampant!"

Another frightened roar sounded, and the ground cracked directly, and a terrifying coercion went from the bottom up.

The great elder of the Amo tribe, Jibber and the second elder, Layle, had already been in ambush below, and they all rushed out at this moment, each pinched their tactics and held their hands, and blasted towards Kori.

Kou Li was shocked. Under the attack of the two realm kings, he dared not continue to attack, but retracted his palm, changed his trajectory, and blasted at them.


The terrifying blow of the three realm kings collided in one place, and that point suddenly violently twisted, as if the whole world was twisted into a whirlpool.

After reaching a critical value, it crashed. A huge black hole appeared between the sky and the earth, and the violent energy crazily destroyed everything, and the place that passed by was directly shattered.

In the midst of the sky shattering, Logan's silver pupils flashed, and when he saw Kori's figure flashing down in the distance, he disappeared. He was immediately frightened and said: "Chasing! Chasing! Must kill Adair!"

Logan was anxious, and if Adair escaped, the consequences would be disastrous.

Jibb and Ryle swiftly chased after them.

Yang Qingxuan restrained the Wuji apricot and yellow flag and fiery eyes, and said, "I'm afraid I won't catch up."

A four-star realm king wants to escape, and it is impossible to catch up with a four-star realm king alone.

Logan was a little scared and said, "Nayadale...is dead?"

Yang Qingxuan groaned: "It's hard to say. Although he was hit hard, the two moves were just passing by. If he didn't die on the spot, the Asura clan might still have a way to save him."

Logan's face turned pale, like an eggplant smashed by Frost. He trembled with fear, and tremblingly muttered to himself: "What to do, what to do now..."

Yang Qingxuan didn't care, frowned lightly, and said, "What should I do? I will kill him next time. The first time I met me, I lost an eye and half of my head. The second time I met me, he was killed again. I lost the other eye and the other half of my head. Next time, I should lose the whole head."

Logan trembled, and his whole body was cold inexplicably. He suddenly woke up. The terrifying degree of the person in front of him was far above Adair.

It's just that Adair has been operating for many years, and Vaillant has shaken Tianhe far.

Logan had been under Adair's lewdness and didn't dare to resist half a point.

Seeing that Adair was not dead at this moment, the first reaction was that he was finished, and he was shocked. But Yang Qingxuan's words made him suddenly wake up. Adair was hit hard by this person twice, and now Adair should be the one who should be frightened, not himself.

Thinking of this, Logan suddenly calmed down a bit, and hurriedly asked, "Brother Qingxuan, what should I do now?"

After the two returned from the land of immortal kun, they began to deal with Adair and open the nine heavenly capital together.

Until Adair suddenly landed on Hanlan Island, he asked Logan for something. After Yang Qingxuan thought about it, he felt that there was a scam, so he placed his back. At the same time, a burst of red thunder was deposited in the silver pupil of Logan's left eye, just in case. Unexpectedly, Yang Qingxuan was really counted.

When Logan wanted to come, he was afraid for a while, and his back was chilly, all in cold sweat.

If it weren't for Yang Qingxuan's arrangement, I am afraid that his left eye would no longer exist.

Yang Qingxuan said: "Just prepare for the Tiandu affairs with peace of mind. The key is in my hands, and we have the initiative of the entire Tiandu. If Adair wants to dominate Tianhe, he dare not rashly break with the Amo. Even if he wants to break. , It must wait until after the capital. So you don’t have to worry. And I just thought of one thing, Adair’s situation at this moment may be worse than we thought."

Logan stunned: "Brother Xuan, why do you say this?"

Yang Qingxuan rolled up his sleeves, revealing the blood sacrifice erythema, as eye-catching as cinnabar.

Logan is an intelligent person. He immediately understood the erythema. He was surprised and delighted, and said, "Could it be...could it be..."

Yang Qingxuan nodded and said: "This Master Hanguang does not seem to be a good thing. He can track my whereabouts at any time, and he must know that I am on Hanlan Island. With the matter of Immortal Kun, Hanguang should know me. I have contacted you. But I did not remind Adair."

Logan was overjoyed: "In other words, the power around Adair is not as neat as we saw."

Yang Qingxuan said: "Adair only has the power to see the true realm. It is very difficult to frighten many realm kings and unify Tianhe. If we do not show up, give him another ten years, maybe he can really do it. Now, it’s not enough to see the truth."

After Yang Qingxuan finished speaking, there was an inexplicable ripple across his eyes, and a little mood swing appeared.

He immediately thought of his relationship with the Zhengxing League.

Although the Zhengxing League is dominated by Juntian Purple Mansion and Xuanxiao Jiangque, both forces are supporting themselves. But without the power of the realm king, it would be difficult to deter the heroes and truly unite the hearts of all.

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