Heavenly God Mnemonic

Chapter 1800: Battle of the Pinnacles (2): Liangyi Dust Array

The City Lord's Mansion of Asuka City became the temporary headquarters of the Zhengxing League.

Seeing Bie Lianchi's worried look, Yang Qingxuan suddenly smiled and told him to leave with all his family members and the masters of Asuka City.

Don't even feel relieved, thank you Dade.

In a corner of the city lord’s mansion, don’t pity the cloud hidden in the flowers and leaves, quietly watching the black robe man, walking into the mansion surrounded by a group of powerful men, with a lonely look on his face and a sigh , Then turned and left.

Not long after, people from other families and the high-levels of Asuka City hurriedly fled the city with their families.

They neither want to offend the Star Alliance, nor the Star Palace.

In fact, in the final stage of the confrontation between the two sides, the existence of neutral forces is no longer allowed. Both the Star Alliance and the Star Palace are making ultimatums to the major forces, either falling to themselves or choosing to destroy them.

Flying Bird City is in the Central Capital, in fact, it belongs to the power of Star Palace, but after Star Palace entered an extremely defensive state, it did not include Flying Bird City, which made Belianchi flustered for a long time, but Yang Qingxuan didn't care about it.

In a short while, the entire Asuka City was mostly empty.

Shi Yan and others kept appearing outside Huailing City, testing the power of that formation formation.

Most of the strong people in Huailing City gathered at the top of the city, staring nervously at the actions of Shi Yan and others, and from time to time opened the attacking array, tentatively releasing large attacks, which caused some trouble to Shi Yan and others.

"Huh, a group of Xiaoxiao, get out!"

Outside the formation barrier, the void flickered, and a cold snort came from within, and then an old man in a golden robe appeared out of thin air, with a golden light in his hands, turned into a sharp circle, and covered the Zhengxing League and others.

"High-level Realm King!"

Shi Yan was taken aback. The old man in front of him was very unfamiliar, but the aura on his body was extremely powerful, yet erratic. He was obviously a high-ranking realm king, who should have come from Xingyuan.

Immediately his left hand drew a circle in front of him, and his right palm pushed out.

A vast water element condensed in the air, and soon turned into a stormy sea, engulfing all the golden apertures.

"Boom! Boom!"

The golden halo exploded one by one in the water waves, and the terrifying force tore through the sky and the earth, pushing it in all directions.

The barrier of Huailing City shook violently, blocking the aftermath.

"Huh, the master of Juntian Purple Mansion? As expected, there are two things."

The old man in the golden robe held his hands behind him, staring coldly at the front, and sneered: "Where is Yang Qingxuan, why didn't he come to die?"

Shi Yan narrowed his eyes and said coldly: "Who are you? Humph, the leader is naturally in the rear to take control of the overall situation. Is there any time to meet you like this?"

"Hello? Hahahaha."

The old man in the golden robe laughed in anger, and hummed heavily: "Since the old man stepped into the realm king, you are the first to call me. Remember my name: good view. The old man is waiting in Huailing City. I want to see how Yang Qingxuan and you can clean up me. Hahahaha."

Shan Jian laughed a few times, and disappeared in the same place as soon as the figure shook.

After that, he appeared directly on the top of the city, turned and looked at Shi Yan, with a joking and provocative face.

Shi Yan frowned and said to everyone, "Go back."


Asuka City Lord's Mansion.

Inside the hall, there was silence, listening to Shi Yan's report on the investigation of Huailing City.

"The transformation of the dust from the two instruments into the big array of eight trigrams is the source of the ten thousand arrays between heaven and earth. Dao is transformed into one, the yin and yang are transformed into one, the four phenomena are transformed, the gossip is transformed, and all things are derived. It’s really hard to break through evolution."

Shi Yan shook his head and sighed, showing embarrassment.

A cold light flashed in Wu Xian’s eyes, and said, “If this is the case, then you don’t have to think about how to break the formation. You can directly attack and break the formation with force. Gather the power of you, let alone a big formation of Liangyi dust and gossip. It's this middu plane, you can directly penetrate it!"

Shi Yan said: "Penetrate the plane, but the eight cities are not broken, which can only cause us inconvenience."

Wu Xian said, "What should I do?"

Shi Yan shook his head and said, "I have no choice but to ask the leader to decide. The defender of Huailing City is a high-level realm king from Xingyuan, named Shanjian. The strength is at the peak of the seven stars to the eight stars. The initial look is very tricky."

When everyone heard about the high-ranking realm king, their expressions changed, and they all looked at Yang Qingxuan, wanting to hear his opinion.

Yang Qingxuan sat on the head, pondering, as if he hadn't heard Shi Yan's report.

Shi Yan frowned slightly and looked at Wu Xian, not understanding what Yang Qingxuan meant. But sitting there without saying a word, waiting quietly.

Soon, Yang Qingxuan suddenly smiled and said, "Here."

With a flash of golden eyes in his eyes, he looked out of the hall.

I saw a black robe man, leading a group of strong men from outside the hall.

The man was smiling, his black robe was embroidered with golden silk moire, and there was an unhealthy wind on his body.

"Zhang San!"

Everyone in the hall was surprised, and immediately overjoyed.

Zhang Sannai was the master of the world formation Dao, the island owner of Jinbie Island, but Yang Qingxuan had unexpectedly invited him.

Yang Qingxuan smiled and said, "I stayed in Bird City for three days just to wait for Zhang San. It really came as expected and didn't disappoint me."

Zhang Sanxi smiled and said: "I heard that the dust of Liangyi turned to gossip, I am also very curious, and itchy. Otherwise, living in Jinbie Island is free and unrestrained. I don't want to come here. water."

Yang Qingxuan smiled and said: "My lord's remark is wrong. On the day of Gu Yao's battle, the people of the star palace must die to the adults. The adults and the star palace have an endless relationship. If this battle is won by the star palace, Golden Turtle The island will be eradicated sooner or later."

Zhang Sanbai glanced at it and said, "Really? Why did I forget this?"

A group of people behind them were men and women, all in strange costumes, and wearing various magical instruments. It is the high-level of Jinbie Island, mainly the lord of the ten palaces, and the elders and so on.

Shi Yan and the others were all ecstatic in their hearts. The lineup brought by Zhang San almost invested all the senior leaders of Jinbie Island. It can be seen that Zhang San also made up his mind to fight Xinggong to the death. What I just said was nothing but That's joking.

Yang Qingxuan said, "Master Shiyan, please tell me the details of the eight cities again."

Zhang Sandao: "No, I can go and see it myself. Yang Qingxuan, if you are interested, you can come together."

After speaking, with a faint smile, he led the disciples of Jinbie Island and left the temple.

Yang Qingxuan said hurriedly: "Let's keep up."

Half an hour later, the strongest of the entire Flying Bird City, with thousands of mighty people, appeared about five hundred miles outside Huailing City.

The people who lost to the aristocratic family built a temporary teleportation array here, suspended in the void. It can withstand the short-distance transmission of hundreds of people at a time. And it is extremely tolerant of energy, and the blockbuster world kings can still bear it.

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