Heavenly God Mnemonic

Chapter 3422: Battle of Defenders (1)

In the several light curtains, there are a large number of vague shadows surging, all are the scenes outside the moat.

Yang Qingxuan looked at it with golden eyes, and he could see the shadows of some fierce beasts, all covered by a layer of mist, able to block divine consciousness and prying eyes.

Yang Qingxuan said in surprise: "This is the haze of the haze forest? It seems a little different."

Li Zhang showed an expression of appreciation and nodded: "It is the haze there, but it has been transformed by these alien races and has become a means to hide their whereabouts. It is a terrible enemy."

In some other light curtains, a large number of warriors were advancing quickly, and it was the martial artist who led the task, preparing to enter the defensive enchantment layer.

In the defense plan arranged by Li Zhang, the entire defense system is divided into five major war zones, blocking all enemies in the barrier layer, and not allowing any alien beasts or martial arts to enter the city.

The scene of the Five Great War Zone soon appeared on this island.

The defensive belt that stretched for more than two hundred miles began to have a large number of warriors entering it. The moment each warrior stepped into it, his body began to flash yellow, like a layer of light sand covering his body.

Yang Qingxuan asked: "This is..."

Li Zhang explained: "This great defense formation is an ancient formation handed down from the ancestors of the human race. It is divided into two layers of energy shields inside and outside, and the two hundred-li long defensive zone between the two layers. As long as you enter it, no matter it is Everyone will be suppressed, and the big formation has a certain attack performance, and will attack the enemies inside at any time. Our martial arts use a protective talisman, as long as this rune is in the body, not only will it not be attacked, but it can also be ignored. The defensive belt is used for suppression."

Yang Qingxuan frowned and said, "But will this rune have been transported by Mu Lingfei?"

Li Zhang smiled and said: "This is another wonderful part of this formation. As long as the base of the formation is changed a little, the runes will not work, and new runes must be matched. Last night let me 36 seats The formation of the formation has been changed, and these runes are the latest."

After speaking, he took out a storage bag to Yang Qingxuan, "There are 20 runes in it, adults can distribute them by themselves."

Yang Qingxuan's consciousness swept away, and the rune was a gray stone with red symbols imprinted on it, like blood.

Li Zhangdao: "This kind of stone for making runes is very cheap, so the runes of the Qingyuan City Great Formation often change, so that it is really safe."

At this time, the haze-shrouded fierce beasts began to entrenched in large numbers above the barrier, coming into contact with the barrier from time to time.

Under the collision, there will be slight ripples.

Some fierce beasts were uncontrollable and rushed out of the smog, attacking the barrier desperately, but they couldn't break it.

The light in the city became darker and darker, as if the sky was covered and plunged into darkness.

Li Zhangdao: "The power of the outer barrier is very strong. Now the entire large formation is opened to the maximum state, and the consumed spirit stones are also scaring to death. When these fierce beasts break through the outer barrier and come in, we will catch them all."

In front of a few people, there is a beautiful sundial floating, and the pointer rotates a little bit.

As it approached noon, the haze almost enveloped the entire array, making it impossible to see the outside.

Li Zhang furiously said: "What a cunning alien! This haze can actually corrupt the big formation!"

I saw that the outer barrier slowly began to seep in, although it could not be broken, but it weakened the defensive power little by little.

In addition to the fierce beasts in the haze, there were a lot of sharp things protruding out, pressing on the barrier, forming pits, and deepening.

If you look closely, there are actually many pyramids.

When the spire of the tower touched the barrier, it immediately formed a small area, as if adsorbed on it, and then slowly infiltrated.

Yang Qingxuan said, "Sure enough, I came here prepared."

Human clan martial arts began to gather in large numbers in front, and could only attack immediately when the outer barrier was broken.

In the five major formations, there are still many suspended warships, which are also pushed forward a little bit, and countless formations flicker on it.

Li Zhangdao: "We will stay here. We can teleport to any place in the city at any time. We only need to wait for the other party's ten-star thousand realms to appear, and we can kill them in the past. Let them give the rest."

Yang Qingxuan said: "If it is not broken, the opponent's ten-star thousand realms may not show up."

Li Zhangdao: "That's true, but it doesn't matter, our goal is to defend the city."

He paused, and then said: "I have sent all information about the situation in this place, as well as the matter of the adults, to the Holy City of Lingxiao, and I will reply in three or four days."

Yang Qingxuan originally planned to go back to the holy city directly and ask about the things after the small gods, but now he doesn't know if Honglin and the others are back safely.

But the situation in Qingyuan City at this moment cannot be ignored.

I can only wait for this time.

At this time, the pointer on the sundial rang slightly, and it was noon.

Yang Qingxuan's heart moved and he immediately looked at those light curtains.

The outer layer of the barrier immediately became chaotic, and the photomask was constantly pressed and deformed.

In addition to a large number of fierce beasts desperately attacking and the weakening of a large number of pyramids, there are also some strange weapons appearing, constantly bombarding the enchantment.

The mountains in Qingyuan City were shaking, and in the darkness, countless lights went upwards in horror, praying.

In the sky of thousands of miles, a huge silver warship is suspended, and there are more than ten smaller warships beside it, guarding it like a subship.

An alien wearing a silver battle suit hovered over the battleship, looking down coldly, expressionless.

He is the commander-in-chief this time, Heibo, the peak powerhouse of the ten-star thousand realms.

Since the attack was ordered at noon, he stared down silently. Although Qingyuan City is big, his gaze and feelings are in almost every situation.

After more than half an hour, the expression on Heibo's face became a little unnatural, and he muttered to himself: "How come the formation is still so strong? Could it be that the inner should have failed?"

Another ten-star thousand-world expert flew over from the battleship and said: "Don't worry, my lord, we have already made a complete plan. Even if the main battle area inside fails to destroy, these fierce beasts are enough."

Heibo nodded his head: "He has been capturing the fierce beasts for more than ten thousand years, and put one-third of it in one shot. It's really a big deal, so it can only succeed, not fail! I just think it should not fail, after all. That adult sits inside."

The ten-star thousand-world expert said: "After all, there are 36 main formations. It is impossible for all to succeed. One can break one. In my opinion, the outer layer of this big formation is about to disappear. The young main formation is broken."

Black Wave said: "I hope what you said is true."

The man smiled and said: "I just got an interesting baby recently, it's the most suitable place to help break the formation."

He stretched out his hand and grabbed it, and a white silk net fell in his hand. Many golden hammers hung densely on the net.

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