Heavenly God Mnemonic

Chapter 2053: High-level personnel in the personnel department

"Domineering knife technique?!"

Lan Feng exclaimed, "Not good!"

Hurriedly flipped his hand and slammed in the direction of the sword.


The palm of Thousand Realms directly shattered that terrifying blade light.

And the palm of his hand did not diminish, turned into layers of coercion, and blasted where the sword light came from.

There was another slash across the void, making up for the huge palm wind, which shattered it and turned it into a strong wind.

Ji Beiye walked out of the void, holding a long and narrow sacred knife in his hand, with traces of gilt dripping water on it, the back of the knife showed irregular patterns, and the hilt was decorated with many vermilion red complexes. It was at the auction. The shadow magic knife photographed above reflected a pale and red light in the void.

Lan Feng said solemnly: "Are you from the Ji family?!"

Ji Beiye said coldly: "You don't need to know."

Lan Feng and Lan Yan were both secretly shocked in their hearts. Ji Wuming, the head of the Ji family, was the king of the eight domains. The strength of the entire family was still higher than that of their Blue Sakura Palace.

The Protoss dares to dominate and oppress the major forces, but dare not oppress these four clans and eight clans.

Moreover, Ji Beiye's cold and arrogant demeanor made Lan Feng and the others recognize that he was a member of the Ji family, and their hearts continued to sink. Could this matter have something to do with the Ji family?

What made the two of them even more shocked was that Ji Beiye stood behind Yang Qingxuan and looked like Yang Qingxuan's horse head.

Is this basalt warrior also a member of the Ji family?

When I thought of Yang Qingxuan at the auction and did the VIP area, I immediately believed most of it.

Lan Yan gritted his teeth and said: "Damn! I can't think that Zixia that **** colluded with the Ji family!"

Yang Qingxuan immediately understood that the person who set this game was actually Zixia. No wonder the handwriting is so large and the layout is so exquisite that people can't capture any traces.

In this way, even if Lan Yan and others died, the Lanying King would not be able to track down the matter clearly, let alone put the charges on Zixia's head.

Yang Qingxuan stretched out his hand and said, "Bring me the **** king iron, and I will leave now. Otherwise, you will fight with me again, I am afraid it will be difficult to deal with the person in the dark. And this matter is arranged like this. It’s subtle, it’s not forbidden that there are other people here. And the people who are attracted are mostly for the **** king iron, not for your life. Give me the **** king iron, and you can get rid of a lot of trouble."

Lan Yan's face was sullen, Yang Qingxuan's words directly touched his thoughts, and he really gave up a little heart. He looked at Lan Feng, wanting to ask his opinion.

Lan Feng also hesitated. God King Tie is related to a very important thing. If it really endangers his life, he is naturally willing to abandon it, but if the situation is not that serious, he still wants to fight for it.

"If you take the God King Iron and leave, these people will not let you go in the future."

A wave of energy fluctuated in the void, and the huge phantom before appeared again.

Yang Qingxuan's eyes condensed slightly, quietly watching the phantom change, and finally shrinking, turning into a black robe figure, thin face, short hair, a cross scar on his face, half-closed eyes, hovering in the void .

Lan Yan shouted: "Who are you?!"

The black-robed man opened his eyes, bursting out-a vermilion-brown light, piercing Lan Yan's heart trembled, but his eyes instantly softened and returned to normal.

The black-robed man grinned and did not answer.

Lan Feng suddenly surprised: "Are you from the Personnel Department?!"

Heipao said: "The third place in the Personnel Department, Shouyu, is under."

Yang Qingxuan's heart moved, and he could not help but look at Shouyu several times. In the jade slips given to him by Defeng Gulou, among the major organizations willing to collect money and sell their lives, the Personnel Department ranked top. He always wanted to go to the Personnel Department for consultation. I met their senior.

Lan Feng said: "The Personnel Department takes money to do things. It's very good. We are willing to pay double the money. You go and take Zixia's life."

Shouyu laughed "haha", raised his finger and shook it contemptuously, "You can't buy Zixia's life at double the price. Secondly, if the personnel department receives the money, it will definitely get things done. Even if Zixia’s life is accepted, it will be the next time to buy and sell."

Lan Feng's face changed drastically, and he said angrily: "That means there is no discussion?"

Shouyu shook his head and said: "There is no discussion. And to prevent you from escaping, I even borrowed the boss's horoscope chart. With such a big book, how can I complete the task. Hey, boy, we will work together How did these protoss do?"

Shouyu looked at Yang Qingxuan, with his pupils shrinking slightly, and looking carefully at this basalt warrior, he always felt that it was not as simple as the eight-star realm king on the surface.

Yang Qingxuan touched his chin and pretended to say: "Join together? Hehe, they are the Protoss, and there are also the old monsters of the Thousand Worlds. They want to wipe out all of them, I'm afraid it will be costly. My trip, as long as God King Tie is enough , There is no need to fight with you. Your goal is to wipe them out. I am not. I don’t want to be used by you as a gunman.”

Shouyu said heyly: "Come on, although your kid is five big and three rough, but he is definitely not a stupid one. If these protoss go away one or two, then you will not be able to eat and walk around. Say so much, nothing more than that. I want to discuss some conditions with me. Sorry, there are no conditions to discuss. I am very poor and have no money to give."

Yang Qingxuan was amused, and he was able to see through his intentions. Obviously, he was also an extremely intelligent person, and there was no simple thing for someone who could cultivate to the thousand realms.

Moreover, when going to the Ning Family in the future, Yang Qingxuan also wants to rely on the strength of the personnel department, hoping to establish a good relationship with Shouyu first this time, and immediately said: "Then, all the things in these people belong to me. After all, I just want to ask for money. Come, you only came to complete the task, so that everyone wins."

Lan Yan roared: "Xuanwu warrior, you are brave!"

Shouyu laughed and said: "Haha, well, interesting smart people. Talking to smart people is easy. Then Lan Feng belongs to me, you can solve the rest."

After speaking, the figure flashed and disappeared into the void.

Lan Feng's face changed drastically, and he shouted: "Be careful, prince!" As soon as his figure flickered, he jumped hundreds of feet away, and the place he had stood before collapsed directly inwards. With a "bang", he broke a huge black hole. It's completely bottomless.

Lan Yan and the others were all horrified, and hurriedly scattered around, for fear of encountering Na Shouyu.

Their realm king cultivation base, under the Lord of Thousand Realms, is completely vulnerable.

Yang Qingxuan smiled lightly: "It's our turn to go, you deal with Lan Yan, and give me the remaining two."

Ji Beiye frowned, did not say anything, and walked towards Lan Yan with a knife, waved the blade in the void, and transformed into the afterimage of his debut.

Lan Yan is the nine-star pinnacle, and he is only a nine-star intermediate, but he is not afraid, and it is a rare opportunity to have an enemy like this to practice hands, perhaps this is why Yang Qingxuan asked him to face Lan Yan.

Every powerful man has come out of countless lives and deaths.

//Today is a little late for this chapter, good night everyone, and ask for more tickets by the way...

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