Heavenly Soul [BL]

Chapter 118: Forest of Echoes

As dawn broke over the sky the next morning, it finally brought with it the much awaited day when the cultivators from the various factions would march through the Forest of Echoes and mount their offensive against the demonic deity.

However, on this particular morning, Qinghe discovered that due to a night full of exertion, his body was sore all over, aching from head to foot and feeling like it was heavier than a house full of bricks.

Thankfully, he had a considerate and helpful lover who fed him a host of healing pills. But even then, Qinghe had to wait dozens of minutes for his cultivation-deprived body to absorb the pills and finally show its effects and ease all discomfort.

Stretching his body, Qinghe grumbled in his heart that at least for this, he had to find a way to permanently fix his cultivation core and regain his ability to circulate spiritual energy.

After the couple got up and finished their morning ablutions, Qinghe and Wei Xiang combed each other’s hair and were in the process of finally putting on their clothes when knocking sounded on the door.

The couple paused in their actions.

Qinghe’s eyebrows rose in surprise while Wei Xiang’s expression showed a look of recognition as he smelled the familiar scent of the person on the other side of the door.

Not minding his or his lover’s state of undress, Wei Xiang directly walked up and opened the door, then invited courteously, “Master, please come in. Is something the matter?”

Sure enough, Feng Huixin entered the room through the open doorway and nodded. “Yes, I came here to give Qinghe something that could be useful when fighting against the demonic deity.”

Saying so, he looked at his son, then blinked. It was only then that Feng Huixin realized that both Qinghe and Wei Xiang were only partially dressed.

Coming out of his startlement, he quickly noticed the band on Qinghe’s ankle that shone with a familiar shade of gold, as well as the transparent armband on Wei Xiang’s upper arm that held clear traces of wind-based spiritual force.

Just like how Qinghe had endeavored to learn about the culture and customs of spiritual beasts to raise the twins better, Feng Huixin had also done the same for the sake of raising Wei Xiang. And so, it only took him a moment to realize that Qinghe and Wei Xiang must have affirmed their bond in the way of spiritual beasts.

After a moment of pause, Feng Huixin quietly accepted this fact and moved on to the reason he’d come here in the first place. He retrieved a large wooden box that looked simply made and walked towards Qinghe, solemnly handing it over.

Receiving the box with a curious expression, Qinghe opened it.

Inside were a full set of clothes and a pair of long, sheathed blades.

In a serious voice, Feng Huixin explained, “The robes and the other wearables are mine and of heavenly design. They have very high defensive ability and can protect you against the strikes of even a deity like Xie Xingye. The swords are a part of my collection and are the most similar in build and weight distribution to the weapons I’ve heard that you preferred. I know that you have defensive artifacts and weapons of your own, but I still want to offer you the best that I currently have. Of course, you are free to reject them and I won’t mind. My only priority is to make sure that you’ll be as safe as possible.”

Qinghe looked at his father blankly, then looked back down at the open box in his hands. His chest slowly filled with warmth at the care and concern his father showed him, but Qinghe was unable to express the depth of what he felt through his expressions.

Taking a deep breath, he set down the box carefully on the bed beside him, then took out its contents one by one and inspected them with gentle fingers.

Then lifting his head, Qinghe smiled and spoke, “They’re definitely of much better quality than what I have and will be very helpful. Thank you, Grandmaster.”

Feng Huixin’s gaze warmed. “If it can be of use to you, then I’m glad.”

Qinghe nodded, his smile slowly brightening.

The things his father had given him were indeed of very good quality and seemed to be of heavenly make unlike the things Qinghe had previously thought to use. So without much ado, Qinghe removed the robes he had just been putting on and started dressing in the set of clothes Feng Huixin had just given him.

By now, Wei Xiang had already finished putting on his Sentinel garb and was looking with appreciative eyes at his lover’s smooth and efficient motions while dressing himself.

From the side, Feng Huixin inquired, “Does it fit alright? Is it uncomfortable anywhere?”

Finished with tying off his belt, Qinghe straightened and adjusted his clothes a bit before replying. “No, it’s fine. It’s easy to move in and seems fitting to wear for a fight.”

Feng Huixin let out a breath in relief and nodded while Wei Xiang had to suppress his urge to pounce on his little lover with great difficulty.

If the Qinghe in his usual robes looked like a warm and pure white flower, then the current Qinghe looked like a sharp and cold blade unsheathed.

Qinghe’s outer robe was sleeveless, its color an ethereal, silvery blue-grey that showed a black sheen when the light struck it just right. The short flaps at the shoulders and the collar of his outer robe were covered in rich silver embroidery, the thread bright and gleaming, with the belt being of the same shade.

Meanwhile, his inner robe had visible full-length black sleeves that extended all the way down his arm and cinched under a pair of silver wrist guards. His pants were of the same dark shade while his black boots had a thin line of silver running along the base and top edges, more intricate embroidery in silver thread decorating the back of the heels.

A pair of identical black leather sheaths hung from both sides of his hips, simply shaped steel colored hilts peeking from it at the ends.

The entire ensemble enhanced the sharpness of his features and gave him an air of cutting ruthlessness, showcasing the cold beauty of his face and lacking the softening effect that his white sect robes usually had.

Wei Xiang swallowed to ease his dry throat and forcefully put away his rising desire. No matter how much he wanted to imagine his little lover riding him while in that outfit, his countenance stark and sharp while his moistened passage was ever so soft and welcoming as it squeezed his member tightly… no, now was not the time for it. He’d have plenty of chances to realize his fantasies later.

And so, pushing away those thoughts, Wei Xiang nodded and merely said, “It looks very good on you.”

Not knowing about the things running in his beloved’s head, Qinghe smiled simply at Wei Xiang with shining eyes. “Thank you.”

At the side, Feng Huixin watched his sons’ harmonious interactions happily.

Then suddenly remembering a certain issue, he spoke, “Qinghe, there's something important that I have to discuss with you.”

Qinghe turned his attention to his father, and upon seeing the seriousness of his expression, he nodded at him to continue.

Taking a breath, Feng Huixin asked, “After the battle, after you…shatter your core, how are you planning to fix it again?”

Blinking, Qinghe honestly answered, “I already talked to Sect Master Fu about this. He said that he knew a couple of recipes to pills that could aid in putting one’s broken core back together. I requested him to gather the ingredients for it and refine those pills for me. He agreed.”

Feng Huixin nodded thoughtfully. Then letting out a sigh, he said, “While there is that method, I’m afraid that if your injuries end up being too severe or if your body suffers too much of a shock because of the sudden destruction of your core, you might…you might really die.”

Hearing this, both Qinghe and Wei Xiang’s eyes widened.

Feng Huixin continued, “If it’s as we think, if Heaven is truly the one blocking me from contacting the other deities to force you onto this path, then once the deity Xie Xingye is sealed again and your task is done, Heaven should open for me once more. In that case, I want you to come with me to the heavenly realm so that you can quickly be healed without complications. I do not want to take any chances with your life.”

Understanding what these words implied, Qinghe stiffened, then looked up at his lover’s face.

Wei Xiang’s expression was twisted into a mixture of reluctance and intense worry. Since he was born in this mortal world and was still in tenth realm, he would be unable to go with his lover and master. He would have to stay behind while they left for a place he wouldn’t be able to reach unless he resumed seriously cultivating again and ascended to the level of a deity.

Just the thought of not being able to see his little lover, being unable to hold him in his arms and hug him tight, not hearing his voice or seeing his smile… it was enough to drive Wei Xiang mad.

But if the alternative was losing him completely, then he didn’t even need to think to make his choice.

Taking in a deep breath, Wei Xiang regained his outward calm. Then turning to his concerned-looking master, he bowed and spoke with gravity, “If it truly seems like Qinghe’s life is in danger, then I’ll entrust him to Master to take care. If taking him to the heavenly realm is what’s needed to save his life, then so be it.”

Feng Huixin looked at his third disciple with deep eyes and nodded. “Yes, I will take care of it, though I hope it won’t come to that.”

After all, Feng Huixin didn't want to separate his sons or see them sad like this either.

Straightening, Wei Xiang showed a melancholy smile as he replied, “So do I.”

Then both Feng Huixin and Wei Xiang turned to Qinghe to hear his opinion.

Qinghe seemed conflicted as he looked at Wei Xiang’s seemingly placid expression.

With a wry and helpless smile, Wei Xiang remarked, “Love, don’t look like that. Even if you had to go to the heavenly realm to recuperate, it doesn’t mean we’ll be permanently separated. Once you recover, you can come back down, or maybe I’ll ascend instead. Don’t you remember what you yourself said just a few nights ago?”

‘You shouldn’t feel afraid that we’ll be separated. I won’t leave your side that easily. Even if I do, we’ll always find a way to be together again.’

Remembering what he’d said at that time, Qinghe bit his lower lip, his expression hesitant. Then he slowly nodded. Yes, even if they ended up having to stay apart for a while, they still had plenty of ways to find their way back to each other.

Seeing Qinghe’s expression relenting, Wei Xiang smiled warmly and walked up to hug his little lover. Pecking Qinghe once on the top his head, Wei Xiang finally said, “It’s okay, everything will be alright.”

Taking a deep, shuddering breath and letting it out, Qinghe nodded more firmly. “Yes, it’ll be okay.”

Wei Xiang cupped his beloved’s cheek and gently stroked it with his thumb as if savoring the sensation and imprinting it into his mind, his eyes holding deep tenderness.

Then retrieving his hand, he stepped back and said, “We should get going now and meet up with the others.”

Both Qinghe and Feng Huixin nodded, and deliberately pushing this matter to the back of their minds, the three soon stepped out of the room to head towards the transportation array.

As Qinghe closed the door to his room behind him, he couldn’t help but feel that the next time he set foot inside this place, his circumstances would have drastically changed. But feeling the light weight of the anklet his lover had given him, whatever disquiet Qinghe felt dissipated.

No matter what happened, he and his Xiang would definitely find each other.

And so, putting the last hints of his unease out of his mind, Qinghe joined his lover and father, and the three soon set off to the border of the Forest of Echoes to meet with the others.

The Forest of Echoes was not a true forest in the actual sense of the word, but in fact a place of battle between cultivators that ended up being riddled with the aftereffects.

The boundary of the Forest of Echoes was an irregular zigzag, with normal brown earth on the outside and roughly layered sheets of translucent glass-like material on the inside.

Within its borders, huge and transparent geode-shaped pillars of crystalline ice thrust up from the ground, their heights and widths double that of a fully-grown adult’s. Encased inside a few of the large pillars were strange monsters and unearthly creatures, some seemingly dead or asleep while others seemed very much alive, their limbs and eyes occasionally twitching.

Apart from these strange ice crystals, large, upright slabs of mirrors were also scattered in between. Their edges were frosted with lacy rime and their surfaces reflected distorted sceneries that were tinged with an eerie air. Sometimes, flashes of black and white flittered past in these reflections in swift blurs.

Gathered just outside the border of the forest were a group of cultivators, each of their backs straight and expressions grave. Some of the senior disciples who had chosen to take part in this expedition to gain experience and face the thrill of battle had excitement flickering in their gazes, though they also knew well enough to curb it and act with caution.

As all these cultivators stood waiting near the border while occasionally casting distrustful glances at the strange landscape nearby, they finally saw three figures walking towards them in the distance. Several of the cultivators immediately turned in their direction, expressions pensive.

But as the three people neared and finally came into proper view, the waiting cultivators felt their eyes widen in surprise.

Why did it seem like this Feng Qinghe’s temperament had gone through a huge transformation just because of a change in his style of clothing?

Not caring about the startled gazes directed towards him, Qinghe immediately asked, “Is everyone ready? And are there any problems that need to be addressed before we set out?”

Snapping out of it, the Elders and sect masters who each held charge of their respective sects shook their heads.

Qinghe nodded in satisfaction. “Then before we begin crossing the Forest of Echoes, I will give out instructions on what we’ll do once we reach the castle.”

Turning to the disciples of the Silver Moon Sect, he spoke, “The ones proficient in barriers should stay outside and support Brother Jing’s Water Prison along with Sect Master Wu.”

A few of the cultivators nodded.

Then shifting his attention to his sect, Qinghe began, “When we enter the castle, cultivators from the Heavenly Peak Sect will pair up with the rest of the Silver Moon Sect’s disciples to form the frontlines. While the people of the Silver Moon Sect sense and disable any remaining spells and traps, the people of Heavenly Peak Sect will guard them against any activated traps and cut down the ghouls. Your highest priority is to guard each other and the cultivators of Silver Moon Sect while they are working.”

The Elders nodded their heads in acceptation while the disciple bowed respectfully with a “Yes, Martial Brother Feng!”

But inside their hearts, all the cultivators couldn’t help but remark at how Feng Qinghe’s aura seemed to have changed just because of a change in his manner of attire.

When Qinghe usually issued tasks, his voice guided them gently yet firmly, making them feel as if he was approachable and dependable. But when the current Qinghe gave out commands, his presence felt imposing and authoritative, his words carrying with them an indelible weight.

Hearing his steady and commanding voice, even the sect masters at the side felt the pressure to bow and agree to his orders. Seeing him like this, his similarity to the Grandmaster was truly undeniable!

Not knowing these thoughts, Qinghe continued issuing out orders, and after a few more things were straightened out, the cultivators at last stepped over the border to the Forest of Echoes and set off to cross it.

As the large group moved through the crystals thrusting out of the ground and the strange sheets of mirrors, their eyes flicked around with caution and their senses stayed sharpened to a high degree. They sent out their spiritual awareness to flood between the strange structures to assess any potential danger while the creature encased inside the crystalline ice shifted restlessly as if sensing their presence.

The entire space inside the forest was hushed and quiet without even a single draft of breeze blowing through, while the air felt thin and dry, seeming difficult to draw into one’s lungs. And despite the huge crystals of ice spread throughout the area, the temperature here didn’t seem noticeably cool at all.

In this strangely still silence, there sounded an occasional series of ‘ping’s like the ring of clear chimes. It would echo around the area and seem to vibrate through the air strangely, making anyone who heard it feel dizzy and nauseous, their sense of direction blurring.

But thankfully, the group of cultivators currently making their way through were mostly of high levels, and were thus able to withstand the enchantment of these chimes with minimal discomfort.

Leading the group was Kong Min, a large arrow of cerulean light floating in front of him and pointing to the direction of the castle. This was the same spell that the Sentinels had used to track Jing Rui the last time, and with a few modifications, it was now being used to traverse the Forest of Echoes.

As they passed through the bizarre landscape, the cultivators walked with silent footsteps, daring not to make a single noise as their caution was increased to the maximum. After all, the Forest of Echoes was most known for its enchantment that befuddled the senses of those traversing through, so none of them felt like they could afford to lose their bearing in this place for even a single moment.

But despite their care, the forest still cast its enchantment on them.

And so, suddenly, the cultivators found their surroundings blurring and twisting into unclear shapes. The weakest of the cultivators swayed as heavy vertigo hit them, their companions having to hold them up to prevent them from collapsing.

Meanwhile, as someone who was currently unable to use spiritual energy at all, Qinghe was hit the worst. And yet, his feet remained firmly planted on the glassy ground, his back straight. Only his dazed and unfocused eyes gave away that he was affected at all. After all, if he showed his weakness here and let the others doubt his strength, then wouldn’t they stop listening to him so obediently?

Also understanding this, Wei Xiang lightly placed a hand around his little lover’s waist, seeming to just be holding him casually while he was in fact doing his best to support him without making it obvious.

A few moments later, the Forest of Echoes settled around them once again, their dizzy spell subsiding and their vision clearing once more.

But when the cultivators looked around, they found that they weren’t at all in the same place where they’d been just a few moments ago.

It was unclear whether it was they who had moved or it was the surrounding that had shifted, but the positions of the crystals and mirrors, along with the type of creatures encased within the ice, all seemed to have changed. Even the sun in the sky was in a different position from before.

Seeing this, surprised murmurs immediately began to sound.

“How did we end up here…”

“Are there transportation arrays hidden under all this glass on the ground?”

“But transportation arrays have never made me feel this dizzy or uncomfortable before, so it can’t be that simple.”

“If we keep moving places like this randomly, it’ll be difficult to reach the Castle of Echoes in time.”

“Is it even possible to navigate this place?”

However, despite these uneasy whispers, most people still remained calm.

In an even voice, Qinghe called, “Sentinel Kong, how is the tracking spell?”

As he continued to feed his spiritual energy to the cerulean arrow floating before him, Kong Min replied casually, “It’s still functioning properly, so finding our way to the castle should be no problem at all.”

Hearing this, many people let out sighs of relief. They could only feel exceedingly thankful that the Sentinels had managed to find a way to use their tracking spell to unerringly lead the way without being affected by the forest's enchantment. It was truly good that they'd come fully prepared, or who knew if all of them would ever be able to get out of here?

And so, the group set out once again, keeping even more vigilance about them as they walked. During this time, they faced the enchantment twice more before being left in peace.

However, as they pressed on forward, they noticed that the whitish glass-like ground under them was gradually turning into a darker shade of grey. When they finally neared the boundary between the Forest of Echoes and the castle, the ground beneath them had already become pitch-black. For that matter, it was not only the forest’s ground, but also the land around the castle and the castle itself that was burned into a deep black.

In front of the group of cultivators, the Castle of Echoes now loomed like a large shadow of a dead building. Its walls, roofs, and every other visible part of it, was scorched into a very even ebony color, making it difficult to distinguish its precise details even in the bright morning light.

The castle felt strangely out of place when viewed against the background of the light and sunny skies, a gloomy sense of abandonment and forbidding ominousness shrouding the dark building. Some parts of the castle had already crumbled into ash and charcoal, obviously having been burnt through, while other parts remained stubbornly standing till now without any sign of being about to collapse.

Qinghe carefully studied the layout around the castle, then turned back to order, “The noncombatant medical personnel of Lightning Sky Sect will stay outside and set up camps. Take care not to accidentally enter the boundaries of the Forest of Echoes. And as discussed before, the cultivators from the Drifting Clouds Sect will guard the entrances and exits while coordinating with the non-leading Elders to protect and rescue anyone who needs help. If they are injured, you will bring them out to get treatment. Brother Jing and Sect Master Wu, along with the barrier team from the Silver Moon Sect, will erect and enforce the Water Prison only around the castle and not include the medical camps to keep them out of the battle. Are there any questions?”

Everyone shook their heads.

Qinghe nodded before finally saying, “Then please keep in mind your instructions and do not risk your life unnecessarily. Help each other and stay safe. That is all.”

The cultivators nodded with a weighty solemnity, accepting this command wholeheartedly.

After everything was thus decided, the group of cultivators finally stepped out of the Forest of Echoes and walked towards the huge scorched castle in front of them.

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