Heavenly God Mnemonic

Chapter 1770: Dadao Miyin, a new generation of demon emperor

The huge Niu Ying lifted the mixed iron rod again, and slapped Mrs. Bone.

Niu Ying continued to become substantial in the void, a pair of cold eyes illuminating the void, it was the powerful Demon Bull King who had disappeared after the Battle of the Star Palace.

This stick directly covers the whole world.

All sentient beings in the void are covered by this stick shadow.

There is nowhere to escape.

Yang Qingxuan and the others were all horrified, standing there in horror, not daring to move, as if they would be beaten to pieces by this cudgel as long as they moved.

Mrs. Bones paled with fright, and the complexion of her whole body degraded, revealing her transparent body.

The colored glaze is like bones, every meridian and bones are clearly manifested.

Inside Madam Bone's chest, Ji Diyu burst out a powerful brilliance, and the gold quickly filled Madam Bone's body.

Numerous Talisman Diploma were born, illusion and flashing on Yuhun, and gurgling like flowing water, turning into golden brooks, gathered in the palm of Mrs. Bone's right hand.

Mrs. Bone no longer cared about hiding her real body, her whole body was shaking constantly under the coercion of that huge stick figure.

A simple gilt "ji" character appeared in the palm of the hand.

Everyone was shocked, everyone who was able to live to the present, the realm king, would naturally recognize the word "ji" and know what the jade in Madame Bone's body means!

The spirit king and the four guardians were even more pale, excited and unable to hold on to themselves.

But under the power of Gun Ying and Ji Diyu, no one dared to speak.

It is like the great power descending into the void, suppressing all sentient beings.

The black pupils of the Great Demon Cow shrank, and the iron mixing rod stirred in the air, speeding down.


Everyone only felt that the eardrum was about to rupture, bleeding from seven holes, and there was tearing pain all over.

Countless characters Jinmang, accompanied by the void, are constantly being shattered under the power of the iron mixing rod.

Mrs. Bone screamed and slapped her right palm.


The iron mixing rod froze in the air, completely blocked by the power of Karma Di Jade.

A large piece of golden light was born from nothingness and turned into layers of illusion, wrapped in a mixing rod.

Yang Qingxuan's whole body was shocked, and the golden light of that set of characters enveloped infinite time and space, evolving the road.

The two karma jade in the body felt that they could no longer be suppressed, and they all came out, turning into golden dragons, hovering in the air, and then turning into the words "Mie" and "Tao".

Suddenly, in the void, the radiance was released, traveling through countless dharma realms, voids, and sentient beings, reaching the origin of all things, the real way.

"Hey! This is...!"

Everyone in the void fell silent, looking at the three gilded characters in disbelief as they appeared on the void.

The blows of the Great Demon Bull King and Madame Bone, the magnificent power that was born, were all resolved by these three characters and returned to nothingness.

Since the beginning, all sentient beings, from greed, anger, ignorance and other troubles, accumulate good and evil karma, and inspire the suffering of life and death in the Three Realms, it is "collection".

There is an inexplicable torrent in everyone’s heart, as if infinite power is poured into the body. At the spiritual platform and the sea, there is an ancient sound, "I and you have no wisdom in the past. I can’t see the four truths truthfully. The reason is flowing, and the life and death is long. , No great pain."

"Dadao Miyin!"

The hearts of everyone trembled, and each one was too excited to hold on.

The so-called Dadao Miyin is the method, sound, and image of the Da Dao, which is accepted by sentient beings.

The sound that appeared in my heart just now was not in any human words, but a direct evolution of the avenue, which shook my heart.

Even the Great Demon Bull King and Mrs. White Bone were shocked, falling into the miracle of the great road manifestation, and unable to return to their senses for a long time.

All dharmas are empty, and cause and effect are not empty.

If you can see the Four Truths, you can cut life and death.

"Mie" and "Dao" are two causal words, disillusioned into a gilt dragon, falling straight down, and returning to Yang Qingxuan's body.

The power of cause and effect dissipated in the entire void.

Time and space resumed circulation again.

Everyone recovered from the shock that blended with the avenue.


The word "ji" was gilded, and finally couldn't stop the mixed iron rod and was smashed to pieces.


Madam White Bone was trembling all over, her eyes, ears, nose, tongue and body all overflowed with blood, and her face was painful.

Originally with her strength, even if she lost to the Great Demon Bull King, she could at least be invincible by virtue of the Jade Seal.

But before being defeated by Yuehun and Wuque's two strokes of the Heavenly God Technique, it directly injured the true essence of the body, and the strength was ten to seven or eight. How could it be able to withstand the full blow of the powerful Demon Bull King.

As the stick shadow manifested on the endless void, Madame Bone's body shattered little by little, and her eyes were full of blood, unwillingness, anger, and roar.

At this moment, the entire body of the Great Demon King appeared in the void.

His skin is dark, his eyes are like copper bells, his face is heavy with a nose ring, his figure is like a huge mountain, his arms are bulging, and he holds a heavy iron rod in one hand.

Dali Demon Bull King was full of suffocation, and the iron mixing rod waved again with a "boom", and along with the void exploding, Madame Bone's body finally exploded and turned into countless crystals, like snowflakes floating away.

Each crystal contains the terrifying gas of Profound Yin, and golden runes dot it, suppressing the gas of Profound Yin.

Everyone in the void opened their eyes wide in horror.

Even the great demons, the Taixu ancient demons that seem to be true and imaginary, all shot in their eyes-strange brilliance.

The Nine-Star Realm King, has reached the pinnacle powerhouse under the sky.

There was also Karma Ji Diyu who was directly beaten to death by these two sticks.

For all realm kings, this is a huge touch.

Madame Bone can't hold two sticks, how many sticks can they carry?

Yang Qingxuan, Shi Yan, and others all trembled.

At the time of the Star Palace battle, the Great Demon Bull King arrived at the Shifang Star Platform with only one projection, and could contend ruthlessly with the sky.

At this moment, all real bodies are manifested.

It was also the first time Yang Qingxuan saw the real body of the Dali Demon King. That towering body seemed to fill the entire void, omnipresent.

"I have seen Master Demon Emperor!"

Jin Ou and other demon kings were all overjoyed, and hurriedly see the next.

"Demon Emperor!"

"No wonder the monster clan is unified within!"

"It is actually the demon emperor of this generation who entrusted the Great Demon Bull King!"

The demons were all shocked.

What kind of character is the Great Demon Bull King? He competed with the eternal sky for the existence of the Demon Emperor, just like a myth.

Now that these characters are back on the earth to dominate the monster race, who can fight for the battle? !

Yang Qingxuan and others also had extremely ugly faces.

Two sticks beat Madame Bones to death. With such supernatural powers, who is the enemy in the world today?

After the death of Mrs. Bone, the "Ji" Jade suspended in the void suddenly turned into a streamer and flew towards Yang Qingxuanji.

The direct streamer flashed, submerged in Yang Qingxuan's body.

Hundreds of eyes from the void, all fell on Yang Qingxuan, staring at him to death.

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