Heavenly God Mnemonic

Chapter 2434: Identity exposure, true strength

The strongest among them are Rong Ke and Zihua.

The Art Refining Master Association had very little contact with the major sect forces. Zi Hua was wrapped in black robe, while Yang Qingxuan was wearing a ghost face with blue teeth. The rest of them, although good in strength, did not enter the eyes of Ning Tianyin.

On the contrary, Xi Chong asked him to look at him a few more times, feeling a little familiar, but a one-star thousand realm, the strength is too low, he is not interested in remembering.

Ning Tianyin set his eyes on Rong Ke and Yang Qingxuan, and said coldly: "Who are you?"

Because judging from the formation of the crowd, Rong Ke and Yang Qingxuan were standing in the middle and walking in the forefront. They were the leaders at first sight.

Yang Qingxuan said, "Ning Tianyin?"

Ning Tianyin said: "Heh, you still recognize this seat. Why, don't you even dare to show your face?"

Yang Qingxuan said: "These faces of the Ning family are all the same, they are easy to recognize, so they can be recognized."

After talking about it, I felt a little regretful, thinking that my mother was also a member of the Ning family, didn't it mean that they scolded them together.

Ning Tianyin said: "It seems that you dare not show up, it doesn't matter, I will tear your face off later. Do you introduce yourself and then die, or just die?"

Yang Qingxuan said, "After we want to kill you, we will go back and live well, and die until the five decays of heaven and man can't survive."

Ning Tianyin said, "Although you look ugly, you want to be beautiful."

In the black vortex next to him, Zixia's voice came, shouting: "Yang Qingxuan, save me!"

"Fairy!" Yang Qingxuan exclaimed.

Zihua and the others all changed their faces, and their murderous aura suddenly rose.

Ning Tianyin's face changed drastically, and he sternly said: "You are Yang Qingxuan?! Haha, there is nowhere to be found after breaking through the iron shoes. It takes no effort to get it. Everyone obeys the orders, all killed!"

The golden-armored warriors behind him, as well as many Lords of Thousand Realms, and Blood Talisman and others, all rose up with murderous intent one by one, forming a momentum like a sea of ​​clouds, completely covering the sky of thousands of miles, all with a breath of death.

Yang Qingxuan and the others are all slightly condensed blood, each with a solemn expression, ready to fight to the death.

Zi Hua immediately yelled, bursting into her figure, turning into a tiny black spot in the air, and rushing towards the black vortex at an unimaginable speed.

In his opinion, he doesn't care whether he can help Yang Qingxuan, but Zixia must be fine.

Ning Tianyin snorted coldly from an old man beside him. The figure swayed and chased him directly above the whirlpool. Then he raised his hands to the sky and shouted loudly. Countless thunderclouds gathered in the palm of his hand, and he thundered toward Na Hei. Point shot-go.

Yang Qingxuan's face was ugly, the old man was also in the middle of the six-star thousand realms, and from the perspective of Ning Tianyin's cultivation base, although he didn't send it out, he was probably also six-star.

There are also those golden armored warriors, more than a dozen Lords of Thousand Realms, and Blood Talisman Sect.

No matter how you look at it, it is a tough battle to death.

"Boom! Boom!"

The six-star middle-thousand-world elder, a series of thunder blasts shot out from his hands, blasted into the sky, and the thunder light quickly joined together, hitting the black.

Zi Hua suddenly appeared, shouting sharply, using his hand as a knife to split Thunder, and then jumped down.

The two quickly fought together.

The warriors of the Ning family, the blood talisman, the blood sword gate, and the warriors of Zhengyang Mansion also rushed out murderously and fought with Yang Qingxuan and others.

Ning Tianyin stared at Yang Qingxuan for a while, with a sneer at the corner of his mouth, then looked at the black whirlpool, and said grimly: "Yang Qingxuan and the people from the Purple God Palace are walking very close, calling you a fairy again, it seems you It should be one of Zixin’s seven righteous daughters. These powerful men in black robes are also masters in the Purple God’s Palace, so dare not show their true face. Let me guess, you belong to the Purple Heart God King. The first daughter is so strong and unexpected. You can still be so calm and playful when you are in trouble. You are the seventh daughter, Zixia."

Zixia's voice came from the black vortex, saying: "Oh? You know me that way?"

Ning Tianyin said: "I don't understand, because I don't understand it, it can only be you. Your sisters, I have heard a little bit, and you are not right in front of you, so you are undoubtedly Zixia."

"Guessed my identity, should I be rewarded, such as using your head as a ball?"

"Haha, if you have this ability, I would like to let my head become a ball under your feet, but do you have it?"

Ning Tianyin laughed arrogantly, and said: "Zi Xin's seven righteous daughters are beautiful and talented. Although the Purple God's Palace is secretly assisting Yang Qingxuan, they have not been exposed to the public. Obviously they do not want to make peace. My Ning family broke completely. Today, after I killed Yang Qingxuan, the conflicts between each other naturally disappeared. At that time, you will follow me back to the Ning family and take care of me. I can help you upright. Maybe in the future She can also become the mistress of the entire Ning family."

Zixia "chuckled" and said with a smile: "I'm not interested in becoming the Ning family's mother. I'm only interested in kicking your head as a ball."

As the words fell, the boundless rivers and mountains shot out from the black vortex, forming a beautiful picture scroll, completely crushing the sealing power of that vortex.

The four Ning family powerhouses who joined hands to set up the seal all changed their faces and yelled several times, punching the Jue Seal in front, forming a powerful blockade.

"Boom! Boom!"

The power of the blockade trembled for a few times, and finally burst open with a bang.

The beauty of countless rivers and mountains emerged before us.

Zixia stepped out of the picture scroll, and every time she stepped on, thousands of rules emerged under her feet.

Ning Tianyin's face changed drastically, and he said in surprise: "You..."

The four masters of the Ning family who applied the seal all had blood trembling in their bodies at the moment the seal was broken, and they were backlashed to a certain extent. They shouted in unison, "Go to hell!"

The four figures blasted away from all directions, forming a strong pressure, and each of the four moved forward and attacked.

There are so many beautiful people in the sky, Zixia raised her hand with a sword, and a large number of rules were shot on the tripod sword, condensed into several sword lights in the air, and blasted at the four with an unimaginable suppression.


All four of them were surprised.

Under that sword, the magical powers in his hand were all broken.

Sword Qi came in and out, as if it could suppress everything, and among the sword light, there were still Jiuding vaguely emerging.

Ning Tianyin was shocked and said, "The Dingwen Sword, an artifact of the Immortal Dynasty?!"


In his shock, all of the four old men who used the seal were split in half by the sword and died on the spot.

Ning Tianyin looked at Zi Xia blankly, but couldn't react.

Zixia walked forward with a sword, squinted and smiled: "Oh, come here with your head."

Ning Tianyin then came back to his senses and said, "You are not trapped, you are pretending to be! It's just, why are you doing this? I don't understand."

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