Heavenly God Mnemonic

Chapter 1801: The Battle of the Peak (3): Ten Ancient Bronze Pillars

Thousands of people soon arrived outside Huailing City.

Zhang San stepped forward alone, appeared directly outside the barrier, stretched out his hand to grab the barrier.

There were guards at the head of the city to wake up the alarm bell, and a group of strong men from the Star Palace gathered in an instant, all gathered at the head of the city, watching vigilantly.

"What kind of person dares to grasp the barrier with the power of the flesh, is he looking for death?!"

"Haha, even if you are a real-world strong person, you don't dare to be so unscrupulous. This person looks familiar, I don't know who is in the Zhengxing League."

A group of people on the top of the city were laughing slyly, waiting to see this person joke.

Zhang Sanwu's fingers touched Jie Li, and gently grabbed it, his entire arm plunged into the formation without being blocked.

"What? Actually penetrated the knot force? Quickly, quickly turn on the anti-shock mode and shake him to death in the big formation!"

The leader of the guard on the head of the city immediately shouted and ordered.

A powerful brilliance immediately revolved in the formation, and countless golden talisman cultures became the symbols of gossip, gathered from all directions.


A huge shock came from the barrier in front of Zhang San.

Zhang San was not panicked and dissatisfied, pinched the tactics with one hand, and continuously played runes, instantly blending into all directions.

Those countless gossip runes, fused into a huge and complex line rune under the seal of the Jue, pressed the past fiercely.


This line of talisman penetrated the barrier directly, and the violent force, like a hurricane, shattered the void directly on the city.

"What? Impossible!"


"The city is broken, the city is broken, run away!"

The entire city head of Huailing City was directly knocked off by Zhang San.

Countless city guards were blown to pieces in an instant. Those who were not dead were scared to death, shouting desperately to escape into the city.

In an instant, there was a mess near the head of Huailing City.

Yang Qingxuan and the others were all overjoyed and hurried forward.

But after Zhang San struck, he frowned, slowly took out the barrier from his hand, looked at the barrier quietly, and was silent.

Yang Qingxuan asked anxiously: "How about the three big people Zhang?"

Zhang San pondered for a moment, and said: "Very powerful. It is not a problem to penetrate the past with my strength, but it is very difficult to break a gap or even break the entire formation. Moreover, there are eight cities, hundreds of millions of miles. The earth is all shrouded in this terrible array. Xing Palace really does not hesitate to pay for all resources."

Yang Qingxuan said, "It can be broken? If it doesn't work, it will be attacked directly."

Zhang San stood quietly in front of the big formation, thinking deeply.

There was chaos in Huailing City, and was soon suppressed by the strong.

Shan Jian, Tan Tai Ming and others all came to the front of the big formation and confronted Yang Qingxuan and others.

Shan Jian looked at the destroyed city and was shocked, staring at Zhang San and shouting, "Who are you?"

Tan Taiming whispered: "My lord, this person is the master of the Taoist shadow and the contemporary island owner of Jinbie Island. The research on the formation method is unparalleled in the world. After all, Yang Qingxuan invited this person."

Shan Jian gloomy and snorted heavily.

Zhang San pondered for a long time, and sighed: "There is no way, but the dumbest way is to break the battle."

The arrangement was started at the moment, causing the people of Jinbie Island to fly into the sky, occupying ten positions. Each palace master pinched the tactics in his hands and transformed into a huge golden copper pillar in front of him, covered with complicated patterns. The huge spiritual energy revolved from the pillar, forming a storm over Huailing City.

Afterwards, under Zhang San's command, ten palace masters kept pinching and punching into the bronze pillar. Immediately there was a "buzzing" hollow sound, and ten huge copper pillars slowly descended like copper nails, landed on the barrier, and inserted little by little.


A large burst of light flickered at the lower end of the copper pillars, shaking the ten copper pillars away.

Each of the ten palace masters shouted loudly, and kept punching the Jue Yin into the copper pillar, maintaining the strength of the copper pillar, and sinking little by little.

Shan Jian was surprised: "Not good!"

Between the ten copper pillars, there is a large amount of purple electric current shuttles, forming a strange formation, in the middle is a decagonal barrier, slowly spreading the dust from the two instruments into the gossip array, forming a ten sideå½¢channel.

A powerful force squeezed from all directions, pressing on the ten copper pillars, bursting out a large brilliance.

The ten palace lords were pale, supported by force, and kept ordering the copper pillars.

Shan Jian shouted: "Give me to die!"

Reaching out to shoot forward, a large piece of golden chains spread out and went straight into the formation, binding the ten copper pillars into a cobweb-like shape.

Shan Jian stretched out his hand for another row, and the horrible aura followed the iron cable and shook to the ten copper pillars. The lord of the ten palaces all changed their expressions, and they clearly felt the breath rushing from the copper pillars, and they wanted to shake them to death.


A clear sound rang in the sky, turned into a yellow light, and shot into the enchantment of ten copper pillars. The yellow light instantly rose and turned into a dragon body, roaring and grabbing at the chain.


The dragon's body hit the golden spider web and exploded directly. The prototype was actually a string.

Then Liu Daoqin sounded again, and it was the seven dragon tendons in the hands of Qin Sheng, which successively got into the copper pillar barrier and slammed into the golden chain.

"Bang! Bang! Bang!"

Under the strong impact, the golden cobweb-like iron cord shattered.

The power on the ten copper pillars quickly dispersed.

The lord of the tenth house is pale, showing fear.

Zhang San said in a deep voice: "Yang Qingxuan, attack the entire Huailing City, and disperse the power of the big formation!"

Yang Qingxuan immediately shouted: "Everyone is scattered and attacked!"

Thousands of Martial Artists of the Zhengxing Alliance can do birds and beasts at once, fleeing in all directions, scattered around Huailing City, desperately attacking the big formation.

Shi Yan also sent the order back to Bird City to transfer the entire power of the Star Alliance and attack Huailing City with all his strength.

Suddenly, various elements and moves, desperately hitting the big battle, caused endless waves.

The entire Huailing City was under huge energy shocks, but the city was still stable.

It's just that the defensive power of the entire formation was extremely dispersed.

The pressure on the ten huge copper pillars was suddenly reduced, and they accelerated into the big formation, and quickly passed through.

The lord of the Ten Houses all smiled and sighed in relief.

Between the ten copper pillars, they were dragged by the tyrannical purple electricity, and the barrier within them was also flashing with thunder.

The runes on the pillars burst out continuously, disillusioning in the void.

Shan Jian felt inexplicably bad, and shouted: "How can it be as you wish!"

With five fingers and one grasp, a large piece of golden light gathers in the palm.

All the martial artists of Star Palace on all sides retreated in shock. The huge suction power instantly evacuated half of the spiritual energy in the city, and all poured into the golden light of that punch.

There were even a few warriors who couldn't avoid it, and the whole person was sucked over and exploded in the air. All power was drawn out.


Everyone was so frightened and desperate to stay away from good ideas.

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