Heavenly God Mnemonic

Chapter 1771: plead

Sweat dripped from Yang Qingxuan's temples, and everyone stared at him, like a light on his back.

Now the three jade pieces of cause and effect and the four truths are on him, and they are obvious to all.

Especially the people of the monster race, like a tiger and wolf, stared at him.

Yang Qingxuan forcibly laughed, clasped his fist and said, "Congratulations to Dali Demon Niu Wang for getting out of Xingyuan and becoming a demon emperor."

Dali Demon Bull King stared at him twice, and said, "You have also stepped into the realm king."

Yang Qingxuan was like falling into an ice cave, as if he was seen through by the bull's eye inside and out.

Under my eyes, I was sweating.

Yang Qingxuan was about to greet and polite a few times, but the result of the next sentence from the Great Demon King made his heart beat wildly.

"That Mrs. White Bone has cultivated the second soul, attached to Jizhen Jade, right?"

Yang Qingxuan was sweating coldly and said: "This is based on the cultivation of the next, and it is not clear."

Dali Demon Bull King sneered, "I have done everything to eliminate evil. Since this seat has already taken action, she can't stay. Otherwise, with the power of her Nine-Star Realm King, she will recover sooner or later so as not to leave disaster. Yang Qingxuan, hand over Mrs. White Bone, let me completely Get rid of it."

In Yang Qingxuan's body, three pieces of Causal Truth Jade suspended in the dantian, colliding with each other lightly, emitting a faint brilliance.

Among them, "Ji" on the jade, transformed into the shadow of Madame Bone. It was the second soul who was transformed by Xuanyinzhu when he broke through the nine-star realm king that day. He kneeled on the jade and begged, "Qingxuan save I. Don’t hand me over, otherwise the ten thousand years of cultivation will be ruined. I am the spirit transformed by Yuhun and Diyu. If I die, I won’t even have the chance to reincarnate. I am willing to take Fengyuezhi Put the book in both hands, please save me."

Mrs. Bai Bone knelt down on the Jade Jade, holding the Book of Fengyue above her head with both hands, and bowed down.

Yang Qingxuan's heart is bitter, how to save this secretly?

Thinking of the time when the Xuanyin Pearl was transformed into a jade-like body, he couldn't help but sigh in his heart. He immediately hugged his fist to the Dali Demon Bull King, "Dali Devil Bull King, you must forgive others and forgive others. Bones. The wife has already ruined her body, and she wants to return to the Nine-Star Realm King again. She is afraid that it will be impossible without tens of thousands of years of cultivation. It will no longer pose a threat to the adults, and hope that the adults will spare her life."

The Great Demon Bull King stared at Yang Qingxuan and snorted coldly: "The dead are the most reliable. I don't want to leave a disaster because of your words. Yang Qingxuan, you and I have a stand, and I hope you can cooperate with me. Lest they hurt each other's peace."

The people of the demons were shocked, showing incomprehensibility.

Such a terrifying existence, actually telling Yang Qingxuan so much truth, this is absolutely impossible in the demons.

After all, a single thought could wipe out Yang Qingxuan.

Yang Qingxuan's eyes were faintly cold, and said: "I wonder if Lord Demon Niu remembers that there is an agreement with me?"

Dali Demon King angrily shouted: "Yang Qingxuan, do you want to threaten me?! I have fulfilled the contract for that matter, and you have not done what you promised me. Do you want to break the contract?!"

Yang Qingxuan shook his head and said, "Master Demon Niu has misunderstood, and there is no breach of contract. When the four Karma Jade is completed, it will be my contract. I just want to say that things in the world are not so absolute, and Mrs. Bone’s life is for the time being. Stay with me. Just treat it as if I owe a favor to the Demon Bull. If I don’t have this favor in the future, I will give you the life of Mrs. Bone. How does Lord Demon Bull feel?"

Dali Demon Bull King coldly snorted: "A terrible idea! Except for that, what power and qualification do you have to talk about human relations with me? If I hadn't taken the initiative to kill Mrs. Bone, you wouldn't even be able to gather truth jade. Maybe."

Yang Qingxuan looked solemn, and said: "The demon clan came back, and the demon clan came back, the river of Forgotten River was cut off again, and the Yin and Yang were out of balance for the entire 33 days. As a new generation of demon emperor, and I am also the leader of the Zhengxing alliance, I will come into contact in the future. There should be many opportunities for cooperation. The adults are so sure, do I not have the bargaining chips needed by the adults?"

The Great Demon King sneered: "Since I know that my race is coming back, most of it will be the enemy in the future. The bargaining chip is the whole human race's colorful world, will you let it out?"

A cold light burst into Yang Qingxuan's eyes and said: "Naturally refused. But I think the top priority now should be to deal with the disorder of Yin and Yang, and the imbalance of potential energy. What is the point if it is not even for the demons and demons to gain the world? "

The Great Demon Cow sneered and said: "What is the meaning is not something you have to worry about. Since the birth of the Sky Star Territory, how many times have the plane changed. The imbalance of Yin and Yang is not only now. Such a huge change is also an indication of the human age. The end of the time, the era of my monster race's return to the earth begins, hahahaha!"

Yang Qingxuan frowned and hummed: "Unreasonable! If Lord Demon Bull thinks that we will be enemies, then Madam White Bone, I have no reason to give it up. I promised you before, as long as I can do it, naturally. Will do it. Then we will handle things from the enemy's standpoint."

Dali Demon King angrily said: "You think I dare not kill you, so I feel confident?!"

Yang Qingxuan said simply and neatly: "Yes, that's what I think."

The Great Demon Bull was furious, roared, and the huge pressure shook, and everyone present was terrified.

Jin Ou clasped his fist and said, "Master Demon Emperor, this human race is cunning and changeable, and it is really untrustworthy. Moreover, this person has the seventy-two changes of the gods of the sky, and the book of wind and moon obtained by Mrs. Bone just now should have been caught by him in the jade. The income cannot be released. Even if you want to release it, you must take out the two Celestial Art and three Causal Truth Jade."

Mochen also said: "I have heard about the Lord Demon Emperor. At this moment, the three pieces of Causal True Jade are on this person. With the power of an adult, holding three pieces of True Jade in his hand, he will get the fourth piece in the future, and then turn it around. Causality, life and death are not a problem. Why should you be controlled by others."

The other kings of the demon clan also said in unison: "I also hope that the demon emperor is cautious, this person must not let it go!"

The mood of the Dali Demon Cow was fluctuating severely, and the blue veins violent in his hand holding the mixed iron rod, his face full of horror.

The entire void contracted regularly with his exhales and breaths.

"Oh, I'm a step late, so such a big incident happened."

A cold voice came, and a golden flash suddenly appeared between the sky and the earth, stretching out like a huge scroll.

"That is……!"

Everyone in the void changed their expressions.

It is actually the power of the double ranking of heaven and earth, projecting the distant time and space.

Yang Qingxuan was inexplicably overjoyed, and was anxious about how to find Xuan Tianji, using the double ranking of heaven and earth to stabilize the potential energy of the star field.

Sure enough, as soon as the star field potential energy happened, the owner of the double list immediately sensed it.

In the center of that huge scroll, a figure of Yushu facing the wind slowly appeared, shaking between the real and the virtual.

Xuantian's body wore a black robe with handsome facial features, and smiled indifferently: "Demon Bull King, do you still have leisure to play here? Forget the river to dry up, and the water level of the Tianhe River is out of balance. I'm afraid that something will be born."

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