Heavenly Soul [BL]

Chapter 56: The Sheep Turned Wolf

Chen Xiande knew how strangely he’d acted today.

He still couldn’t figure out what had come over him for him to behave so…wildly. He had only ever acted with so much passion when he was a child, before he came to the sect.

He had never thought anyone other than his junior brother could incite such intensity in him, and even then, what he’d felt had been a strong hatred and nothing more.

But the intense passion brought out while he was together with Hei NingYu made him into a raging beast that took what it wanted without hesitation and without caring about appearances. He had never felt this unrestrained before.

And now that he was his usual self again…he missed that wildness.

Seeing his little sheep frowning deep in thought, Hei NingYu smiled and pressed a kiss into that soft cheek.

Chen Xiande’s attention snapped to his lover and he realized that he had somehow lifted his head up while pondering. But before he could hide himself again in abject embarrassment, Hei NingYu captured him in a hug while laughing.

“Little Sheep, cease your unreasonable worrying. I don’t mind it at all when you get all wild like that. We had fun, didn’t we? That’s all that matters.”

Seeing Hei NingYu behaving like nothing was wrong, Chen Xiande’s confusion about his own strange behavior also vanished. As long as Hei NingYu didn’t mind, Chen Xiande would also not force himself to push down his intense passion while in bed.

But he still felt unduly embarrassed about it.

Seeing that his little sheep was back to being his bashful, blushing self, Hei NingYu felt amused. His lover truly was both a little sheep and a wolf, how fascinating!

Smiling happily, Hei NingYu continued to pester him, “Xiande, what’s wrong? If you keep frowning like that, you’ll etch those wrinkles so deep that even your cultivation won’t be able to erase them for you. Then if people saw us together and thought you were older than me despite our vast age difference, then wouldn’t that be tragic?”

Chen Xiande sighed. Why did his lover become so chatty despite so much exertion?

In a hoarse voice, he managed to get out a few words of complaint, “How can you still be so energetic? I’m so tired, my whole body hurts!”

Realizing that his lover had indeed been worked to the bone today, Hei NingYu very considerately gave him a lot of pills for replenishing his strength and vitality.

As Chen Xiande unreservedly popped them into his mouth, his expression suddenly changed as he noticed something peculiar. In a strange voice, he asked Hei NingYu, “Why did you give me kidney supplements?”

With a solemn tone, Hei NingYu explained, “Since you seem to be particularly enthusiastic in bed despite your low stamina, I’m simply improving my own sex life by giving you this.”


Unable to refute that logic, Chen Xiande wordlessly swallowed some more supplements, much to Hei NingYu’s amusement and delight.

Chen Xiande had been in so much agony that he didn’t even know which specific part to complain about anymore. But after ingesting the pills, he could feel soothing warmth flowing over his entire body as his various aches and pains gradually faded away. Hei NingYu’s pills always worked so quickly that Chen Xiande could only admire their potency.

“Are you alright now? Does it hurt anywhere?” Hei NingYu asked with keen concern.

Stretching himself out on the bed, Chen Xiande marveled at how his body felt full of energy again. “No, I’m okay. The pain’s all gone.”

Hei NingYu sighed openly in relief, prompting Chen Xiande to give him a strange look. Why did his lover seem even more worried about his pain than he himself had been?

But seeing such obvious concern caused warmth to spread inside his chest. Chen Xiande felt that it was really nice having a lover who cared for him so much.

However, thinking back on the urges he’d had while they’d been tussling on the bed before, Chen Xiande felt that he couldn’t meet Hei NingYu’s gaze, turning away with a flustered look.

With a knowing smile, Hei NingYu prodded, “What is it, my Little Sheep? Am I so unbearably handsome that you have to look away to stop yourself from jumping on me?”

Chen Xiande flushed as he stammered somewhat incoherently, “O-Of course you are, and m-maybe… Just– What if I asked you to…?” But without the courage to finish, he let the sentence trail off.

Hei NingYu smiled wider. He more or less knew what his little sheep wanted. Shaking his head at the conflicting emotions struggling on his lover’s face, he completed Chen Xiande’s question for him, “So you want to ask me if I’d let you do me next?”

Startled that his lover was able to so easily guess his mind, Chen Xiande’s eyes widened, traces of panic visible in them. “P-Please don’t get angry! If you don’t want to, I will never ask again! So don’t―”

Interrupting him, Hei NingYu simply said, “Sure.”

“―force yourself to… Wait, what? What did you just say?” Chen Xiande looked at him with a blank expression.

“I said, sure,” Hei NingYu reiterated with amusement, “I don’t mind switching our positions. I’m prepared to take what I give. You can top me, my cute little sheep. Or rather, my hungry little wolf~”

Chen Xiande still stared at him as if unable to comprehend his words.

Chuckling amusedly and feeling greatly entertained by his lover’s reaction, Hei NingYu confessed, “Even though you didn’t know this about yourself till now, I’ve known for a long while that you are both a sheep and a wolf. I was long since prepared to be eaten by you, my dear little Xiande~”

Chen Xiande made a vague choking noise to finally express his disbelief.

Not daring to hope, he forced himself to ask, “You…really don’t mind?”

Sighing, Hei NingYu laid back on the bed as he spoke, “What’s there to mind?”

“But you…” Chen Xiande began, then trailed away, his eyes growing big and round as he looked enraptured at his lover.

After lying down on his back, Hei NingYu very nonchalantly pulled up his knees and spread his feet apart, his hands comfortably folded on his stomach as he looked at Chen Xiande with impatience. “Come, come, don’t keep me waiting for so long. I know you want to push me down and eat me up. Don’t you, my ravenous little wolf~”

Chen Xiande gaped. Why was he being so casual about this?

“Ah, I forgot. You’re a virgin in this too, aren’t you?” Hei NingYu suddenly remembered with a chuckle. “Don’t worry, I’ll teach you, so watch me properly, alright?”

Not knowing what he meant, Chen Xiande nodded in a daze. Seeing Hei NingYu like this made the desire that he’d just quenched rise up once more. But as much as he wanted to push his lover down, he wasn’t very certain about what came afterward. He didn’t want to hurt his beloved in any way, so he could only sit back with his fists clenched as he tried to keep himself in control.

The slumbering wildness in him slowly began awakening again as he saw Hei NingYu taking out a bottle from his storage space and pouring some liquid from it onto his fingers. With half-lidded eyes and a sultry smile, Hei NingYu reached down and pressed his slick fingers against his own opening. Seeing his little wolf’s hungry expression made him increasingly amused and aroused.

Slowly, he pushed a finger inside, his deep gaze locked onto his lover’s face, drinking in his tense and eager expression as he felt his entrance opening and giving way under the light pressure.

“See?” Hei NingYu spoke. “You need to prepare me first like this. And if we use some of this liquid during preparation, it makes pushing things inside easier and smoother.”

Chen Xiande swallowed thickly, his Adam’s apple bobbing as the lust in his gaze grew more heated. His eyes were fixed firmly on his lover’s slender finger as it stroked in and out rhythmically. Hearing Hei NingYu’s voice filling his ears with its pleasant cadence only stoked his desire more.

Hei NingYu smirked at his lover’s captivated expression.

Unlike when he was preparing the little sheep, Hei NingYu didn’t spend as much care and effort this time. He didn’t mind the mild discomfort and promptly increased to two, then three fingers. He was very curious to see how his little sheep would look when he turned into a wolf, so he readied himself quickly before withdrawing his fingers.

A thin sheen of sweat beaded Chen Xiande’s forehead due to his restraint. Seeing his lover removing his digits from within himself, Chen Xiande’s eyes brightened, but he still held himself in check, waiting for the all-clear from his beloved.

In a husky yet playful tone, Hei NingYu praised, “Such a good little wolf you are to have waited this long, so come on now, I’m ready.”

Without waiting, Chen Xiande pounced.

He swiftly settled himself over Hei NingYu, his hands eagerly moving over his lover’s smooth skin as his lips descended, greedily sucking and licking at that pair of smirking lips.

Hei NingYu lifted his hands and smoothed it down Chen Xiande’s back and waist, feeling the tension in his lover’s slim and lightly muscled frame. Hmm, it felt so nice to not have to do much work, he thought happily even as his own lust increased in fervor.

The heat under Chen Xiande’s skin pulsed faster and faster the more he ran his hands and mouth over his beloved. Feeling Hei NingYu’s muscled body shifting under his touch, hearing his lover let out soft groans as he suckled the skin on his neck, Chen Xiande’s need wound tighter, the flames in his belly burning hotter.

Feeling that they’d had enough foreplay, Hei NingYu reached down to squeeze one of his enthusiastic lover’s round buttocks to get his attention. “Enough of this, let’s get to the main event now, shall we?”

Chen Xiande slowly rose up, his lips wet. Some hesitation still colored his eyes. What if he ended up hurting his lover due to his inexperience and intensity?

Seeing this, Hei NingYu chuffed in equal parts amusement and impatience. “Tch, do you still want to hold back? This old one can take anything you give!”

Hearing this, Chen Xiande couldn’t help but feel his anxiety reducing, affection and desire taking its place.

Looking down at his enchanting lover, his hair spread around him like black silk, Chen Xiande remembered the day they first met. When Hei NingYu had coaxed him to kiss him in compensation, he had laid below him just like this. His smiling face framed by his hair, his lips lustrous and inviting as they curved up…

The more he thought of it, the more wildly his need strained against his reason, until it finally broke free.

Holding his slender length in his palm, Chen Xiande guided it towards Hei NingYu’s opening, slowly pressing it in. He felt the novel sensation of the tight entrance reluctantly parting, stretching wider as it was forced to swallow his member. As he continued pushing in, the moist inner walls clamped over his shaft, the slick passage enfolding him within its burning heat.

Chen Xiande panted lightly with the effort of not rushing, of not slamming himself inside with wild abandon.

Hei NingYu felt droplets of sweat dripping down from his beloved’s face, the effort of restraining himself obvious in his strained expression. So taking mercy on him, Hei NingYu suggested, “No need to go so slow. Xiande, just put it all in.”

Chen Xiande stubbornly shook his head as he whispered in a tense voice, “…No, I won’t hurt you…”

Hearing this, Hei NingYu’s eyes softened. Ah, what was he going to do with such an obstinate youngster. His little sheep was really too cute.

Raising his legs, Hei NingYu wrapped it around his beloved’s slender waist and unhesitatingly pulled Chen Xiande forward, causing his lover’s shaft to force itself inside, sheathing itself completely in one smooth motion.

Both of them hissed at the sudden burst of pleasure derived from the raw, intense friction, their bodies shuddering lightly at the feeling of finally being joined completely.

Chen Xiande forced himself to unclench his teeth and ask, “You… Are you…alright?”

Hei NingYu felt the care in his voice, and so tamping down his impatiently burning need, he spoke patiently, “Of course I am. This is hardly my first time. Stop behaving like I’m going to break and just fuck me already.”

Chen Xiande startled at the words, but finally let himself go according to his lover’s wishes.

He drew himself out, then quickly pushed back in, then did it again and again. And though it felt irregular at first, the rhythm of the thrusts and draws quickly settled into a more steady tempo that drove them both mad with intense need. Under Hei NingYu’s silent urging, Chen Xiande moved faster, his thrusts increasing in intensity as he drove through his lover’s slick channel with rapid frenzy.

In between passionate cries, Hei NingYu used his experience with his own body to guide Chen Xiande in a low voice. “…A little deeper…to the left…yes, there…mn, harder…yes, yes, just like that…”

The sound of skin slapping against skin, the wet sound of Chen Xiande’s stiff member sliding in and out of Hei NingYu’s moist passage, echoed through the room. And as Chen Xiande’s hips swung with vigor, Hei NingYu gasped and groaned, his roughened voice mingling with his lover’s hoarse shouts.

Wanting more friction, Hei NingYu angled his hips, feeling his lover’s shaft pushing into him and rubbing against his walls in swift, hard motions, dragging again and again over a certain point that made him arch back as he let out sharp breaths. Knowing the effect of his actions, Chen Xiande carefully aimed his strokes right over that place and watched enchanted at the sight of Hei NingYu twisting desperately, his head tilting back to leave his pale neck exposed, his Adam’s apple bobbing in agitation.

Chen Xiande leaned down to bite and suck over that soft throat, his hands smoothing over his lover’s slick skin. Hei NingYu gasped and raised his hands to hold onto Chen Xiande’s shoulders as his legs wrapped more tightly around the younger man’s waist.

Their bodies slammed together again and again in a mad, primal dance as restless hands hungrily moved over taut muscles, moist mouths and damp tongues roving over reddened skin, heated gasps and breaths fanning over each other’s cheeks as their eyes met, unfocused and glazed due to the overwhelming ecstasy thundering through their veins.

They twisted and writhed, pulling and pushing each other towards the peak of release.

The familiar pressure of orgasm slowly built within them, winding hotter and tighter with each thrust as their warm, sweaty skins slipped and slid over each other, their motions desperate and filled with urgency.

And finally, they tipped over the edge together as the molten heat burst, flooding through their trembling bodies.

With a drawn out groan, Chen Xiande emptied himself into Hei NingYu, and felt the tight passage wrapped around his organ pulsing as if massaging him, indicating that his lover had also reached his release. Warm liquid spurted out of Hei NingYu’s member, splattering over their bellies that were still pressed together.

The tides of ecstasy relentlessly washed over them, ebbing and rolling as the pair of lovers desperately clutched at each other, the pleasure rushing through them with an unstoppable force.

And as the waves of climax finally retreated, Chen Xiande lightly drew back before slumping down on Hei NingYu’s chest, his breaths coming in hard pants. Under his cheek, he could feel the rapid flutter of Hei NingYu’s heartbeat.

Hei NingYu wrapped his hands over his little sheep’s body, a palm stroking the head of disheveled hair in soothing motions. Lying like that, neither of them spoke, basking in the warm afterglow.

Now that the frantic frenzy had finally abated, peace and calm returned to the room, the only audible sound being that of soft breathing.

Chen Xiande suddenly spoke, “It still hurts. Why does it still hurt even if I’m the one on top?!”

Unable to contain himself, Hei NingYu burst out laughing at the petulant tone. “Of course it does. Your stamina really doesn’t seem to be able to keep up with your enthusiasm, my dear little sheep. Here, take some more pills.”

Hei NingYu considerately took out a few pills to feed his complaining lover. Not questioning him this time, Chen Xiande directly put them all into his mouth at once. Pain was truly such a terrible thing!

Seeing his beloved’s cheeks bulging like a chipmunk’s from all the pills stuffed inside, Hei NingYu laughed aloud yet again. His little sheep was truly too precious of an existence!

Swallowing down the pills, Chen Xiande looked at Hei NingYu strangely. What was so funny about eating pills? Did he literally bang the brains out of his beloved?

Wiping away tears of mirth, Hei NingYu suddenly got down to business. “Little Sheep, we should go to the Spirit Bewildering Forest tomorrow so that you can train and grow stronger. We shouldn’t waste this opportunity so kindly provided by your junior brother.”

Chen Xiande groaned in dismay as he slumped back down onto the smooth chest under him. “Why? Can’t we postpone it a little? Unlike you, I’m still sore all over! It’s so unfair!”

Hei NingYu chuckled and said, “That’s only because your cultivation is still lower than mine, our regenerative capabilities naturally cannot be compared. But if you diligently train in the Spirit Bewildering Forest, then both your cultivation and stamina will rapidly improve.”

Then leaning to place his lips by his lover’s ears, Hei NingYu whispered enticingly, “And if your stamina increases, you won’t have to suffer pain after our sessions in bed. We can even do it multiple times a day~”

Chen Xiande’s eyes widened in realization as his mind blanked.

Then he solemnly nodded, saying in a grave tone, “Yes, going to train tomorrow is of the utmost importance.”

Hei NingYu could hardly contain his chuckles. His little sheep had suddenly gotten so serious! Such a perverted little sheep he was!

With a wide grin, he spoke, “Well, now that we’ve had our fun, it’s time for you to help clean me up.”

Chen Xiande looked at him uncomprehendingly. When Hei NingYu had cleaned him from the inside out before, he had still been in a daze and had thus not paid any attention. Though he knew that aftercare was necessary, Chen Xiande was mostly clueless about how he should go about doing it.

Understanding this, Hei NingYu reached out to take Chen Xiande’s fingers in his hand, slowly guiding it down towards his own opening that was dripping thick white fluid from their recent coupling.

“Here, let me show you how it’s done…”

But of course, their lessons in bed didn’t just stop there.

And so it all began once again.


The morning sun shone bright and energetic through the window, setting aglow all that it alighted upon. Outside, the sky was a brilliant azure without a speck of a cloud marring its smooth expanse.

Hurried footsteps sounded in front of the Obsidian Courtyard as a little disciple of the demonic sect rushed towards it.

Hearing that the sect leader had returned yesterday, many of the Elders had put together a list of all the things that needed the sect leader’s attention. They had then sent this young disciple to act as the messenger and to request the sect leader to grace them with his presence so that they could hold a meeting to discuss the list in detail.

The little messenger knew that the sect leader lived alone and often did not mind it when people directly entered to give their reports. After all, even if someone tried to attack him while he was sleeping, the sect leader was still powerful enough to easily swat them out of existence!

So, unheeding of propriety, the disciple decided to directly barge into the sect leader’s bedroom…only to freeze in place at the unexpected sight that greeted him.

There was someone in the sect leader’s bed! And not to mention, this person was lying there without a stitch of clothing on, his head resting on the sect leader’s equally bare chest.

Flushing bright red, the disciple slowly withdrew, praying that he hadn’t awakened the snuggled pair of lovers.

But just as he closed the door behind him, he heard the people in the room shifting.

Gulping, the disciple decided to wait outside the room and pretend that he’d never entered. If his message wasn’t truly important, he would have directly fled this place!

To the messenger disciple’s chagrin, the door didn’t really block the sounds coming from within the room.

With exhaustion weighing their tone, someone murmured, “NingYu, wake up. We have to go train.”

Sounds of rustling fabric sounded, indicating that someone was getting up.

Then his sect leader’s voice sounded groggily, “Ow… Little Sheep, I never thought I’d say this, but we might have had a bit too much fun last night. It’s been such a long time since I last felt pain in my waist due to getting done too much.”

The poor little disciple’s mouth dropped open. What the heck had he just heard?! He must be hallucinating, right? Right?!

And then another voice, presumably that of his sect leader’s lover, spoke out, “It’s only fair. When you did me after that, I wasn’t even able to move!”

“…Are you really putting the blame for that on me?” Hei NingYu asked amusedly. They both knew who had contributed the most that time.

Chen Xiande sputtered, not knowing any words to refute that. Fine! He admitted his fault! He didn’t even feel much embarrassment now about his wildness in bed after such a long night filled with overly passionate festivities.

Looking at Chan Xiande’s complex expression, Hei NingYu was once again highly entertained by his darling lover.

Having noticed that they seemed to have a visitor, Hei NingYu directed his voice towards the door, “Boy, what do you want?”

Trembling fearfully, the messenger disciple carefully opened the door and entered, swallowing in nervousness. Then, gathering his courage, he sneakily looked towards his sect leader’s brave lover.

He had barely managed to catch a glimpse when Hei NingYu caught him peeking.

In an annoyed voice, Hei NingYu spat, “Quit ogling my lover or I’ll pluck out your eyes and stew them in a soup before feeding it to you. Now tell me why you are here.”

Shivering more than ever, the disciple managed to convey his message while stuttering and stumbling before he finally fled, unable to bear the pressure of his sect leader’s vicious glare.

And it was only a while before word soon spread about the lover of the demonic faction’s leader, and how he was fearless enough to push the former Grandmaster under him and have his wicked way all night long to the point where even such an old and prominent cultivator ended up having back pain.

When Hei NingYu heard of this later, he laughed so hard that his belly ached, while Chen Xiande blushed until his face looked like a ripe tomato.

Once again, Chen Xiande really wished he could disappear off the face of this world!

And once again, his wish remained unfulfilled.

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