Heavenly God Mnemonic

Chapter 792: Moting, forget it when you look at it

Ade was taken aback, clasped his fist and said, "Exactly, how did the adults know?"

Mo Ting nodded, and said: "You will repeat the matter in detail, and you must not miss every detail."

Fu was stunned, and muttered: "Didn't you have said it just now."

Old Mei raised his brows and shouted angrily: "What nonsense, let you repeat it!"

Mo Ting looked at Fu with a smile, and said, "Fu has practiced very hard, and he hasn't seen him for a few months, and he is diligent."

Fu's face blushed, a little embarrassed, and said: "Fu's cultivation level is nothing in the eyes of Master Mo Ting. But Master Mo Ting, please believe what we said, there is absolutely no lie."

Mo Ting smiled and said, "I didn't say I don't believe you."

Fu was taken aback for a moment, and said, "The lord just said it was weird?"

Mo Ting said: "Oh, I thought of another thing, it has nothing to do with you."

The three elders of Songzhumei became embarrassed at once, coughing constantly, and walked a little farther.

Fu Daxi said: "So, Master Mo Ting believes in us?"

Mo Ting smiled, a little embarrassed, and said, "I didn't listen to what you said just now. Now I will talk about it in detail."

Ad's face was embarrassed and said: "Master Mo Ting, I can only tell the story of the matter once. After all, the process of fighting involves too much of our own secrets, and it is hard to say in detail."

The third elder was about to have an attack, Mo Ting looked impatient, waved them away, and then said: "Well, you can tell me everything you think you can say in detail."

Ade nodded and said: "Yes."

At the moment, how will he encounter Thunder Beast, how Zhong Da flees to death, how everyone was killed, how did the three of himself escape, and then meet Zhong Da, how to take it down in a battle, the whole process The sequence and results have been explained, as for the process, all that should be concealed.

Mo Ting listened very carefully this time, and the light in his eyes was shining, and said: "It means that the three of you killed the Thunder Beast Baihe, escaped from the Peacock, and then killed Zhong Da’s two accomplices. In the end, Zhong Da was also taken down?"

There was a cold sweat on Ade's head. It was indeed difficult to explain these doubts clearly. He could only nod his head without knowing how to add.

Mo Ting didn't ask carefully, but nodded and smiled: "I understand, I understand."

The smile was a little weird, and there was a flurry of hair in the hearts of Ade and others.

Fu asked carefully: "Master Mo Ting now believes what we said?"

Mo Ting said, "Although it's a little unbelievable, I believe it. Moreover, this matter is very simple. Rescue Zhong Da and just ask if you can."

"Yes, a good way! Why didn't we expect it!"

The old man jumped out again, kicking and kicking Zhong Da with joy, waking him up.

Mo Ting said: "You bring Zhong Da to the cell, and interrogate it carefully, abandon the ship and run away, losing the face of our ferryman. If all is true, kill according to the rules."

Fu trembled and said hurriedly, "Master Mo Ting..."

Mo Ting interrupted her with a wave of his hand and said coldly: "It's useless for anyone to intercede. This is the ferryman's rules. If we don't comply with it, how can others respect our rules?"

Ade clasped his fist and said: "Master Mo Ting is at the helm of the entire ferryman organization, which continues to flourish, which is extremely admirable."

Mo Ting said calmly: "It's actually very simple. Just follow the rules. Your friend, I am very interested. Does he want to participate in this year's Haitian Cliff Trial? I can recommend it on his behalf."

Ade suddenly "suddenly" in his heart. He was not happy, but worried, and asked tentatively: "Why do you become interested in him suddenly?"

Mo Ting smiled blankly and said, "Looking at your appearance, I am afraid that I will harm him? No matter, you can tell him about the matter. If necessary, come to me at any time."

Ade wanted to ask again, but Mo Ting waved his hand and told them to leave.

Ad and Fu did not dare to defy, and hurriedly bowed back.

Mo Ting murmured to himself after seeing the two of them leaving, "Interesting, interesting, and the cultivation base of the Fragmented Nirvana Realm, but can crush the spiritual consciousness in the middle of the small heaven? Although this kind of thing has not happened, but But he is rare, this kid is really not easy. If he is asked to go to Haitianya for a trial, the possibility of doing that for me is very great. It is really nowhere to look for it. It takes no effort at all."

Mo Ting smiled slightly, and disappeared into the hall as soon as his figure shook.


After Yang Qingxuan returned to the car, he sat cross-legged to practice.

After entering the inner sea, in addition to the power of Gu Yao, there was always a strange feeling.

Especially in the Yin Wu Hall, the dialogue and figure of the man and the woman kept coming to mind.

Suddenly, he slapped his thigh suddenly and cursed inwardly: "Fool! Yang Qingxuan, you are really guilty! The records of transcending the other side and the laws of time and space of Yin Wudian are all recorded in the Four Seasons Book. Isn't Shi Shu in his own hands!"

Suddenly he felt that he was stupid and helpless, and almost didn't find a wall to hit him.

Immediately, he placed a few small barriers directly in the car to avoid being investigated, and then took out the half-page golden book from the star ring and slowly unfolded it in front of him.

I have learned a lot of translations of elves from Adna, which can basically interpret more than 80% of characters.

There is no prohibition on the golden pages. Upon close reading, one by one, the words appear: "The heaven and the earth have great beauty without saying anything, there are clear laws in four o'clock without any discussion, everything is reasonable without saying..."

Soon, he fell into the interpretation of the text, and his brows became "Chuan".

"Things are dead and alive, and you don’t know their roots. They are flat but all things have been preserved since ancient times. Liuhe is a giant, not separated from it; Qiuhao is a small, waiting for it to become a body..."

More than half an hour passed, he read most of the text on the gold page, unconsciously, his face turned pale and his palms were full of cold sweat.

Yang Qingxuan was shocked, and immediately recovered, and thought to himself: "How could this be?"

He was shocked to discover that he had done nothing, just read most of the golden book, the energy in his body was consumed more than 70%, and his body was soaked in cold sweat.

If you are really tired, I am afraid that I am still immersed in the interpretation at this moment, and I will not return.

And what shocked him the most was that after reading for so long, now he looked away from the golden page, and he did not remember what was written on it!


Yang Qingxuan was surprised, and picked up the golden page again, read a few sentences, and forcibly memorized it in his mind, then took the golden page away and began to repeat it.

"Heaven and earth have great beauty without saying anything, there are clear laws at four o'clock without...nothing? Why did you forget?"

"Heaven and earth have great beauty without saying, at four o'clock there is... what is there?"

"The heavens and the earth are beautiful..."



After repeating it several times, not a single word was left, and the record on the gold page was completely blank in his mind, and he did not remember what was written on it.

//No more today, good night everyone. Because the plot is forgotten when I think about it in my mind, but I can't remember it.

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