Heavenly God Mnemonic

Chapter 2387: The world is not benevolent, Yuanjia is narrow

Yang Qingxuan's expression is extremely ugly, the abandoned planets piled up here are endless, I am afraid there are tens of thousands or even hundreds of thousands.

Chi Heng smiled and said, "Hey, isn't it shocking?"

Yang Qingxuan said, "Are these all planets with aura?"

Chi Heng said: "Basically. Some low-level star refiners will choose some garbage planets without aura to refine, but even if they fail, because the planet itself is garbage, there is not much star power in it, even if it becomes a waste product, it is easy to be The rays and dark energy in the universe decompose, leaving no pollution. But planets with a certain aura are different. The products after the failure of refining are difficult to be decomposed by the universe in a short time, even after tens of thousands of times. It is difficult to decompose for 100,000 years, and it will become cosmic garbage, floating in the void. Not to mention the danger, the most troublesome thing is that it will be discovered by some nosy people in the alliance, and then traced down by the vine, causing unnecessary Trouble. After all, the operation and situation of the Star Refiners Association has not been very good."

Seeing Yang Qingxuan's silence, Chi Heng said again: "Actually, refining a planet with aura is not a big problem. Although it is a resource that is difficult to regenerate, it is only a resource after all. The big problem is..."

Yang Qingxuan's mind flashed through the image of one soul and one soul in the purple desert, and said in a deep anger: "A planet with life!"

Chi Heng nodded and said: "Exactly. Refining a living planet, let alone a taboo in the league, is a taboo in the association. The consequences of this will cause huge troubles to the association. If it is refining, The trouble caused by the aura planet to the association is one, then the trouble caused by the refining of a living planet may be one hundred or even one thousand."

Yang Qingxuanhan said: "Your standard of behavior depends on how much trouble you cause to the association? No more trouble, but less trouble? That billions of lives, in fact, is nothing?"

Chi Heng said: "Yes."

Yang Qingxuan was silent for a while.

Chi Heng said: "My lord, you have also cultivated step by step from a mortal. Hasn't this naive and ridiculous sympathy been removed? The strong are respected, and the weak are like ants. What right do the weak have to choose their own destiny, life and death? Being able to grow naturally and die naturally is the persuasion of the weak, and being killed by the strong is also the fate of the weak. There is nothing unwilling."

Yang Qingxuan’s double pupils burst out with murderous aura, and said in a cold voice: “It’s because I have also come up step by step from a mortal, except for those who are born with power, who are not from the lowest end of the heavens, bit by bit, step by step. Work hard to go up. Everyone has the right to choose to practice, and has the possibility of becoming a strong person. The world is not benevolent, and everything is a stubborn dog. The weak is a stubborn dog. The strong is not a stubborn dog in front of the way of heaven. It’s just a big dog. This sentence tells you that heaven and earth have no prejudices and treat all things equally. Heaven and earth are still like this. What qualifications do you self-righteous star refiners have to deprive others of their lives? Horrible, such a huge number of lives!"

Seeing him get angry, Chi Heng said, "Perhaps what you said makes sense, but what you see right now is the current situation. You or I can't change it."

Yang Qingxuan said: "Existence is not necessarily right. If the status quo is like this, it does not necessarily have to follow the trend."

Chi Heng fell silent, as if he didn't know what to say.

Yang Qingxuan flew into this huge underground city with a flick of his sleeves.

Although the sky above is full of scraps of star skeletal remains, but below it is very lively, like a bustling big city, where people come and go, all dressed in similar black robes, but more people did not cover it. Show the face.

Chi Heng said: "These people who show their true colors are all people who have lived in this black hole for generations. They will also practice. Some who can reach the high-level realm kings can escape the gravity of this black hole and go outside. But the star refiner The association has strict management over them, and they must become the guards of the association and obey the dispatch of the association before they have a chance to go out."

Yang Qingxuan walked in the middle of the road and found that many people on both sides showed respect, admiration, even awe and fear.

Chi Heng said: "Anyone who wears star robes must be a star refiner. Their status here is extremely high. It is normal for them to have various affections for you."

Yang Qingxuan looked at the various objects placed on both sides, some of which were common medicines, weapons, and exercises from the outside world, and some were extremely rare, all made of various substances on the star skeleton.

Yang Qingxuan picked up a Xinghui condensed treasure knife and looked at it carefully. The refining technique is not much different from the ordinary magic weapon. It is completely different in material, which makes the knife carry a sharp cold glow.

Suddenly, a strong breath came from a distance, locking him down.

Yang Qingxuan's heart shuddered, and secretly said: "What's going on, has it been discovered?" The sense of consciousness that locked him is not weak at all, and it is very tyrannical.

Yang Qingxuan put down the Xinghui Treasure Sword and came back to his senses, and found that there was already a star refiner standing on the road, just like him, wearing the same robe.

Chi Heng hurriedly said: "Oh, why is this kid? The adults are careful. This person is Li Xin. He has always been my adversary. The last time I offended him, he kept it in his heart. Want to trouble me."

Yang Qingxuan said in a daze, "They are all dressed in star robes, how can he recognize you, how can you recognize him? It depends on distinguishing breath?

Yang Qingxuan had already discovered that the barrier power of this star robe was extremely strong. He turned his fiery eyes to the extreme, and he could only see the outline.

Chi Heng said: "In fact, every star robe is different, representing the level of the star refiner and the subtle differences in identity, which can only be seen between the star refiners. This person’s star refiner’s level ratio I am still tall."

Yang Qingxuan curiously asked, "How are the levels of star refiners divided?"

Chi Heng said: "It's very simple, just like the Thousand Realms, one to nine dans. I am a three-dan star refiner, and this kid is a four-dan."

"Chi Heng, I can still see you. I haven't seen you for a long time. I thought you had been discovered when you were refining the stars, and then you were killed."

Li Xin sneered and walked up. The aura on his body pressed Yang Qingxuan to death, and seemed to prevent Yang Qingxuan from escaping.

The pedestrians and vendors around seemed to feel the wrong atmosphere, and they were all frightened and evaded far away.

Yang Qingxuan was originally unwilling to pay attention to the contradiction between the two of them, but Li Xin's expression and tone made him listen extremely uncomfortably. He imitated Chi Heng's voice and said: "You stupid-D is not dead, I How can you die? Everything obeys the laws of nature. First weed out things like stupid things, Li Xin, you have to be careful."

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