Heavenly Soul [BL]

Chapter 57: Discussing a Favor

The cool morning fog rolled in with the breeze, misting the stone platform and casting over it a silver sheen.

Lightly bathed in the radiance of daylight, this platform was constructed with seamless white stone and sat slightly elevated. On the four corners of the platform were long, rectangular pillars, and atop these pillars sat carved sculptures of clouds that twisted and curved around each other, each symbol encircled with a vertical ring of stone.

A crisply drawn array, both neat and intricate, sprawled over the white platform, its metallic lines glinting gently in the light of dawn.

All of a sudden, spiritual energy began rushing and gathering over the array, lending it a bright glow. As more and more energy infused the array, the light it emanated began to pulse, first in a slow rhythm, then growing faster and faster. The carved symbols of clouds on top of the pillars reflected the flashing glow, enveloped in faint luminescence.

Then, with a sudden burst of power, the light flashed one last time in a bright, blinding white as the space above the platform twisted and crumpled. Then the light dimmed as the gathered energy vanished, absorbed into the disturbed space over the array, the air slowly smoothening again.

As the agitated wind stirred, two slender figures appeared, standing steadily in the middle of the transportation array.

One of them was tall, his face mildly handsome with a warm smile curving his lips. His slim body was lightly muscled and clad in a white robe that lent him a reliable and dignified appearance. His expression was calm and composed as he gracefully made his way down from the platform with steady steps.

The other was also clothed in white, his body of a shorter stature and a slimmer, more androgynous build compared to his companion, his beauty exuding a haughty sharpness. Gold hoops adorned his ears and a worried frown crinkled his brows. His movements were smooth despite the haste with which he impatiently followed the taller figure.

They were indeed Feng Qinghe and Jing Shui.

After alighting from the platform, they strode down a path leading from it, walking towards a particular building in the distance. As they made their way down the path, the tranquility of the place slowly sunk into them, easing their hearts.

A light fragrance of night-blooming jasmine mixed with the fresh scent of morning dew drifted along with the wind, the mild scent pleasant and refreshing. The soft sunlight caressed the light-hued stone pathway and gently enveloped the simple yet elegant buildings at the side in its placid warmth. The hushed environment was one of calmness and serenity, able to quieten even the most violent of tempers with its cool and soothing atmosphere.

Distant sounds of music sounded, gently rippling the air. The strum of strings, the melodies of flutes, the chime of bells, the voices of singers—all blended into a beautiful whole, seeming to complement and complete each other, but also able to stand on their own. The various tunes played with different instruments and from different places seemed to easily combine together into a pleasing harmony that settled the heart with the flow of its tranquil and peaceful notes.

As one stood in this place that seemed to gently dissolve all earthly desires, elevating one’s mental condition to a state more suitable for cultivation, looking up, even the brilliant white clouds that swum up high near the heavens did not seem so far off anymore.

Such was the ambiance of the Drifting Clouds Sect.

Walking down the path from the transportation array platform, Qinghe and Jing Shui felt their shoulders relax as if shedding years of accumulated weight.

His worry easing due to the soothing environment, Jing Shui finally spoke into the silence, “Brother Feng, I still do not understand. Since Sect Master Lu only called for you, why did you ask me to come along as well?”

With half-lidded eyes, Qinghe was enjoying the peaceful feeling evoked by the pleasant atmosphere here. In a quiet tone, he replied, “I just suspect that whatever matter he called me here to discuss might have something to do with you as well.”

Jing Shui frowned uncomprehendingly, but let it go. He had long since gotten used to his friend’s enigmatic ways.

As they entered deeper into the sect, they began seeing more and more disciples, all wearing a serene smile and a content expression. The low murmur of unhurried conversations and discussions sounded pleasantly like the burbling of a brook.

Reaching the main building, Qinghe and Jing Shui directly made for the sect master’s study after having a disciple send word of their arrival.

Once they reached the study, they opened the door and went in.

Inside was a long desk piled with papers and several kinds of brushes, and seated behind the desk was the elegant and refined sect master of the Drifting Clouds Sect—Lu Feiyu.

Sect Master Lu wore a kind and placid smile, his eyes sparkling with lively cheer and a hint of wryness. He looked friendly and amicable, yet sophisticated and scholarly at the same time. His robes were neat and tidy, without a wrinkle or stray mote of dust atop it. His posture was prim and straight, yet it exuded a peaceful sense of relaxation like that of leisurely flowing clouds. The crown holding his hair was decorated with pure white feathers that fanned out in an arc, the only adornment the sect master ever wore.

Currently, Lu Feiyu had his head bent as he seriously looked through the papers on his desk, occasionally taking a small sip of tea from a cup nearby that was kept filled.

To his right stood his head disciple, An YaLing, who Qinghe had met before while on the assignment to hunt the wyvern. They had also been trapped with the Nightmare Parasite along with a few others, one of them being Jing Shui.

Smiling and nodding at the newly arrived Qinghe and Jing Shui, An YaLing poured two cups of tea for them before gracefully seating himself beside his master with the teapot still in his hand so that whenever the tea in his master’s cup ran low, he could pour him some more promptly.

To the sect master’s left, seated awkwardly by the messy desk, was a rather noble looking young man who seemed to be in his late twenties. Holding a half-filled teacup with a nervous expression, he looked at Qinghe and Jing Shui as if reluctant to accept their presence.

Sensing the arrival of guests, Lu Feiyu looked up from the papers and called out, “Disciple Feng, come in. And Disciple Jing, it has been a while. I wasn’t expecting you, but come in and have a seat nevertheless.”

Nodding and saying their greetings, Qinghe and Jing Shui seated themselves on the chairs in front of the desk.

Smiling, Qinghe began, “Sect Master Lu, may I ask who that gentleman by your side is? I do not remember seeing him here before.”

With a cheerful nod, Lu Feiyu explained, “He is a distant relative of mine. His name is Ping Nian and he is the current head of the Ping household and holds a position in the Yong Dynasty’s imperial court.”

At the side, Jing Shui tried to hide his flinch as he heard mention of the Yong Dynasty, while Qinghe continued to smile, not revealing any particular reaction.

“As you might have guessed, the matter I called you over to discuss this time is related to him,” Lu Feiyu continued.

Frowning, Ping Nian spoke, “Great Uncle Lu, I only came here for your help. I do not understand why you called these people over, but I don’t think they can―”

“Now, now,” Lu Feiyu interrupted in a kind tone like that of a teacher gently reprimanding a student. “Don’t jump to conclusions and let me speak to them first.”

Ping Nian reluctantly shut up.

“I think Disciple Feng might have already gotten wind of this, but the current imperial family is not doing too well. The Yong Dynasty is almost at its last legs. The imperial family is trying its best to hoard power and is targeting all official families in the capital that can be called even moderately prominent. I suppose they want to wrest all power from these families and eliminate anything that might become a threat to their waning authority. It’s only a matter of time before the Ping household comes under fire. Ping Nian here has asked me to somehow help his household get through this alive, and if possible, retain at least a modicum of power at the end after everything finishes playing out.”

Frowning harder, Ping Nian showed an even more displeased expression at having all this told to strangers.

Sedately taking another sip of tea, Qinghe calmly asked, “And? Does Sect Master Lu wish to ask for my assistance in this?”

Lu Feiyu smiled wider. “Precisely. While I can shelter the Ping family and protect them, I cannot directly interfere in the matters of the imperial family from here, nor do I want to. I heard that Disciple Feng is going for a visit to the imperial palace soon, so I thought I would bother you with this.”

Qinghe’s eyes narrowed, his smile filled with meaning. “Helping Sect Master Lu’s family will not be such a simple matter.”

His lips twitching, Lu Feiyu conceded. “I will naturally have appropriate reparation ready to compensate for the trouble. If there is anything Disciple Feng wishes from me, you only have to ask.”

Tilting his head curiously, Qinghe observed, “Sect Master Lu seems inordinately protective of your distant family. Might I inquire as to the reason?”

Though Lu Feiyu did not understand what it had to do with anything, he still answered, “They are the descendants of my brother and his family. My brother unfortunately did not have the aptitude necessary to cultivate on the path of immortality. It has been quite a few centuries since he passed away. I simply wish to see his descendants doing well.”

For some reason, this caused Qinghe to smile as if in satisfaction. “I see. So they’re very important to you.”

Lu Feiyu sighed. Why did he feel like he’d just given this shrewd youngster some ammunition against him?

Qinghe lightly tapped a finger on his chin, looking lost in thought.

Not knowing why this esteemed great uncle of his was actually seeking help from someone who was clearly younger and less experienced than him, Ping Nian was both puzzled and disapproving. He felt that family matters were better kept within the family. What need was there to involve outsiders?

As if sensing his thoughts, Lu Feiyu spoke to him, “I know you have your doubts, Xiao Nian. But trust me when I say that this person can solve this issue to your satisfaction. Who knows, he might even exceed expectations.”

With a light chuckle, Qinghe inquired curiously, “From where does such faith in me come from?”

In his gentle voice, Lu Feiyu explained, “The previous matter I entrusted you with was very beautifully completed. I did not expect you to do so well and I was naturally very impressed with how you handled it. And keeping in mind your connections and your reputation for solving troubles, I thought it would be prudent to ask for your help in this matter.”

Qinghe frowned as he asked in confirmation, “The previous matter you mean is…the issue with the talisman papers?”

It had, after all, been quite a while since Qinghe had taken his senior brother out on that educational excursion to Master Kai’s manor to discuss this issue.

Lu Feiyu nodded. “Yes. I only asked you to find me an alternative supplier. I did not expect that you would set up negotiations with the northern traders and begin operations to harvest more efficient raw material for making talisman papers. On top of that, you even opened a new trade route and arranged for an exclusive transportation method. And even more surprisingly, you somehow also managed to coax that famed merchant Master Kai to dip into the business of producing and distributing talisman paper. All of this together has ensured that we will get a smooth and sustainable supply of it with the minimum of hassle and at reduced prices than before. I was really quite speechless when I found out the lengths to which you went to fulfill my request.”

At the side, Jing Shui, An YaLing, and Ping Nian all gaped at Qinghe. This much competence was really too scary!

Taking another small sip of tea, Qinghe casually replied, “I only did what I thought would yield the best results. If I could be of help, then I am satisfied.”

With a wry smile, Lu Feiyu spoke, “Disciple Feng, you really are too capable and skilled. That is why I want to hand this matter with the Ping household over to you.”

Scowling, Ping Nian refuted, “Matters of trade and matters of politics are completely different! Though I cannot deny that trade and businesses affairs do affect politics to a large degree, but expertise over one does not give you expertise over the other! Do not underestimate the imperial court!”

Unruffled by this sudden outburst, Qinghe countered, “I never said I was an expert with matters of trade, much less politics. But I do like to think I know enough to be of help.”

This did not reassure Ping Nian in the least.

For the first time, Jing Shui spoke, “Brother Feng, what exactly are you planning to do?”

After all, since this matter was related to the imperial family, it could be said that Jing Shui was more or less connected to it. He was anxious about his friend getting too involved in the imperial court. The people and politics in that place were too dirty and Jing Shui did not want his friend to stain his hands with it.

Qinghe merely chuckled at the worried tone. Trying to ease his friend’s heart, he spoke comfortingly, “Don’t worry, Brother Jing. This is nothing I can’t handle.”

After some hesitation, Jing Shui nodded. Indeed, his friend wasn’t like him, he didn’t fear that place or even put those people in his eyes. And thinking back on all that he knew about this person called Feng Qinghe, one thing Jing Shui could be certain about was that his friend would do what he said he would and finish it very skillfully while he was at it.

Unconvinced by what he thought was simply baseless confidence, Ping Nian burst out, “Arrogant, too arrogant! Do you think you can just waltz in and do whatever you want in the imperial palace?! Just because the current imperial family and their Yong Dynasty are weak does not mean that the Xing Long Empire itself is easy to step on! You underestimate us too much!”

Despite being the focus of such heated words, Qinghe only had on a mildly amused and interested expression. He even praised the fuming man, “Good. Lord Ping, you have an excellent spirit. Yes, you will do very nicely.”

“What do you mean? What are you talking about?!” Ping Nian asked agitatedly. Seeing Qinghe’s calmness only made him angrier, but he still forced down his temper. He knew that going against someone coolheaded while in a rage would only hurt himself, so he tried to quiet his own fury as well.

Studying him carefully, Qinghe nodded in satisfaction. “Don’t worry, leave the matter with your household to me.”

Then turning to Lu Feiyu, Qinghe asked to confirm, “Since Sect Master Lu is able to provide protection, then does that mean you only need me to guarantee the Ping household’s prestige?”

Though Lu Feiyu didn’t know why Qinghe was behaving so keenly all of a sudden, he still nodded. “Yes, and in return, I will try to heed one request of equal value to clear all debt between us.”

Qinghe nodded and unhesitatingly asked for what he wanted. “Then may Sect Leader Lu please prepare for me twenty flowers’ worth petals of the ghost lotuses when they reach full bloom.”

Lu Feiyu looked at him with shock on his face. “Twenty?! Ghost lotuses only produce a hundred or so of these flowers every few centuries, and you want me to give you twenty of them at once? Impossible!”

The Drifting Clouds Sect had four pavilions, each themed after a season. In the lake surrounding the Autumn Pavilion, translucent white lotus buds swayed placidly with the water currents. These lotuses were a special kind called ghost lotuses and were spiritual herbs that were neither completely of this world nor entirely that of the netherworld.

They were an extremely precious treasure that was sought out by many. They had a wide range of uses and were stated as key ingredients in quite a few legendary elixirs and pill recipes, making them valuable beyond measure.

And as Lu Feiyu stated, they only bloomed once every few centuries, only producing around a hundred flowers at once. Thus, they were also extremely rare.

It need not be mentioned just how many benefits the Drifting Clouds Sect could gain by trading the ghost lotuses. For them to give away one-fifth of the yield just like that would be nigh impossible.

But having these ghost lotus petals would also be extremely beneficial to the Heavenly Peak Sect, so Qinghe did not relent.

“Oh dear, but I do seem to have helped you quite a lot with the issue regarding talisman paper. You even admitted it yourself. And since we are clearing all debt between us, then shouldn’t Sect Mater Lu take that into account?” Qinghe bargained with a small smile, his half-lidded eyes glittering with a cunning light.

Hearing him bringing up the matter from before, Lu Feiyu was filled with regret at the unrestrained words of praise he’d spoken. This disciple was really too sly, not even giving his seniors a discount!

But unwilling to concede defeat so easily, Lu Feiyu countered, “Fine then, but on one condition. Since I’m paying you such a huge compensation, the results I expect will naturally be more. Only if I think that the outcome is outstanding will I give you a full twenty of the lotuses. Do you agree to these conditions?”

Qinghe let out a light laugh in delight. “Yes, of course. I will naturally complete this task to your satisfaction, Sect Master Lu. You need not doubt that.”

And for some unfathomable reason, Lu Feiyu believed him.

Sighing helplessly at this youngster’s self-assured manner of speaking, Lu Feiyu smiled and said, “Alright then, I will keep twenty of the ghost lotuses in reserve for you.”

Nodding gratefully, Qinghe declared, “That’s decided then.”

Seeing everything being settled so smoothly right in front of him despite his vocal objections, Ping Nian spoke out once more, “What do you mean? Nothing’s decided yet! You―”

Interrupting him, Qinghe spoke in a reasonable tone, “Lord Ping, why must you resist this so much? I am only trying to help you here. Even if I fail, the worst thing that can happen is that you will not be able to retain your family’s status, that’s all. You will still have Sect Master Lu’s protection, will you not? So is there really a reason for you to go against everything I say to this degree?”

Seeing Qinghe speaking so sensibly despite the constant outbursts of hostility directed towards him, Ping Nian was at somewhat of a loss.

In the various political situations he’d encountered before, one wrong word or one disrespectful action could cause an entire family’s downfall. Grudges were maintained for generations even for the smallest of slights and grievances. Yet this man brushed aside all his shouts and disparaging statements like the wind nonchalantly throwing off dust.

Ping Nian did admit that what this man said made sense. He really had nothing to lose by taking up his offered help. But something about this calmly smiling man caused alarm bells to ring in Ping Nian’s mind. His instincts for accurately assessing people had been honed in the treacherous imperial court and were seldom wrong.

He knew that though this man had shrugged off his offensiveness, it was not because he was excessively tolerating or kind. Rather, what colored this pleasant-faced cultivator’s gaze was abject indifference, as if he simply did not care enough about Ping Nian or his opinions to take offense.

Someone like this would not have any care of society’s views of him, and such a person who was so filled with apathy towards others, would he even have any morals or adhere to the common rules?

And intuitively realizing this was what had scared Ping Nian from the beginning, causing him to be so overly cautious as he lashed out unthinkingly.

But since this strange man was offering his help, and since his great uncle seemed to trust him, Ping Nian finally, reluctantly relented as well.

“…Fine, I’ll allow it. Tell me if there’s anything you want me to do.”

Qinghe’s eyes widened slightly in surprise. He hadn’t expected convincing this person and gaining his cooperation to be so easy.

“I do not require you to do much, just show up in the places I tell you, at the time I indicate, and interact well with the people I send, that’s all.”

Ping Nian frowned. This…was too easy. Would doing something so simple like this even work? But despite his doubts, he had given his word, and so he would have to follow this person’s instructions.

Giving a short, stiff nod, Ping Nian showed his acknowledgment.

With that, this issue was concluded for now.

As Qinghe and Jing Shui left the study, Ping Nian watched their retreating backs with a complex mix of emotions in his eyes.

“Great Uncle,” he called out hesitatingly, “The person that you called over to help, is he very dangerous?”

“Hm? You mean Feng Qinghe?” Lu Feiyu looked at Ping Nian strangely. “Well, he does seem powerful enough to be considered dangerous. But he is also known for being too kind sometimes. Unlike most people, he hates to kill even for self-defense. His moral character is very upright and strong, so don’t worry, he will keep his word.”

Hearing this, Ping Nian was even more confused. Just what sort of a person was this Feng Qinghe in the end?

But what he didn’t know was that deep in Qinghe's mind, beyond the reach of consciousness, a sentence constantly echoed. The familiar voice speaking it was both gentle and steady as it advised: “Qinghe, each life is so precious and maintained with so much hard work, ending it carelessly is a sin.”

And so, not wanting to disappoint that voice, Qinghe had learnt to be kind and strived to treat every life with care.


Soon, the time for their visit to the imperial palace arrived.

The four people gathered together, all of them having forgone their usual official robes in favor of wearing plain but tasteful clothes, even the Sentinel Wei Xiang.

The group of cultivators then set off for the palace on their own, refusing the imperial-family-issued carriages. Their reasoning was simple—they did not want the bother of being embroiled in dramatic plots aimed to scare or assassinate them, like getting into an ‘accident’ or having a surprise encounter with ‘highway bandits’ or other such nonsense.

So skipping over all these cliché developments, Qinghe and Wei Xiang, Jing Shui and Wu Xiao, all four decided to get to the capital by using their own means while sightseeing and having fun along the way.

And in this manner, they soon arrived in front of the imperial palace, standing in front of the seat of a dynasty that was on the verge of collapse.

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