Heavenly God Mnemonic

Chapter 1582: Crystal dust barrier

While Yang Qingxuan was thinking about it, a sudden ray of light shot from a distance, and fell in front of the two of them. It was Arnold who bowed down and said: "Prince, Master Qingxuan, the crystal dust barrier has appeared!"

Both Yang Qingxuan and Logan's expressions changed.

Logan was surprised and delighted, and said, "Really?"

Anuo nodded and said: "The news from the Asura clan has begun to appear crystal dust, and even crystal walls have melted out."

Logan looked at Yang Qingxuan, and said: "Brother Qingxuan." He intended to ask for his views and opinions.

Yang Qingxuan said: "How long does it take from the appearance of crystal dust to the opening of the passage?"

Logan said, "The length varies, but it does not go out for three months. Just after Adair escaped, the crystal dust barrier appeared. It seems that God really helped me. Adair not only didn't have time to deal with us, I was afraid that it would be even the nine heavens. There is no time to deal with it. Hahahaha."

Logan was in a good mood.

Arnold said: "There is still news from the Shura clan that the Shura auction is about to open, but the supply of keys will be greatly reduced this time. Not only will the price rise tenfold, but the supply will also be reduced by more than half. Mainly allocated to It belongs to the Shura race. But the supply of my Amos will not decrease."

Logan's face changed slightly and said, "You immediately contact the Shura people and take all our supplies!"

Adair had just been defeated, and the incident had not yet spread. Once Adair slows down, or the news spreads like wildfire, then the two clans are likely to break. The Shura will naturally not provide the key.

Arnold immediately said: "Yes!" He turned into a escape.

Logan looked at the figure of Arnold in the distance, then looked back and asked: "Brother Qingxuan, what shall we do now?"

Logan has always been a wise and intelligent person, and he is extremely wise and extremely rare among the Tianhe hundreds. Just being held down by Adair, and at this moment completely subdued by Yang Qingxuan's intellect, it became a question to Yang Qingxuan. Even "Brother Qingxuan, what shall we do now" has become a catch phrase.

Yang Qingxuan pondered: "The supply of keys should have been decided early in the morning. Adair thought he could get the real keys. So he didn't want other races to get a share of the pie."

Logan snorted coldly: "In fact, Adair has always been reluctant to share the soup with other races. It's just that Nine Heavens involves immortal jade, and the benefits are huge. If it is monopolized, even the Asura clan will have to bear other big The anger of the strong race flows. So Adair has not dared to go too far. This reduction in the supply of keys is afraid that it will cause dissatisfaction among the major races, hum, maybe it will cause trouble. Adair's goal is to unify Tianhe, but at least for now, he doesn't have the strength to unify Tianhe."

Yang Qingxuan said suddenly: "In that case, we can do something from the key."

Logan was stunned: "The key? How do you make an article?"

Yang Qingxuan said: "We made a large number of keys, sold them, and took the opportunity to make a fortune."

Logan smiled bitterly and said: "Brother Qingxuan's idea is really...In fact, I've thought about it a long time ago. It's just that the key can't be made with the strength of my Amos."

Yang Qingxuan smiled faintly and said, "I just can't do it."

Logan was taken aback, then his face changed drastically, and he was surprised: "Brother Qingxuan means..." Logan slapped his head and exclaimed, "Oh, I understand! Brother Qingxuan is really clever."

Yang Qingxuan nodded and said: "What happened in the Crystal Dust Barrier will soon be heard by Adair. Arnold went to get the keys, fearing that he would have to close the door. While selling a large number of fake keys, we secretly collected the Shura clan and released them. The real key came out. As there are more keys in the world, the Shura clan can’t figure out who the key is given. Secondly, and most importantly, the fake key can’t enter the sky. Then this anger will naturally burn to the sky. The Asura tribe. This makes the Asura tribe a target of public criticism. In this way, the Asura tribe will be overwhelmed by themselves, and Adair will not have time to settle the account with you."

Logan was overjoyed and said: "Yes! So that we have enough time to prepare."

"Prepare?" Yang Qingxuan smiled indifferently, and said, "No need to prepare. After the capital, the hundred clans are angry, you only have to announce that you are separated from the Shura clan, and then raise the banner to defeat the Shura clan, seize the opportunity and turn passive to active Even if the Shura clan cannot be defeated, at least it can form a confrontation and block Adair's plan to unify Tianhe."

Logan was surprised and delighted when he heard it. Under his ecstasy, he felt more and more that the person in front of him was terrible, his careful thoughts and far-reaching plans were really chilling in his heart. Fortunately, this person is an ally, if one day becomes an enemy...

Logan gasped secretly. He didn't even dare to think about this situation.

Yang Qingxuan's eyes flashed, and said, "I have to prepare too."

After speaking, he walked to the practice secret room where he lived.

Logan hurriedly clasped his fists and said, "Brother Qingxuan has worked hard."

After Yang Qingxuan left, Logan's thoughts flew, and immediately thought of a series of arrangements, he couldn't help showing a smirk, and turned around likewise.


Yang Qingxuan assisted Logan with all his strength, not just for the friendship of the alliance, but also considering the situation in the human world.

The turmoil of the human race is precisely the time when the general situation is unknown.

At this time, another Shura clan who has unified Tianhe is inserted in, and it will add variables to the future world.

What's more, this Shura clan is still his enemy.

Therefore, under Yang Qingxuan's strategic considerations, Logan must be supported to form a force against Adair.

Makes the Asuras unable to unify Tianhe. Let the hundreds of people chaos in Tianhe by themselves. So I have time to clean up the law.

After the Terran world is stable, it will be easy to come and judge the Tianhe matter.

And the most urgent task now is to find out the martial arts, let his martial arts road unimpeded, and rush into the realm king as soon as possible.

Yang Qingxuan calculated the overall situation, with firm eyesight, returning to the place of cultivation.

Beneath a mountain peak, it is on the island of Hanlan, where the most aura of the spiritual eye is, and only Logan and Jiber can use it at ordinary times. In the past few days, Logan and Gilber have also moved out and used them exclusively by Yang Qingxuan.


Yang Qingxuan came to the foot of the mountain, looking at the opposite side of the spiritual spring at the bottom of the mountain through the rich spiritual energy, a giant elephant walked slowly.

The giant elephant is white and jade-colored, with six huge elephant teeth, and a thin figure sits on top of it, wearing a purple star double-moon robe with a smile on his face.

Yang Qingxuan's eyes condensed, staring at the man, and said, "Master Hanguang."

The old man on the white elephant chuckled, clasped his fist and said: "I have seen the Qinglong Holy Spirit, the leader of the Zhengxing League, the twelfth generation of the emperor, and the master of Qingxuan."

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