Heavenly Soul [BL]

Chapter 67: Lending Assistance

After slowly crawling out of the bushes, the young man still sat on the ground, his face radiating apprehension and his body trembling in fear. His skin was littered with countless red marks. Thick leather restraints wrapped around his wrists, ankles, and neck. Though he appeared clean and well-groomed, his youthful body looked too thin and pale as if he had been shut in and forced to starve for too long.

Seeing that the young man had no intention of getting up, Qinghe chose to sit down in front of him instead. His legs folded under him as he sat back on his heels, Qinghe asked in a soothing tone, “What is your name?”

The young man stiffened. In the prince’s palace, it was understood that no matter what was done to you, if you so much as whimpered, your tongue would be cut out. So the young man had swallowed and swallowed his words all these months, not letting out a single peep in fear of getting his tongue sliced off. But now that he actually needed to speak, he found that he couldn’t make a sound. His words seemed stuck in his throat as if by habit, unable to come out.

The young man’s dread grew. If he didn’t answer his new master, then would he get angry and punish him?

But Qinghe merely waited as the young man struggled to find a way to speak. After a few minutes of frantic effort, softly whispered words finally emerged from the youth’s quivering lips, “…Xi…Heng.”

“So your name is Xi Heng?” Qinghe asked patiently.

With hesitation, the young man nodded. From his new master’s expression, it didn’t look like he would be punished, but he still had to be vigilant.

Reading his cautious expression, Qinghe sighed. “Xi Heng, I will not hurt you. I know you don’t believe me yet, so I can only prove it to you through my actions.”

Xi Heng looked unconvinced, but Qinghe didn’t mind the suspicious gaze.

“Tell me, Xi Heng, do you want to escape?” Qinghe suddenly asked.

Caught off-guard, Xi Heng instinctively nodded, then realizing what he’d given away, he began violently shaking his head.

Qinghe chuckled and spoke kindly, “Don’t worry, I won’t get angry. In fact, I want to help you.”

With a face full of doubt, Xi Heng looked at Qinghe. Then gathering his courage, the young man forcefully pushed out a few more words, “Then…let me…go.”

Smiling, Qinghe shook his head and carefully explained, “I could do that, but it would be terribly irresponsible of me. Right now, we are inside the imperial family’s grounds. If you go wandering around, you’ll be spotted easily by the guards. Even if I gave you clothes to make you less conspicuous, you will still be unable to make it out on your own, won’t you?”

Saying so, Qinghe meaningfully looked at one of Xi Heng’s ankles. At the back, above his left heel, a clean slice was visible. Someone had cut the youth’s Achilles tendon to keep him from being able to walk properly, presumably to keep him from escaping.

Looking down at the cut, Xi Heng frowned. What this person said was definitely true. Even if he tried, he wouldn’t be able to make it more than a few steps, since currently, he could only put his weight on one of his feet. The only other way he could think of would be to hop or crawl all the way to the palace gates and beyond, but Xi Heng couldn’t help but realize how unrealistic and ridiculous that sounded. He really had to face the reality that there was no way for him to escape.

“That’s why,” Qinghe continued, “I want you to let me help you. I can have someone accompany you outside and get you to a safe place. If you don’t have a family, then I know a friend who you could stay with. He is a very nice person and will help you recover while also keep you fed and sheltered. You won’t have to do anything, just rest. So will you let me help you?”

Xi Heng felt conflicted. What this person said seemed too good to be true. Why would anyone help another person to this degree? What motive did this person have to treat him this well? It obviously had to be a trap!

After saying in this palace among people with such rotten hearts, Xi Heng had long since stopped believing in the good of humanity, and he naturally did not believe in human kindness anymore.

Qinghe’s low voice suddenly interrupted his thoughts. “If you are wondering why I am doing this, then the answer is simple. It’s because I have been in your place before.”

Xi Heng looked up with shock displayed plainly on his face.

After all, the man in front of him was dressed neatly and primly, with an elegant comportment and a refined grace about him. Xi Heng couldn’t imagine someone like this ever being in the same wretched situation as him.

With a thoughtful expression, Qinghe continued, “Well, it isn’t exactly the same, but my experience enables me to empathize with you. So helping you will make me feel good too. That is the reason I’m offering you my cooperation. Whether you let me help you or not is solely for you to decide.”

Not knowing what to say, Xi Heng sank into his thoughts. For now, he could at least infer that this person would not hurt him. And not only did he not look down on him, this person also acted with the utmost consideration to make him feel comfortable.

Because, though Qinghe’s words and actions seemed casual, the unassuming way they were carried out had slowly whittled away at Xi Heng’s vigilance and fear.

So, after some hesitation, Xi Heng finally whispered, “…Okay…I’ll…let you…help.”

Qinghe beamed happily. Rummaging in his storage space, he found a bottle of ointment and offered it to the young man. “Here, put some of this over the injury on your foot. It should begin to heal up.”

Taking the medicine, Xi Heng didn’t hesitate to do so.

Though it would be very difficult to heal an injured tendon through normal means, Qinghe had various alchemical medicines and elixirs brewed from spiritual herbs for this exact purpose, especially since he often found himself with similar injuries.

Feeling the medicine immediately beginning to work, Xi Heng looked down at his foot with wonder.

In a regretful voice, Qinghe said, “As much as I’d like for us to wait here until your injury heals, I don’t think it’s wise to keep sitting here. Would you like me to carry you back?”

Xi Heng stiffened and shook his head. “I’ll…do it…on my own.”

Qinghe inwardly sighed with relief that he wouldn’t have to let the young man touch him. In a concerned tone, he advised, “Alright, but don’t push yourself.”

Standing up, Qinghe retrieved a simple robe from his storage space and handed it over to Xi Heng. After the young man was clothed, Qinghe compressed the wind to make a few thin wind blades and used them to carefully slice away Xi Heng’s restraints.

Navigating through the still-unconscious guards lying around in the garden, Qinghe slowly led Xi Heng in the direction of the room he was currently staying in with Wei Xiang.

As Xi Heng dragged around his wounded foot, he almost stumbled over one of the guards. But as Qinghe extended his hands to catch him, Xi Heng flinched away.

Qinghe sighed, but let it be. It wasn’t like he was any better than the young man. It was only that Qinghe had already mentally prepared himself to touch Xi Heng, otherwise he wouldn’t have offered to support the young man previously.

But Xi Heng felt guilty at the way he was avoiding his benefactor’s well-intentioned touch, so he tried to haltingly explain, “I’m…sorry. It’s just that my master…I mean, the prince…he told me…that I was…too dirty. I shouldn’t…touch others.”

Qinghe froze. With a furious expression, he turned to Xi Heng and demanded, “What do you mean? What type of bullshit did that pathetic excuse of a human being feed you?!”

Xi Heng blinked in surprise at this unexpected outburst. Till now, this person had always remained calm and collected, so why was he angry now? And it sounded like he was actually angry at the prince?

Swallowing in nervousness, Xi Heng elaborated, “Master said that…since I was…I was defiled by…many men…I’ve become dirty and…if anyone touches me…they’ll get stained.”

His expression growing darker with every word, Qinghe felt like calling back that useless prince and strangling some sense into him.

Taking a deep breath to calm his fury and to avoid alarming Xi Heng any more, Qinghe finally spoke, “That’s completely untrue. How can someone’s value be determined by something as senseless as how many times they have been touched? It sounds absurd. A person’s worth isn’t defined by the number of people they have slept with, whether consensually or not. Or rather, the concept of assigning value to people as if they are objects is in itself ridiculous. You shouldn’t believe anything that comes out of that degenerate’s mouth. Most of what he spouts is utter rubbish.”

Looking down, Xi Heng muttered unconvincedly, “B-But…I really―”

Qinghe didn’t let him finish. After pushing down his aversion to touch, Qinghe directly hugged a startled Xi Heng. Right now, it was more important to let this young man understand that he was in no way ‘dirty’ just because of what had happened to him.

Not having expected Qinghe to suddenly hug him, Xi Heng froze.

Then slowly, carefully, he wrapped his arms around Qinghe in reciprocation. A strange feeling of warmth welled up in Xi Heng’s chest. He realized that he’d grown to trust this person who had only shown him kindness and understanding till now.

Patting Xi Heng’s back, Qinghe spoke in a gentle tone, “Alright now, let’s go. We can’t have you standing for too long and worsening your injury.”

Xi Heng reluctantly let go and Qinghe inwardly sighed in relief before steeling himself again.

This time when Qinghe offered his support, Xi Heng didn’t refuse, so Qinghe directly picked him up and strode quickly over to the room adjacent to the one he was staying at.

After carefully setting Xi Heng down to rest on the ground, Qinghe knocked politely as he called, “Sect Master Wu, I need your help.”

A few moments later, Jing Shui opened the door with Wu Xiao standing behind him. “Brother Feng, what’s wrong?”

Qinghe motioned to Xi Feng and began explaining the situation, ending with, “…and so, I was hoping that Sect Master Wu would be kind enough to escort Xi Heng to Yan Lin’s place. If you tell him the situation, I’m sure Yan Lin will agree to help.”

Frowning thoughtfully, Jing Shui asked, “Are you sending him there because Yan Lin went through a similar experience, so he’d know what all would need to be done?”

But Qinghe shook his head, saying, “Well, there is that. But rather than Yan Lin, I think Zhang LiYing will be more suitable to handle this matter, since she has after all been with Yan Lin so long and must already be familiar with how to help someone who has gone through such an ordeal.”

Wu Xiao nodded. “That’s true. And their place really is quite suitable for recuperation. But Xiao Feng, tell me, did you just say that you used spiritual energy?”

Qinghe looked at him with confusion before nodding his head.

“Oh? And how are your restrictions?” Wu Xiao asked with concern.

Realizing what Wu Xiao had been worried about, Qinghe reassured, “I didn’t use much, so it’s still alright. I’m fine.”

Frowning dissatisfiedly at his recklessness, Wu Xiao began to lecture him, “You should take better care of yourself. Shouldn’t you already know that the more you use your spiritual energy, the more likely you are to breakthrough whether your body is prepared to advance or not? So try to minimize using your spiritual energy and remember to use your martial arts instead.”

Qinghe lowered his head and accepted the scolding. “Yes, I’m sorry. I’ll take care next time.”

Wu Xiao narrowed his eyes, then huffed in satisfaction at Qinghe’s repentant attitude. “See that you do. Now, you need me to take this brat to Yan Lin’s and explain the situation to them, that’s it?”

Nodding, Qinghe added, “It would be better if we gave them compensation for food and board beforehand.”

“I’ll handle it,” Wu Xiao spoke.

Then suddenly remembering something, Qinghe turned to Xi Heng and asked, “Are there more people like you who are detained against their will within the palace?”

Xi Heng startled, then nodded. “Yes, there are. But not all of us…are kept in the same place. There are several secret chambers…that are used for illegal activities…that are, well…of an unpleasant sort.”

Qinghe frowned. This was going to complicate matters.

Jing Shui spoke up, “Brother Feng, don’t try to handle everything on your own again. Just ask Sentinel Wei to take care of this. It’s a matter that falls under the Sentinels’ jurisdiction anyway.”

Wu Xiao nodded to show his support towards his lover. “Yes, yes, my Ah-Shui is absolutely right. Stop being a control freak and let others help you once in a while.”

Smiling wryly, Qinghe agreed. “Very well, then. I’ll let Xiang know.”

Then turning to Xi Heng, Qinghe spoke in a comforting tone, “This silver-haired man here will now take you to that friend’s place that I mentioned before. My friend will take very good care of you, so listen to him, okay?”

Xi Heng reluctantly nodded before asking in a pitiful voice, “But you’ll…come visit, right?”

Qinghe blinked in surprise. Had this young man really gotten attached to him so quickly?

Smiling affectionately, Qinghe assured, “Of course I’ll visit you. And don’t worry, you won’t have to feel alone for long. The other people who are being confined here will soon join you as well.”

And so, despite Xi Heng not willing to part from Qinghe so soon, he still obediently followed Wu Xiao and left for Yan Lin’s house.

Jing Shui went back to his room to wait for Wu Xiao while deciding to cultivate in the meantime. After all, the Hundred-Year Tournament was coming up, and as the Golden Sun Sect’s head disciple, Jing Shui wanted to do his sect proud.

Sighing in exhaustion, Qinghe also retired to his room and closed the door before slumping tiredly against it.

“Xiang, you can come out now,” he called.

The shadow by his feet immediately extended upward, coalescing into Wei Xiang’s form. But no sooner had Wei Xiang exited the shadow realm than he immediately closed his arms around Qinghe in a tight hug.

Qinghe startled at the suddenness of the embrace, but quickly hugged his lover back.

He had expected that Wei Xiang would react like this, which was why he had sent Wu Xiao with Xi Heng rather than going himself. From the moment Jing Rui had begun spouting his vulgar words, Wei Xiang had been in a rage and Qinghe had clearly sensed it. And no matter how much time had passed, Qinghe hadn’t felt his lover’s anger and distress abating even by a little till now.

Sure enough, the first words out of Wei Xiang’s mouth were, “I’ll never let him touch you!”

Smiling helplessly at the rage saturated in his lover’s low voice, Qinghe patted Wei Xiang’s back. In a soothing tone, he replied, “I know.”

As if not hearing him, Wei Xiang growled, “I don’t want him to even look at you!”

Qinghe closed his eyes and repeated quietly, “I know.”

He truly knew how much Wei Xiang must have hated having to stay idly in the shadows while Jing Rui crudely mouthed off, talking about doing offensive things to Qinghe. He knew how much Wei Xiang cared for him and how much his lover wanted to protect him.

So Qinghe held his beloved and slowly tried to calm him down with his touch. They stayed like that, with Wei Xiang hugging him tightly and Qinghe running his hand comfortingly over his beloved’s back, their roles reversed for once.

But soon, Qinghe realized that something seemed off about Wei Xiang. His voice had seemed strangely deeper and the feel of Wei Xiang’s body also felt imperceptibly different in his embrace.

Frowning, Qinghe asked carefully, “Xiang, why does it feel like something’s changed with you?”

Wordlessly leaning back from Qinghe’s arms, Wei Xiang let his lover have a proper look at him.

And at the first clear sight of his beloved’s new form, Qinghe gasped.

Wei Xiang’s eyes had gone completely gold, seeming almost reflective, while the dark pupils within had elongated into thin, vertical slits. Wei Xiang’s features seemed sharper, his ears having grown longer and pointed at the ends. His honey-toned complexion now had a faint golden sheen as tiny and delicate scales glimmered softly in a fine, transparent layer over his skin. Long, thin, and exceedingly sharp nails extended straightly from his fingertips, its color a deep ebony as it exuded a smooth shine.

Wei Xiang’s body seemed more limber and languid, as if it had shed a layer of rigidness, his movements bearing a boneless grace like that of a serpent. An air of dangerous wildness swirled around him, extremely different from the mature and dignified aura he usually projected.

Qinghe looked at his lover with open wonder and fascination.

In a marveling tone, Qinghe asked, “Is this your…half-beast form?”

Wei Xiang opened his mouth and answered in a slightly rumbling voice, “Yes. I suppose I haven’t shown it to you before.”

Qinghe’s attention focused on the two pointed incisors revealed between his lover’s parted lips when he spoke. As he looked over his beloved’s new form, Qinghe felt uncontrollable excitement rising within him.

He found that he liked this side of his Wei Xiang very much, too.

The half-beast form of a spiritual beast was exactly as it sounded―it was a meld of the physical characteristics of both their human and beast forms.

Half-blooded beasts like the twins had no ability to change completely between their human and beast forms, but stayed perpetually in their half-beast forms. But full-blooded spiritual beasts like Wei Xiang were able to shift not only between looking fully like a spiritual beast or human, they also possessed the ability to assume a blend of both forms like the half-blooded beasts.

Beasts in half-beast form exhibited more animalistic characteristics, both physically and personality-wise, than when they looked completely human.

Raising a hand, Qinghe ran a finger over his beloved’s cheek. He felt a faint friction as the scales dragged lightly on his fingertip.

“Qinghe?” Wei Xiang called uncertainly. For some reason, his little lover seemed to have become quite excited, his dark eyes shining brightly.

With an eager gaze, Qinghe looked at Wei Xiang and said directly, “Xiang, take me to bed in this form!”


Coughing at this unexpectedly enthusiastic request, Wei Xiang shook his head regretfully. “Love, it’s not possible for us to do it in this form, at least not without a lot of preparation.”

“Eh? Why?” Qinghe looked up at his beloved with a disheartened expression.

With a light chuckle, Wei Xiang took ahold of Qinghe’s wrist and led his hand to cup him between the legs. Qinghe habitually gave the bulge a squeeze, then froze. With a disbelieving look, he quickly undid Wei Xiang’s belt and parted his robe before brazenly plunging his hand into his lover’s pants.

“No way!” Qinghe looked up at his amused beloved as he asked, “You have two of them now?!”

Wei Xiang nodded, suppressing his urge to burst out laughing at Qinghe’s shocked expression, even as his golden eyes darkened at the feel of his lover’s warm palm touching him so very intimately. “Yes. I share the blood of both true dragons and serpents. And serpents have two members, didn’t you know?”

Removing his hand from within Wei Xiang’s pants, Qinghe dazedly shook his head. How the hell was he supposed to know something so random?!

Lifting a hand, Wei Xiang affectionately patted Qinghe on the head. “It’s okay. I’ll return to normal soon. I’ll take you to bed at that time, alright?”

But with a reluctant expression, Qinghe turned his face away. Then, in a hesitant voice, he confessed, “Xiang…even if takes some extra preparation…I still don’t mind. I want you in this form.”

Wei Xiang looked at his little lover with surprise. Qinghe’s cheeks were flushed with desire, his lashes lowered shyly.

Bending down, Wei Xiang planted a light kiss on Qinghe’s forehead. “Not yet. Let’s wait till we go back to your sect first before we try something more adventurous.”

Qinghe considered it, then nodded. “Okay. But I still want you now, even if it’s in your human form.”

Chuffing in laughter, Wei Xiang agreed, “I’ll try to turn back to my human form then.”

Therefore, Wei Xiang began concentrating on suppressing his beast until his body slowly changed back. And then the couple promptly moved to the bed.

In all honesty, Qinghe had expected that Wei Xiang would be especially intense and possessive today and had even braced himself for it. But contrary to his expectations, Wei Xiang was particularly gentle, his every touch tender and careful as if wishing to show just how much he cherished his beloved.

It was a very sweet and wonderful night.

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