Heavenly God Mnemonic

Chapter 2075: Mysterious news, ancient seal

Zi Yunfei checked the condition of Xia Yuen and was shocked. From the mouth to the tail vertebrae, the entire spine was shattered into powder, and the internal organs were also riddled with holes, almost all mortal injuries, but strange. It's not dead.

Moreover, the meridians and muscles are almost completely shattered, even if I want to save, I don't know how to do it.

Ziyun groaned, raised her hand to pinch the Jue, and pointed to the large array, a little fluorescent blast shot up, turned into a mirror light in the air, and shone on Yu En.

The minced meat and blood on Yu En's body were creeping slowly, and there was a tendency to improve.

All the martial artists in the world opened their eyes and watched quietly. An old man solemnly said: "The treasure mirror of the universe can live and die. It is well-deserved."

Ziyun said indifferently: "Old man Huang He has praised him."

As the mirror light slowly turned, Yuen groaned slightly, intermittently.

Zi Yun said: "You can talk, Yuen brother, what can you do here?"

Yuen groaned, and said intermittently: "My father, father, let me, bring, and bring a news."

Raising his hand hard, he slightly trembled his **** and a dark green storage ring on it.

Ziyun leaned down, stroking her finger lightly on the ring, a little golden light shot out, and she was caught in her hand as a page of gold leaf.

Ziyun read it carefully, her face suddenly changed, and her hands that grasped the gold foil trembled violently.

The Wu Xiu in the enchantment, except for the white talisman, all had their pupils shrunk slightly, shooting out a fine light, and wanted to see through the gold leaf, but was blocked by a faint light, his eyes were dim, and he couldn't help but be dim. The scars are really extraordinary.

Ziyun grabbed the gold leaf with both hands and squeezed the gold leaf into a ball, then shattered in his palm, floating into the void.

All warriors are all curious about what content it is that makes Ziyun, who has always been steady, gaffe.

Ziyun's eyes flashed with brilliance, and a faint purple color appeared on her body, and her mood was obviously extremely unstable.

After a while, he slowly recovered, looked at Yuen on the ground, and said to a maidservant: "Drag it down and save him."

Then he flicked his sleeves, took back the light of the precious mirror, sat cross-legged in the void, and continued to practice with closed eyes.


In the world of Wu Desire, a huge spiritual mountain rose into the sky, filled with huge spiritual fog.

Within a radius of thousands of miles, they are all shrouded in this spiritual fog. I can’t really see the scene inside. However, through the shallow surface, you can see huge thick black iron chains running across the fog, as if the whole building The mountains are all around.

A warrior didn't believe in evil, so he condensed his palm with one hand, and fire elements constantly rose up in his palm, turning into a huge flame knife, shouting: "I don't believe that I can't get in!"

The whole person was on fire and rushed forward.

Flip it with one hand and split it, and on the void in front, a curved mask of a radius of acres is formed.


The huge flame knife slashed at the barrier, cutting into it little by little.

This Wu Xiu was overjoyed, and he also raised his true essence, poured it into his palm, and cut the barrier.

Dozens of people are shining with eyes behind them, watching with a little nervousness. This Lingshan mountain is inexplicably rising from the ground, and it has a huge enchantment mask and iron ropes, which is afraid that it contains a great treasure. Or secret.

Everyone was ecstatic at the thought that if the barrier could be broken.


The mask was finally split into two under the flame knife, and disappeared in a flash.

Wu Xiu was overjoyed and laughed and said, "Haha, this seat is one step ahead!" When the figure shook, he shot forward, and at the same time he raised his knife again and slashed at the thick black iron wire.

"Kang Dang!"

The flame smashed fiercely on the iron cable, and a sound of chain vibrations shook, and the dark iron cable shook up and down, turning the afterimage of the debut.

Wu Xiu's face changed slightly, and he was about to release the sword again, and suddenly realized that the void around him was full of shaky chain shadows, and he immediately bound his whole body.

"What sorcery is this?!"

Wu Xiu was frightened and angry, and hurriedly pinched the Jue to escape.

But the black chain suddenly tightened and strangled him, like a sandman, smashing it into pieces without any difficulty, turning it into countless pieces of meat and floating in the void.


The excited Wu Xiu behind him, who was about to keep up, suddenly stopped one by one, watching in horror.

They didn't even understand what was going on, they found that the person in front was shattered, and the refreshing aura was filled with a smell of blood, and even the fines of bones and meat were sucked into their noses. Many people His face was even worse than pig liver, and he was trying to vomit out.

One of them didn't change his face, but just reached out and grabbed all the storage elements left on the violent warrior's body and put them into his own pocket. Then the golden light flashed in his eyes, staring at the thick black iron chain. I don't know what I'm thinking.

This person is Yang Qingxuan. Although he did not see Lingshan rising up from the ground, he followed the map sold by Defeng Ancient Building. A huge mountain suddenly appeared in a place that was originally a huge plain, and it was full of aura. After listening to Wu Xiu who stayed here, I have a certain understanding of what happened in Lingshan.

It's just that the abrupt appearance of Lingshan prevents everyone from entering rashly.

The Wu Xiu just couldn't wait any longer, so that scene happened, which was a direct tragedy.

Yang Qingxuan took the Wu Xiu's things, and attracted a burst of weird and gloomy eyes. After all, the one just now was the four-star realm king. There were many good things on his body. The others were secretly regretting, why he was slow to respond. Up.

But judging by Yang Qingxuan's strength and Ji Beiye still following behind, no one dared to make an idea.

"This Lingshan is afraid that the world of no desire was suppressed into the earth before it was sealed by the eternal supreme. Otherwise, who could break the seal of the eternal supreme."

"If that's the case, how long ago is it? What's in it, it's really tickling!"

"Hehe, if it's hard to bear, I think your Excellency is the Seven-Star Intermediate Realm King. There is a great chance of breaking this iron rope."

"Hehe! Heh your sister!"

The brief conversation between the two Wu Xiu ended, and the two looked at each other coldly, and then separated.

No one dared to go forward to try, and they all counted on others, so they all stood outside the chain, the more people gathered.

"There is an ancient seal?"

A surprised voice came from the void.

Then there was a powerful aura, pressing down like a black cloud, and all the martial artists were shocked and hurriedly turned around.

I saw dozens of figures coming from a distance, the head of a person with a delicate face, fair skin, and black jade-like hair, flashing with a faint lustre, beautiful as porcelain.

Behind him followed fifty golden armored warriors, majestic and majestic.

Everyone's heart is like a huge boulder, showing a panic.

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