Heavenly God Mnemonic

Chapter 2054: Easy to obliterate, whose friend?

Lan Yan quickly analyzed the situation and shouted: "Quickly kill these two people and help Master Lan Feng!"

Lan Feng was afraid that it would be horrible to confront Na Shouyu. As long as he was able to make a sneak attack with the Blade of the Moon, it would probably help Lan Feng kill Shouyu.

Lan Yan immediately increased his confidence, and the Lightning Spear of Lei appeared in his hand. He carried the spear and walked towards Ji Beiye, and said coldly: "Even if you are a member of the Ji family, you have to die today!"

Ji Beiye said coldly: "There is a lot of nonsense, you have long seen your protoss not pleasing to your eyes, and today I just slaughtered a few and enjoyed it."

"Guard! Death!"

Lan Yan leaped up and pierced with both hand guns.

Ji Beiye's sacred sword lifted up, slashed straight from the side, and slammed it on the Lightning Gun with a "bang", shocking a huge energy wave.

Lan Yan's face changed slightly, and the Thunder Light Gun was instantly covered with cracks, and he hurriedly poured his true essence into it. This was the only way to keep the light gun intact, but he was extremely depleted of his true essence. "A mere mid-level nine-star, I actually have this With such strength, it is worthy of your surname'Ji', but it is my Lan Yan that you met, and you still have to die after all!"

As soon as the body turned in the air, nine afterimages appeared, and they each shot down with their guns.

Ji Beiye said coldly: "How long have you been away from the Intermediate Nine Stars? You are arrogant and completely boundless. For you, Intermediate Nine Stars is enough!"

The Shadow God Knife was held upside down in front of him, and slowly drew a circle. Numerous shadows of the knives emerged from all directions, like falling flowers, and entered the wonderful and dazzling world of swords. The Shadow God knife suddenly condensed and stopped turning. , With a light wave of his wrist, he cut off at the nine thunder spears.

The colorful falling leaves in all directions were completely shattered at this moment, turning into countless knives, shadows and light patterns, sweeping up.


Under the huge turbulence, the sound of "ping-pong-pong" was endless. In the area of ​​thousands of miles, the light of guns and knives were all intertwined into an indivisible battlefield.

Yang Qingxuan and the other two high-ranking realm kings of the Lan family were simultaneously shrouded in the realm of thunder spear and overlord sword, but the three of them were far away. Under the real energy of the body guard, the power of this realm just blows their clothes. Robe, face each other coldly.

Yang Qingxuan hooked his finger and said with a chuckle: "You two will go on together."

The two of the Lan family were surprised and delighted. What was surprised was that Yang Qingxuan dared to despise them so much. What was delighted was that they couldn't help but couldn't find a reason to join forces. The other party actually asked for it directly.

One of them said angrily: "It's only an eight-star mid-level, dare to be so rampant! Open your dog's eyes to see clearly, we are both eight-star mid-level!"

The aura on his body burst out suddenly, tearing out a small vacuum zone around the thunder light's domineering realm.

The other person also released all his auras, and instantly climbed his power to the peak, sneered: "I was still thinking of sending someone up to pick up this unbelievable thing, but at this moment it is not a single-handed contest, and this kid has asked for it again. , We are not welcome, send him back to the west, let him know the fate of contempt for us!"

Earlier, the person stretched out three fingers and motioned: "Three strokes, under the three of us, we will kill you!"

Yang Qingxuan flicked his sleeves, stood in the void with his hands behind him, and smiled softly: "There is time to talk about these nonsense. There are already three tricks, even 30 tricks."


The two were furious, and immediately made moves.

One of them was holding a string of orbs in his hand, and it spread out around his palm in an instant. There were six in total, forming a simple six-pointed array. The rays of light gathered in one beam and shot directly.

The other person roared, his body swelled and expanded into a beast-like form, violent and murderous leaning out, his fists were as big as oxen, blasted out from the sky, the field of fighting was twisted and shattered, and the universe turned upside down.

The two eight-star middle-ranked realm kings joined forces to strike, and the momentum was like a rainbow, striving to overwhelm Yang Qingxuan within three strokes to fulfill their promise.

"too weak."

The smile on Yang Qingxuan's face has not changed. Putting down the hands behind him, dragon scales are constantly bursting out of his skin, forming the appearance of a half-bassic and half-blue dragon. His ten fingers grabbed hard at the same time, and two completely different forces rose and rose behind him. At the same time, the Azure Dragon and Xuanwu phantoms appeared, flanking around.

"Mie Dao Longquan!"

"Eight Forms of Dayan!"

The magical powers of the two great holy spirits were displayed at the same time, and the sky was immediately occupied by the two great holy spirits, and they were crushed severely.


The Lan family's tricks were instantly suppressed, and the light beam was instantly broken by the dragon boxing. The pair of fists in the form of wild beasts blasted on the profound meaning of Xuanwu, no matter how hard it was, they were crushed by the shadow of Xuanwu, like bubbles burst.

"Hey! Impossible!"

The Lan family gasped at the same time, unable to believe everything they saw.

The same level of cultivation, easily crushing the two of them?

But the cruel reality couldn't help but believe it. After Qinglong and Xuanwu phantom smashed the two of their supernatural powers, their form had begun to disintegrate, but they still cast off their momentum and fell fiercely.


The void where the two of them were in was instantly shattered by the explosion, and the aftermath was instantly connected to form a huge energy field, and two figures were faintly struggling in it.

Yang Qingxuan's figure flickered, and directly penetrated into the energy field, appeared behind one of them, easily raised his hand and slashed, a divine sword appeared, the sword light was cut out, and the person was cut in half.

"No, don't, let me go, let me go, my lord!—"

The other person was horrified to find that his companion was split apart, so frightened, he hurriedly begged for mercy.

But as soon as the sword qi shook, his head flew up, and then was shattered by the impact of this energy field.

With a wave of his hand, Yang Qingxuan gathered the storage elements on both of them, not even letting go of the six beads on Wu Xiu's body.

Now for Yang Qingxuan, anything valuable is needed, because to deal with the Ning family, the gap is too big, and the small mosquito legs are meat.

After killing the two people, I found that Ji Beiye and Lan Yan's battle had entered a white-hot state, and Ji Beiye was at an absolute disadvantage. He was forced to fight back by Lan Yan's gun. As long as a distraction, anytime Both may be in danger of being cut off.

Both of them felt a huge explosion and screams at the same time, and they both felt happy.

Ji Beiye naturally knew that Yang Qingxuan had succeeded, and Lan Yan must have thought that he had succeeded. After all, the three of the fellow practitioners, with two against one, plus the Lan family's magical powers are the best choice, absolutely nothing. The possibility of losing is even less likely to lose so fast.

Lan Yan laughed and said: "Haha, desperately struggling, go on the road with your friends!"

The gun in his hand violently violently, and he went down with all his strength.

Ji Beiye felt strange in his heart, and shouted: "Obviously your friend is on the road, how do you say you become my friend?" The knife in his hand was even more airtight.

"Haha, you really can laugh..."

Before he finished speaking, Lan Yan's heart surged with great fear, without any signs, just the instinctive reaction of the warrior!

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