Heavenly God Mnemonic

Chapter 923: Save Vera, the same root

"Without the interpretation of the Four Seasons Book of Heaven and Earth, and without the guidance of the Elf King, the elves scattered around the world quickly faded and gradually withdrew from the stage of history. To change this situation, the most important thing is to find the blood of the royal family. , Or to reinterpret the Four Seasons Book of Heaven and Earth."

"That year, after refining the Golden Bridge on the other side, I came to the Black Sea with ambition and started investigating Vera. After several twists and turns, I finally discovered the rules of Yinwu Temple and found the way to enter."

Yang Qingxuan said in surprise: "You entered the Yin Wu Hall?" But immediately, I thought, isn't this nonsense? The current channel is opened by Yaheng.

There was a flash of light in his mind, and he asked, "That is you, who built the White Tiger Palace?"

Ya Heng said: "Yes, I am the White Tiger Ginseng."

Yang Qingxuan was stunned and said, "Then Yunmuzhe, Sien, and Luo Tianli were all three of you killed?"

Yaheng was surprised: "How do you know these three people?"

Yang Qingxuan briefly talked about the cloud cover.

Yaheng smiled and said: "So that's the case. I was really hitting Yunmuzhe and Luo Tianli at the time. I didn't expect that the two of them had escaped. Sure enough, there were two things."

Yang Qingxuan smiled bitterly, the cloud cover was the palace lord of the Red Water Palace, and a world-famous existence. In his mouth, it was nothing more than "two sons", and he didn't know how Ning Jiazi would feel when he heard this.

Yang Qingxuan asked hurriedly, "Where is Sien?"

Ya Heng said: "He and I are both the White Tiger Constellation. Although it is not the same generation of the Holy Lord, I am grateful for the help of Lord White Tiger, so I didn't embarrass him. I just erased his memory and let him go. "

"That's the case." Yang Qingxuan sighed secretly in his heart, no wonder Ade had been searching for the White Tiger Palace near the Black Flame Horn. It turned out that Sien's memory was erased. In this way, the causes and consequences make sense.

Yang Qingxuan asked again: "What about after that? After you enter the Yin Wu Hall, if there are any treasures in it, I'm afraid you will be wiped out."

Yaheng's voice was a bit wry smile, and said, "When you enter yourself, you will understand. The Yinwu Temple is really a wonderful workmanship. I stayed in it for three months, and it was difficult to see what happened. Eventually the ban was sent out. But I have got what I want, and that is the Eye of Dark Night."

Yang Qingxuan said in shock: "The Eye of Dark Night is in your hands now?"

Yaheng did not answer, and continued to say to himself: "After getting the Eye of Dark Night, I have been thinking of ways to save Vera, and finally made me think of a way that is not a way."

Zi Yuan's body trembled, as if she had sensed something.

Yang Qingxuan held her tighter and his face became dignified. He intuitively realized that what Yaheng said next would have something to do with Ziyuan.

Ya Heng said: "This is not a way. I use the Golden Bridge on the other side to send her directly into reincarnation."

"Reincarnation?!" Yang Qingxuan was shocked, and said in amazement: "What does it mean to be sent into reincarnation? You killed her?"

Yaheng said: "I want to save her, how could I kill her? The Golden Bridge of the other bank is one of the three most treasures of the Elf race, and can directly send her into the reincarnation. For this reason, I killed a lot of people from the night race in the Black Sea. , They gathered their power and created a'mother body' as the mother body from which Vera was born."

Both Yang Qingxuan and Ziyuan were shocked.

Yaheng paused for a while and continued: "The evolution and growth of that'matrix' went smoothly. The only thing beyond my expectation is that this matrix consumes too much energy and must be filled with the power of dark night. Although I have dark night With the pupil in hand, I dare not use it at all, and only continuously fills the Dark Night clan with energy as the nourishment absorbed by this mother."

"Finally one day, when the entire Dark Night clan of the Black Sea was almost killed by me, this mother was fully mature, and a baby girl was born from it. At that time, I was ecstatic, knowing that this baby girl was Vera's reincarnation. So she took care of her growth and taught her everything she has learned in her life, hoping that one day in the future, she can bring the elves to glory."

"This girl is also very competitive and extremely talented. When she was only fifteen years old, she stepped into the realm of Taoism. She was extremely talented. But after a while, I found out that something was wrong. There seemed to be something wrong with this girl. "

"She has the royal blood of the elves, but she has powers in her body that I can't understand. These powers are not only very negative, but also self-conscious, which seems to conflict with her."

Yang Qingxuan said in shock: "Schizophrenia?"

Yaheng said: "You can say that, but then I discovered that it was not a simple schizophrenia. It was the grievances of the dark night clan that I put into my mother's body. They were killed by me and became the mother's nourishment, carrying endless The grievances and various fragmentary consciousnesses were all absorbed by the girl. That is to say, this girl uses Vera’s soul as its body and has absorbed countless sub-bodies. In this life, the main body and the sub-body are constantly between The conflict is getting worse."

"When I found out about this, everything was too late. The girl's cultivation and strength were no longer under me, and I completely lost control of her. And she did not live up to her great talent, soon Became the master of this black sea."

Yang Qingxuan and Ziyuan said in shock at the same time: "After the night?!"

Yaheng nodded and said, "That girl is Midnight."

Zi Yuan trembled: "It turns out that the Queen of Night came like this, but what happened later? What happened to me and me?"

Yaheng said: "After Midnight was completely out of my control, I was frustrated for a while, and I didn't want to contact her anymore. I lived alone in this place of trial, hoping to understand how to suppress Midnight. But let What I never thought was that there was no need for me to suppress her, and her own cultivation would have a great problem."

"As her cultivation base keeps improving, the main body and the auxiliary body in her body are mutually exclusive, and finally reached the point where they can't coexist. So she found me and asked me to help her. I naturally couldn't ask for it. So we worked together. , Separated the main body and the auxiliary body in her body."

Yang Qingxuan was completely dull, and Zi Yuan was even more confused.

Yaheng said: "It looks like you should have guessed it. The main body separated from Midnight, which is Vera's true soul, is Ziyuan. And now Midnight is just a sub-body of countless grievances and distracting thoughts. So I said earlier, I don’t know if she is a'human'."

"Ah? I, I'm Vera?" Zi Yuan stood there dazedly.

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