Heavenly Soul [BL]

Chapter 55: Inescapable Enchantment

Hei NingYu looked at Chen Xiande’s expression filled with grief and sympathy, and could only smile helplessly.

To ease his little sheep’s worry, he decided to concede the rest of the story behind his scars.

“Fine, I’ll tell you. I got these from my predecessor, the previous sect leader of the dark arts sect I was a part of a long time ago. The demonic faction had not yet been unified at that time and it was understood that the crueler a person was, the more benefits they’d gain from cultivating the demonic arts. And to stand at the top of his sect at that time, my master was naturally not someone who would be kind to his disciples. That was one of the main reasons I fought against him and wrested control of the sect from his dying hands. But all that was a very long time ago, I don’t even remember that man’s face anymore, so you don’t have to worry about it.”

Seeing that Chen Xiande still looked sad on his behalf, Hei NingYu was both pleased and amused.

Chen Xiande parsed through his lover’s words and realized something. Hesitatingly opening his mouth, he asked a discerning question. “You said that it was one of the main reasons you went against your master, so…were there other reasons?”

The smile on Hei NingYu’s face spread wider. “Yes. My master also used me for my ability—I suppose you could call it a special constitution? I didn’t want to keep being used like that, so I killed him.”

Despite the pitiless words he was speaking, Hei NingYu still smiled brightly, his eyes maintaining their warmth as he looked at his worried little sheep. After having spent so many millennia with these scars, he didn’t feel any hesitation and fear at all as he spoke of these matters. His master’s face and the cruelties he’d done to him had long since stopped haunting Hei NingYu.

“A…special constitution? What type of constitution is it?” Chen Xiande asked inquisitively, completely skipping over the mention of Hei NingYu’s master’s demise.

Rather than answering, a playful smirk suddenly claimed Hei NingYu’s lips.

While intently watching his little sheep’s reaction, he raised his hand and placed his fingers lightly on his own cheek, then dragged his fingertips down over the curve of his jaw, his throat, down his chest and abdomen, slowly and enticingly.

Having already forgotten his query, Chen Xiande’s gaze greedily followed the trail of those slender fingers as they slid over his lover’s skin. And when Hei NingYu’s hand abruptly stopped just short of reaching the edge of his pants, Chen Xiande felt an inexplicable surge of disappointment. He wanted those fingers to go further, to keep going down until they reached into those bulging pants and―

Chen Xiande stopped himself from thinking any further and turned his head away, his cheeks flaming.

Looking at the little sheep’s reaction towards him despite his body marred by scars, Hei NingYu was finally satisfied. He was glad that his lover wasn’t forcing himself for his sake.

Lightly coughing to get back the dazed Chen Xiande’s attention, Hei NingYu acted like nothing happened and answered his previous question, “My ability is called ‘Enchantment’, and it was found that I had a special constitution that was particularly suitable for learning it.”

Blinking to clear away his daze, Chen Xiande repeated, “Enchantment? What sort of ability is that?”

“It is as it sounds, an ability that allows me to enchant others. Under the current laws enforced by the Order of Sentinels, there are very few chances where I can use it legally, since my ability is after all a kind of mind control. And mind control of any sort is considered to be one of the most restricted demonic arts.”

Though his ability sounded both simple and powerful, Chen Xiande knew that such an expansive ability must have its strict limits.

“What are its constraints?” he asked.

Hei NingYu looked at Chen Xiande with vague surprise before covering it up. This had not been the first question he’d expected him to ask after learning that he could use mind control.

Gathering his thoughts, Hei NingYu replied, “At this point, there are not many limitations on my ability. It allows me to control minds that are weaker than mine, and after having lived so long, there are not many that I cannot control. The ones under my Enchantment will have their consciousness strongly influenced by my commands. Sometimes, they themselves might not realize that they are under my control. Of course, the simpler the commands, the better.”

Then, pausing, Hei NingYu continued in a more subdued tone, “The biggest drawback, however, is that when I use Enchantment, I cannot mobilize my spiritual energy to do anything else. I need to allot the major part of my concentration and power to maintain the spell, so I become particularly vulnerable during this time. But since I can choose to entrap anyone approaching me, this does not pose much of a problem for my current self.”

Chen Xiande read between the lines easily enough.

So when his lover had been young and not as powerful, his master must have made him use this ability without giving him sufficient protection, causing Hei NingYu to be assailed and wounded again and again when he was at his most vulnerable.

How many times must he have suffered before he had been able to gather enough power to protect himself and go against his tyrannical master? How many years, how many centuries had his lover had to endure this pain? Had he ever felt helpless and afraid? Had he been lonely?

As these heartrending thoughts ran one after another in his mind, Chen Xiande suddenly felt two fingers lifting his face up by the chin, breaking him from his musings and forcing him to meet Hei NingYu’s curious gaze. “Little Sheep, why do you look so sad? These matters have long since passed. I am now one of the most powerful people in this world, I have very little to fear. You have no need to fret so much.”

But the sympathy in Chen Xiande’s gaze did not lessen as he said in a hoarse voice, “I wish I had been there to protect you.”

Hei NingYu blinked in surprise.

Chen Xiande earnestly continued speaking, “I will get even stronger and become your shield. Whenever you use your ability, I will stay by your side and take care of you. Whether you need me or not, I will always be beside you. And just like you do for me, I will also never let you be hurt.”

Staring into his little sheep’s sincere eyes as he spoke these heartfelt words, Hei NingYu felt his own heart squeeze tightly.

Looking away, Hei NingYu asked in an uncharacteristically quiet tone, “Aren’t you suspicious that I used Enchantment to entrap you? Haven’t you considered that it might be why you feel so strongly towards me?”

Having lived so long, Hei NingYu had seen people show all kinds of reactions to different aspects of him, be it his scars, his ability, his choice of the demonic path, his position as the sect leader, his strength, his physical beauty or his quirky personality. And so, every time he revealed something of himself to his little sheep, he both feared and looked forward to his reactions.

And his little sheep had never once disappointed him.

Living up to expectations, Chen Xiande snorted as if insulted. “Though I’m not a genius when it comes to thinking, even I know that if you had used your ability on me at the very beginning in the forest when I first became interested in you, our meeting wouldn’t have turned out as ridiculously as it did.”

Hearing him reply without hesitation, for a moment, Hei NingYu could only stare at Chen Xiande in wonder, his relief carefully hidden within his eyes.

Then Hei NingYu laughed aloud. “You are absolutely right! Our meeting really was very ludicrous. There’s no way I would have even been able to imagine such a scenario, much less make it happen.”

Seeing that his lover was still able to laugh despite everything, Chen Xiande felt glad in his heart. Leaning forward, he hugged Hei NingYu tightly as he declared. “No matter what, you’re mine now. I’ll take care of you.”

Hei NingYu smiled with equal parts affection and amusement, but gladly accepted this vow even as he spoke flirtatiously, “Little Sheep, you are also mine, don’t forget. But though I have received your heart, I have yet to receive your body.”

As the aforementioned heart beat wildly in his chest at what those words implied, Chen Xiande looked up and saw a playful smile dancing on Hei NingYu’s lips. His gaze heating up, Chen Xiande looked fixatedly at his lover’s tantalizing mouth.

Strong hands reached over and began undoing Chen Xiande’s clothes while he stared in a daze. Snapping out of it, Chen Xiande added in his effort as he helped Hei NingYu, his robes falling down one after another. And then, without having to exchange a word, they both moved to remove each other’s pants.

The rustling of clothes continuously sounded in the room until the couple was left without anything covering their bodies.

Hei NingYu sat down on the bed and lifted his lover up, placing him on his lap so that they faced each other. Chen Xiande’s cheeks flamed brighter in embarrassment as he felt particularly vulnerable in this position where he was straddling his lover, especially without any layers of clothing between their bare skins. Not knowing what he was supposed to do, Chen Xiande decided to let his beloved do whatever he wanted with him.

Looking at a bashful and clueless Chen Xiande who was obediently waiting for him to begin, Hei NingYu felt his heart melt.

Since his little sheep seemed to like kissing him so much, Hei NingYu bent forward and offered his lips, the two lovers’ mouths melding together with the ease of familiarity.

Their lips slid against each other, eager and warm. Tongues explored moist and hot mouths as they licked and caressed the inside of the other’s soft caverns. Breaths mixed and gasps mingled with the sound of wet sucking as slick tongues fought and stroked each other.

Leaning back, Chen Xiande gasped for breath as clear liquid gathered in his eyes due to the sudden lack of air. Not wanting to lose contact with his lover’s skin, Hei NingYu slid his lips sideways, over his beloved’s cheek and jaw, before moving downward.

Chen Xiande blinked his teary eyes as he felt a hand cup the back of his head, the silken black strands of his hair slipping between the long, pale fingers. Hei NingYu’s lips trailed down over his neck, collarbones and chest, finally landing on a perky little nub. As those hot lips closed over his sensitive bud, Chen Xiande arched back, his head pushing into that warm palm that held him steady while his chest was forced forward, thrusting the little berry into Hei NingYu’s eager mouth.

A scalding hot tongue flicked the sensitive point, sending a flood of heated desire rushing through Chen Xiande as he helplessly clutched at Hei NingYu’s head, not knowing if he was trying to hold him back or urge him on.

Hei NingYu’s other hand laid flat against Chen Xiande’s smooth back, slowly sliding down, instigating his insistently throbbing need to pulse faster and with more urgency.

Chen Xiande felt his reason slipping and forced out in desperation, “…Enough…this is enough…I want you…inside…” Then realizing his own boldness, Chen Xiande flushed redder, the ripe color spreading down his neck and the top of his chest.

Hei NingYu chuckled even as his gaze grew heated at the tantalizing picture his flushed little sheep made. “Then let’s prepare you first. This might get a bit uncomfortable,” he warned.

Feeling his little sheep’s body tauten at the words, Hei NingYu gentled his touch as he used his hands to position Chen Xiande on the bed.

Chen Xiande nervously let his lover guide him to lie down on his knees, his legs held lightly apart. A smooth palm laid flat between his shoulder blades, pressing down so that Chen Xiande’s cheek was pushed onto the bed’s surface, his loosely fisted hands placed on either side of his head. This posture made him look both unbearably tempting and endearingly vulnerable.

Chen Xiande felt intense embarrassment claim him as he realized how he must look with his butt thrust up in this position. But Hei NingYu had deliberately chosen to arrange him like this because he felt that it would allow his inexperienced lover to more easily take things into his bottom.

Not allowing him to stew in his discomfiture for long, the hand on Chen Xiande’s back slowly glided down along his spine, drawing a line of heat in its wake. Chen Xiande shifted restlessly as he felt the touch nearing the cleft of his buttocks, before those careful fingers slowly slid between his cheeks.

Chen Xiande stiffened as the fingers brushed over his tightly pursed entrance, smearing something cool and wet onto the puckered little bud.

“Try to relax now, Little Sheep,” Hei NingYu said in a low, intimate voice.

Jerkily nodding, Chen Xiande tried to loosen his rigid muscles as a slickened finger gently pushed against his opening. Chen Xiande squeezed his eyes shut as his fingers clenched on the sheets, preparing for pain, but all he felt was a mild ache as his entrance stretched to accommodate the unfamiliar digit pushing through, slowly slipping into him.

For Chen Xiande, even that one finger felt too large as it was moving within his tight passage. As it pushed apart his inner walls and entered into him, that slender digit felt like it was much bigger than it had any right to be. But though the feeling was somewhat strange and uncomfortable, it was far from being painful, allowing Chen Xiande’s body to unconsciously relax in relief.

Feeling the tightly scrunched opening loosening a little, Hei NingYu pushed his finger further into the warm channel, trying to be as gentle as possible. As he managed to fit in one finger, rather than rushing to put in a second, Hei NingYu unhurriedly moved his slickened digit until his little sheep’s inner muscles had accepted it completely.

Removing his finger, Hei NingYu poured more lubricant onto his digits before pressing two of them inside this time. He had long since decided to take his time with the preparations so that his lover would face the minimum of discomfort.

Feeling how careful Hei NingYu was being in his actions, Chen Xiande tried to be as compliant and unresisting as possible towards the constant intrusion, trying to passively accept those long digits as they slid into his body.

Hei NingYu slowly, considerately readied Chen Xiande’s entrance before pushing in a third finger. Chen Xiande felt his insides stretch further, making him feel stuffed to the limit, but he realized that he still felt no pain.

His clenched hands finally loosened as he let himself relax further. He had long since gotten used to the unfamiliar sensation of something steadily invading him, not finding it as uncomfortable anymore.

And now that he had let go of his apprehension, Chen Xiande could feel his desire stirring, the heat in his belly rising up again. The feeling of his lover’s long fingers pushing in and out of him, sliding and rubbing against his slickened inner walls, began to add to his growing excitement, fueling his need.

As Hei NingYu carefully removed his fingers out, he was surprised to see his lover’s bottom arching up as if to follow them, seemingly wanting to keep them inside.

Affectionately, Hei NingYu placed a palm on one of those soft mounds and squeezed. “Is my little sheep eager and ready, then?” he asked, his tone teasing.

But to his surprise, Chen Xiande rasped out urgently in a strained voice, “…Yes…so quickly…put it in…!”

Raising an eyebrow, Hei NingYu was astonished at his little sheep’s enthusiasm that had far exceeded his expectations.

Slathering more of the lubricant onto his own stiffened member, Hei NingYu positioned himself over his lover, covering him from behind.

Leaning down, Hei NingYu whispered into Chen Xiande’s ear, “I’ll go slowly, but if it still hurts, tell me, alright?”

Chen Xiande nodded as tears silently slid down from his eyes. He so desperately wanted, needed, to somehow appease the raging fire burning through him. His skin felt too hot and tight, his insides feeling molten and liquid. Feeling the press of his lover’s warm skin at his back, violent desire rushed through him in torrential waves, forcefully invading every corner in his body as it urged him on and on.

He wanted to push Hei NingYu down and selfishly take from him what he sought. He wanted to find his release quickly before this fierce need burned through him, leaving behind nothing but ash.

Hei NingYu placed a tender kiss on his lover’s cheek, feeling his little sheep’s tensed jaw under his lips. Not willing to cause him too much distress and discomfort, Hei NingYu didn’t prolong it anymore.

Guiding his shaft with his hand, he led it to press against his lover’s moist entrance that lightly dripped clear liquid left over from the prior preparations.

Feeling the thick head pressing against his entrance, Chen Xiande forgot all about fearing pain, the need to satisfy the insistent demands of his aroused body taking precedence. He pushed against the blunt head, forcing it to breach his opening and slide inside. His inexperienced channel stretched beyond its limits as it tried to accommodate the girth of the organ suddenly thrust into it.

At his hasty motions, a sudden sting of pain shot through Chen Xiande’s tender insides, causing him to let out a sharp gasp.

Though he was surprised at the franticness of his lover’s actions, Hei NingYu still despaired at causing him hurt. Seeking to help him reduce the pain, Hei NingYu advised with concern, “Xiande, careful now. Push outward with your muscles, it will help you take me in more easily.”

Grimacing at the throbbing pain, Chen Xiande felt skeptic as he thought, ‘Push outward? It’s not like I’m giving birth through my ass!’

But deciding to put his uncharitable thoughts aside and listen to his lover, he forced his inner muscles to push. And surprisingly, he felt his passage loosen and widen in response.

“See?” Hei NingYu said smugly. “Since I’m older and more experienced, you should listen when I tell you to do something.”

Was this really the time for his lover to start boasting?! Chen Xiande berated in his heart.

“Enough talking…go in deeper…” he spoke tensely.

Smiling helplessly, Hei NingYu pushed inside, slowly sinking into the slick passage of his lover as he felt the tight channel gripping him like a fist. Mindful of hurting his eager little darling again, he attempted to move slowly and carefully, but Chen Xiande wasn’t having it.

“…Quick…more deeper!” he commanded with a growl even as he pushed back, trying to take more of Hei NingYu into him.

After this tug of war where one tried to be gentle and the other refused the care while urging to move with haste, they somehow managed to fit Hei NingYu’s member in completely.

They both stilled for a while, damp sweat covering their bodies as they panted lightly due to exertion.

Chen Xiande’s body was still taut with frustration as Hei NingYu noted casually, “Little Sheep, you are so eager today, I really didn’t expect that. But you better let me take it slow or you’ll hurt a lot more afterward.”

“I don’t care,” Chen Xiande forced out. “I want to…move faster. I want you to go harder…deeper…this is not enough…”

Hei NingYu blinked. This three-hundred-year-old virgin was surprisingly very intense in bed, it seemed.

Chuckling, Hei NingYu finally acquiesced. “Then I’ll just have to prepare a lot of recovery pills for later~” he said cheerfully as he pulled completely out.

Before Chen Xiande could snarl at him to get back in there damn it, Hei NingYu thrust his full length inside in one go.

Chen Xiande’s body rocked forward due to the force, his face pressing deeply into the bed. As he gasped and his body shuddered at the sensations exploding beneath his skin, Hei NingYu forcefully drove in and out of him, again and again.

Arching his back and tilting his hips, Chen Xiande matched him thrust for thrust as he moved his body frantically, his thighs trembling with strain. Chen Xiande felt his slick, moist walls wrapping and sucking at the hard length of his lover, attempting to keep it in even as his hips moved back and forth in quick, violent motions. The constant friction as the thick organ rubbed and dragged over his delicate inner walls drove him to the point of madness, his movements turning more helplessly desperate.

Affected by his little sheep’s ardor, Hei NingYu’s hands and gaze roved hungrily over the tempting lines and curves of the body straining beneath him. He watched as Chen Xiande’s slender limbs clutched helplessly at the sheets as if enduring something unbearable, his face twisted due to agonizing pleasure even as his body pushed itself back in swift, hard motions, ramming himself onto the hard member as he groaned and screamed unreservedly.

The couple’s bodies pushed and pulled against each other, faster and faster as they collided in desperation, the need flowing through them like burning magma, hot and furious in its intensity, until finally, they reached the peak of ecstasy together as uncontrollable pleasure drowned them, tearing brutally through their bodies.

Chen Xiande felt a rush of hot liquid pouring into his pulsing channel, filling him until it overflowed. He felt his fingers scrambling frantically over the sheets, searching for purchase, something, anything to hold on to as wave after wave of blinding ecstasy rocked through him, flooding him unceasingly, mercilessly, without giving a moment of reprieve in between to catch his breath. He could only helplessly let these sensations wrack through him as he received them with his body shuddering uncontrollably as he groaned and sobbed without restraint.

As his climax seemed to go on endlessly, the taut tension in his body was replaced with unfathomable bliss as thick streams of his release shot out of his straining shaft, splattering white liquid over his trembling belly and the crumpled sheets.

After dragging on and on, the brutal tide of orgasm eventually retreated, leaving only soft and gentle ripples in its wake.

The two intertwined bodies stayed fixed in their positions, chests heaving deep breaths as sweat slickened their skins.

The aftermath of his enthusiastic exertion left Chen Xiande unable to even move without feeling his bones creaking and groaning in agony, his muscles twinging sharply in pain. His body felt laden with a deep, weary tiredness, feeling heavy as if made out of lead.

Chen Xiande felt Hei NingYu shifting over him, their wet skin sliding against each other. Due to Hei NingYu’s movement, his spent member slipped out of Chen Xiande as viscous fluid gushed unimpeded from the bruised and swollen opening that had gotten too numb to even hurt.

Chen Xiande didn’t even have the energy to care, he was completely exhausted and drained. So finally lowering his hips, he slumped down on the bed to rest his poor, exhausted body.

He felt Hei NingYu getting up from the bed, and after retrieving a basin of water and a soft cloth from somewhere, he used it to gently wipe away the liquid seeping from the swollen entrance before he carefully began cleaning him up from the inside.

Not wanting to meet his beloved’s gaze, Chen Xiande buried his head further into the bed. How could he have the gall to face anyone after this?

Hopefully, his lover would take the hint and never bring up how shameless and unrestrained he acted in bed today.

After Hei NingYu was done cleaning him up, Chen Xiande felt him lying down beside him on the rumpled bedcovers.

His lover’s arms smoothed up and down his back as he spoke with barely concealed humor, “My little sheep is indeed a hungry little wolf. Here I was planning to eat you up, but I was the one who got devoured by that adorable ass instead.”

Chen Xiande groaned miserably at how smug Hei NingYu sounded.

He wished he could just somehow erase himself from existence and escape reality.

Unfortunately for him, his wish would remain unfulfilled.

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