Heavenly Soul [BL]

Chapter 119: The Battle Begins

The inside of the Castle of Echoes was pitch black and strangely silent. Still bodies filled the space, unmoving and lifeless.

Suddenly, the tall black doors of the colossal castle slowly began to swing inward to reveal the large group of cultivators standing outside the arched doorway, all with grim faces, vigilant eyes, and battle-ready postures.

The large doors creaked and groaned as the space between them widened, the noise of their opening like the sound of a beast in miserable pain. Slipping in from between the doors, beams of sunlight from the outside spilled into the unlit castle, starkly illuminating the motes of dust in its way and casting a melancholy glow on the vague shapes waiting within the dark confines of the front hall.

And inside, the entire open space was packed completely with neat rows of ghouls.

In this huge front hall, the ghouls stood shoulder-to-shoulder, seemingly inert with their arms dangling limply and their heads bowed as if in virtuous prayer.

On the farthest end from the doorway and leading up from this crowded hall was a large, wide staircase that split into two halfway and disappeared into the upper floors on either side. It was unclear whether more ghouls would descend through this staircase. However, at a glance, it could be seen that just in this front hall alone, there were several hundreds of thousands of the creatures, so if any more were to arrive later from upstairs, it could get difficult to handle.

Realizing that the enemy’s numbers were larger than expected, the cultivators’ faces grew grim.

Not waiting any longer, the group of cultivators from the Silver Moon Sect and Heavenly Peak Sect, who were instructed to team up to remove the remaining traps and engage the ghouls, immediately swept forward.

After giving them a few moments to gain the lead, the rest of the cultivators also charged into the hall, their bodies flowing forward towards the ghouls in a wave, cutting them down and spreading throughout the lower level of the castle to root out any hidden threats.

The previous hushed silence of the large front hall quickly dissolved into a chaotic cacophony as the ghouls also sensed the presence of the cultivators and pounced towards them, their fingers reaching forward.

While the heat of battle began to boil inside, on the outside of the blackened castle, the medical teams from the Lightning Sky Sect were busily setting up camps and arranging stretchers and beds for the injured who would start coming in soon.

Meanwhile, Wu Xiao gave out instruction to arrange the disciples from his sect at the appropriate places around the castle so that they could better support the barrier.

Once everything and everyone was in place, Jing Shui rested back into the embrace of his lover, both of them remaining standing, then took a deep breath. Then summoning his spiritual artifact, he drew large quantities of water from the nearby ocean, making it rise in the form of a transparent sheet that gleamed wetly. Jing Shui then began to laboriously shape the water into a hemispherical shell around the castle, imbuing the entire dome heavily with his spiritual force.

Once that was done, Wu Xiao bent down lightly and whispered, “Ah-Shui, well done.”

Jing Shui closed his eyes and nodded. “Now it’s your turn.”

With a smile, Wu Xiao sent out his silver tendrils of power to form intricate sigils over the transparent dome that glistened brightly under the morning sun. Standing just outside the boundaries of the newly constructed barrier, the stationed disciples of the Silver Moon Sect also began reinforcing their respective sections of the Water Prison.

And so, with the barrier now firmly in place, nothing would escape the castle easily.

Meanwhile, Qinghe, Wei Xiang, Feng Huixin, the twins, Chen Xiande, Hei NingYu, and all the sect masters of the Five Great Sects except Wu Xiao, stood at the castle’s large doorway, surveying the scene both inside and outside.

With her lips tilting up in a smile at the carnage, Liu Xue spoke, “It seems that everything is proceeding as planned for now. Xiao He, do you have any more commands to give before I start having some fun of my own?”

Qinghe gave a short nod. “The people who will be feeding power to the formation later should limit their movements to beside the staircase. That way, when the deity comes down and starts battling me, you can stay nearby and quickly take your places as soon as the drawing of the formation is completed. Other than that, you are free to do as you wish.”

Hearing this, Liu Xue’s smile blossomed into a bloodthirsty grin. Summoning her spiritual artifact, she immediately dived into the fray without waiting, the serrated blade of the semicircular saw flashing in the dull light as it dug into the flesh of the insentient ghouls.

Deciding to also start moving, Fu Cangyun simply cast a disinterested gaze at the blood and gore strewn battlefield. Then pulling out an invisibility talisman from his sleeves to paste on his chest, he directly began heading towards the staircase to wait beside it. After all, he was a healer, not a warrior. There was no way he was going to take some brutish weapon and start making a bloody mess like the others.

But for some reason, as Fu Cangyun passed through the combat zone, all the ghouls in his wake abruptly stiffened and started toppling over, greenish foam dripping from their mouth as their eyeballs rolled up in their sockets.

Seeing this, Lu Feiyu shook his head with an elegant smile. “A healer who’s also an alchemist is truly a force to reckon with. I wonder which combination of poisons Sect Master Fu used this time for it to have such a swift effect on the ghouls.”

Qinghe automatically answered, “It’s a mixture of powdered leaves of the necrophagous vine, ground petals of the nine bones flower, dried wings of the horned silverfly, venom of the six–finned gallowfishes, and marrow eroding toxins extracted from the thorns of the snowstar blossoms.”

Lu Feiyu shot a wide-eyed look at Qinghe, then with a delicate cough, he remarked with amusement, “My, so many poisoners amongst us today. Feng Qinghe, you truly are a confounding existence.”

Then with a shake of his head and a wave of his sleeves, he stepped towards the churning battlefield as he said, “I suppose I should start adding in my contributions too.”

And so, plucking several snowy white feathers from his headdress, Lu Feiyu imbued them with a bit of his spiritual power and sent them flying. The feathers immediately turned stiff, their edges glinting sharply as they gracefully whirled and danced around the indolently walking figure of Lu Feiyu, like a shower of leaves floating and swirling in the wind. However, if any ghouls dared cross his path, it would instantly be shredded into ribbons by the viciously sharp feathers, no bit of bone or hair remaining intact.

And thus surrounded by a whirlwind of blood, Lu Feiyu glided forward with elegant steps, his peaceful smile unchanging.

Back at the doorway, Zhen YiLan sighed forlornly.

In the beginning, witnessing how his second disciple had to shoulder such a large burden of leadership had really hurt his heart, but seeing that his Qing-er was actually able to manage such a monumental responsibility this well, Zhen YiLan finally realized that he had been underestimating his disciple all this while.

Turning to Qinghe, Zhen YiLan abruptly spoke aloud the thoughts he had kept suppressed till now, “Qing-er, your Master has wronged you. I should have seen when you were in pain and how you were hurting yourself to vent it. I should have kept a better eye on you and not let you harm yourself this much. I should have taken more care of you and lessened your burden rather than adding to it. Qing-er, I… as a Master, I have failed you.”

Qinghe listened to all this with open shock on his face. Faced with such a contrite and distressed Zhen YiLan all of a sudden, he felt unable to react. The twins and Chen Xiande standing beside him also showed startled expressions.

In his uncertainty, Qinghe instinctively reached out a hand, and Wei Xiang enfolded it within his own. Closing his eyes, Qinghe took a breath, the warmth of his beloved’s palm steadying his mind.

Opening his eyes again, Qinghe finally spoke, his tone gentle, “Master, what you just said isn’t true at all. How could you have wronged me? It was after all you who saved me from that place in the beginning. That in itself is a favor I feel that I would be unable to ever repay, even if I were to use my entire life.

“But on top of that, you even let me stay at the sect, sealed my soul to protect my life, you fed and sheltered me, and whenever I felt lost and uncertain in those first few years, you truly were there for me. When I started cultivating, you guided me and gave me everything I would need to develop myself. And for the longest time, the only family I thought I had was the one you gave me. So how can you say that you failed as my Master?”

Zhen YiLan felt tears gathering in his eyes, his fluffy eyebrows quivering as his beard shook. “Qing-er, do you truly not blame me?”

Qinghe blinked and shook his head. “Why would I? You gave me more of your care and affection than I ever expected. If anything, I feel grateful that you are my Master.”

Hearing such words, Zhen YiLan felt the heavy regret he had nursed in his heart lightening even as he bowed his head as if unable to bear the weight of his disciple’s sincere words.

Sighing softly, Qinghe let go of his lover’s hand and stepped closer to his master, carefully wrapping his arms around him in a hug.

He had already heard from Wei Xiang about how Fu Cangyun had revealed to Zhen YiLan about his past wounds and self-harming behavior. Keeping that in mind, he could easily guess that his master had these self-blaming thoughts stewing in his mind since then.

Meanwhile, Zhen YiLan suppressed his undignified tears and held on tightly to this dear disciple of his.

A few minutes later, Zhen YiLan regained his bearings and voluntarily let go. Stepping back, he pronounced in a stately tone with red rimmed eyes, “Since my Qing-er is doing his best, as his master, I must naturally support your plan and make this as easy for you as possible.”

Qinghe smiled. “Then, Master, please destroy as many ghouls as you can before taking your place in the formation once it’s done.”

Zhen YiLan gave a firm nod, then turned and strode into the battlefield. Soon, large and glowing chimerical constructs blazed to life, rampaging through hordes of ghouls and decimating their numbers steadily.

Seeing that everyone was beginning to get into positions one by one, Hei NingYu said, “I guess it’s time for us to begin working too, Little Sheep.”

Chen Xiande let out a breath and nodded, extending his hand and holding his lover’s.

Turning to look at Qinghe, he cautioned, “Junior Brother, you have to take care today. Don’t go around acting like you’re invincible.” Then turning to the twins, he said, “Fei Jin, Fei Yin, you both stay with him for a bit and make sure your second martial brother doesn’t do anything to get himself hurt, though I’m sure that Sentinel Wei and the Grandmaster won’t let that happen.” Then shooting Qinghe a dark look, Chen Xiande continued, “But with Feng Qinghe, the more people there are to make sure he doesn’t get into trouble, the more reassured I’ll feel.”

Qinghe’s brow twitched. Was he some sort of an insensible little bratty kid to warrant so much caution?!

But to Qinghe’s indignity, the twins, his lover, and even his father, all nodded solemnly as if what Chen Xiande said made complete sense.

Witnessing this, Qinghe could only sulk in silence.

Chen Xiande saw his junior brother glaring at blank space with puffed cheeks and couldn’t help smiling with affectionate amusement. Then turning away, he dragged Hei NingYu with him and stepped into the chaotic front hall of the castle, searching for a suitable place for his beloved to rest while he cast his Enchantment.

Seeing his senior brother and his lover’s back growing farther, Qinghe disconsolately mumbled under his breath, “I’m not that reckless.”

The twins looked away as if withholding their comment while Feng Huixin simply coughed to hide his disbelief.

But before Qinghe could pout more at this injustice, Wei Xiang skillfully redirected his attention. “Qinghe, shouldn’t we also get going and join the battle? And since you don’t need spiritual energy to destroy these ghouls, you should easily be able to cut through them even in your current state.”

At the mention of fighting, Qinghe’s eyes immediately brightened. Easily putting the previous matter out of his mind, he pulled his lover and walked further into the castle after prodding his junior brothers and father to also hurry up.

With helpless smiles, Fei Jin, Fei Yin, and Feng Huixin quickly joined up with an eager Qinghe, diving into the battlefield at last.

By now, the foul reek of rotten blood and decaying innards had already spread throughout the vast space of the castle’s front hall, the fetid stench of a brutal battle floating up to the dark and expansive ceiling stretching high above, black and unreachable like a starless sky.

The previous gloom of the hall was considerably lightened by the various floating formations and arrays littering the air, some small and some large, all glowing in various brilliant hues, constructed intricately and woven delicately by masters of the craft. As the arrays and formations activated one by one, light flashed, thunder cracked, earth split, and winds whipped the enemy forces, decimating the ghouls with swift ease. Meanwhile, as spiritual forces and powerful weapons constantly sent out strikes and slashes, sharp crackles and loud booms sounded in quick succession, lifting up dust and carving through the ranks of ghouls.

In between these noises, strands of melodies borne out of various instruments wound through the battlefield, some delicate and light, like a flower petal tracing down the side of a cheek as it slowly floated down, and yet others were brutal and fierce, forceful like the thrust and wrench of a sword, plunging in and cleaving through bodies softened by decay.

Blood spurted and sprayed upward, dying the air in red for a mere moment before splattering the walls and falling onto the black floor, mixing with severed limbs and torn out organs as the steel-edged heels of the cultivators’ boots and the bare feet of the ghouls stomped and stirred them, smearing the thick paste over the floor.

And through the thick of it, Qinghe charged, flanked by the twins on either side with Wei Xiang and Feng Huixin bringing up the rear.

With the fingers of each of his hand wrapping around the hilt of the blades strapped to their respective sides, Qinghe drew his swords with abject glee and eagerness. The silvery blades slid out smoothly, feeling like an extension of his limbs, a perfect fit.

Sensing the presence of a person without spiritual energy, a ghoul turned in Qinghe’s direction and eagerly rushed towards him. His lips stretching into a wide smile, Qinghe swung a sword, its blade carving through the air in a silver arc and slicing precisely through the vertebrae of the ghoul’s neck, cleanly cutting off the head.

As blood shot up from the stump of the neck while the ghoul’s decapitated body toppled powerlessly, Qinghe turned to Feng Huixin and grinned with open delight. “Grandmaster, the blades you chose for me are truly perfect!”

Feng Huixin’s brows twitched. Now more than any other time, his son reminded him strongly of his murder-happy wife.

Not noticing his father’s reaction, Qinghe turned back to dive into the battlefield and began his cheerful slaughter. Even without spiritual energy circulating through him, his body still retained quite a bit of strength, and paired with his dexterous motions, martial arts training, and the keen sharpness of his heaven-made blades, Qinghe cleaved through flesh and bone like they were nothing but air.

The hilts of his swords seem to twirl over and around his fingers lightly as the wickedly sharp blades whirled in deadly circles, their edges slipping into the ghouls’ bodies with ease and slicing through to reduce them into bloody chunks.

In the meantime, the twins stayed on either side of him and slightly to the back, their daggers gleaming blue with reflected light and slashing with vicious exactness. They worked in accord with their senior brother’s actions, the three of their bodies moving with a cohesive fluidness.

Sometimes, when he had to face a large clump of ghouls blocking his way, Qinghe would merely disable the ones nearby and push them to the side while continuing onwards, letting the twins cut the immobilized ghouls apart with their blades trailing glowing streaks in the air. And so, wherever these three martial brothers went, they would leave heaps of hacked corpses piled up on either side behind them.

Walking behind these three with sedate steps and guarding their backs, Wei Xiang simply released the golden strings from under his vambraces and used them to whip around and pass through the ghouls, cutting them cleanly into bits without lifting a finger.

On the other hand, afraid that he’d cause too much damage if he took out his whips, Feng Huixin pulled on a pair of black gloves and simply crushed the heads of any ghouls that approached him in passing.

And so, the battle raged on, with the cultivators using their strength and Qinghe’s many pre-prepared plans to gain an advantage against the overwhelming numbers of the ghouls.

But just as the tide of battle began turning in the cultivators’ favor, a scalding stream of fire suddenly shot towards Qinghe from above the staircase, rippling and distorting the air around it with its heat.

However, with a flip of his hand, Feng Huixin instantaneously erected a shield around them to absorb the flames.

Alerted by this fire, Qinghe quickly looked up, the ghouls in front of him already charred due to them being in the flame’s way.

Standing on top of the staircase with an unfathomable expression was Xie Xingye, his deep gaze locked on Qinghe’s group.

Barely managing to fit into the tight space near Xie Xingye, the large black dragon was curled protectively around its beloved, its jaws just snapping shut after it determined that it couldn’t get to Qinghe that easily. Its gaze held smoldering fury as it glared at Qinghe and Feng Huixin, still remembering that it was because of these both that Xie Xingye had sustained that much damage previously.

Just like last time near the cliffs of the Battle Arena, Qinghe lifted his head, his gaze meeting Xie Xingye’s complex one.

His eyes narrowing, Qinghe turned back to ask, “Xiang, can I leave that black dragon to you?”

Wei Xiang nodded in acknowledgment, his eyes glinting with a dangerous light. He still remembered that it was because of that dragon and its fire that his little lover had ended up using his spiritual energy in such an unstable state, leading to the cracking of his core. And so, he was determined to extract suitable payment from that blasted black dragon’s thick hide.

Not knowing Wei Xiang’s spiteful thoughts, Qinghe felt reassured at being able to leave that troublesome being to his beloved.

Then looking at Feng Huixin, Qinghe spoke, “Grandmaster, I would like you to stay near the staircase, but not interfere. Otherwise we might end up spooking the demonic deity into fleeing again.”

Feng Huixin nodded, a small, worried frown on his brow.

Turning to the twins, Qinghe instructed, “Jin-er, Yin-er, can I count on you both to collaborate with the people around the staircase to clear out the ghouls near it? I would prefer not having to guard against them when I’m fighting the deity.”

The twins immediately replied with a staunch, “Yes, Senior Brother! Leave it to us!”

Qinghe smiled and turned to face the staircase again, his hands beginning to move automatically to once more begin chopping up the creatures beginning to flood his path after stepping over the charred remains of their comrades.

Standing at the very top of the staircase, Xie Xingye looked at the nearing Qinghe with eyes filled with complex emotions of regret, melancholy, and firm determination.

Seeing Qinghe's face that held such resemblance to his mother, Xie Xingye couldn’t help but reminisce about his beloved sister Chunyi and the wretched and beautiful time they spent together.

And as Xie Xingye's mind wandered, the chaotic sounds and sights of battle slowly receded, his vision filled instead with the glittering stars sprinkled over the night sky of another world as he relived the memories of a time long past…


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