Heavenly God Mnemonic

Chapter 2435: Kick the ball with your head

Zixia shook her head and said: "This matter is too complicated, and your IQ can't understand it. You only need to understand some simple things, such as bring your head over and kick me."

Ning Tianyin's face darkened, and he said grimly: "Good, you bitch! I had my heart turned to the moon, but the moon illuminates the ditch."

Zixia said: "Too much nonsense, take the lead!"

One step forward, the aura on his body suddenly burst out, continuously rising.

Three-star thousand realms, four-star thousand realms, five-star thousand realms, six-star thousand realms...

Ning Tianyin was shocked, "You! Your...cultivation..."

The momentum finally stopped at the peak of the six-star thousand realms.

Ning Tianyin's heart calmed down a little, but he was still terrified and lost his voice: "Impossible, the pinnacle of the six-star thousand realms. If you have such talent and strength, you are already the King of Glory. Obscurity, even among Zixin's seven righteous daughters, they have always been ordinary existence."

Zixia raised her eyebrows and said, "I'm so beautiful, but you actually said that I'm average?"

Ning Tianyin swallowed hard, panicking in his heart, and said: "You must have practiced some secret technique, or you have some secret hidden in your body, otherwise I would never believe that a righteous daughter of Zi Xin can have six Xing Pinfeng’s cultivation base."

Zixia sneered and said, "What does it matter to you?"

As he said, Yi Jian cut over in the air.

In the countless inscriptions, the sword qi was shot and turned into a huge world of swords in the air, crushed down. This world is like a great town and country, under it!

Ning Tianyin took a sharp breath. This power was truly the six-star pinnacle, and in fright, he hurriedly displayed his magical powers.

Countless green rays of light gush out from the body, turning into a light snake to wrap around the body, and the dense skin is lined with scales, revealing an indifferent evil spirit.

This was Ning Tianyin's second soul supernatural power. With the help of the Ning family masters, he directly pumped a six-star and thousand-world elementary monster snake into his second soul.

The advantage of this is that you don't need to practice on your own. The disadvantage is that it is difficult to achieve the perfect integration of mind-to-heart and two souls, but it is a wonderful way to quickly improve your strength.

After the snake soul turned out, Ning Tianyin shook his hands again, and the two spirals of qi extended from the palm of the palm to the upper and lower directions, and then his hands joined together in front of him, and the spiral qi suddenly turned into four, showing the spread of the cross star .

It is a very strong defensive supernatural power.

Light Snake also felt the extremely strong pressure, wrapped tightly around Ning Tianyin's body, opened his mouth, and exhaled a light like lightning.


The Dingwen sword qi slashed fiercely on the cross star spiral, split it at once, and pierced the light serpent spit out the electric light, and chopped it on the light snake.

Ning Tianyin was shocked and snorted. He was shocked and flew out with blood leaking from the corners of his mouth.


The light snake screamed, struggling violently for a few times, and then slammed back into Ning Tianyin's body.

With a single sword, Ning Tianyin's strongest defense was broken.

Ning Tianyin stepped back in horror, with a trace of panic in his eyes, and shouted: "You can't do anything to me, otherwise it will be an all-out war between the Palace of Gods and the Ning Family. Zi Xin doesn't want to bear the consequences, right?"

Zixia said coldly: "Kill you all, just say that when you were refining stars, you were stupid enough to refining yourself to death. Who can refute and who has the evidence?"

Ning Tianyin said anxiously: "The enemy should be settled or not, let me go, everything on this Cambrian star is yours, and I will never come to this star again."

Zixia said: "Too much nonsense, kick me with your head."

As soon as the figure flickered, he arrived in front of Ning Tianyin, really raised his foot, and kicked Ning Tianyin on the head.

Ning Tianyin was shocked, if this woman really kicked her head, how would she still get involved in the future?

Dodged hurriedly, trying to avoid the blow.

At the same time, hold your head with both hands and protect your head, so that you don't care about the vitals of your whole body, first keep your head and face.

Zixia sneered coldly, her legs pulled up in the air, circled a small arc, kicked directly with the sole of her feet, and stomped **** Ning Tianyin's face.


Ning Tianyin's entire upper body was bent backwards by the shock, a shoe print on his face was pressed down, and the bridge of his nose was all burst, as if he had been smashed by a hammer, blooming on his face.


Ning Tianyin let out a scream of grief and indignation, and his body flew out, spinning continuously in the air.

The whole person was completely confused.

Ever since I was young, I have reached the pinnacle of power and power. I have suffered a lot, and have gone through life and death several times. I have never been stepped on the face by a woman with the soles of her feet.


Ning Tianyin roared again, almost going mad. When he swayed in the air, he rushed towards Zixia frantically and shouted: "I must kill you, bitch!"


Zixia kicked him again, kicked him out, clapped her hands and laughed: "It's fun to kick the ball with her head."

Ning Tianyin's face was completely kicked and deformed.

In the surrounding space, the people of the two factions were incapable of killing each other, the universe of fighting was turned upside down, and murderous and **** were permeated. They all stopped and were stunned by Ning Tianyin's screams.

Yang Qingxuan and others hurriedly gathered into a circle of war.

The difference in the strength of the two factions is really quite different. After a few encounters, they fell into a disadvantage, tired of defense, and many people died.

Ning Tianyin's tremendous changes at this moment gave them a chance to breathe.

The members of the Ning family were all dumbfounded, and some of them couldn't react.

After being kicked twice in the head, Ning Tianyin was a little sober. The opponent was the six-star pinnacle of the thousand realms, and he was only in the middle of the six-star stage. No matter how angry he was, he was just kicked.

Ning Tianyin gritted his teeth and said: "Everyone listens to the order and kills this cheap maid first! At all costs, kill this cheap maid first!"

If you want to kill the six-star peak Thousand Realms, I am afraid that you will have to pay a huge price, but Ning Tianyin can't control so much. Even if you discard this time of Mu Yuanguo gathering, even if Yang Qingxuan escapes, you must kill Zixia first. .

The anger in the sky almost burned him.

"Listen to Lord Tianyin's orders, everyone!"

An old man from the Six Stars and Thousand Realms of the Ning Family yelled, then dropped the people from the Star Refiners Association and rushed towards Zixia.

Nearly half of the masters of the three factions including Xue Fuzong and more than half of the Ning family rushed to besie Zixia.

Zi Hua shouted sharply: "Help Miss!"

They also rushed over.

Yang Qingxuan stepped forward with a halberd and shouted: "Go together!"

The two factions fought together again, but this time there was more Zixia, a six-star pinnacle, Qianjie, who immediately reversed the original imbalance and entered a certain balance.

Zixia alone had almost restrained all the strong opponents with six stars or more.

The pressure on Yang Qingxuan and the others was more than doubled. The grief and unwillingness of being crushed and beaten before broke out in an instant, and slashed madly.

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