Heavenly God Mnemonic

Chapter 810: The purpose of Mo Ting, the rule of light

Seeing that he didn't know the situation in the secret room, Yang Qingxuan was relieved immediately, and smiled: "Of course, what Lord Mo Ting said. Master Xu Pei was hospitable. We drank and talked and met each other late. The chat came out only now."

When Mo Ting saw him full of nonsense, the corners of his mouth twitched. After all, Xu Pei was from Dasheng. Although he hadn't spoken to him openly, he had been helping Dasheng. Even if he was killed by Yang Qingxuan, it did not matter.

Mo Ting smiled faintly, and said: "It's fine to have a good chat. You came to me, should you consider it?"

Yang Qingxuan said, "I don't know the specific matters yet, how can I promise the adults?"

Mo Ting thought for a while, and said, "Since you came to me, it's probably intentional. In fact, it's not a secret." As he said, a piece of Luo silk flew over with a wave of his hand.

Yang Qingxuan held it in his hand, with some weird patterns printed on it, and when he fixed his eyes, his face changed drastically.

Mo Ting saw his expression in his eyes, his pupils shrank, and asked in a condensed voice: "This pattern...do you recognize it?"

Yang Qingxuan knew that he had lost his temper, grabbed Luo Su in his hand, thinking about it, and denied: "I don't recognize it, it's just that this thing looks a bit like a false Dao pattern."

Mo Ting showed a startled expression, and then he applauded: "It's really good, even the false Dao pattern is known. Yes, this is a sketch of the false Dao pattern, and many people think it is a normal pattern. For this point, you are better than Others are too much taller."

Yang Qingxuan smiled bitterly: "The Dao pattern is indescribable. After this sketch, it will inevitably change a lot. It is normal not to see it. I just vaguely feel like it."

Mo Ting said: "Martial artist's intuition is part of talent and strength. You can think of false Dao patterns that are already very rare. This is a pattern that flows from Haitian Cliff. My purpose of looking for you is to find in Haitian Cliff. Come out of this false Dao pattern."

Yang Qingxuan's heart throbbed. The false Dao pattern on the Luo silk was exactly the same as the false Dao pattern on the stone found by the cloud cover in the Faguangluo.

He thought to himself: "It seems that Mo Ting's purpose is also for the White Tiger Palace. Such a dangerous thing seems to be impossible for me to do." Thinking of the opportunity to hit the peak of Nirvana, he couldn't help but sigh.

Mo Ting was surprised: "Why, why do you sigh suddenly?"

Yang Qingxuan said truthfully: "This matter involves the false Dao pattern, so I can no longer participate. Master Mo Ting needs to be clever."

Mo Ting was stunned, and smiled in surprise: "You are very cautious, very good. But don't worry, this false Dao pattern is said to be a trace left over tens of thousands of years ago, and now there is no danger. You just need to find it. However, finding it means completing the task. And the task itself was not issued by the ferryman, but issued by the night queen three years ago, but no one has completed it yet."

"After the night, three years ago."

Yang Qingxuan was inexplicably moved in his heart, as if there was a clue, but couldn't catch it, and fell into deep thought.

Mo Ting continued: "When this mission was issued three years ago, everyone was very enthusiastic, but after a big search, no one found this pseudo-dao pattern, and the enthusiasm continued to diminish. By the opening of Haitianya last year, No one is paying attention to this matter. But not long ago, after the night, they suddenly summoned the heads of our major organizations to discuss the matter, and offered conditions that we could not refuse."

Yang Qingxuan pondered: "From this point of view, the Queen of the Night seems a bit anxious. The conditions that Master Mo Ting can't refuse, are afraid that the price is also very high for the Queen of the Night, right?"

Mo Ting smiled and said: "You don't need to be curious about the conditions, you should set yours."

Yang Qingxuan said: "There are still a few things I don't understand in this matter. Since the Queen of the Night is also looking for this false Dao pattern, and can offer conditions that Lord Mo Ting can't refuse, why don't I help? Looking after the night, and want to help the adults? Secondly, I just heard Xu Pei say that Dasheng is going to kill me because of the quota. Since we are looking for something after the night, the more people should be put in, the better. Let’s say there should be no quota."

Mo Ting smiled and said, "Your thinking is very careful. These two issues are actually the same. Because I am sure that I can find this pseudo-dao pattern, and this method is related to the ‘number’."

Yang Qingxuan listened quietly.

Mo Ting continued: “Each Dao pattern is a trace left after the Dao’s manifestation, and represents the highest law. The pseudo Dao pattern is created by the martial artist himself, and is infinitely close to the Dao pattern. Things also represent a certain kind of rule. The conditions set out before the night are not attractive to the ferrymen organization, so I didn’t pay much attention to it, but this time it was different. The conditions were abundant and made me I also salivated. So I calmed down and studied this pseudo-dao pattern, and I found some famous ones."

He stared at Yang Qingxuan's eyes, and said seriously: "This false Dao pattern is the rule of light."

Yang Qingxuan's expression didn't move, but instead asked, "Is there anything wrong with the rules of light?"

Mo Ting smiled slightly and said, "There is nothing wrong with the rule of light itself. By coincidence, my martial soul is called dazzling."

He raised his hand, starting from his fingertips, a dazzling brilliance bloomed, and he extended his arm all the way up, until the whole person was like a ball of light, without discerning his face.

In horror, Yang Qingxuan saw the light and shadow in front of him, and the hall suddenly became dark, but at the moment of electric light and flint, it became bright again, and Mo Ting was standing in front with a smile, as if nothing had happened.

"My lord, this martial soul... is really interesting."

Yang Qingxuan was full of weirdness, and thought to himself: "What's the use of a martial soul that can shine?"

Mo Ting looked at him and smiled: "You must be thinking in your heart, what's the use of a shining martial soul?"

Yang Qingxuan was a little embarrassed when the other party saw through his mind, he smiled twice to cover up.

Mo Ting didn’t care, and smiled: “It’s really useless, but it’s fun to glow and heat. You don’t have to be afraid of the dark when you go out at night alone. Hehe. And it’s rare that I can use five lights this time. Come round, branded on the five people, so that you can borrow the power of my martial soul to sense the false Dao pattern of the rule of light."

Yang Qingxuan said heartily: "Use the light wheel to sense the false road pattern? How sure is it?"

Mo Ting said: "I haven't tried it, but I have studied this Dao pattern for a long time, and the certainty should still be very high. Within a hundred miles, I can feel it with a 70% certainty. And if the five of you combine the light wheel With one, the sensing range can be increased to five hundred miles."

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