Heavenly Soul [BL]

Chapter 42: Making a Solemn Vow

“Oh? Were these ruins here before?” Hei NingYu asked with mild surprise.

Chen Xiande and Hei NingYu were now back at the destroyed Black Fang base from where Chen Xiande had fled yesterday. The building that had been hidden for decades was now completely exposed after being turned to rubble by Qinghe.

After dressing himself properly again, Chen Xiande decided to find a flat and relatively comfortable piece of fallen debris to seat himself, with Hei NingYu sitting down beside him.

“My junior brother and I were held captive here. My junior brother blew this place up and we escaped… Well, I escaped into the forest while he had a lover’s spat with his beloved. They must’ve returned to the sect by now while I wandered around in the forest―”

“―and thankfully ended up in my clutches, so you should be grateful for that at least,” Hei NingYu declared.

Chen Xiande turned his face away and nodded shyly. He really was grateful to have found a person who was not only interested in his boring and mediocre self, but was also willing to enter into a relationship with him.

Seeing his bashful countenance as he seriously agreed with his statement, Hei NingYu felt his heart grow softer. How come his little sheep was so sweet yet straightforward? Wanting to be closer, Hei NingYu unceremoniously lifted Chen Xiande and placed him on his lap sideways.

Chen Xiande made a noise of surprise but didn’t protest. He was like a thirsty sponge eagerly drinking in any and all signs of affection, so he was actually quite pleased.

Hei NingYu snuggled closer, holding Chen Xiande tightly as he sighed in contentment, “Little Sheep, you’re so strange, but you’re also really comfortable to be with, so won’t you stay with me?”

Feeling the slender body in his arms stiffening, Hei NingYu looked down to see a complex mix of emotions displayed on Chen Xiande’s face.

“You say that, but I am just a plaything to you, aren’t I?” Chen Xiande observed with an uncharacteristically steady tone, a strange intensity burning in his clear eyes.

Raising an eyebrow, Hei NingYu replied, “Is that why you keep hesitating?”

Chen Xiande simply met Hei NingYu’s gaze head-on. This was one thing he couldn’t compromise on.

Hei NingYu sighed and rested his cheek on Chen Xiande’s head. “You are more like a ram than a sheep, so stubborn. But I like that. And no, you are not a plaything to me. I’m quite serious. What should I do to make you believe that?”

“I don’t know,” Chen Xiande said, feeling conflicted and gloomy. He really, really wanted to trust this man but… he couldn’t believe that someone so attractive and strong, so enchanting and fascinating like Hei NingYu would choose him of all people. It was so unbelievable, there definitely must be a catch somewhere!

Hei NingYu spoke, “I suppose only time can prove it to you. I can’t guarantee that we will stay together forever. We’ve just met and barely know anything about each other, so we can’t really know how compatible we will be. But I can promise you that I will treat you as well as I can and care for you as my lover for as long as we are together. Time will tell how long we last.”

Chen Xiande felt somewhat relieved hearing this. It was unreasonable declarations of instant love and promises of forever that he couldn’t trust. But what Hei NingYu said was quite reasonable. So…maybe he should give this a chance?

Could he trust how this man actually thought that he deserved his affections? How he actually thought him worthy enough to want him? Could Chen Xiande really believe that someone like him would be enough?

But Hei NingYu was right. Only time would tell. And if Chen Xiande never took this chance, he would never know.

And so, looking up, Chen Xiande slowly wound an arm around Hei NingYu’s neck as the palm of his other hand cupped the older man’s cheek. Hei NingYu felt surprise as he looked into Chen Xiande’s deep gaze that held unfathomable hunger and hope.

“You promise? You’ll be mine for as long as I’m yours?” Chen Xiande spoke with gravity.

Hei NingYu oddly felt like he was about to sign a contract to hand over his soul to the devil or something, but dismissed these thoughts. Despite such occasional bouts of strangeness, Chen Xiande was a surprisingly lovable person who was as innocent as he was forthright. Hei NingYu found him quite refreshing and pleasant to be with.

So he nodded and pledged with equal solemnity, “Yes, I’ll be yours for as long as you’re mine.”

Chen Xiande’s eyes immediately sparkled with unhidden joy and a wide and happy smile bloomed across his face. He had been lonely for so long, being shunned by his peers and elders alike. Now he finally had a person of his own that he could talk to and spend time with, someone he actually liked doing intimate things with. Now he wouldn’t have to be so alone anymore!

Seeing that bright smile, Hei NingYu couldn’t help but feel warm. It was obvious how glad Chen Xiande was to receive Hei NingYu’s assurance and he could see just how much importance Chen Xiande was placing on the matter.

Chen Xiande tightly hugged Hei NingYu and said, “Okay, we’ll be together then!”

Hei NingYu smiled and kissed the forehead of his excited little lover. “Yes. Would you like to consummate our bond right here and right now?”

“Ah?” Chen Xiande looked up to see an evil grin curving Hei NingYu’s mouth. For a moment, he felt dazed as he stared at those enticing lips, itching for another taste.

As if reading his thoughts, Hei NingYu lowered his head and captured Chen Xiande’s mouth in a kiss. As they lapped and sucked at each others’ lips and tongue, Hei NingYu’s hand sneakily began wandering beneath Chen Xiande’s clothes.

At first, Chen Xiande wanted to just let him do whatever he wanted without resisting, but Hei NingYu’s palm brushed over his skin and headed down his back and over his buttocks, squeezing and kneading them gently.

Chen Xiande gasped and leaned back from the kiss, looking slightly startled. “W-What are you trying to do?” he asked breathlessly.

Hei NingYu bent forward and lightly brushed his moistened lips over Chen Xiande’s flushed cheeks. “Shh, it’s okay. Just relax and tell me if it gets too uncomfortable.”

Chen Xiande panted as he buried his face in Hei NingYu’s shoulder in embarrassment and nodded.

Hei NingYu’s fingers inched towards Chen Xiande’s opening slowly as Chen Xiande tried to contain his nervousness. He felt the rough tip of a finger slipping into the valley between his cheeks and rubbing against the sensitive entrance situated there.

He shuddered lightly at the unfamiliar sensations. It felt too strange, but he had no intention of stopping Hei NingYu from proceeding.

Seeing his little sheep lying obediently in his arms without objecting to his touch, Hei NingYu felt excited. He slowly began pushing his finger against the tight opening and felt it clench even tighter. He tried to be as gentle as possible but it really was too difficult without preparation. He slowly managed to get it in up to the first joint, feeling Chen Xiande’s ring of muscles contracting and gripping the tip of his finger tightly.

Chen Xiande felt very uncomfortable and strange. At first, he neither liked nor disliked the weird feeling of something intruding into his body, but soon a vague ache had begun to spread as Hei NingYu continued to steadily push his finger in. By now the ache had turned into a dull, throbbing pain, causing Chen Xiande to let slip a pained whimper.

Hei NingYu immediately halted. “Xiande, do you want to stop?” The little sheep was after all completely inexperienced and might need more time, he thought.

Chen Xiande trembled and whispered softly, “It hurts.”

The intruding finger lodged in his entrance was immediately removed and Hei NingYu withdrew his hands from within Chen Xiande’s clothes. Hei NingYu readjusted the disheveled robes and patted Chen Xiande’s bottom in comfort as he apologized, “I’m sorry that it hurt. We’ll just have to prepare better next time. Though I can’t promise that you won’t feel any pain at all, I’ll make sure that your first time will be as painless as possible.”

Hesitatingly, Chen Xiande whispered again, “Then…it’ll also hurt?”

Hei NingYu saw tears gathered in the little sheep’s dazed eyes as he blinked pitifully, drenching his quivering eyelashes with a light sheen of wetness. At the sight, Hei NingYu felt like something heavy was stuck in his chest.

Remembering how Chen Xiande had pleaded before to not hurt him too much, added with his reaction just now, Hei NingYu finally came to understand just how abysmally low his lover’s pain tolerance was.

Well, it was only to be expected, since Chen Xiande had been a sheltered young master all his life. Before joining the sect, he was protected under his father’s influence and never faced any hardship. After joining the sect, though he was ostracized and insulted, none had dared harm him. In fact, he had been the one to keep going after his junior brother due to jealousy.

But no matter how Chen Xiande misbehaved, no one had cared enough to punish him corporally, only flinging harsh words and looking down on him even more. Adding to that the fact that he rarely went out of the sect, one could surmise that Chen Xiande had barely ever faced pain and was thus particularly weak against it.

“Yes, it will still hurt a bit no matter how much we prepare, especially since it is going to be your first time having sex. I’m sorry. If you don’t want to, then we never have to do it. There are plenty of other ways to attain mutual pleasure,” Hei NingYu consoled.

Chen Xiande bit his lip and seriously considered these words before shaking his head. “No, it’s okay. Even if it hurts…I can take it as long as it’s you.”

Hearing this, Hei NingYu felt complex emotions arise within him. He felt as if the grasp his little sheep had on him was growing stronger with every word he spoke and every gesture he made. “Alright, but don’t force yourself to do anything on my behalf. If it gets too painful in the future, tell me and I’ll stop.”

Nodding, Chen Xiande felt cheerful at the unhidden care in Hei NingYu’s words. He really was such a warmhearted person!

If Hei NingYu’s subordinates―especially the ones he’d personally trained―heard of someone using such a description on their sect leader, they’d surely cough up blood and die out of sheer disbelief.

Hei NingYu was stunned as he saw how Chen Xiande looked at him, with his reddened cheeks, dewy eyes, and an adoring expression showing clearly on his face. He looked so very cute and lovable right now.

If Chen Xiande’s Elders and fellow disciples heard of someone using this description on this usually sour-faced senior disciple, they’d surely cough up enough blood to faint on the spot.

Chen Xiande took the initiative this time and rose up to place his lips over Hei NingYu’s. Still feeling guilty at having hurt his little sheep, Hei NingYu let Chen Xiande take the lead. Chen Xiande swept his tongue over the inside of Hei NingYu’s mouth, licking and exploring the soft, moist cavern as he tangled their tongues together.

As the wet sounds of two mouths passionately sucking at each other resounded in the calm morning, two quiet gasps could suddenly be heard, shattering the atmosphere despite their low volume.

The two lovers stopped and looked to see who had interrupted them, only for Chen Xiande’s face to start flaming in embarrassment.

It was the twins!

“Oh, please don’t mind us and continue sucking each other’s faces, it’s not like we’ll be traumatized or anything,” Fei Jin said sarcastically. He was still bitter that he was forced to see his Senior Brother and Brother Wei making out so openly just a few hours ago!

With a displeased expression, Fei Yin snorted as if in agreement.

Looking guilty, Chen Xiande disentangled from Hei NingYu and coughed lightly to hide his discomposure. “What are you both doing here?” he asked, his usual frown returning.

“Eldest Martial Brother, you didn’t return to the sect till now so we got worried and came to fetch you,” Fei Jin supplied.

Hei NingYu watched in fascination as Chen Xiande’s soft and befuddled look that he had been wearing most often in front of him disappeared into the strict look of an old man as his brows scrunched together again. “I could’ve returned on my own, but since you’re here already, give me a paper mount. I’m out of spiritual power,” Chen Xiande spoke with his usual tone of authority that he used on his junior disciples.

“Yes, Eldest Martial Brother,” the twins replied respectfully as Fei Yin took out a folded paper crane. He imbued it with spiritual power and it grew to the size of an adult human.

Remembering Hei NingYu’s promise that he’d come see him, Chen Xiande reluctantly managed to walk away from his new lover and climbed onto the large crane. As if unable to help himself, he looked back, his gaze drawn to his relaxedly sitting lover.

Reading his beloved’s barely hidden apprehension on his face, Hei NingYu smiled and said, “Then I’ll see you in a few days, Little Sheep.”

Chen Xiande’s frown temporarily smoothed as he smiled back warmly before the paper crane flew upwards, taking him away.

Fei Jin and Fei Yin took one last look at this demonic cultivator who could make their unfriendly senior brother show such an affectionate smile, before they unfurled their wings of crackling lightning and ice and also took off.

Hei NingYu, left behind, dropped his smile.

His gaze turned deep as he stared at the sky into which his beloved had flown. Now that he had a person who could entertain him, someone whom he wanted to spend time with and cherish, he wouldn’t need all those bothersome vermin in his sect that he had cultivated into troublemakers just so their petty schemes against him could keep him interested in life.

He should just clean them up quickly and suppress those annoyances with overwhelming might so that they’d stay obedient at least for a few months, and then he could take his time to woo his cute little white sheep.

As his sharp eyes sparkled cheerfully at that thought, Hei NingYu’s lips slowly curved up in eager anticipation.

Ah, my dear little sheep, it seems that you can make this life of mine worth living after all.

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