Heavenly Soul [BL]

Chapter 43: Unforeseen Guest

The days passed swiftly and smoothly, dragged along by the tranquil flow of time like leaves carried away by gentle water currents.

One evening, an unexpected visitor came knocking on the door of Heavenly Peak Sect, asking to discuss something with the sect master.

The identity of this guest must be of some import, since the sect master went to greet the visitor himself. As Zhen YiLan led the guest in, his direct disciples waited in the receiving hall to welcome the visitor as per their master’s instructions.

At the first sight of their supposedly important guest, Chen Xiande’s mouth dropped open.

So that guy hadn’t been lying when he said he would be escorted in through the front door! And he was even led in personally by his master!

As Zhen YiLan sat down for discussion along with the guest, he asked curiously, “May I ask what matters bring your esteemed self here?”

While being careful not to stare too obviously at Chen Xiande, Hei NingYu lightly chuckled, “Sect Master Zhen, there is no need for such courtesies. I am but a common cultivator of the dark arts, it wouldn’t do for someone of your station to show me such respect.”

Zhen YiLan frowned. After the Sentinel Grandmaster, the oldest and the most powerful cultivator was Hei NingYu. He was someone who had existed since before even the Great War. But from his words just now, it seemed that Hei NingYu was hiding his identity during this visit for some reason. Since he didn’t know the motive behind it, Zhen YiLan decided to play along for now just to be safe.

“Of course, but as a high-level cultivator, I think Master Hei naturally deserves this respect.”

“You flatter me,” Hei NingYu said with eyes sparkling. He was finally able to see his darling after being apart for the last few days. He was eagerly awaiting the time when he could get his little sheep away from the others and play with him to make up for time lost.

“I heard that there has been a massive restructuring in the ranks of your faction. Might this visit have something to do with that?” Zhen YiLan probed.

Deciding to get his excuse over with quickly, Hei NingYu explained, “My visit does not relate to that, but something else. There has been trouble in certain areas nearby our sect. Entire towns and villages have been wiped clean of all adults, the whereabouts of these people unknown. The children who remain all claim that the missing people just stood up and walked away under the influence of a mysterious black fog. The common people naturally have begun blaming our faction. I would like your help to clear this misunderstanding before the Sentinels decide to get involved.”

Zhen YiLan nodded thoughtfully as he listened.

The truth was, though this incident really had happened, Hei NingYu felt that his people were more than capable enough to take care of the issue on their own. Despite that, Hei NingYu still came here citing it as the reason just so he’d have a legitimate excuse to see his little sheep.

“And so, for both sides to better cooperate, I request Sect Master Zhen’s permission to stay at your sect until this matter is resolved satisfactorily,” Hei NingYu continued.

Hearing this, Zhen YiLan was startled. As a lone demonic cultivator, shouldn’t he be uneasy at the thought of staying in a sect full of righteous cultivators? But thinking that he must definitely have a reason, one that might even be related to why he felt the need to hide his identity, Zhen YiLan reluctantly nodded. “Very well, I shall have a room prepared for Sec- I mean, Master Hei.”

Hei NingYu smiled charmingly, “There is no need to go through the trouble. Since Sect Master Zhen is hosting me, it is only natural for your head disciple to let me stay with him and accompany me for the duration of my visit.”

Everyone: “…”

Which part of anything you just said was ‘natural’?!

At the side, Chen Xiande’s cheeks flushed lightly. He had been greatly anticipating his new lover’s visit while also stewing in anxiety that he would change his mind and not come.

But now that Hei NingYu was finally here, Chen Xiande couldn’t help his excitement and eagerness from showing. He really hoped that his master would allow them to stay together!

Frowning, Zhen YiLan was about to firmly reject Hei NingYu’s request when he caught Chen Xiande’s reaction. Wait, it couldn’t be…could it?

Clearing his throat, the sect master called to his head disciple, “Xian-er, what is your opinion on this?”

Having his much-admired master’s attention focused on him, Chen Xiande was momentarily stunned before he came to his senses and processed the question.

His blush spreading further over his face, Chen Xiande replied, “If Master does not mind too much, then…then this disciple would like to…um, share a room…with our guest…” The sentence trailed off as he spoke, ending in a volume lower than a mosquito’s buzz.

If Zhen YiLan couldn’t understand what was going on between Chen Xiande and Hei NingYu even at this point, then all these years he had lived would have been wasted.

Seeing that his disciple didn’t have any objections, and that he even looked anticipatory, Zhen YiLan coughed and reluctantly gave his assent. “Then Xian-er, I will leave this matter to you. Make sure to show Master Hei every courtesy.”

Chen Xiande nodded solemnly as he replied with a “Yes, Master.” Any instructions his master gave him would of course be met with the utmost seriousness.

Having his wish granted at last, Hei NingYu felt endlessly cheerful even as his mind kept imagining doing all sorts of things to his cute little sheep to make him blush even more until he grew red as a beet.

At the side, Qinghe, Fei Jin, and Fei Yin were looking on with thoughtful gazes. This Hei NingYu seemed to have gone through a lot of trouble just to get some time alone with their martial brother. Was his interest serious? Or was he just playing around?

Fei Jin and Fei Yin narrowed their eyes threateningly at the thought.

But then Qinghe spoke, reassuring them in a soft voice, “I will assess the situation. Do not worry and leave everything to me.”

The sharpness in the twins’ gaze immediately subsided as they replied obediently, “Yes, Senior Brother.”

Qinghe pursed his lips lightly. He had, of course, been informed by the twins of the affectionate attachment with which his senior brother gazed at the demonic cultivator. The demonic cultivator also showed signs of being smitten with Chen Xiande. But just how deep did his affection run?

Being a particularly protective sort, Qinghe couldn’t bear the thought of his senior brother getting hurt. He would carefully assess this person over the days and see if he was trustworthy. And since Hei NingYu would be staying nearby and in the sect for now, it would be especially convenient for evaluating him.

Qinghe’s eyes stared fixedly at Hei NingYu as he made and discarded various plans.

Hidden among the shadows, Wei Xiang felt amused.

If it was any other man, by now, they would surely have been burning with jealousy that their lover was staring with such intensity at another person. But Wei Xiang knew his beloved all too well.

Rather than passion, what colored Qinghe’s gaze was cold calculation.

Qinghe was studying every tiny flicker of expression on this guest’s face, organizing every scrap of information he knew about demonic cultivators, trying to see what he could glean about their visitor in particular.

He finally concluded that rather than planning something elaborate, using the direct approach on their mysterious guest would be more efficient. He would wait and see for now, and then give his verdict.

Qinghe nodded to himself, satisfied with this conclusion.

After everything was decided, Zhen YiLan broke the meeting up and allowed everyone to disperse. Hei NingYu naturally followed behind Chen Xiande, the twins ran off to take care of some sect matters that Qinghe had allotted them, and Qinghe returned to his room.

“What is your opinion on that fellow?” Qinghe asked Wei Xiang the second he materialized from the shadows.

Wei Xiang smiled wryly but still answered, “He seems very powerful. Since his cultivation appears to be above mine, he can only be a demigod, since that is the only level other than deity that is above tenth realm. Also, because most cultivators who have reached the demigod stage are still in secluded cultivation in an attempt to ascend, there are very few demigods still roaming around. Adding to it, this visitor also happens to be from the demonic faction. In that case, his identity becomes easy enough to deduce.”

Qinghe frowned, “You mean the leader of the demonic faction, Hei NingYu? The second most powerful cultivator in the current world?”

Wei Xiang nodded.

The first ranked cultivator was, of course, the Sentinel Grandmaster. The title of ‘grandmaster’ itself was only given to those who stood at the very top of the cultivation world. As a deity, the leader of the Order of Sentinels certainly qualified.

But before the deity had descended, the one who had held the title of grandmaster was Hei NingYu.

“What do you think are his motives? Do you think he’s plotting something?” Qinghe only got more worried.

Chuckling, Wei Xiang shook his head. “You examined him for so long, I doubt you missed his deep infatuation with your senior brother.”

Qinghe was still hesitant. “What if he’s a great actor? What if that was a show he put on just for us so that we’d let our guard down?”

Knowing that Qinghe would be unconvinced no matter what he said at this point, Wei Xiang instead chose to distract him rather than letting him stew in his suspicions. Reaching over, Wei Xiang began undressing an absentminded Qinghe.

Since his head was still buzzing with speculations and conjectures, Qinghe didn’t realize what was happening at first. When he finally felt his lover’s palms on his bare skin, Qinghe startled out of his thoughts and asked confusedly, “What are you doing?”

He only then realized that both of them were already naked and that Wei Xiang was ready to get into action.

Looking around in befuddlement, Qinghe didn’t have any time to react before Wei Xiang lifted him up and headed for the bed.

“Um…Xiang? Why are we―?” Qinghe’s words were interrupted as a hot mouth closed over his.

Already tired of hearing his lover keep talking about other people, Wei Xiang made sure to slowly, thoroughly play with Qinghe until there were thoughts of no one but him in his lover’s mind.

As the couple kept up their recreational activities, the day turned to night. Exhausted but satisfied, they both fell asleep in each other’s arms.

Soon, dawn arrived, gilding the world in glimmering gold.

Qinghe woke up sore and looked down blankly at his body littered with hickeys. Turning to Wei Xiang, he stated, “You overdid it.”

“Are you saying you didn’t enjoy yourself?” Wei Xiang asked to hide his guilty conscience. They had both gotten a bit too enthusiastic yesterday, but Wei Xiang had clearly been the instigator and the bigger culprit, not giving Qinghe any time to retaliate as he sucked him clean again and again.

Remembering last night, Qinghe flushed and glared at his lover, but some heat had already crept into his eyes.

Determined to do to his lover what had been done to him, Qinghe unceremoniously pushed Wei Xiang down. “Lie down and let me also mark you as repayment.”

Wei Xiang felt like laughing as he obediently laid back down and let Qinghe strip his robe.

Qinghe straddled his lover’s compact waist and looked down at the stretch of warm, honey-toned skin. As he ran his hands over the firm lines and curves of his lover’s body, Qinghe could feel the muscles flexing under his touch, enticing him to bend down and give the supple skin a lick.

Feeling Wei Xiang growing tense under him, Qinghe smirked and continued to nip and suck, occasionally flicking his tongue over the red marks as he explored his lover’s delectable body.

Wei Xiang extended his hands and loosened the belt of Qinghe’s shift, just as eager to taste him. Qinghe’s robe came open at the front, the white cloth hanging from his shoulders, framing the fair skin of his chest and stomach scattered with love bites as if to tempt Wei Xiang to soothe away those vivid red marks.

But Qinghe wasn’t having it. He firmly pushed down on Wei Xiang’s shoulders as he continued to glide his mouth over his lover’s skin, the heady, intoxicating taste stoking his excitement.

Just as things began to heat up further, loud knocking sounded from the door.

The pair of lovers stopped, panting with flushed cheeks as they tried to regain their breaths.

Not minding the lack of response, the person who was knocking opened the door and directly barged into the room while talking in an urgent voice, “Sentinel Wei, are you here? I found that person you asked me to sear―”

Jing Shui, having entered without looking, froze on the spot.

Wei Xiang was lying on the bed wearing nothing but a pair of pants. Qinghe was straddling him, his hands on Wei Xiang’s shoulders, most of his robe gaping open. His lips were still wet and his eyes still misted, his loose hair framing his flushed face.

Raising a hand, Qinghe nonchalantly wiped his mouth with the back of his hand and got up, refastening his belt and tidying up his appearance.

“Brother Jing, you interrupted us. That was very impolite of you,” he said as he casually shielded Wei Xiang’s figure as his lover also dressed.

Seeing them act as if there was nothing wrong with this situation, Jing Shui was speechless. His own face was flaming with enough embarrassment for all three of them!

“I-I’ll wait outside!” Jing Shui announced and rushed out just as swiftly as he had rushed in.

Qinghe cast an amused glance at the retreating figure and decided to get ready for the day. Since they had already been interrupted, Qinghe and Wei Xiang left it at that and went through their morning rituals, bathing and getting dressed in their respective robes.

A few minutes later, Qinghe invited Jing Shui back in.

Jing Shui looked around vigilantly as if afraid there would be other half-naked men waiting to jump out from the shadows and traumatize him at any moment.

Seeing his friend’s overt cautiousness, Qinghe labored to stifle his laughter as he asked, “So, Brother Jing, what brought you here today?”

Jing Shui looked nervously between Qinghe and Wei Xiang. “That… I was asked by Sentinel Wei to look into a certain matter. I’m not sure if it’s appropriate to share it.”

Wei Xiang had already guessed what the matter was. “It’s alright, just tell him. After all, it concerns Qinghe as well.”

After hesitating for a bit, Jing Shui nodded and started speaking, “Back when we went to hunt that serpent beast in the Spirit Bewildering Forest, do you remember how we were trapped and forced to relive our fears due to a Nightmare Parasite?”

Not knowing why this was being brought up now, Qinghe nodded.

“Well, while watching you undergoing your trial, we all heard you call out to a boy named Yan Lin. But when we asked you about it later, you didn’t seem to remember at all.”

Qinghe frowned. He really didn’t remember. Was there something like that?

Feeling a light throbbing in his head, Qinghe brought his hand up to his temple.

Wei Xiang saw Qinghe unconsciously massaging his forehead as if to relieve a headache and felt concerned. Was it still too soon for his lover to face this?

Looping an arm around him, Wei Xiang spoke, “I thought something bad might have happened to this friend of yours and that’s why you’d buried his memory. So I wanted someone to look into it to see what exactly happened to this boy named Yan Lin.”

In a daze, Qinghe tried to recall if he knew anyone with this name, but nothing surfaced in his mind.

“I…really don’t remember.”

Sighing, Wei Xiang smoothed his hand over Qinghe’s back soothingly. “That’s fine. We’re in no rush. If it’s too painful, then you don’t have to force yourself.”

Qinghe nodded and his frown relaxed as he stopped pushing himself so hard to try and recall that name.

Seeing him doing better, Wei Xiang turned to Jing Shui. “What did you find out?”

Though Jing Shui still did not like being ordered around by this Sentinel, this was after all to help his friend, so he seriously replied, “It’s a bit of a long story, but I think it would be better if you heard it from the person himself.”

Unable to understand what he trying to say, Qinghe asked puzzled, “What do you mean? Which person?”

With a solemn expression, Jing Shui spoke, “I mean that you should ask your friend directly about what happened. Since Yan Lin is, after all, still alive.”

Wei Xiang raised his eyebrows in surprise.

Jing Shui continued, “And I not only found his whereabouts, I also brought him with me today. Yan Lin is currently waiting in the receiving hall to meet Brother Feng.”

Hearing this, Qinghe felt something deep inside him rippling.

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