Heavenly treasure: ceo daddy, please pay the bill

Chapter 124 I Don't Understand

"I don't think I know her yet. "Wenzhi smiled and continued," it's too late. I'll go back to my room to rest. Then he left their bedroom.

Wu xiao yu washed up and went back to the bedroom. Seeing that there was no more wenzhi, she walked to qi ya and started eating a big mouthful of fruit.

"Didn't you brush your teeth? Still eating! "Asked qi ya, smiling at her.

"Humph, I'll do it after I eat it! Wu xiaoyu put another piece into her mouth and ate it vigorously.

"I say, you fellow, why did you slip away with such a good opportunity to confess just now? "Asked qi ya, smiling as she touched her friend with her elbow.

"Don't you blame it all? How can I see him in the future? "

"No! Why didn't you say that when you were holding shu zi's handsome hand? Qi ya looked at her with disdain.

"How can wenzhi compare to shu zijun? "

"Why not? You think wenji is too poor? "

"I didn' t mean that. I meant that shu zijun's identity was something I knew I couldn' t climb up to. I shook hands with him, but how many geniuses would I see him?" But wenji is different, we are together every day, see each other. "Said wu, blushing.

Qi ya poked wu xiaoyu's head angrily and said," you, you, what should I say to you?" Before, he had said something big and wanted to take her down. Now that he gave you a chance, you couldn' t even catch him. He was really angered by you. After saying that, qi ya stood up and ignored him and went into the bathroom to wash up.

"Hey ..." Wu xiaoyu's voice sounded a little frustrated.

The next morning, when qi ya woke up, she already heard a noise in the kitchen. Thinking about meeting an important client at nine o' clock today, she sat up from the bed and shook wu xiao yu who was still sleeping soundly. Then, she went into the bathroom to wash up.

When she finished packing and changed her clothes, she walked into the kitchen and saw that wenji had already prepared breakfast and placed it on the dining table.

"Ah ji, you said that a good boy like you would be so happy to marry you. Qi ya smiled and sat down at the table.

Wen zhi only smiled and took off his apron. Seeing that wu xiaoyu hadn' t come out yet, he said to qi ya," sister qi ya, you eat first. I' ll go get her." "

"Well, go and get the steward. Qi ya smiled, picked up the breakfast on the table and began to eat.

Wenzhi walked to the bedroom door and knocked." Wu xiao yu! I'm going in! After that, he turned around and went back to the dining table to eat with qi ya.

Wu xiao yu, who was sleeping soundly in the bed, heard wenji's words and sat up from the bed.she rubbed her head and shouted," wait a minute, I' ll be up soon!" As he spoke, he jumped down from the bed, put on his coat, and put on his trousers. By the time she was done packing and running out of the bedroom, qi ya and wenji were almost done eating.

Qi ya glanced at her friend, then picked up a tissue and wiped her mouth. She stood up from the dining table and looked at wenji." I made an appointment with an important client yesterday. We' ll meet at nine o' clock. You can go directly to the company." "Then he went into the bedroom and got his bag ready to go out.

"Sister qi ya, I' ll go with you. I' ve never had the chance to contact such a big client. I want to see what you' re talking about, even if you want me to gain some experience." "Wenzhi stood up and insisted on going out with qi ya.

"Well, well! Qi ya thought for a moment and thought that it was okay for him to go with her, so she nodded and agreed.

The two of them greeted wu xiaoyu and left the house. They hailed a taxi and headed straight to their destination. Because they had already communicated a few times before, and qi ya had already prepared well last night, the interview was very effective. The two parties agreed to meet in the house tomorrow, so qi ya and wenzhi said goodbye to the client and left the other party's company.

As they were no longer in a hurry, the two of them walked towards the bus stop across the street. Seeing the green lights turn on, qi ya and wenji walked towards the opposite side with a smile. Just as they were about to reach the opposite side of the road, a van suddenly rushed over from somewhere and rushed straight towards qi ya from behind them. When wenji turned around, the car was already in front of him. He quickly reached out to hug qi ya and jumped over to the other side of the car.

Almost at the same time, qi ya turned around and saw the van that was rushing towards her. Her mind went blank. If it weren' t for wenzhi, who was carrying her to the side, she would have died under the wheel of the car. After a few somersaults, qi ya watched in horror as the silver-gray van quickly disappeared from her sight. She looked at the wenji below her in shock and couldn' t even speak.

"Sister qi ya ... How ... How are you? "Wenzhi frowned. Although he was quick, he was still hit by a van when he turned around. The pain came in waves and he couldn' t help but frown.

"I ... I'm fine! Qi ya quickly got down from wenji and quickly stood up. Looking at wenji who was motionless on the ground, she was so scared that her heart jumped into her throat. She squatted down nervously and looked at wenji." Ah zhi, what's wrong with you?" "

"Hehe, sister qi ya, I' m fine. Give me a hand." "Wenzhi smiled at qi ya, not wanting him to worry about him.

"Are ... Are you okay? "Wenji's words made qi ya extremely nervous. If nothing happened, why couldn' t a man get up?

"I ... I'm really fine! "Wenzhi reached out to hold qi ya's shoulder and tried to stand up, but when he moved slightly, he felt a sharp pain in his abdomen. Looking at the cars around him, he gritted his teeth and finally stood up.

Qi ya put his hand on her shoulder and helped him to the side of the road.

"Sit down first, I'll call 120 immediately. Qi ya asked wenji to sit down on the steps by the side of the road. She took out her mobile phone and quickly made a 120 emergency call. After that, she squatted down beside him and looked at him nervously." Ah ji, did you hurt somewhere?" You mustn't be hurt! Qi ya looked at wenji, and her tears immediately welled up. She did not expect him to do anything to save her.

"I' m ... I' m really fine. It's just ... My back ... Might be a little bruised. It's nothing serious! "Wenji tried to squeeze out a smile.

"It's all right! Qi ya felt her heart clench together, and her tears kept pouring out.

An ear-piercing shriek sounded. The ambulance had already arrived. Seeing the paramedics open the hood and carefully put wenji on the stretcher into the ambulance, qi ya hurriedly followed them to the ambulance. Fortunately, the place where the accident happened was very close to the hospital. In less than 15 minutes, they arrived at the hospital. When they got out of the car, wenzhi was pushed into the emergency room.

In a short time, the emergency room door was opened. A nurse came out to look at qi ya and said," the patient has broken three ribs and needs surgery immediately. Go pay the money first!" "

"Oh, yes, I'll go right away! When qi ya heard that wenji had broken three ribs, her heart began to beat wildly. As she walked downstairs, she took out her wallet and saw that there was not much money in it. For a moment, she had no idea. She held her chest and took a deep breath. In her heart, she kept telling herself to calm down and calm down! Thinking that there should still be some money in the bank card, she took a deep breath and walked downstairs anxiously.

Bang! Before qi ya could even reach the stairs, she bumped into someone and apologized without looking up." I'm sorry! I'm sorry!" He wanted to go on, but was pressed down on his shoulder.

Qi ya, how are you? Everything okay? Let me see! Long haochen looked at qi ya nervously and looked at her from head to toe.

"Why, why are you here? "Was it too soon for him to come? However, at this moment, qi ya didn' t even bother to think about this. The moment she saw long haochen, she felt that her heart had become dependent.

"Tell me first, are you hurt? Long haochen looked at her nervously.

"I'm all right! Wenji's hurt! Qi ya shook her head. Thinking of the wenji in the operating room, she choked.

"No! You're coming with me to check it out! No matter what she said, long haochen pulled her into the elevator.

"I' m really fine. I have to pay the operation fee for wenji." Qi ya explained anxiously.

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