Heavenly God Mnemonic

Chapter 3411: Bad feeling

Yang Qingxuan didn't say anything any more, he sealed his hands and entered the cultivation.

Since stepping into the peak of the Nine-Star Thousand Realms, it has seemed to have reached the end of the road, and the front is endless, a vast and unknowable existence.

Can't sense the ten-star realm at all.

Yang Qingxuan knew that he was impatient, and immediately remained motionless, not being disturbed by various perceptions and appearances.

In a large room, the man who led the way snorted and waved his hand to wipe off the curtain of light in front of him, muttering to himself: "This kid is quite cautious. Judging from his isolated magical instruments and methods, It does have some skill."


On this day, Yang Qingxuan was in retreat, and suddenly a kind of uncomfortable induction appeared, causing him to wake up from the state of concentration.

"What's going on? It feels..."

Suddenly, there is a trace of worry in my heart, but it leaves no trace.

"Could it be that a foreign race has attacked the city?"

Yang Qingxuan was surprised and immediately used the deduction method. Suddenly, his face changed slightly, and he said in surprise, "Thirty-seven days have passed?"

I am completely forgetful when I enter concentration, completely forgetting the passage of time.

Calculating now, it turns out that more than a month has passed.

He was surprised.

How come no one came to look for him for more than a month?

Yang Qingxuan hurriedly awakened Guizang and Yas, unlocked the barrier, took the black umbrella, and left the secret room.

Luo Rui previously said that someone would guard the door, but there was no one outside.

Yang Qingxuan raised his eyes to look at the sky, and beyond the sky, a gloomy energy surge, as if the sky was pressed down, making the city extremely depressed.

"Something really happened!"

Yang Qingxuan's heart sank, but the great defense formation was still there, and the matter should not be serious.

His consciousness swept around and immediately covered the entire black iron area, his face sank, and he said, "Go!"

The three of them teleported away directly, and in the next moment, they came to the hall where they worked.

There was no one in it, but the corpses fell to the ground in all directions, exuding a **** smell.

Yang Qingxuan looked over one by one and saw the man in charge, who also fell in a pool of blood, and the blood was still flowing out.

"Just died."

Guizo took a look and said.

Yang Qingxuan stared at the mutilated corpse, and slowly said, "The elementary master of the ten-star thousand realms, come to be the person in charge here, you can see the importance of this black iron area. A ten-star thousand realms died in this hall. , It was not destroyed, one is that the structure of this hall is extremely strong, and the other is..."

Yas said lightly, "Die too fast."

Yang Qingxuan said, "It was three people who shot, and they directly stopped this person, and then three supernatural powers came from three directions and directly killed him."

Gui Zang swept around and said, "The rest of the people died instantly."

Yang Qingxuan closed his eyes slightly and performed a great induction technique, his pupils shot out two cold rays, "The murderer has not gone far, chase it!"

The three figures flashed and disappeared in place.


In Qingyuan City, in a remote garden.

As soon as the purple light flashed, three figures emerged from the void.

These three people wore the same costumes, all of them looked fierce. After they appeared, their consciousness immediately enveloped the entire garden, searching around.

"No need to look, I'm here."

From among the flowers, a woman walked out, dressed in a light blue jacket, with a beautiful face, looking at the three of them faintly.

"who are you?"

One of them asked the woman.

The woman said: "You can just call me Yunqiong. As for my true identity, you don't need to know."

The man sneered, "I don't know your true identity, how can we believe you?"

Yun Qiong glanced at him: "Helping you escape is the greatest credit endorsement."

The human said: "Help us escape, but use us, when the three of us are fools?"

Yun Qiong smiled sarcastically, "Isn't it true that I am not self-interested, I am dedicated to benefit others?"

The man snorted and smiled "hehe": "That's straightforward, what do you want the three of us to do?"

Yun Qiong said: "At noon seven days later, people from the deep space aliens will attack the city in a big way. I want the three of you to assist me in breaking this great moat."


The expressions of the three of them changed drastically.

The leader hummed angrily: "Are you a spy from a deep space alien?!"

A cold light flashed in Yun Qiong's eyes: "I have said that you can't control my identity. Do what you should do."

The head of the humanity said: "You can promise you other things, but you can't do this! Although the three of me are extremely sinful, they are not going to betray our clan!"

The other two also nodded righteously with a decisive expression.

The three of them were originally disciples in the Taiqing Temple, but because of jealousy and hatred, they joined forces to punish the same school, snatched secret skills and medicine, and were captured by the Taiqing Temple.

Originally, he was going to go to jail, and he would never be overborn.

However, because the three of them have a high level of cultivation and can still contribute to the human race, they pressed into the black iron area, waiting for them to change their minds, and later be called to the battlefield.

Among the three, the leader is called Qin You, a senior, and the other two are called Wenjing and Hu Jia, both of whom are elementary cultivation bases of ten-star thousand realms.

I don't want these three people to have been targeted by Yun Qiong, and they have always wanted to recruit them to his side.

Yun Qiong sneered and said: "You killed the person in charge, and you killed hundreds of martial arts disciples, plus the previous sins, you will definitely die."

Qin Youhan said: "Are you threatening me?"

An evil spirit enveloped in an instant, Yun Qiong's face was pale, and she was trembling. She only had the cultivation base of the three-star thousand worlds. How could she be able to withstand Qin You's momentum and pressure, she hurriedly supported the railing on the side to resist it.

With an ugly expression, "What's the use of you guys bullying my weak girl? Does the deep space race only arrange for me to respond? You kill me, I can guarantee that within three hours, you will be captured by the human race and executed at Ling Chi !"

Qin You meditated for a moment, and the fierce light on his face turned away, and he hummed: "Betrayal is too heavy to be accepted. Otherwise, you will be ashamed of the Taoist ancestor's teachings for many years, so let's say something else."

Yun Qiong's face turned ruddy, and he gasped and said, "Have you three thought about it? Your only way to save your life is to escape from Qingyuan City and go away. As long as you stay in the human race, you will die. And now Qingyuan City is closed, and it will not be opened in a short time. Only by cooperating with us to break through the great defense formation, you will have a ray of life. This is also the reason why I saved you. Otherwise, you will be waiting for you to be Cut it out!"

Qin You's face changed drastically, but he knew that Yun Qiong's words were true, and immediately communicated with the other two in a low voice.

In the end, Qin You walked over with a sullen face, and said coldly: "Apart from the three of us, are there any other internal responses? What is the plan in seven days, and tell us in detail."

Yun Qiong was overjoyed: "Naturally there are other people. The plan must be discussed with the three. Now we have the same goal, we are allies."

//No more today.

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