Heavenly Soul [BL]

Chapter 68: Gauging Undercurrents

The next morning, Wei Xiang set off to the Sentinel headquarters to report about people being held against their will and abused in the imperial palace.

It would take the Sentinels some time to gather the necessary information and prepare to rescue the captives. After all, if they acted carelessly and ended up prematurely alerting the people in the palace, the abusers might simply wipe out the captives to hide the evidence. To avoid such a scenario, it was necessary to exercise due caution.

By the time Wei Xiang finished taking care of the necessary procedures and returned to the palace, it was already afternoon.

The second his lover stepped into the room, Qinghe immediately dragged him outside and knocked on the neighboring door again.

This time, Wu Xiao was the one to unlock the door while Jing Shui just opened his eyes curiously from where he sat cross-legged on the bed.

Wu Xiao immediately began, “If you’re here to inquire about that brat from yesterday, then there’s no need to worry. His calf injury healed up nicely, and Yan Lin and his wife also agreed to take him in. Last I saw, he was eagerly listening to Zhang LiYing lecture him about the proper method to pick fruits.”

Qinghe nodded. “Well, that’s good to know. While I also wanted to ask you about that, it’s not the only reason I’m here.”

Raising an eyebrow, Wu Xiao waited for him to elaborate.

“I think it’s time we took a look around the capital,” Qinghe spoke.

Wu Xiao narrowed his eyes suspiciously. “What do you want to do in the city? I doubt you just want to tour around.”

Chuckling, Qinghe admitted, “I want to gauge the undercurrents in the capital.”

Even though Qinghe said this, Wu Xiao felt that it didn’t explain anything at all. But despite his misgivings, Wu Xiao chose to let it go.

Turning back, he called, “Ah-Shui, your friend wants to go on a double date! It’ll be our first time going out as a couple, aren’t you excited?”

Jing Shui’s disgruntled voice shouted back in reply, “Why the hell should I be excited?! Also, don’t go deciding these things on your own!”

Leaving the door open, Wu Xiao went back inside the room to pout and plead shamelessly until he finally managed to get a blushing Jing Shui to agree to come along.

And so, the four of them stepped out of the palace gates for the first time after having entered it a few days ago.

Qinghe decided that rather than going to the affluent parts of the city inhabited by the more influential people, they should look around the places that the common citizens frequented. And so the group set off in that direction.

Lit under the harsh noon sun, the market square in the capital city was bustling, the streets filled with rushing oxcarts and hurrying people. At the sides, vendors sold everything from fruits and vegetables to fabric and earthenware, all the while calling out in loud voices with a practiced cadence.

The smell of dust, stagnant water, animal musk, and sweaty bodies hung heavy in the air. A disorderly cacophony of overlapping noises assailed the ears, consisting of the talking and shouting of humans along with the cries of animals mixed with the myriad other sounds of a lively marketplace.

A hectic sort of energy ran through the street, quickening one’s pulse and immersing them in its rampant chaos until you had no choice but to join the constantly flowing tide of people.

Nimbly threading through the crowds, the group of four cultivators made their way steadily forward.

“Brother Feng, where are we going?” Jing Shui finally asked.

Qinghe tilted his head in thought before answering, “Probably somewhere where we can observe people in their natural habitat.”

“…And that doesn’t sound weird at all,” Wu Xiao piped in sarcastically.

In a rare fit of childishness, Qinghe stuck out his tongue at an amused Wu Xiao before turning to Wei Xiang. “What do you think?”

Looking at his little lover intently, Wei Xiang replied in all seriousness, “I think that your tongue is very cute.”

Huffing, Qinghe swatted Wei Xiang on his arm before admonishing, “You know that’s not what I meant! Where do you think we should go to get a feel for the city?”

Wei Xiang considered for a while before saying, “A restaurant or a tavern should do.”

After a moment of thought, Qinghe nodded. “Yes, and we can get some wine too,” he said, unable to stop eagerness from seeping into his tone.

Chuckling, Wei Xiang shook his head. “No wine for you, especially not during the day.”

Qinghe pouted and spoke as if wronged, “I only want us to celebrate Sect Master Wu and Brother Jing getting together finally. A little bit of wine should be fine, right?”

Faced with his pleading gaze, Wei Xiang could only sigh helplessly and relent. “Very well then, as you wish. But choose something light.”

Having gotten his way, Qinghe easily compromised with a nod.

In a somewhat shocked tone, Jing Shui reacted belatedly, “Wait, what do you mean by Wu Xiao and me getting together ‘finally’? Why does it seem like you expected us to become a couple?”

Wu Xiao chuffed in silent laughter at his Ah-Shui’s cluelessness while Qinghe shrugged and explained, “That’s because everyone in the cultivation world more or less knows that Sect Master Wu has been interested in Brother Jing for more than a couple of decades. We all just thought it was a given that you’d both become lovers sooner or later. I think Brother Jing is the only one surprised by this development.”

Jing Shui felt speechless. They all knew? Did that include his master? His fellow disciples in the sect? Everyone?!

Looping an arm around Jing Shui’s shoulders, Wu Xiao spoke as if reading his mind, “Yes, my beloved, everyone knows.”

Hearing this, Jing Shui suddenly felt that his sense of perception had failed him. How come he was the last to find out?!

Qinghe laughed at Jing Shui’s stupefied expression while twining his fingers with Wei Xiang’s to pull him in the direction of a small restaurant. “Let’s go here. It seems to have enough people to observe.”

And so the group entered a small restaurant situated a little way from the marketplace.

The inside was wide and spacious, with tables and chairs distributed neatly throughout the dining area. One side of the restaurant was left open to the outside to let in some of the refreshing breeze and bright light. The aroma of spices and seasoning wafted in the air enticingly, stirring one’s appetite with the promise of freshly made, delicious and warm food.

Almost every table in the restaurant was taken, leaving only one with five chairs set around it, four of which Qinghe and his group promptly occupied.

A young man soon came to ask them what they wanted to have. Without hesitation, Qinghe immediately asked for some light fruit wine and sweets while Jing Shui asked for buns with chestnut fillings. After some hesitation, Wei Xiang ordered sweet and sour dumplings. Once he confirmed that Wu Xiao did not need anything, the young man swiftly departed to relay their order.

Soon, the food and drink were placed on the table and the group of four began to partake of it.

After finishing half of the sweets quickly, Qinghe asked his lover, “So you like sweet and sour things?”

Finding his tone strange, Wei Xiang raised an eyebrow. “Yes, I do. Do you dislike it?”

Qinghe made a difficult expression, but shook his head. “I guess I can…tolerate it.”

Seeing the obvious reluctance with which Qinghe made this statement, Wei Xiang dutifully noted down his beloved’s distaste of sour foodstuffs.

After gobbling down a few more sweets in quick succession, Qinghe looked consideringly at the remaining ones before picking one with his chopsticks and turning towards his lover. “Xiang, open your mouth.”

Having just finished his meal, Wei Xiang happily accepted the dessert personally fed to him by his beloved.

Seeing them, Wu Xiao turned to Jing Shui with a hopeful gaze. “Ah-Shui, don’t you also want to share your food with me?”

Jing Shui looked up from munching on his buns only to meet Wu Xiao’s eyes sparkling brightly with expectation.

Sighing helplessly, Jing Shui acquiesced with a small, indulgent smile, “Alright then, open up.”

Wu Xiao eagerly did so, and Jing Sui carefully put a corner of a bun into Wu Xiao’s mouth for him to bite off. Once Wu Xiao took a mouthful, Jing Shui casually finished the rest.

Seeing that his beloved didn’t mind eating something he’d taken a bite from, Wu Xiao felt gratified. “Ah-Shui, feed me another~” Wu Xiao entreated.

And so, the couples spent lunchtime happily in this way, sharing food and feeding each other, until all the food was consumed, leaving only the wine.

As the four of them divided the lightly flavored fruit wine among themselves, Qinghe observed offhandedly, “It seems unrest has already grown.”

Wei Xiang agreed with a small nod, “Yes, it does seem so.”

Though Wu Xiao sipped his wine unconcernedly, Jing Shui looked at them both with puzzlement written plainly on his face. “What are you talking about?”

Qinghe looked at his friend and answered as if it was obvious, “The mood in the capital, of course.”

Frowning, Jing Shui asked, “How can you tell that there’s unrest? The marketplace outside seemed quite lively, and even inside the restaurant, it’s fairly peaceful.”

Promptly entering lecture mode, Qinghe began to explain, “Look at the people. All of them look tense and on edge. They seem exhausted as if they’ve given up hope. Listen to their words. Though none of them directly disparage the current regime, their dissatisfaction is very apparent and implied. Look at the way their eyes keep shifting to the doorway every time they talk about their difficulties, as if a wrong word will summon guards who’d drag them away. Most of them are also ordering very little food or wine. Every coin spent obviously hurts them. The clothes of many people are also hanging loosely over their frames, meaning they’ve lost a lot of weight recently, most likely due to a lack of sufficient food. Their robes also seem very worn with too many noticeable patches. We can easily conclude from this that there’s an economic crisis brewing among the common folk, along with civil unrest. It’s only a matter of time before businesses start failing and people start rioting.”

Jing Shui blinked and looked around, and sure enough, when he observed the little details, it really seemed to be as Qinghe said.

Though the people chatted amiably, the corners of their eyes were tightened and their brows mildly furrowed. Their conversations were mostly held in a low voice, as if afraid to be overheard. Every now and then, their gazes flicked to the restaurant’s entrance in small, barely visible motions. And if someone even remotely resembling a guard passed by, the volume of the chatter would inevitably drop lower.

Seeing that it really was as Qinghe had said, Jing Shui looked at his friend with new appreciation in his eyes. “Brother Feng, it seems that you’re quite experienced in observing these sorts of things.”

Qinghe smiled pleasantly as he spoke, “Yes, I’ve done some work that requires these skills.”

Jing Shui inquisitively asked, “Like what?”

At the side, Wu Xiao coughed delicately while muttering “Espionage” in between.

Not minding the insinuation, Qinghe tranquilly sipped his wine while still smiling.

Knowing that it was entirely possible, Jing Shui shook his head while saying ruefully, “I should have known.”

At the side, Wei Xiang smiled amusedly at this assumption. But if it were true, then it would surprise no one. After all, his little lover seemed entirely capable of taking up such sneaky work.

Wu Xiao suddenly turned to Qinghe as if remembering something and inquired seriously, “Xiao Feng, are you cultivating properly? You should make sure that your body is strong enough so that you can more freely use your spiritual energy. After all, the Hundred-Year Tournament is coming up.”

Qinghe blinked in surprise. “Oh, is it? Well, I think I’ll be fine. Even now, I can feel that my physique has almost caught up with my cultivation.”

His curiosity piquing, Jing Shui asked, “Which realm are you at now?”

Placidly taking a sip of his wine, Qinghe answered honestly, “Eighth realm.”

Hearing this being uttered so casually, Jing Shui wanted to spit out blood.

He had been cultivating almost constantly for the last few months. Even after entering the palace, he had poured his focus into cultivation, if only to escape having to go outside and face the people of the imperial family. And despite all this, his cultivation was only in the fifth realm!

The last time he’d asked Qinghe just after leaving the hidden realm, his friend had clearly stated that he was in the sixth realm. Yet, within only a few months, he had already reached the eighth?! How come he’d advanced so quickly?!

Not knowing about his friend’s internal struggle with frustration, Qinghe turned to Wei Xiang and asked, “What about you? Will you come to watch?”

Wei Xiang nodded. “I’ll see if I can bring along my master as well. It’s time you both met.”

Smiling slyly, Qinghe asked, “Oh? You’re this eager to introduce me to my future father-in-law?”

After all, to Wei Xiang, the Sentinel Grandmaster was as good as a father.

Laughing, Wei Xiang affectionately cupped his little lover’s cheek, his thumb lightly brushing over his beloved’s soft skin. In a teasing tone, he said playfully, “Yes, I am. And maybe I want to give you a chance to ask my master for my hand in marriage.”

Qinghe’s face immediately flushed red, his lashes lowering over his clear eyes as he smiled a small, shy smile. “Maybe I really will ask him to let me marry you.”

Wei Xiang’s gaze deepened. Lowering his head, he placed a gentle kiss on his beloved’s temple. “There’s no rush. Marriage for us is a mere formality.”

Raising a hand, Qinghe placed his palm over the back of Wei Xiang’s fingers that were still cupping his cheek. Slowly nodding, he spoke, “Yes, we’ll get married when the time is right. For now, let’s just enjoy each other as much as we can.”

Wu Xiao looked at this romantic scene with interest, wishing he had a few melon seeds to munch on while enjoying this real-life display of affectionate love that easily ignored not only the time and place, but also the fragile hearts of all the single people watching.

You could almost see the cherry blossoms fluttering in the air, dyeing it a tender pink as a passionate atmosphere spread from this pair of lovers. Say what you will, but this couple really didn’t waste any time beating around the bush, Wu Xiao thought with amusement.

On the other hand, Jing Shui felt as if he were intruding on a very private discussion. His gaze drifted all over the place in embarrassment, not knowing where to settle on.

Sensing his awkwardness, Wu Xiao smiled and spoke, “Ah-Shui, do you also want to declare your proposal to me?”

Jing Shui covered his face with both palms to hide his blush. A muffled voice issued from behind his hands as he stuttered, “J-Just, sh-shut up!”

Wu Xiao chuckled evilly. It was so easy to get a rise out of his Ah-Shui!

As Wu Xiao began poking and playing with Jing Shui’s fingers while trying to pry them away from his red face, he spotted a flash of white from the corner of his eyes. Turning his head, Wu Xiao saw a small paper boat being blown into the restaurant by the wind. A faint trace of spiritual energy accompanied it as it landed beside their table.

Seeing the folded paper boat, Qinghe’s eyes widened slightly. He more or less had an idea of who had sent it.

In a soft voice, Qinghe whispered, “Sect Master Wu, please collect the paper boat.”

Making sure that his actions would not be noticed, Wu Xiao inconspicuously took the paper boat from the floor and passed it to Qinghe, who immediately placed it into his storage space.

Ever since they had stepped out of the palace, the four cultivators had all noticed that they were being tailed by the people from the palace. But since they weren’t going to be doing anything worth hiding, the four people naturally didn’t pay them any attention. But now that something like this had occurred, they had to take care that the people following them wouldn’t notice.

Wei Xiang observed wryly, “He really only took a few days to compile and send over the list despite technically being in hiding. His efficiency seems to be really high.”

Chuckling, Qinghe nodded. “Yes, Master Kai never disappoints.”

“Eh? What list?” Jing Shui popped his head out from behind his hands to ask.

Qinghe casually spoke, “Brother Jing, do you remember the request made by Sect Master Lu that time in the Drifting Clouds Sect, before we came to the palace?”

Jing Shui made a thoughtful expression as he recollected, “He wanted you to help his relatives retain some prestige despite the emperor’s hostility against powerful families like them. It was the…Ping household, I think?”

Nodding, Qinghe explained further, “I asked an acquaintance of mine to give me a list of other people in prominent positions who are also being targeted by the imperial family. Having all of these people band together with the Ping household will help raise their status, will it not?”

Frowning, Jing Shui questioned, “But won’t that take a lot of effort on your part? I mean, you’ll have to convince all those nobles to throw in their lot with this Ping household.”

Qinghe smiled as he said quietly, “It’s okay. It will be worth it.”

Jing Shui felt confused, but nodded to show that he more or less understood.

Sighing and shaking his head at how gullible his lover was, Wu Xiao continued to look at Qinghe intently. In an unsatisfied tone, he spoke, “Xiao Feng, tell us the truth. It’s hardly worth this much work to just fulfill a request. What are you planning?”

Qinghe blinked his guileless eyes and asked in a befuddled tone, “Sect Master Wu, whatever do you mean? Why do you think I’m plotting something more?”

Wu Xiao felt his mouth twitch in agitation. This fellow was still trying to hide it!

He continued to protest, “It can’t be the only reason, otherwise there will be a gross unbalance of power in the empire. After all, gathering all these prominent powers under the banner of one household will give too much power to that particular household. If something like that happens, it wouldn’t be strange even if they became the―”

His words abruptly halting as the realization finally struck him, Wu Xiao looked at Qinghe with wide eyes.

Wei Xiang chuckled at the side and finally said, “Qinghe, tell them.”

Qinghe looked at his lover with surprise evident on his face. “But, Xiang…”

Unrelentingly, Wei Xiang urged, “When you’re doing something good for someone, what need is there to hide it? Tell them.”

A trace of hesitation and uncertainty appeared on Qinghe’s face. Then sighing, he reluctantly opened his mouth and spoke, “Fine. I’m just trying to ensure that Brother Jing never has to feel afraid of this place ever again.”

Jing Shui blinked uncomprehendingly. What did this have to do with him?

“Brother Feng, what do you mean?”

Qinghe seemed to shrink into himself as he explained, “Well, the biggest reason you feel afraid is because you think they’ll take you back to the palace somehow, isn’t it?”

Jing Shui wordlessly nodded.

“And the biggest reason they keep trying to get you back is because of your position as the only legitimate son of the emperor, right?”

Jing Shui nodded again.

“So I just thought that, well, if you lose your position, then they won’t come after you anymore and you won’t have to keep fearing that possibility.”

Wu Xiao scoffed. Having already figured it out, he felt that this explanation was an understatement. “You make it sound so simple. Why don’t you just come outright and say it?”

Still not understanding, Jing Shui tilted his head. “Brother Feng, what do you mean by that? How can I lose my position as the only legitimate heir? I’m pretty sure that my father isn’t capable of producing any more heirs, legitimate or not, given his advanced age.”

Qinghe coughed lightly and spoke in a small voice, “I meant, what if the current dynasty came to an end? You would naturally lose your position as the prince if another household rose to the position of the nation of Xing Long’s imperial family.”

Jing Shui froze in absolute shock.

It was only a few moments later that he managed to stutter in reply, “W-What do you mean…? You’re going to…end the Yong Dynasty?”

Bowing his head, Qinghe nodded.

Still in a daze, Jing Shui spoke, “Then the people…”

Qinghe hurriedly interrupted him, “The people will be fine! There might be a few months of upheaval, but if everything is handled properly, then the common people’s lives will only get better after the current government that is rife with corruption is overthrown. After all, the dynasty does not make the people, it is the people who make the dynasty.”

Jing Shui slowly nodded. Gradually, his shock cleared, and Jing Shui looked at his friend with a complicated gaze. In a strangely thick voice, he asked, “It will take a lot of trouble to gather everyone’s support and make the transitioning smooth. From convincing the nobles to uprooting the current regime…then installing a new emperor…changing public opinion…and so many other, small things…it will take so much effort…”

By the end of it, Jing Shui could barely get out the words through his voice gone too thick, his eyes beginning to sting as his nose grew sour.

But seeing that Jing Shui didn’t seem to be angry, just shocked and somewhat choked up, Qinghe breathed a sigh of relief as he sat up straighter. Regaining his composure, Qinghe assured with an easy smile, “You don’t have to worry about all that, Brother Jing. I’ve already figured most of it out. Within a few more days, you won’t have to feel afraid of the palace anymore. Just leave this matter to me.”

No sooner had Qinghe stopped speaking than two trails of tears flowed down from Jing Shui’s eyes as he cried openly.

Qinghe looked at him flabbergasted, feeling a little lost. Gazing up flusteredly at Wei Xiang, Qinghe asked in a guilty voice, “Did I say something wrong? Was I being insensitive?”

Because he truly didn’t understand! Why was his friend crying?! Or rather, what had he done to make him cry?!

Wei Xiang smiled warmly at his cluelessly panicking lover and reassured, “No, he must just be too overwhelmed by relief.”

That…was good, right? Qinghe thought to himself uncertainly.

After carefully studying Wei Xiang’s expression, Qinghe decided that it didn’t seem to be a bad thing, at least.

Wu Xiao had already lifted Jing Shui up and placed him on his lap, uncaring of the stares and looks being cast towards them by the other patrons in the restaurant. Holding his Ah-Shui close, Wu Xiao soothingly patted his beloved’s back as Jing Shui buried his tearstained face in Wu Xiao’s shoulder.

Jing Shui’s heart clenched as he thought of all the painstaking effort his friend was putting in for him, to make sure that his nightmares would finally stop plaguing him.

After this…he wouldn’t have to keep fearing this place and his family, right?

After so many years…he’d finally be free, right?!

Wu Xiao held his Ah-Shui gently as he felt the unceasing flood of tears soaking the shoulder of his robe. Soft and almost inaudible sobs issued from his beloved as he finally let out his fear and uncertainty.

Smiling with gratitude, Wu Xiao turned to Qinghe. “Xiao Feng, thank you for helping Ah-Shui.”

Qinghe didn’t know how to react when faced with such a sincere Wu Xiao, so he asked playfully, “Does this mean that Sect Master Wu agrees to owe me a favor?”

Laughing, Wu Xiao answered in a compassionate voice, “You brat, it means that you don’t need me to owe you favors just to make me do something for you. If you have a request in the future, I will do my best to fulfill it. Xiao Feng, if you ever need my help, you only have to ask.”

Qinghe blinked confusedly. Why was this person being so friendly all of a sudden?

How come he was suddenly finding it so difficult to understand people today?!

―And thus ended the two couples’ double date.

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