Heavenly God Mnemonic

Chapter 2385: Discuss the countermeasures for making stars

The scene continues, and is constantly being stretched farther away.

What appeared in front of him was what Zi Mo had seen before. It should have flew into the sky, looking down at the earth with a very high looking down.

The cities collapsed and hundreds of millions of souls died tragically. A large number of souls wandered in this purgatory-like scene, and then was sucked away by the strange energy layer in the sky.

The earth continued to collapse, as if it was shrinking rapidly, all mountains and rivers were destroyed, all life disappeared at a speed of hundreds of millions, and the various auras in the veins were also drawn out, poured into the sky and melted into that energy layer. Part.

Zi Mo seemed to fly higher, and began to bombard the energy layer, trying to split a way to escape. The moves are very sharp and rush, obviously very panic.

Not far away there were several powerful men of similar realm who were also blasting the energy layer together, stirring up a storm, everyone's face was extremely pale.

An old man with a fat body and white hair roared: "What the **** is going on? The planet suddenly collapsed. Is it the force of nature, or who is doing the ghost?!"

Zi Mo said solemnly: "Someone is making stars!"

The white-haired old man and the other five powerhouses had their complexions changed drastically. They naturally understood what star refinement was, and they showed awe.

The white-haired old man was surprised: "Your Excellency?"

Zi Mo said: "Don't worry about who I am, just open a path quickly, otherwise you will all die here."

Suddenly with a scream of "Ah", a warrior was cut into two pieces on the spot, and the energy and flesh and blood were sucked in by the surging power, completely turned into ashes.

Several figures slowly walked out of the void, all grinning.

These people are in the mask, they don't seem to be affected by the terrible energy layer, and they can come and go freely.

"Tsk tusk, it is unexpected that there are still seven thousand masters on this garbage planet."

A middle-aged man with a kerchief on his head held his hand behind him, with a sneer of contempt at the corner of his mouth.

Ziri's pupils shrank, staring at the middle-aged man, and exclaimed, "It's Sect Master Lu Qiuqi!"

Yang Qingxuan's heart shook wildly. He had been collecting information on the Ning family. Naturally, he knew that this day the evil sect was one of the powerful sects where the vassals survived under the wings of the Ning family. I already know what the situation is and the result.

Suddenly Chi Heng's voice came in his ears, saying: "Huh, it's Mo Sangzi, this kid is not dead yet?"

Yang Qingxuan's eyelids twitched and saw that in the light and shadow, there was a man dressed in fancy and coquettish, with long dark green hair, draped behind him, his pale face looked very strange, and he asked, "Who is this person?"

Chi Heng said: "It's a member of the Star Refining Masters Association. I haven't seen him for a long time. I thought he was killed when he was refining stars, but he was still alive."

Yang Qingxuan frowned and said, "You people still have an association?"

Chi Heng sneered and said: "Isolate and ignorant, there is still a gang who begs for food, of course. It's just that because of the nature of refining stars, the association is also in the dark and is not known to the world. But for the strong with certain strength, Everyone knows the existence of the association. After all, star-refining is an extremely powerful and top-notch alchemy. Various products such as Xinghui, Xinghui, etc. make people want to stop. Although the major forces are strangling on the surface, there will be some in the dark. Trade."

The light and shadow that appeared on the soul began to tremble violently, it was the scene of the fight, but it was completely one-sided.

Judging from the energy fluctuations and supernatural power visions, the white-haired old man should look like a one-star pinnacle in the thousand realms, not even a two-star, he was chopped to death by Lu Qiqi's palm.

Zi Mo held the energy storm of the fight, split a gap in the energy layer of the refining star, and hurriedly escaped.

But it was killed by the warriors who followed.

Before he died, he used the method of dividing souls to dissolve the three souls and seven souls, and then escaped one soul and one soul. The remaining souls were drawn back and smelted into the star-refining formation.

Zi Ri was horrified and moved, and said angrily: "Sure enough, he is refining the stars! Damn Tiansha Sect, fairy, we will take someone to the door immediately and level the Tianshazong!"

The other three warriors were also furious. A vassal of a famous clan actually dared to kill the genius disciple of their **** palace.

Zixia said: "It's easy to eradicate the Tiansha Sect, but our goal is to follow the vine and get rid of the Ning family. From the information, we can't see the relationship between this matter and the Ning family."

Yang Qingxuan suddenly said: "Is the matter of refining the stars, is it the Tianshazong's own work, has nothing to do with the Ning Family?"

Zi Ri said: "If there was no Ning family as a refuge, if a sect like the Tiansha Sect dared to refining stars without authorization, it would have been discovered by the Alliance, and it would have been screwed out and eliminated. And our intelligence shows that it is not only the Tianshazong doing it. Several other big vassal forces of the Ning family also participated in this matter. There was a man in sackcloth in the scene just now. If I hadn't seen it, it should be an elder of the Blood Talisman named Tang Fenglian."

Yang Qingxuan immediately understood that even though the alliance explicitly forbids star refining, it can still be done if someone is covering it, just like the holy power soldier world, it can kill people when it is released.

Zixia said, "Yang Qingxuan, what do you think of this matter?"

Yang Qingxuan said: "Since it is confirmed that the Ning family is involved, he will directly go to the door to eradicate the Heavenly Evil Sect and the Blood Talisman Sect. There are so many people in the two sects. If all these high-level souls are searched and dealt with, I don't believe that there is no clue. "

Zixia said: "If this is the case, the Ning family will definitely cut off the connection with the star refiner in an instant. It will be even more difficult to check it later. Moreover, the Heavenly Fiend Sect and the Blood Talisman Sect are both first-class forces, although they are far away. It's not as good as the saint clan, but it's not an ant, at least it's at the grasshopper level. Once we use too much power, it will inevitably be found by the Ning Family that it is our work. It is very likely that the war will be advanced."

Yang Qingxuan pondered: "The three points that the fairy considered are indeed reasonable, but first, what a huge thing is to refine the stars. Since the Ning family's minions are all involved, it is impossible to have no clues. As long as we thunder and lightning strike them, If you are caught off guard, there is a high probability that you can catch clues; two, to deal with these two grasshoppers, I don’t need to do anything by the palace of God, my own strength is enough; third, as for the advance of the war, I am afraid it is not realistic. We are taboo If the Ning family is in an all-out war, why doesn't the Ning family also avoid a full-scale war with us? Unless Ning Shenghao has the courage to burn jade and stone, how does the fairy know about Ning Shenghao?"

Zixia smiled and said: "A hundred years ago, when Ning Shenghao was at its peak, she might have such courage. But after the battle with the Jiang family, the entire family was hit, and the Ning family’s business and activities were all in With continuous reduction and stricter control over disciples in the sect, it can be seen that Ning Shenghao's disposition and ambition have weakened a lot. From this point of view, it is indeed unlikely to start a full-scale war."

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