Heavenly God Mnemonic

Chapter 2077: The eyes of the fantasy world, escape smoothly

A group of people rushed over and took out their own reincarnation fruit, as long as they left one to save their lives, and the rest was sold for almost any money.

"This... isn't this bad."

Yang Qingxuan was speechless for a while.

The quotation soon fell to 10,000 yuan, and there were reincarnation fruits in all directions, and it was forced to Yang Qingxuan.

Bai Luo and others were also dumbfounded.

Yang Qingxuan paid one by one and received nearly two hundred in an instant.

There was only one of those martial arts, and after paying it to the golden armored warrior behind Bai Luo, he quickly left.

Only Yang Qingxuan and Ji Beiye stood in place.

Bai Luo looked at Yang Qingxuan a few times and said, "You are very interesting."

Yang Qingxuan sighed suddenly.

Bai Luo frowned slightly and asked subconsciously: "Why sigh?"

Yang Qingxuan said, "I only wanted to buy one fruit, and I just left. Now suddenly there are two hundred, and I feel a little nervous."

Bai Luo heard what he meant right away, "Haha" smiled: "Interesting, don't you want to escape?"

Yang Qingxuan nodded and said: "Exactly, two hundred reincarnation fruits are worth my risk."

Two hundred reincarnation fruits are worth only 200 billion, but it hasn't been long since the world of no desire has been opened, the number of fruits in each person's hand will never exceed one hundred, and Yang Qingxuan is probably the first at this moment.

So if you continue to develop, let alone the top three, it is still very possible to squeeze into the top ten, and the top ten rewards are not as simple as hundreds of billions.

Even if you don't compete for the ranking, you sell to the top ten buyers before the end of the competition, that's a top number.

The smile on Bai Luo's face disappeared, and he said coldly: "I thought you were funny just now. Now it seems that you are not interesting at all, and it is very stupid, stupid and speechless, stupid that he lost his life. "

After speaking, there was a murderous look in his eyes, and he waved his hand.

The previous golden armor warrior stood up, his eyes were full of sarcasm, and he pulled out his sword.

Yang Qingxuan had already prepared. At the same time that Bai Luo gave the order, he directly grabbed Ji Beiye into the sacred artifact, and then shook his figure before fleeing away.

The golden armored warrior laughed strangely: "Haha, want to escape? Idiot dreaming!"

As soon as the long sword shook, a crack formed in the void, and it healed itself in a flash.

Fifty golden armored warriors all sneered, as if they were looking at an ant, about to be crushed under their fingertips.


As expected, Yang Qingxuan's figure was split in half at once, but with a "bang" burst, it turned into yellow sand in the sky.

The wind blows, and the whole sky is full of yellow sand, charming eyes.

Bai Luo's face sank, and he shouted: "Elemental body of sand, be careful not to let him escape!"

The golden armor warrior said: "The prince can rest assured, if this person escapes, his subordinates will suffocate themselves."

The samurai's eyes flashed, and he lifted his foot to take a step.

The entire void "boomed" with a huge shock, and all the yellow sand was suppressed. Although it was spinning fast, it was trapped in a world and couldn't escape.

The golden armored warrior raised his sword again and slashed it out with a fierce move.


The sword force this time was completely different from the previous one. The previous one was as thin as a hair, killing people invisible, but this time it was extremely fierce, and the trembling space continued to shatter.

The sword blasted into the yellow sand domain, blasting the entire void to pieces.

Among the countless flying sands, Yang Qingxuan's figure flashed, with a look of horror on his face, once again fleeing into the distance.

The golden armored warrior laughed and said: "Since you have appeared, let's stay! The eight-star late realm king can actually be immortal with my two swords. This life is enough to be proud. This third sword will send you on the road, thank you! "

With a sword swung, hundreds of golden glows were turned out, each of which was like a roaring beast, roaring and tearing apart the sky, all hitting Yang Qingxuan.

"Boom! Boom!"

Every golden light blasted on Yang Qingxuan, and after a few times, it was blown to pieces, and the void within a thousand miles collapsed toward this center.

The golden armored warrior stood up with his sword, turned around and held his fist to Bai Luo: "His Royal Highness, fortunately to live up to the mission."

Bai Luo's face changed drastically, and he shouted in anger, "Bai Junquan! What are you doing?!"

The golden armored warrior was taken aback for a moment and looked somewhat inexplicable. Suddenly a bad feeling surged into his heart. He hurriedly turned his head and found that Yang Qingxuan's figure suddenly appeared in the void where his sword was smashed, with a strange golden jade in his eyes. The pupils are like countless curves entangled.

Yang Qingxuan was all embarrassed, his face was pale, and even a lot of bloodshots appeared in his strange eyes, but there was a triumphant smile on the corner of his mouth, and said: "I still want to thank you, thank you for your kindness."

After speaking, wherever he dared to stay, his figure shook, and he was thousands of feet away, the size of a sparrow.

"Hey! Impossible!"

Bai Junquan roared through the world, his face was full of anger and roar, and he chased it directly into a golden light, and roared: "His Royal Highness, don't worry, he won't kill this person, he won't be able to grab the fruit of reincarnation, and he will not return! "

Bai Luo stood there blankly, not knowing what to do for a moment.

That is two hundred reincarnation fruits!

Not long after the Undesirable Realm was opened, the winner was almost the first at the moment.

Bai Luo felt extremely frustrated and shouted irritably, "Bai Zhao! Bai Yong! Bai Yi! You chase me too! Others follow me!"

"Yes!" The three of them immediately went out, daring not to stay, and hurriedly chasing Bai Junquan and Yang Qingxuan in the direction.

Bai Luo gritted his face, gritted his teeth, and walked in another direction.

He was still careless, and still underestimated the heroes of the world. Thinking of what his father said to him before, Bai Luo's face became even more gloomy.

If you are more cautious and get the two hundred reincarnation fruits, then the possibility of winning the first place will greatly increase, and now everything has become a variable again.

"I blame myself for being careless, that **** dragon clan, next time I meet, I must let you shatter your body!"

Bai Luo gritted his teeth with hatred, and flew away in the other direction with a murderous look.


In Yang Qingxuan's fiery eyes, the illusionary eyes of the mirage merged, resulting in a great variation.

The mirage is dominating the world with the phantom eye, which Yang Qingxuan has always possessed, but is suppressed by the power of the fiery eye.

After the last breakthrough, the strange gou jade began to be transformed into the golden eye, which was a sign of the fusion of two spiritual eyes and supernatural powers.

Just now, under the slash of Bai Junquan, he tried to injure both eyes and displayed phantom eyes at all costs, deceiving Bai Junquan for a moment.

Only in this moment of time, I won the opportunity to leave.

Yang Qingxuan knew that all of this was caused by Bai Luo and Bai Junquan's underestimation of the enemy. If the two of them paid attention to themselves a little, it would be another result.

Yang Qingxuan sensed Bai Junquan's chasing and sneer behind him, and sneered. He had escaped in that environment just now. At this moment, how could he be caught again.

After thinking carefully, the figure swayed directly, and shot towards the mountains below.

In the mountains, there is a huge lake.

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