Heavenly God Mnemonic

Chapter 2386: Association of Star Alchemists, City of Darkness

Zi Ri said, "Neither the Heavenly Evil Sect nor the Blood Sword Gate are fuel-efficient lamps. Young Master Qingxuan is really sure that he can take them down with his own power?"

Yang Qingxuan smiled and said: "I have always been secretly deploying forces and recruiting strong people. It's time to take them out to experience it. As an outpost against the Ning family, let them feel the feeling of fighting against the vassal forces of the Holy Clan. "

Zi Ri said: "It's the arrangement of the son in the Promise City? That's okay, the son is already a strong man in the world, and his reputation is still higher than that of the six kings. There is nothing to hide. This chess piece is completely It can be played out. After all, they played a limited role in the following battles, and they are most suitable for use at this moment.

Yang Qingxuan nodded and said: "That's the case, I'll go to the Promise City, and leave it to me to handle all this. The enmity of Brother Zi Mo is left to me."

After leaving Zixia's small courtyard, Yang Qingxuan started to get up and head to the Promise City.

Chi Heng’s voice came and said, “Secondly, I think we can start with Mo Sangzi. If Mo Sangzi can be captured, it should be more effective than Zhalu Qiuqi and Tang Fenglian.”

Yang Qingxuan said heartily: "Do you know how to catch Mo Sangzi?"

Chi Heng said: "You can try it through the association. Since Mo Sangzi has reappeared, she will not be content to be lonely, and she will definitely show traces."

Yang Qingxuan thought for a while and said, "This method is feasible, but where is the Star Refining Association?"


A few days later, under the leadership of Chi Heng, Yang Qingxuan passed through the teleportation array and came to a barren universe near the border of the Muhai area.

Yang Qingxuan took out a badge, all in gold, with a nebula pattern on it, pinched out a tactical seal in the sky, and clicked it on the badge.

Suddenly a bunch of golden lights shot out, and the entire badge flew up, transforming into a guide car in the sky.

Yang Qingxuan stepped into the car, and immediately countless talismans gushed out of the villain at the front of the guide car. The villain's finger pointed in the void, and the car "rumbling" a huge shock and galloping toward that direction.

In half a day, the direction of the guide car changed more than ten times, and even when it was in the opposite direction, it flew for another seven or eight hours. Suddenly, there was a huge suction in the vague void ahead.

The violent acceleration and shock of the "Rumble" of the guide car blasted away in that direction at a great speed.

Yang Qingxuan was taken aback and looked at the small hand of the golden man in front of him. It was indeed pointing to the unknowable area ahead.

Yang Qingxuan said in shock: "Black hole?"

In the void of the universe before, under my glance, I didn't find any abnormalities here. I only found out when I got close at the moment. There is a huge field of gravitation. Once inside, it is difficult to get out.

For the Lord of Thousand Realms, it is not difficult to get out of the black hole's gravity. Yang Qingxuan stood up, drew his fiery eyes, stared at the vast world ahead, and said, "The location of your Star Refining Association is really deep enough."

Chi Heng Chuan Yin smiled and said: "That is, without this badge, even I can't find a place. Because this huge black hole also revolves around an unknowable huge gravitational force, not hovering in the universe. It doesn't move, and its trajectory is very strange."

"Oh?" Yang Qingxuan frowned, wondering what "weird" meant.

In the area ahead, the shape of the black hole finally slowly unfolded. It was a huge planet with a mottled surface and riddled with broken holes, like a death star or a junk star.

Chi Heng said, "Quickly stop the force of decline, otherwise my badge will be destroyed."

Yang Qingxuan said: "Okay."

When the figure flashed on the chariot, it disappeared. The next moment, it appeared directly at the front of the chariot, and the golden light spread out all over, running the King Kong-like immortal body, and both palms suddenly blocked the chariot.


The huge impact force shook both palms fiercely, and the shocked Yang Qingxuan's body kept retreating, pressing against the surface of the planet, still extremely fast.

Not only that, the attraction of this planet is extremely huge. Although there will be surprising changes in gravity between ordinary planets, they are almost negligible for the strong, but above the black hole, it seems to be tens of thousands of times. The increase in gravity caused Yang Qingxuan's bones to "crack".

But it was only a brief discomfort, and soon adapted to the squeezing force of the black hole, Yang Qingxuan was crushed and ignited a raging fire, like a huge fireball falling to the surface of the planet.

"Boom Rumble," finally blocked the downward trend at an altitude of several thousand feet close to the ground.

Yang Qingxuan patted it with a tactical seal, and the chariot "clicked" and changed back to the shape of a badge in the air and fell into Yang Qingxuan's hands.

With five fingers, the badge once again shone brightly, turning into a black robe, wrapped around her body. On the robe, countless nebula patterns and various galaxy cloud pictures are very gorgeous.

This is a badge issued by the Star Refining Master Association to every star refining master. It has the effect of returning to the association and hiding the figure. Only the star refining master can use it. It will automatically recognize the user’s breath, but Chi Heng is Yang Qingxuan. Yang Qingxuan's stars, strength and breath were all drawn, and he really deceived the badge.

Wearing a black robe in this way, his figure shook and disappeared in place.

The next moment, in front of a huge pothole on the surface of the planet, Yang Qingxuan flew in at once.

This black pit is bottomless and seems to go straight into the planet.

Yang Qingxuan flew for a long time, and finally arrived inside. At a glance, it was a huge underground city. The dim and dim starlight shot down from nowhere became the only light source in this space.

Yang Qingxuan looked with fiery eyes and golden eyes, his face was full of horror. Above the city, there were a large number of planet-like things floating in the sky, like huge discarded metal balls, floating in the air one by one, endless, I don't know how many.

Yang Qingxuan suddenly felt a shock, staring at a dozen of the discarded metal balls, there seemed to be some energy, moving at a weak speed in the air, like a dying dying person.

Yang Qingxuan's face was a little pale, these dozen or so metal **** were like a group, and it felt like a bronze star trail.

Chi Heng's voice came and said: "Yes, this group of planets is a star field. After the refining fails, it is taken back to the headquarters of the association. All the planets you see in front of you are the products of failed refining. In order to avoid being discovered by the Alliance, any star refinery that fails must be returned to the Association. Some star refiners will be punished by the Association if they disregard this principle. People will also be sent out to recover these things frequently, so as not to cause unnecessary trouble."

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