Heavenly Soul [BL]

Chapter 41: Paying Compensation

“What’s so funny?” Chen Xiande asked, dissatisfied.

“Y-You…how can you…misunderstand it to…this extent...?” Hei NingYu tried to get out between bouts of laughter. He tried to speak more coherently, “Even if you think I’m going to torture you…why would you offer me advice? Why would you try to help your torturer?”

Chen Xiande’s anger faltered. Well, he did have a point. He supposed he was being somewhat silly.

“For you to misunderstand this much and to be inexperienced on top of that, just how old are you?” Hei NingYu asked curiously.

Not knowing what he was supposed to have misunderstood, Chen Xiande answered honestly, “Three hundred and…fifty four, I think.”

“…” And you were still an untried virgin?

Seeing that the demonic cultivator was looking at him as if he had said something strange, Chen Xiande finally felt he’d had enough of being mocked. Not caring if he could escape, he started struggling in Hei NingYu’s hold.

But since Hei NingYu was straddling Chen Xiande to firmly hold him down, a certain sensitive area of his was being continuously rubbed as the body beneath him wriggled around so much.

Trying to contain his reaction to the stimulus, Hei NingYu hissed, “Little Sheep…if you keep going like this, I will have to increase the amount of compensation again.”

The squirming stopped.

Hei NingYu sighed. Taking time to compose himself and suppress his desire, he finally decided to explain properly so that nothing more could be misunderstood.

“I don’t know why you thought I wanted to torture you, but that’s not what I meant at all.”

Chen Xiande looked at him uncomprehendingly. He didn’t want to torture him? Then what did he mean by compensation?

With a wry smile, Hei NingYu continued, “What I meant was, I want to take you to bed and sleep with you. I want us to have sexual relations with each other, spending a passionate spring night together full of sex. I want to make sweet, hot love to you. To put it more crudely, I want to fuck you. Do you understand now?”

His face had turned so hot that Chen Xiande was sure it must be glowing by now. “Y-You want to…with me…”

Hei NingYu nodded. It seemed he finally got it.

“So when you said you wanted compensation…you meant…” Chen Xiande found that he was too embarrassed to even say it out loud.

Why would anyone want him like that? He knew he was dour and ordinary. He had never imagined he would one day get propositioned, especially not by such a beautiful person. What was he supposed to do now?

“Well, since you are so inexperienced, you can simply give me a kiss for now. I’ll take the rest of the payment later,” Hei NingYu graciously compromised.

“A k-kiss?” Chen Xiande couldn’t even imagine it.

Not wanting his little sheep to feel forced into this situation, Hei NingYu reversed their positions.

Suddenly finding himself sitting on top of the other man, Chen Xiande almost lost his balance. He hurriedly placed his knees on either side of Hei NingYu’s waist, stabilizing himself. His wrists were still held captive though.

“Yes, my little sheep. A kiss,” Hei NingYu reiterated.

Now lying down, Hei NingYu’s silky hair was spread underneath him, framing his fair face. His smooth skin was lovingly caressed by the light of the brightening day, tracing every perfect detail. His bright eyes sparkled with vitality and his moist lips quirked up in a smile.

Chen Xiande’s gaze snagged on the other man’s pair of inviting lips. He was sure that to this man, he would be nothing but a plaything. But maybe that was okay for now. When else would he get a chance to kiss someone like this again?

Being stared at like that, Hei NingYu licked his lips, suddenly feeling thirsty. The action only made Chen Xiande’s gaze deepen. He felt a slow, insistent burn spreading through his body, clouding his mind in a haze.

His usual reticence forgotten in the face of the pulse of awakening desire, Chen Xiande finally replied huskily, “Okay.”

Having gotten his agreement, Hei NingYu finally let go of the slender wrists in his grasp.

Chen Xiande didn’t even seem to notice. He slowly bent down as nervous butterflies filled his stomach. Being studied so intensely by Hei NingYu’s expectant gaze, Chen Xiande embarrassedly whispered, “Close your eyes.”

Hei NingYu smirked at the shyness and need coloring his voice, but did as he was told.

Lowering his head, Chen Xiande pressed his lips against Hei NingYu’s. He could feel the heat of the other person’s skin through both of their clothes since he was practically lying on top of him now. The place where their lips touched seemed to burn, fanning both of their desires higher.

Seeking some kind of friction, Chen Xiande rubbed his lips against the other man’s.

Having enough of this slow temptation, Hei NingYu opened his mouth and licked Chen Xiande’s lips. Unconsciously, Chen Xiande opened his own lips and let the other’s tongue in.

Closing his open mouth over Chen Xiande’s, Hei NingYu licked and sucked, his tongue sweeping everywhere as he tasted him. Following his lead, Chen Xiande also began hungrily caressing the inside of Hei NingYu’s slick mouth. Their tongues slid and danced as their breathing deepened and their lust heightened.

After about twenty minutes of greedily devouring each other, they finally separated, their chests heaving. Saliva dripped from one corner of Chen Xiande’s mouth, connecting to Hei NingYu’s lips. Chen Xiande embarrassedly wiped it away.

His cheeks were flushed, his eyes misty. The frown on his face had long since disappeared, replaced by arousal. He looked a dozen times more appealing than before.

Hei NingYu stared in fascination.

He didn’t expect his little sheep to be so enthusiastic despite it obviously being his first time kissing somebody. He wanted to take it further, but knew it wasn’t possible, so he gave it up for now. He could exact this payment later when he had the chance.

Chen Xiande’s mind felt blurry and strange. He licked his lips and looked at Hei NingYu, then turned away blushing. Hei NingYu’s waist that he was straddling seemed to burn him where it touched the inside of his thighs, his skin there seeming to have suddenly gotten too sensitive.

Realizing that he had finished making his payment for now, Chen Xiande hurriedly got up on wobbly legs.

“I-I’ll be going then,” Chen Xiande said without looking at him and turned to walk away.

“Do you even know the way out of this forest?” Hei NingYu asked, his voice sounding deeper than usual. He sat up unhurriedly and rested his elbow on his raised knee and his chin on his palm as he spoke.

Chen Xiande halted. He had spent so much time wandering around last night and had still been unable to get out. Hesitantly, he asked, “Do you know how to get out of here?”

Smiling slightly, Hei NingYu answered, “Of course.”

“Then…can you please show me the way out?” Chen Xiande requested, still facing away.

“Yes, but you’ll have to compensate me for it,” Hei NingYu said, his voice heated.

Chen Xiande felt his barely suppressed desire rising once more. Would he ask for a kiss again? He felt anticipation building inside him.

“Just in case you’re wondering,” Hei NingYu informed, “I won’t be satisfied with a simple kiss this time.”

Swallowing thickly, Chen Xiande asked, “Then what do you want?”

“First, come here. Then I’ll show you,” Hei NingYu enticed.

Slowly turning around, Chen Xiande saw Hei NingYu holding out a hand towards him. Chen Xiande walked up to where the other man was still sitting and knelt down before taking the offered palm.

Hei NingYu brushed his thumb over the soft skin at the back of Chen Xiande’s hand and spoke, “Good. Now undress.”

Chen Xiande shivered at the undisguised lust in Hei NingYu’s voice. Retrieving his hand from the other man’s grasp, he hesitated only for a moment before his fingers moved. His belt was undone, and one by one, the layers of his robes brushed over his shoulders as they fell open and slid to his elbow.

His shoulders, chest, and stomach were now completely exposed, but Chen Xiande did not know whether he should remove his clothes completely or if this was enough. Seeing that Hei NingYu didn’t seem to mind this much, he let out a breath in relief.

Feeling the brush of the cold morning air on his unclothed body, Chen Xiande lightly shivered, but not for long. Hei NingYu lifted a hand and swept it over the pale expanse of skin stretched before him, across that smooth chest and soft stomach, those prominent collarbones and round shoulders. His palm seemed to leave heated trails wherever they went. The contrast between Hei NingYu’s warm touch and the breaking dawn’s cold wind sent shivers of pleasure through Chen Xiande.

Hei NingYu’s fingertips brushed past the rosy nubs on Chen Xiande’s chest, making him tremble. Biting his lips, Chen Xiande tried to swallow the sounds trying to climb up his throat.

Not heeding his efforts, soft sighs and gasps still slipped out. His body shifted restlessly, wanting more. But Chen Xiande was hesitant to ask for what he yearned.

As if reading his mind, Hei NingYu bent his head and took one of the buds into his mouth. He softly sucked and nibbled as his other hand wandered over to pinch and roll the other nub. Chen Xiande inhaled sharply, his skin flushing. Every time Hei NingYu plucked or licked at those sensitive little bundles of nerves, Chen Xiande felt hot sparks shooting through him.

Hei NingYu’s other hand wasn’t idle. It mapped over his taut body, unearthing every one of his pleasure points as it roamed across the sensitive skin of his sides, sliding over his back. It was as if he was eagerly, studiously learning every line and curve, every dip and hollow on Chen Xiande’s body, sending ripples of molten heat in the wake of his touch. The stimulation was reaching the point of being unbearable.

Chen Xiande reached out his hands and steadied himself on Hei NingYu’s shoulders. His mind had already gone fuzzy. All he could feel were Hei NingYu’s hands and his hot, hot mouth as they trailed over his skin and drove him mad. His pants and moans rang out unreservedly, spreading out throughout the clearing.

Though Hei NingYu wanted to eat up his little sheep in one gulp, he still decided to restrain himself in the end. He would first have to educate his little sheep on the basics of the pleasures of the flesh before making him want more.

Hei NingYu’s hand slowly slid down over Chen Xiande’s chest, reaching his stomach, and went further down to rest over the obvious bulge in his pants.

Chen Xiande, who was drunk on pleasure, suddenly gasped as Hei NingYu’s fingers closed over a certain hardened area.

“How about we take care of this too?” Hei NingYu spoke.

Though Chen Xiande wanted nothing more than to enthusiastically nod, he still hesitated. Was he giving in too easily? Were they going too fast?

Not giving him time to chicken out, Hei NingYu was already slipping his hand inside Chen Xiande’s pants, pulling out his stiff member.

Chen Xiande’s hands on Hei NingYu’s shoulders clenched. Chen Xiande felt his body tremble with a mixture of desire and apprehension. Was it really okay to let a stranger touch him this much? But the pleasure he derived from this was undeniable and lured him to let Hei NingYu keep going.

Perceiving that the little sheep had no objections, Hei NingYu moved his palm over Chen Xiande’s heated length, causing the younger man to tremble more fiercely. Chen Xiande’s breaths grew deeper and heavier as Hei NingYu slid his hand up and down, faster and faster, his grip sufficiently tight.

Chen Xiande had lost all hesitation and semblance of resistance. He had never known such pleasure and might never know it after this, so he decided to indulge himself in these sensations completely.

Fueled by lust, Chen Xiande moved his hand behind Hei NingYu’s head, cupping his nape as he pulled him down for a kiss. Despite his surprise, Hei NingYu reacted quickly and let Chen Xiande boldly take advantage of him, all the while keeping his hand moving.

Chen Xiande greedily sucked the other man’s mouth, his tongue eagerly sweeping in. Desire made him braver and his hands slowly started moving over Hei NingYu’s clothed body, brazenly fondling and mapping out the hard planes and smooth curves of this enchanting man holding him.

His skin, covered in a thin sheen of sweat, glistened slightly in the light as he squirmed under Hei NingYu’s expert touch. His hunger wound tighter and tighter and his hands and mouth grew more frantic as Hei NingYu continued his ministrations.

Chen Xiande felt heat spread up along his spine and stiffened as unfathomable pleasure washed over him. Hei NingYu felt the shaft in his palm jerk as white liquid spurted out, covering his hand. He kept his palm sliding over Chen Xiande’s length, milking him until the younger man slumped into his embrace, completely spent.

Hei NingYu looked down to see Chen Xiande’s relaxed face that looked tranquil in the afterglow of his orgasm, his peaceful countenance bathed in the warm sunlight. The younger man’s limp body felt soft and comfortable in his arms. His palm was still covered in the little sheep’s release. Seeing Chen Xiande curling into his embrace, his arms around Hei NingYu’s waist, it caused a faint stirring of something similar to affection in Hei NingYu. Though his own lust was still burning, he decided to ignore it this time. He’d pushed the little sheep hard enough for now.

Chen Xiande felt wrung out yet content. His mind remained muddled as he floated blissfully in the aftereffects of his climax. He could feel the warmth of another person’s body wrapped around him and felt an unfamiliar happiness at being held with care, as if he were something to be cherished.

But slowly his mind cleared and he realized what just happened. He jolted upright and tried to get up, but his legs went soft and he flopped back down.

In a good mood, Hei NingYu took out a handkerchief to wipe them both clean and looked at Chen Xiande’s continued attempts at getting up with barely hidden amusement. “Little Sheep, after taking advantage of me like this, how come you just want to run away? You should take responsibility.”

Hearing those words, Chen Xiande stiffened in startlement. His face changing from red to green and back again, Chen Xiande sputtered, unable to form words. “Y-You were the one who…! I didn’t…!”

“Are you blaming me?” Hei NingYu made an exaggerated expression of being wronged before saying, “Fine then, you win. I’ll admit that I was the one at fault and take responsibility.”

“…” Chen Xiande was speechless as he flushed red. Was this man making fun of him?

Hei NingYu laughed and said, “Don’t look at me like that. I wasn’t joking. I’m finding that I like you, so why not spend more time together? Wouldn’t you also like to be my partner and lover?”

“I-I… I don’t… I’m not…” Chen Xiande’s mind went blank. What was he saying? He wanted them to be in a relationship?

“Take your time and think it over. There’s no rush,” Hei NingYu soothed. He knew he had been somewhat abrupt in his proposition, so he decided to give the little sheep some time. Hei NingYu was confident, though, that the little sheep would give himself over to his loving embrace.

“By the way, it might be a bit too late to ask this, but what’s your name?” Hei NingYu finally remembered to inquire.

Oh gods! Chen Xiande belatedly realized that they hadn’t even introduced themselves to each other before they began to do such embarrassing things! He felt so ashamed that he wanted to die.

“Chen Xiande,” he replied in a somewhat gloomy tone, “Head disciple of Heavenly Peak Sect.”

Hei NingYu blinked, surprised. He knew that the other man’s cultivation was only at the third realm, and yet he was the head disciple of such a distinguished sect? Well, it didn’t matter much to him either way.

“I’m Hei NingYu, a demonic cultivator. Now we at least know the most basic information about each other.” So saying, Hei NingYu grinned. “Xiande, you can expect me to come and visit you in a few days.”

Chen Xiande didn’t know what to feel at that overly familiar address, but chose to let it go. How many people in his life called him so intimately? It was a treat in its own way.

“Our sect has strong barriers. You can’t expect to be able to break in so easily,” he said, looking away.

Hei NingYu’s brows rose. Oh? So he wasn’t actually averse to a visit and was even worried he wouldn’t be able to make it past the barriers? Feeling delighted, Hei NingYu chuckled. “Who said anything about breaking in? I can just use the front entrance and be invited in as a guest.”

Chen Xiande frowned doubtfully. He didn’t believe his sect would just arbitrarily let anyone in, but what did he know? Maybe this Hei NingYu had connections in his sect.

Hei NingYu could guess what Chen Xiande was thinking, but chose not to reveal his identity yet. He wanted to drag it out as long as possible and savor Chen Xiande’s expression when he finally realized who Hei NingYu was. It would be so much fun! Hei NingYu felt anticipatory.

“Alright then, now that you’ve paid up like a good little boy, I’ll take you out of here,” Hei NingYu said and lifted Chen Xiande’s half-naked body up.

Chen Xiande clutched at Hei NingYu as he was hoisted up. After today, he didn’t even feel like he had any more dignity to lose, so he just let Hei NingYu do as he pleased.

And so, Chen Xiande was finally able to get out of the forest while being carried by the most fearsome demonic cultivator in the world.

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