Heavenly God Mnemonic

Chapter 2076: Dynasty printed parts, buy reincarnation fruit

Yang Qingxuan's heart moved, the man in front of him was the person he saw in the battleship of the scorching sun, Bai Luo, the son of the King of God.

Many people discovered Bai Luo's identity and became alert.

When encountering such a large family, they are basically robbed. If you are unlucky, your life may be lost.

Bai Luo lightly swept the crowd around, revealing a sneer from the superior, then looked at the huge mountain, his face finally became serious.

The atmosphere seemed extremely depressing, no one dared to say a word, or even gasped for breath.

Bai Luo suddenly raised his hand, a piece of golden light flashed, shot out something from his palm, and hit the huge mountain.

"That is……!"

Yang Qingxuan's pupils shrank, and a large golden light flashed in his eyes. Inside the golden glow that Bai Luo threw out, there was a strange seal, square, but it seemed to be inlaid in the middle.


The seal struck the iron rope, immediately shook a large area of ​​brilliance, and the iron rope swayed up and down, leaving afterimages.

After the seal hit, it was shaken by the iron cable and flew high into the sky. It suddenly became weird, spinning rapidly, exuding a frightening atmosphere.

Yang Qingxuan's eyes flashed with golden eyes, and he saw the truth immediately. It was exactly the same as the situation that Wu Xiu had encountered before. A large piece of iron wire appeared around the seal, which was quickly strangled on the seal, constantly breaking it.

At this time, not only Yang Qingxuan, but also many warriors who cultivated with spiritual eyes and supernatural powers, all saw it really, and immediately understood how Wu Xiu died before.

Bai Luo's face looked extremely surprised. He watched as the seal was broken apart, and the golden jade wrapped around it was torn away bit by bit, revealing the brass-colored heart inside, which was an irregular lump.

The afterimage of the iron cable keeps wrapping around the brass block, but it can only draw out shallow traces and cannot break it.

Bai Luo stretched out his hand and grabbed it. Around the brass object, large black glows were exploded "bang, bang, bang", the afterimage of the iron lock was constantly shattering. .

After the shaking of the huge iron lock body around Lingshan stopped, all the afterimages of the thing that bound the brass disappeared, and the surging void became still, and the brass thing flew back to Bai Luo. Hands.

Bai Luo looked down and looked a little ugly.

Ji Beiye said in a low voice: "My lord, that's..."

Yang Qingxuan nodded and said: "It is basically certain, it is another part of the Imperial Seal."

At the auction of the Palace of Gods, a quarter of the parts of the Imperial Seal were sold. I thought that I might not get together in this life, but I didn't expect to see one in Bai Luo's hands.

And from the state just now, Bai Luo should have re-refined this part, with the part as the core, refined into a new element, but now it is broken back to its original state.

Yang Qingxuan wondered how to get this part over?

Obviously grabbing is not enough. With Bai Luo's strength and fifty golden armor guards behind him, he would be grateful if he didn't grab his own.

Bai Luo put away the dynasty seal part, and sighed: "This seal is probably like the big seal on the world of no desire. It is from the hands of the eternal supreme. It is almost impossible to break it."

Everyone's complexion changed drastically, showing a look of surprise and disappointment.

Bai Luo's eyesight is mostly better than that of himself and others. Since he has made a judgment, it is mostly really useless.

Bai Luo said again: "If you want to break the seal, you are undoubtedly asking for troubles and wasting time. You should leave as soon as possible to find the fruit of reincarnation or do something else. But before you leave, I hope you all Handing in all the fruits of reincarnation is also a good fate."

All Wu Xiu "cocked" in his heart, his heart still came, and he couldn't escape, but no one would take the initiative to hand it in, but stood there with a gloomy face.


Suddenly a Wu Xiu burst into laughter and clasped his fist to Bai Luo: "My lord Prince, there is not a single fruit on his body. I can't turn it in. Haha, let's say goodbye."

Bai Luo nodded and said, "If you don't have fruit, you can leave." With a light wave, he said, "Send off the guests."

A golden armored warrior behind him, with contempt and sarcasm flashing in his eyes, drew his sword in disdain, and slashed into the void.


A dark crack was drawn across the void, and then closed in an instant, as if nothing had happened.

But the Wu Xiu's face was full of horror and horror, and then a trace of red blood spread from the top of his head to the lower part of the kua-, and then burst open with a "bang" and fell into two pieces on the ground.

"Hey!" All Wu Xiu retreated in horror, and everyone was in danger.

Bai Luo said blankly, "If there is no reincarnation fruit, there will be no reincarnation fruit. What do you do with so much nonsense? My time is so worthless, so should I spend it on this kind of rubbish?"

There were a few others who didn't have reincarnation. After thinking about it, they clasped their fists and fisted away.

The golden armored warrior frowned, waved his sword again, "chi" and "chi" several times, and those martial artists were also cut in two, and those who fell to the ground could no longer die.

Bai Luo said, "Just leave without saying hello, and don't put me in the eyes at all."

Everyone was speechless for a while, saying hello is death, and not saying hello is death, but all the wise people present at the scene immediately understand that there is no reincarnation fruit, and no reincarnation fruit is a dead end.

Yang Qingxuan’s pupils shrunk slightly. The golden armored warrior who just released the sword is the Nine-Star Peak Realm King. There are four such warriors, plus Bai Luo himself, a total of five Nine-Star Peaks, and the remaining forty-five people have the lowest cultivation level. He was also the Seven-Star High-Order Realm King, and he had no chance of winning at all.

Ji Beiye also seemed a little nervous, holding his ten fingers tightly, waiting for Yang Qingxuan's orders.

At this time, many people took the initiative to surrender the fruit of reincarnation and then left. Those who got less fruit, only one or two, and more than three or four. Some of the great gains were grit their teeth. , Full of anger.

Ji Beiye said solemnly: "My lord, we don't have a reincarnation fruit, what should I do?"

Yang Qingxuan said, "It's okay, don't panic."

After speaking, he stretched out his hand directly, grabbed it from a distance, and collected the storage elements of the several martial artists who had just been killed by the golden armor warrior.

Seeing everyone stunned, still thinking about picking up things at this time?

After Yang Qingxuan took it up, he clasped his fist to a pale-faced Wu Xiu not far away: "Friend, how about buying two reincarnation fruits from you if I have a 100 million star Hao Shi?"

Then Wu Xiu was taken aback, and then said: "I have ten, how about five billion selling you nine?"

Yang Qingxuan shook his head and said, "I only need two."

Everyone fainted and immediately understood. Don't say 100 million at this time, even 10 million is good.

"I sell for 90 million!"

"Sell for 80 million!"

"Sell for fifty million!"


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