Heavenly God Mnemonic

Chapter 984: Guardian palace

A avatar turned purple fire and six suns in its hands, and slammed in the direction of Youming Dao.

A clone grabbed the sun, moon and star wheel with both hands, delaying time.

The last clone is to stretch out both hands and grab it left and right. He grabbed Shi Yuyan's hand on the left, and suddenly a person appeared on the right. It was Ziyuan who was also grabbed by the wrist by Xuanhou.

Zi Yuan gave a soft drink, and the martial arts spirit flashed at the center of her eyebrows, and her power was transmitted to the Xuan Monkey's body, suddenly increasing the probability of triggering that strange body technique.

Then Xuanhou roared, and his figure swayed, and he shot away in the direction opened by Liuyang Palm.


In an instant, those warriors who hadn't reacted saw a flame burst in front of them, and the painful cries of several vipers sounded.

Then it was the Xuanhou, who took the two women directly, and got a thousand feet away!


The several warriors surrounded by more than twenty vipers were all dumbfounded. With their cultivation as the realm, they could not capture what happened.

At this time, all the Vipers roared in anger, all exhaling a large amount of profound crystal aura, forming a huge profound crystal barrier on the outer layer, trapping all of them.

And the barrier kept shrinking, and several warriors, including Hu Hai, all sank their hearts to the bottom.


The black monkey took the two women and displayed several physiques in the air, and had already escaped tens of thousands of feet away, completely leaving the viper behind.

After a few flashes, Xuanhou turned back to Yang Qingxuan, and then flicked his fingers again, and a golden chariot emerged.

It was the Jialan chariot of Xu Haoyang, Wuying's disciple.

Yang Qingxuan took the two women directly into the chariot.

One person in the car seat is very spacious, two people are more suitable, three people are a bit crowded, and Yang Qingxuan sits in the middle with the two women on both sides, both appear extremely cramped and embarrassed.

Especially Shi Yuyan, feeling Yang Qingxuan squeeze over, so scared Huarong paled, she stood up at once, somewhat incoherent, and said, "I, I stand, you sit down."

Ziyuan also blushed, and she didn't know how to react for a while.

"Cough, cough!" Yang Qingxuan didn't notice their embarrassment, but coughed violently a few times before coughing up a mouthful of blood.

"Brother Qingxuan!"

"Yang Qingxuan!"

Both women were shocked, and then they forgot about the sex, and hurriedly gathered around him.

Shi Yuyan even took out a scarlet pill to help him take it.

Yang Qingxuan Yungong dissolved the pill, and only felt that it was extremely warm and moist. A warm current flowed to the limbs and hundreds of skeletons. The dry meridians were immediately nourished, and the spirit and energy recovered a little.

He smiled bitterly and said: "I used too much force just now, and I used several big moves one after another, and it was overdrawn.

Ziyuan wiped the blood from the corners of his mouth with the kerchief, and said, "I have escaped from those vipers. It should be safe."

Yang Qingxuan nodded, and said, "My current physical stamina can't support the Xiao Wanlei magneto-optical disk. I can only use this Jialan chariot to fly for a while."

Seeing his face eased, Zi Yuan let out a sigh of relief, and said: "This chariot is a bit crowded with three people. I'll go back to the Star Ring."

Shi Yuyan hurriedly said: "No, sister, please sit with Yang Qingxuan, I will just use Yukongshu."

Zi Yuan shook her head lightly and said, "How can this work? I have always stayed in the star ring and it doesn't get in the way."

Shi Yuyan smiled slightly and said, "Yang Qingxuan is currently injured and needs someone to take care of it. If I admit it, you should be the girl with Yang Qingxuan in Xutian City."

Zi Yuan's face blushed, and she whispered, "Exactly."

Shi Yuyan said again: "Are you his star?"

Zi Yuan let out a "um".

Shi Yuyan smiled and walked out of the car, flying directly with the air technique, following Jialan Zhan's side.

The smile on her face seemed to be condensed, frozen on her face, unable to dissolve.

When I was in Xutian City, the scene when I first saw Yang Qingxuan and Ziyuan, and the scene where Ziyuan wiped Yang Qingxuan's blood in the Jialan chariot just now, she was very careful and extremely concerned. My heart is a little cold.

The wind on the sea of ​​clouds is blowing thin clouds, simple and smooth, floating slowly in this endless time and space.


At the end of Youming Road, there is a water cloud floating island hovering in the void with the boundless sky as the background, like a lake pushing away from the clouds, a long cloud ladder connecting with Youming Road, leading to a majestic palace.

The structure of the palace is exquisite, the whole body is blue, and the four corners are hung like bright pearls.

A dozen tall pillars of profound crystals, under the sky light, exudes a cold luster like moonlight. It seems to be a symbiosis of the sun and the moon, showing the supreme sacredness and majesty.

There were more than thirty people around the palace, as if they were frozen, all pinching their hands with their hands, their faces calm.

From time to time, there is radiance from the palace, showing a colorful color, and the rainbow light is pushed away silently, with a gentle but irresistible power, washing everyone's body.

At this time, someone would change the tactics, and the body was flipped in the air by the brilliance, and then retreated several feet, but soon stabilized again.

"Ah, I'm going crazy! When will this burst be broken!"

There was a person hanging in the air, his face changed from being cold to hideous, and scales began to appear on his face. It was Yu Wuji who seemed to endure to the limit.

Purple and black aura exploded from his body, like a tide of bats, screaming and killing him, but instantly he was swept away by the brilliance of the palace and disappeared.

Yu Wuji turned his head fiercely, staring at Xi Da not far below, and said coldly: "Fortunately, you claim to be proficient in astronomy and geography. You can deduct from the past and the present. It turned out to be fart. Open, I'm!"

Full of anger, all spit out from this angry saliva.

Xi Da pinched his hands in front of him, keeping his eyes closed all the time. At this moment, he opened slightly, and said with a light smile: "This is the great lotus formation of heaven and earth. I haven't heard of anyone who has broken it through the ages."

Yu Wuji sneered angrily: "You are incompetent. What do you find so many excuses for? Now we are trapped in the formation and cannot enter or retreat. What should we do?"

Xi Da sighed: "Vera's talent is a hundred times greater than mine. I don't know what to do anymore, I can only wait for the fate."

Yu Wuji said angrily: "My destiny, your sister!"

Xuantianji opened his eyes and said with a smile: "Everyone is trapped here, and there is no answer. You have a lot of drama? You can't advance or retreat and feel uncomfortable. You can just go to death."

The midnight and others around him all stood quietly, unmoved by the outside world.

Yu Wuji was scolded by him, but quieted down, stopped talking, and continued to pinch the formula with one hand, looking for a way to break the formation.

//The next chapter is around 1 o'clock.

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